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        <h1>RDB2RDF Working Group</h1>
      <p class="baseline">The <strong>mission</strong> of the RDB2RDF
        Working Group, part of the <a href="/2001/sw/">Semantic Web
          Activity</a>, is to standardize languages for
        mapping relational data and relational database schemas into RDF
        and OWL. The two languages are the Direct Mapping (DM) and the
        RDB2RDF Mapping Language (R2RML).</p>
      <p>The <a href="">RDB2RDF
          Group Charter</a> shows what the W3C has asked this working
        group to
        do. </p>
    <div class="toc">
      <h4>Also On This Page </h4>
        <!--    <li style="display: none"><a href="#start">Start</a></li> -->
        <li><a href="#standard">W3C RDB2RDF Standards and Notes </a></li>
        <li><a href="#inputs">Inputs</a></li>
        <li><a href="#sched">Schedule</a></li>
        <li><a href="#who">Membership</a></li>
        <li><a href="#meeting">Meeting Records</a></li>
    <div class="events box">
      <h4 id="current">Current and Upcoming Events</h4>
        <li>Weekly teleconferences on <a href="">Tuesdays
            12:00EST (16:00 UTC)</a>
          <div style="font-size:smaller">An agenda is sent to <a href="">rdb2rdf-wg</a>
            24 hours in advance. The <a href="">minutes</a>
            follow within a day or two.</div>
        <li>We will be monitoring
          <a href="">comments</a>
          on any specification or test cases</li>
    <div class="toolbox box" style="margin-bottom: 1em">
      <h4>Working Group Links</h4>
        <li>Mailing list archives: <a href="">public-rdb2rdf-wg</a>,
          <a href="">public-rdb2rdf-comments</a></li>
        <li><a href="">Wiki</a></li>
        <li><a href="">Participants</a></li>
        <li><a href="">Tracker</a></li>
        <li><a href="">Open
        <li><a href="">Open
        <li><a href="">Charter</a></li>
      <h2 id="standard">RDB2RDF W3C Standards and Notes</h2>
        <li><a href="">R2RML: RDB to RDF
            Mapping Language</a>, W3C Working Draft</li>
        <li><a href="">A Direct
            Mapping of Relational Data to RDF</a>, W3C Working Draft</li>
        <li><a href="">R2RML
            and Direct Mapping Test Cases</a>, W3C Editor's Draft</li>
        <li><a href="">Use Cases and
            Requirements for Mapping Relational Databases to RDF</a>,
          W3C Working Draft</li>
      <h2 id="inputs">Inputs</h2>
        <li> <a href="">Relational
            Databases on the Semantic Web</a>, Tim Berners-Lee, Design
          Issue Note, 1998-2009.
        <li> <a href="">A
            Survey of Current Approaches for Mapping of Relational
            Databases to RDF</a> (PDF), Satya S. Sahoo, Wolfgang Halb,
          Sebastian Hellmann, Kingsley Idehen, Ted Thibodeau Jr, Sören
          Auer, Juan Sequeda, Ahmed Ezzat, 2009-01-31.
          <p style="font-size: smaller"> This document surveys the
            current techniques, tools and applications for mapping
            between Relational Databases (RDB) and Resource Description
            Framework (RDF). Some knowledge of RDF as well as RDB
            concepts and technologies is assumed for readers of this
            document. The survey is intended to enable the members of
            the W3C RDB2RDF Incubator Group to: (1) collate the existing
            state of the art in mapping approaches between RDB and RDF,
            and (2) use the reference framework defined in this survey
            to effectively compare the different mapping approaches.</p>
        <li> <a href="">Incubator
            Group Report</a>, Ashok Malhotra (ed), 2009-01-31.
          <p style="font-size: smaller">This document is the final
            report from the RDB2RDF XG. The XG recommends that the W3C
            initiate a WG to standardize a language for mapping
            Relational Database schemes into RDF and OWL.</p>
        <li> <a href="">Reusable
            Identifiers in the RDB2RDF mapping language</a>, Michael
          Hausenblas and Themis Palpanas. </li>
      <p><small>These are documents produced outside the RDB2RDF Working
          Group that will be inputs to the standardization work of
          RDB2RDF WG. Please alert the co-Chairs or Staff Contact of the
          Working Group if you know of any material that you think
          merits inclusion.</small></p>
      <h2 id="sched">Schedule of Deliverables</h2>
        <li>A specification for languages to map relational data and
          relational schemas to RDF and OWL (tentatively called R2RML and Direct Mapping)
          as W3C Recommendations.</li>
        <li>A set of test cases to test conformance. It is up to the
          Working Group to decide whether it wishes to publish this
          document as a W3C Recommendation or as a Working Group Note.</li>
    <div id="wg-other-deliverables">
      <h3>Other Deliverables</h3>
      <p>These are deliverables that the group plans to produce, in line
        with the
        scope description above, but only if the time and the available
        manpower allows
        it. The Working Group will have to decide whether these
        documents will be
        published as Working Group Notes or additional Recommendations.</p>
        <li>An alternate "human-readable" syntax for R2RML.</li>
        <li>A set of profiles for R2RML sufficient to provide specific,
          simpler functionality.</li>
        <li>An R2RML primer.</li>
    <table class="roadmap" width="80%">
          <th colspan="1" rowspan="1">Specification</th>
          <th colspan="1" rowspan="1"><acronym title="First Working Draft">FPWD</acronym></th>
          <th colspan="1" rowspan="1"><acronym title="Last Call Working Draft">LC</acronym></th>
          <th colspan="1" rowspan="1"><acronym title="Candidate Recommendation">CR</acronym></th>
          <th colspan="1" rowspan="1"><acronym title="Proposed Recommendation">PR</acronym></th>
          <th colspan="1" rowspan="1"><acronym title="Recommendation">Rec, WG Note, Wiki page</acronym></th>
          <th colspan="1" rowspan="1">R2RML</th>
          <td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="WD1">9/2010</td>
          <td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="LC">9/2011</td>
          <td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="CR">12/2011</td>
          <td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="PR">3/2012</td>
          <td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="REC">6/2012 (Rec)</td>
          <th colspan="1" rowspan="1">Direct Mapping </th>
          <td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="WD1">9/2010<br>
          <td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="LC">9/2011<br>
          <td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="CR">12/2011<br>
          <td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="PR">3/2012<br>
          <td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="REC">6/2012 (Rec)<br>
          <th colspan="1" rowspan="1">R2RML Test Cases</th>
          <td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="WD1">3/2011</td>
          <td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="LC">1/2012</td>
          <td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="CR">&nbsp;</td>
          <td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="PR">&nbsp;</td>
          <td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="REC">3/2012 (Wiki pages)</td>
          <th colspan="1" rowspan="1">Direct Mapping Test Cases </th>
          <td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="WD1">3/2011</td>
          <td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="LC">1/2012</td>
          <td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="CR">&nbsp;</td>
          <td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="PR">&nbsp;</td>
          <td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="REC">3/2012 (Wiki pages)</td>
          <td rowspan="1" colspan="6">Note: The group will document
            significant changes from this initial schedule on the group
            home page.</td>
      <h3 id="timeline">Timeline View Summary</h3>
        <li>September 2009: First teleconference</li>
        <li>June 2010: First face-to-face meeting</li>
        <li>July 2010: Requirements and Use Cases for the RDB2RDF Mapping
          Language (R2RML)</li>
        <li>September 2010: First Public Working Draft for R2RML</li>
        <li>September 2010: First Public Working Draft for DM</li>
        <li>March 2011: First Public Working Draft for R2RML Test Cases</li>
        <li>March 2011: First Public Working Draft for DM Test Cases</li>
        <li>September 2011: R2RML Syntax - Last Call</li>
        <li>September 2011: DM Semantics - Last Call</li>
        <li>December 2011: R2RML Syntax - Candidate Recommendation</li>
        <li>December 2011: DM Semantics - Candidate Recommendation</li>
        <li>January 2012: R2RML Test Cases - Last Call</li>
        <li>January 2012: DM Test Cases - Last Call</li>
        <li>March 2012: R2RML Syntax - Proposed Recommendation</li>
        <li>March 2012: DM Semantics - Proposed Recommendation</li>
        <li>June 2012: R2RML Syntax - Recommendation</li>
        <li>June 2012: DM Semantics - Recommendation</li>
        <li>March 2012: R2RML Test Cases - Final Version</li>
        <li>March 2012: DM Test Cases - Final Version</li>
      <p><small>The working group schedule is an estimate based on the <a
            in the
            charter</a> and subject to negotiation with peer groups via
          the <a href="../CG/">Semantic Web Coordination
      <h2 id="who">Group Membership and Joining</h2>
      <p>We encourage new members of the group to introduce themselves
        email. <em>The <a href="">full
            WG participants list</a> is available to W3C members.</em></p>
      <p>If you want to join the group:</p>
        <li> If you're affiliated with a <a href="">W3C
            member organization</a>
            <li>Use the <a href="">form
                for getting a W3C account</a></li>
            <li>Have your <a href="">AC
                representative</a> nominate you using the <a href="">form
                for joining this WG</a>.</li>
        <li>Otherwise, contact the <a href="#chairtc">chair and team
            contact</a> about invited expert status. That will involve <a
            an account</a> and filling out a <a href="">form
            for copyright,
            patent, etc. policies</a>.</li>
      <h2 id="meeting">Meeting Records</h2>
        The meeting records are maintained on a dedicated <a href="">Wiki
          page</a> ...
      <h2 id="charter_history">RDB2RDF history</h2>
      <p>These events pre-date the RDB2RDF Working Group:</p>
        <li>2008/2009: <a href="">RDB2RDF
            Incubator Group</a></li>
        <li>25-26 October, 2007: W3C Workshop on <a href=""
            title="W3C Workshop on RDF Access to Relational Databases">RDF
            Access to Relational Databases</a></li>
      <h3>W3C Working Group Resources</h3>
        <li><a href="../../../Guide/">Art of Consensus Guide</a> <small>W3C
            member confidential</small></li>
        <li><cite><a href="">World
              Wide Web Consortium Process Document</a></cite> 14 October
        <li><a href="/Member/Mail/Overview.html">W3C Groups</a>, <a href="">Participants
            (dbwg)</a> <small>W3C member confidential</small></li>
    <address id="chairtc"> <span class="vcard"> <a class="uid" href="@@">
          <span class="fn">Ashok Malhorta</span> </a>, <span class="org">Oracle</span>,
        <span class="role">Chair</span> </span> <br>
      <span class="vcard"> <a class="uid" href="">
          <span class="fn">Michael Hausenblas</span> </a>, <span class="org">DERI</span>,
        <span class="role">Chair</span> </span> <br>
      <span class="vcard"> <a class="fn uid" href="">Ivan Herman</a>, <span class="org">W3C</span>, <span class="role">staff
          contact</span> </span> <br>
      <small>$Revision: 1.30 $ of $Date: 2011/11/17 13:48:31 $</small>