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<h1>SVGT 1.2 Requirements</h1>

<h2>W3C Working Draft 10 August 2006</h2>


  <dt>This version:</dt>

  <dd> <a href=""></a>


  <dt>Latest version:</dt>

  <dd> <a href=""></a>


<dt>Previous version:</dt>
          <a href=""></a>

  <dd>Andrew Emmons, BitFlash; &lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;</dd>


<p class="copyright"><a href="">Copyright</a> © 2006 <a href=""><acronym title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</acronym></a><sup>®</sup> (<a href=""><acronym title="Massachusetts Institute of Technology">MIT</acronym></a>, <a href=""><acronym title="European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics">ERCIM</acronym></a>, <a href="">Keio</a>), All Rights Reserved. W3C <a href="">liability</a>, <a href="">trademark</a> and <a href="">document use</a> rules apply.</p>

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<h2> <a id="abstract" name="abstract">Abstract</a> </h2>

<p>This document specifies requirements for SVG Tiny 1.2, a

backwardly-compatible update of SVG Tiny 1.1 which adds some new

features from SVG 1.2 add adds other features based on implementor and

designer feedback on SVG Tiny 1.1.</p>

<h2> <a id="status" name="status">Status of this document</a> </h2>

<p> <em>This section describes the status of this document at the time

of its publication. Other documents may supersede this document. A list

of current W3C publications and the latest revision of this technical

report can be found in the <a href="">W3C

technical reports index</a> at</em> </p>

<p class="novel">

This document is the second public working draft of the SVG Tiny 1.2

requirements. It compares how the SVG Tiny 1.2 Candidate Recommendation 
met the requirements listed in the first draft of the  requirements, and
in one case softens a requirement that could not be met.
The requirements are grouped into those derived from use
cases for SVG Tiny, then General, Architectural, and Functional


This document has been produced by the <a

 href="">W3C SVG Working Group</a> as

part of the W3C <a href="">Graphics

Activity</a> within the <a href="">Interaction

Domain</a>. </p>


We explicitly invite comments on this specification. Please send them

to <a href=""></a>: the public

email list for issues related to vector graphics on the Web. This list

is <a href="">archived</a>

and acceptance of this archiving policy is requested automatically upon

first post. To subscribe to this list send an email to <a

 href=""></a> with

the word subscribe in the subject line. </p>


The latest information regarding <a

 href="">patent disclosures</a>

related to this document is available on the Web. As of this

publication, the SVG Working Group are not aware of any royalty-bearing

patents they believe to be essential to SVG. </p>

<p>This document was produced by a group operating under the <a href="">5 February 2004 W3C Patent Policy</a>. The group does not expect this document to become a W3C Recommendation. W3C maintains a <a rel="disclosure" href="">public list of any patent disclosures</a> made in connection with the deliverables of the group; that page also includes instructions for disclosing a patent. An individual who has actual knowledge of a patent which the individual believes contains <a href="">Essential Claim(s)</a> must disclose the information in accordance with <a href="">section 6 of the W3C Patent Policy</a>. </p>


Publication as a Working Draft does not imply endorsement by the W3C

Membership. This is a draft document and may be updated, replaced or

obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to cite

this document as other than work in progress. </p>

      <a id="contents" name="contents">Table of contents</a>

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<div class="Section1">

<h2 id="intro">Introduction</h2>

<p>This document uses the following definitions:</p>

<ul class="disc">

  <li><b>Must: </b>there is a consensus that the feature

is essential </li>

  <li><b>Should: </b>there is a consensus that the feature is good to

have but may not be essential </li>


<h1 id="usecases">1.&#xA0;Use Cases</h1>

<p>USE 1.&#xA0;&#xA0;SVGT 1.2 <b>must</b> support progressively

downloadable long cartoon animations.<!--(OK)--> </p>
 <p class="note">Supported</p>

<p>USE 2.&#xA0;&#xA0;SVGT 1.2 <b>must</b> support controllable

progressive rendering of large static content.<!--(OK)--> </p>
    <p class="note">Supported</p>
<p>USE 3.&#xA0;&#xA0;SVGT 1.2 <b>must </b>support scalable,

interactive maps.<!--(OK)--></p>
    <p class="note">Supported</p>
<p>USE 4.&#xA0;&#xA0;SVGT 1.2 <b>must </b>support scalable, animated

icons.<!--(OK)--> </p>
    <p class="note">Supported</p>
<p>USE 5.&#xA0;&#xA0;SVGT 1.2 <b>must </b>support multimedia content.

    <p class="note">Supported</p>
<p>USE 6.&#xA0;&#xA0;SVGT 1.2 <b>must </b>support the ability to

create visually compelling content.<!--(OK)--> </p>
    <p class="note">Supported</p>
<p>USE 7.&#xA0;&#xA0;SVGT 1.2 <b>should </b>allow specification of a

thumbnail of an SVG document.<!--(OK)--> </p>
    <p class="note">Supported</p>
<p>USE 8.&#xA0;&#xA0;SVGT 1.2 <b>must</b> support game development.

    <p class="note">Supported</p>
<p>USE 9.&#xA0;&#xA0;SVGT 1.2 <span style="font-weight: bold;">must</span>

support simple user interfaces.<!--(OK)--> </p>
    <p class="note">Supported</p>
<h1 id="general">2.&#xA0;General</h1>

 <p>GEN 1.&#xA0;&#xA0;Two profiles are defined: <i>SVG Tiny 1.2 ? Image</i>,and <i>SVG Tiny 1.2 ? Application</i>. The profiles <b><del>must not</del><ins>should not</ins> </b>contain
 optional parts (i.e. all features must be implemented by all vendors) in order to claim compliance with a profile. <!--(OK)--></p>
 <p class="note">Changed. The Working Group tried to avoid optional parts, but was not able to do this in all cases. SVG Tiny 1.2 has a small number of optional parts. 
 On the other hand, because of the uDOM, the number of mobile-friendly profiles could be reduced from two (in SVG 1.1) to one (in SVG 1.2).</p>

<p>GEN 2.&#xA0;&#xA0;<span>SVGT 1.2 <strong>should</strong> clarify

authoring guidelines for feature costs to content developers<!--(OK)--> </span></p>

 <p class="note">Partly supported. The SVG Tiny 1.2 specification has a small amount of authoring guidance; a more comprehensive separate authoring guidelines document is planned.</p>

<p>GEN 3.&#xA0;&#xA0;<span>SVGT 1.2 <b>must</b> develop at least 80

detailed conformance tests.<!--(OK)--> </span></p>

 <p class="note">(This criterion applies to the CR period, and is expected to be met during that time)</p>

<h1 id="architecture">3.&#xA0;Architecture</h1>

<p>ARCH 1.&#xA0;<span>&#xA0;</span>SVGT 1.2 <b>must</b> support a

minimal API to control SVG content/animations compatible with other

user agents, for the SVG Tiny Application profile.<!--(OK)--> </p>

    <p class="note">Supported by the <a href="">SVG Micro DOM (uDOM).</a></p>

<p>ARCH 2.&#xA0;<span>&#xA0;</span>SVGT 1.2 <b>must </b>support

starting and stopping an audio clip.<!--(OK)--> </p>

    <p class="note">Supported by the <a href="">audio</a> element.</p>    

<p>ARCH 3.&#xA0;<span>&#xA0;</span>SVGT 1.2 <b>must </b>support

switching between different audio formats<!--(OK)--> </p>

    <p class="note">Supported by the <a href="">audio</a> element.</p>    
<h1 id="functional">4.&#xA0;Functional</h1>

<h2 id="fun-rendering">4.1&#xA0;Rendering</h2>

<p>FUN 1. &#xA0;SVGT 1.2 <b>should </b>provide ability to provide

hints to guide quality vs. speed for rendering text, shapes, and images

(use case 1,2,3).<!--(OK)--> </p>
    <p class="note">Supported by the <a href="">rendering hint</a> attributes.</p>        

<p>FUN 2. &#xA0;SVGT 1.2 <b>should </b>support non-scaling objects

(use case 3).<!--(OK)--> </p>

    <p class="note">Supported by <a href="">constrained transforms</a>.</p>        
<p>FUN 3. &#xA0;SVGT 1.2 <b>must </b>support non-scaling

stroke&#xA0;(use case 3).<!--(OK)--> </p>

    <p class="note">Supported by the <a href="">non-scaling-stroke</a> value of the vector-effect attribute.</p>        
<h2 id="fun-structure">4.2&#xA0;Document Structure</h2>

<p>FUN 4. &#xA0;SVGT 1.2 <b>should </b>support SVG content organized

in pages (use case 1).<!--(OK)--> </p>

    <p class="note">Unsupported. This functionality was explored and found to be unsuitable; pages (on the one hand) and timed scenes (on the other) are better represented using different constructs.</p>        
<p>FUN 5. &#xA0;SVGT 1.2 <b>should</b> support rendering level of

detail (use case 3).<!--(OK)--> </p>
    <p class="note">Supported by <a href="">SVGGlobal.getURL</a>, 
        <a href="">SVGGlobal.parseXML</a> and the <a href="">
            connection interface</a>. More detail can be fetched over a network on demand.</p>        

<p>FUN 6. &#xA0;SVGT 1.2 <b>should </b>support keyboard navigation -

the specification of the navigation in a scene using keys.<!--(OK)--> </p>

    <p class="note">Supported by <a href="">Section 13.12 - Navigation</a>.</p>        
<h2 id="fun-opacity">4.3&#xA0;Opacity</h2>

<p>FUN 7. &#xA0;<span>SVGT 1.2 <strong>must </strong>support fill

opacity.<!--(OK)--> </span></p>
    <p class="note">Supportedby the <a href="">fill-opacity</a> attribute.</p>        

<p>FUN 8. &#xA0;SVGT 1.2 <b>must </b>support stroke opacity.<!--(OK)--> </p>

    <p class="note">Supported by the <a href="">stroke-opacity</a> attribute.</p>        
<h2 id="fun-gradients">4.4&#xA0;Gradients</h2>

<p>FUN 9. &#xA0;SVGT 1.2 <b>must </b>support subset of linear

gradients (use case 1-5).<!--(OK)--> </p>

    <p class="note">Supported by the <a href="">linearGradient</a> element.</p>        
<p>FUN 10. &#xA0;SVGT 1.2 <b>should </b>support subset of radial

gradients. (use case 1-4).<!--(OK)--> </p>

    <p class="note">Supported by the <a href="">radialGradient</a> element.</p>        
<h2 id="fun-text">4.5&#xA0;Text</h2>

<p>FUN 11. &#xA0;<span>SVGT 1.2 <b>should </b>support minimal text


    <p class="note">Supported by the <a href="">textArea</a> element.</p>        
<p><span>FUN 17.&#xA0; SVGT 1.2 <span style="font-weight: bold;">should</span>

support tspan<!--(OK)--> </span></p>

    <p class="note">Supported by the <a href="">tspan</a> element.</p>        
<h2 id="fun-animation">4.6&#xA0;Animation</h2>

<p>FUN 12. &#xA0;SVGT 1.2 <b>should </b>allow specification of a

certain point in time for static rendering of an animation (e.g. for

thumbnails) (use case 7).<!--(OK)--> </p>

    <p class="note">Supported by the <a href="">snapshotTime</a> attribute of the svg element.</p>        
<p>FUN 13. &#xA0;SVGT 1.2 <b>should</b> allow specification of a

thumbnail of an SVG document (use case 7).<!--(OK)--> 

    <p class="note">Supported by the <a href="">snapshotTime</a> attribute of the svg element. The size and format of the snapshot is not constrained by the SVG Tiny 1.2 specification.</p>    

<p>FUN 14. &#xA0;SVGT 1.2 <b>should</b> support

raster sprite animation.</p>

    <p class="note">Supported by the <a href="">Section 16 - Animation</a></p>

<h2 id="fun-interactivity">4.7&#xA0;Interactivity</h2>

<p>FUN 15. &#xA0;SVGT 1.2 <b>must</b> support interactivity (GEN.2).


    <p class="note">Supported by <a href="">Section 13 - Interactivity</a>.</p>        
<h2 id="fun-scripting">4.8&#xA0;Scripting</h2>

<p>FUN 16. &#xA0;SVGT 1.2 Application <b>must </b>support scripting

(DSM or DOM subset).</p>

    <p class="note">Supported by <a href="">Section 15 - Scripting</a>.</p>        

<h2 id="cstu">4.9 Coordinate Systems, Transformations and Units

<p>&#xA0;FUN 18.&#xA0; SVGT 1.2 <span style="font-weight: bold;">should</span>

support all align values for preserveAspectRatio attribute on image

elements&#xA0;<!--(OK)--> </p>

    <p class="note">Supported by the <a href="">preserveAspectRatio</a> attribute.</p>        


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