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    dc:description="In my tracking of the Open Web Platform for writing the weekly summary, I decided to be a bit more careful on what is happening on the HTML WG bug tracker. A lot of the discussion is happening there too. The biggest issue being the number of useless comments or spam."
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                        <h2 class="entry-header">Open Web Platform Weekly Summary - 2011-08-30 - 2011-09-11</h2>
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                              <p>In my tracking of the <a href="">Open Web Platform</a> for writing the <a href="">weekly</a> summary, I decided to be a bit more careful on what is happening on the <a href="">HTML WG bug tracker</a>. A lot of the discussion is happening there too. The biggest issue being the number of useless comments or spam. </p>

<h3 id="internationalizationi18n">Internationalization (I18N)</h3>

<p>The I18N Core Working Group has raised an <a href="">issue</a> about the HTML5 <a href="">definition of quotes property</a>. The default property should be defined by the language of the text and not by the locale of the browsers.</p>

<h3 id="webarchitecture">Web Architecture</h3>

<p>Tim Berners-Lee explains the architectural decision on <a href="">why fragment identifiers are not sent to the server</a> when they are deferenced.</p>

<h3 id="accessibilitya11y">Accessibility (A11y)</h3>

<p>Laura Carlson  <a href="">proposed</a> to change example on how the <code>article</code> element is used. In HTML5 examples, the article element contains <code>heading</code> and <code>nav</code> elements. She is proposing to reserve the article for pure content in a way which enable screen readers to jump directly to the content avoiding navigation elements. </p>

<h3 id="htmlmarkup">HTML Markup</h3>

<p>Shaun Moss wants to <a href="">propose a <code>comment</code> element for blog posts</a>. A long discussion started.</p>

<h3 id="layout">Layout</h3>

<p>Eric Muller (Adobe) <a href="">has sent</a> to the Unicode Consortium a <a href="">proposal</a> to develop a Unicode property and algorithm to support Japanese layout. Japanese can be <a href="">written horizontally or vertically</a> and it is important to be able to determine the orientation of the characters in vertical lines.</p>

<p>HTML5 Forms have client side validation with error messages. The tooltip is browser dependant and varies widely in style. Peter Gasston is <a href="">proposing</a> to add new properties for <a href="">styling these form validation messages</a>.  </p>

<p>Peter Lins (HP) announced the new <a href="">CSS Test Suite Management System</a>.</p>

<h3 id="dom">DOM</h3>

<p>Aryeh Gregor (Google) <a href="">would like to extend</a> the selection property in the <a href="">DOM</a> for allowing more than one creating the possibility of buffering, manipulating, deleting them. He also proposed to <a href="">remove the multiple ranges selection</a>. This property allows to select a piece of text in a Web page and then holding the command key to select another part of the text without having to do two operations. Only Firefox currently implements this feature.</p>

<p>Ryosuke Niwa (Google) <a href="">needs</a> events that <a href="">fire before/after user editing action</a> and execCommand take place. He proposed the name <code>beforeEditAction</code> and <code>afterEditAction</code>.</p>

<p>Dominic Cooney (Google, Chromium) wants a way to <a href="">register new elements not necessary described in the specification</a>. For example, it could work doing something ala </p>

<pre><code>HTMLElement.register('x-contacts', ContactPicker);

  <p>The first argument is an element name. The second is a constructor
function, whose prototype property points to an object which
introduces the API for contacts (eg a refresh method) and is wired up
to HTMLElement.prototype.</p>

<p>Anne van Kesteren (Opera) notes that its the <a href="">backdoor to introduce proprietary markup</a> on the Web. The fallback behavior in absence of scripting is another issue. The discussion is still going on.</p>

<p>Anne van Kesteren (Opera) has removed the entity references from DOM Core (DOM4) and <a href="">then it modifies</a> the HTML5 specification. Entity references were enabling the creation of markup constructs in the doctype. It introduces a lot of complexities in the management of DOM Nodes. </p>

<p>Kentaro Hara (Google) has requested <a href=""><code>HashChangeEvent</code> constructor</a> to make all events constructable as well a <a href=""><code>PageTransitionEvent</code> constructor</a>. It has been <a href=";to=6551">integrated right away in HTML5</a> specification. </p>

<p>Boris Zbarsky (Mozilla) notes that Gecko, WebKit and Presto have three different <a href="">implementations of <code>window.XMLDocument</code></a>.  There are discussions going on how it should be properly specced still taking into account the differences of implementations across browsers and the interoperability issues on legacy code.</p>

<h3 id="graphicscanvaswebgl">Graphics (Canvas, WebGL, …)</h3>

<p>Charles Pritchard (Jumis) needs a <code>baseline</code> property on the <a href=""><code>TextMetrics</code></a> object from <a href="">Canvas 2d</a>. <q>The baseline corresponds to the vertical offset of the anchor point</q>.</p>

<pre><code>var t = ctx.measureText('text span');
t == { width: int, baseline: int };

<p>David Geary proposes the <a href="">creation of two new methods in canvas 2D: Path</a> <code>getPath()</code>, which would return a path object representing the context’s current path, and <code>setPath(Path)</code>, which would set the current path. That would make it easier to drag objects on a path.</p>

<h3 id="performances">Performances</h3>

<p>Three Last Call Working Draft documents, <a href="">Performance Timeline</a>, <a href="">User Timing</a>, <a href="">Resource Timing</a>, have been published. The deadline of comments on the first two documents is September 22 and Resource Timing is September 15.</p>

<h3 id="protocolhttpxhr2">Protocol (HTTP, XHR2, …)</h3>

<p>To avoid having to rebuild mime messages from scratch, Charles Pritchard (Jumis) would like to <a href="">extend <code>FormData</code> object</a>. He is taking example in the <a href="">Picasa developer guide on posting photos</a> and a code <a href="">example</a>:</p>

<pre><code>var callback = function(blob) { xhr.send(blob); };
formData.toBlob(callback, 'multipart/form-data');

<p>Julian Reschke () has rewritten the HTTPbis Working Draft to add information about the <a href="">history of HTTP Redirection (3xx)</a> </p>

<p>Joel Martin wanted to be able to <a href="">detect if the connection allows for binary data transmission</a> in Websockets. Simon Pieters (Opera) proposed to use the already existing <code>binaryType</code>. </p>

<pre><code>var binarySupported = typeof WebSocket.prototype.binaryType != 'undefined';

<p>It seems that <a href="">chrome implementation is incomplete</a> creating interoperability issues. It might be fixed in future versions.</p>

<h3 id="misc">Misc</h3>

<p>This week, the theme of <a href="">Anne Van Kesteren</a>&#8217;s <a href="">report</a> is Parsing APIs.</p>

<p>This column is written by <a href="">Karl Dubost</a>, <a href="">working</a> in the <a href="">Developer Relations &amp; Tools</a> at <a href="">Opera Software</a>.</p>

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                       <p class="postinfo">Filed by <a href="">Karl Dubost</a> on September 12, 2011  8:22 PM in <a href="">HTML</a>, <a href="">Open Web</a>, <a href="">W3C Life</a><br />
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