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	      Semantic Web Case Studies and Use Cases
	    <p class="summary">
	      Case studies include descriptions of systems that have been deployed within an organization, and are now being used within a production environment. Use cases include examples where an organization has built a prototype system, but it is not currently being used by business functions.
		<p>The list is updated regularly, as new entries are submitted to W3C. There is also
		an <a href="Overview.rdf">RSS1.0 feed</a> that you can use to keep track of new submissions.
		Please, consult the separate <a href="submit.html">submission page</a> if you are interested in submitting a new use case or case study to be added to this list.
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					<em>Activity area:</em> <span ex:content=".activity-area"></span><br/>
					<em>Application area of SW technologies:</em> <span ex:content=".application-area"></span><br/>
					<em>SW technologies used:</em> <span ex:content=".technologies"></span><br/>
					<em>SW technology benefits:</em> <span ex:content=".benefits"></span>
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   <p style="clear: both">
      A short overview of the use cases and case studies is available as a slide presentation in
      <a href="slides/Slides.odp">Open Document Format</a> and in <a href="slides/Slides.pdf">PDF</a> formats.
    <hr />
    <address class="contact">
      Thomas Baker, &lt;;, Tom Heath, &lt;;, Natasha Noy &lt;;, and Ralph Swick &lt;;<br/>
	  <a href="/People/Ivan">Ivan Herman</a> &lt;;, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead<br/> 
	  Powered by <a href="">Exhibit</a>
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