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<TITLE>Technology for the Web Marketplace -- E-Commerce, Austin TX</TITLE>
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<H1>Technology for the Web Marketplace
</H1><ADDRESS><A HREF="">Daniel
W. Connolly</A><BR>
<A HREF="">W3C</A>/<A HREF="">MIT
LCS</A><BR>$Id: ww9510.htm,v 1.1 1995/11/01 22:54:44 connolly Exp $
</ADDRESS><H2><A name="austin-ecommerce" href="">The
First International Conference on Electronic Commerce</A><BR> University
of Texas at Austin, Austin -- October 30-31 1995
<P>(<A HREF=speak.htm>speaker's notes</A>)
<H2>Technology for the Web Marketplace
</H2><UL><LI><A HREF="speak.htm#proven">Proven Value of the Core Web
<LI><A HREF="speak.htm#change">Market Demands</A>
<LI><A href="#stabilizing">Stabilizing Forces in the Explosive Internet
<LI><A HREF="speak.htm#w3c-background">W3C Background</A>
<LI><A href="#w3c">W3C - Realizing the Full Potential of the Web</A>
<LI><A HREF="speak.htm#w3c-role">W3C Role in Electronic Commerce</A>
<LI><A HREF="speak.htm#w3c-activities">W3C Electronic Commerce Activities</A>
<H2><A name="proven">Proven Value of the Core Technology</A>
</H2><H3>There are few novel technologies in the World-Wide Web. It is simply
an effective application of ideas that have been tested and proven:
</H3><UL><LI>Sharing information makes people more effective
<LI>HyperText and HyperMedia are an effective way to represent human knowledge
<LI>A direct manipulation interface (i.e. "point and click") is easy to use
<LI>The Web Architecture is Extensible
</UL><P><STRONG>The result: The web is now a vital, global information system,
and an exploding marketplace.</STRONG><HR>
<H2><A name="change">Market Demands</A>
</H2><UL><LI>Ubiquity, Reliability, Security
<LI>Directory Services, Navigational Aids, and Reliable Links
<LI>Performance, Availability
<LI>Parity between HTML and Desktop Publishing
</UL><P><STRONG>How Do We Increase the Quality of Service and Security, increase
Performance, and foster Knowledge Sharing?</STRONG>
<H2><A name="stabilizing">Stabilizing Forces in the Explosive Internet
</H2><P><STRONG>Maintaining Confidence in the Technology</STRONG>
<UL><LI>People resist change
<LI>Mistakes are costly
<LI>Consumers demand quality software products
<LI>Mission critical applications must not be compromised
<H2><A NAME=w3c-background>W3C Background</A>
</H2><UL><LI>Founded in September of 1994 at MIT (some ARPA funding)
<LI>INRIA joined as European Host in 1995 (some EC funding)
</UL><UL><LI>Tim Berners-Lee came from CERN to be Director
<LI>12 Full-Time Staff joined since March
<LI>Funded by Industry, with help from ARPA
<LI><A HREF="">80
Members</A> and Growing: hardware/software vendors, content providers, service
</UL><H2><HR><A name="w3c">W3C - Realizing the Full Potential of the Web</A>
</H2><H3>See: <CITE>The World Wide Web Consortium</CITE> at
<A HREF=""><KBD><TT></TT></KBD></A>
</H3><UL><LI>Ensure Interoperability and Market Growth
<LI>Bring together Critical Mass of Industry Players
<LI>Balance Short-Term Needs with Long-Term Evolution
<LI>Coordinate Development Resources
<LI>Balance "Open" with "Rapid Evolution"
<H2><A NAME=w3c-role>W3C Role in Electronic Commerce</A>
</H2><UL><LI>Develop technology to increase Reliability, Security, and Automation
<UL><LI>Maintain Interoperablility
<LI>Increase Ubiquity
</UL><LI>Primary Market: Technology
<UL><LI>Clients, Servers, Tools, Systems
</UL></UL><UL><LI>Working Closely with
<A HREF="">IETF</A>,
<A HREF="">CommerceNet</A>,
<A HREF="">FSTC</A> etc. in other Markets
<UL><LI>Consumer Market: Flowers and CDs
<LI>Inter-Enterprise Markets: Business-to-Business Commerce
<LI>Intra-Enterprise Markets: Internal Information Management and Commerce
</UL></UL><H2><HR><A NAME=w3c-activities>W3C Electronic Commerce Activities</A>
Consortium Activity List</A></CITE> in
<A HREF=""><KBD><TT></TT></KBD></A>.
</H3><UL><LI><A HREF="speak.htm#security">Security</A>
<LI><A HREF="speak.htm#payments">Payments</A>
<LI><A HREF="speak.htm#pics">PICS: "Kid-Safe" Surfing, plus...</A>
<LI><A HREF="speak.htm#oo-apps">Distributed Objects and Applications</A>
<LI><A HREF="speak.htm#demographics">Demographics</A>
<LI><A HREF="speak.htm#html">HTML Evolution</A>
<LI>Performance and Availability: HTTP-NG,
<A HREF="">Replication
and Caching</A>
<LI><A HREF="">Collaboration,
Knowledge Representation</A>
<LI><A HREF="">Distributed Search Services
and Long-Lived Links</A>
<H2><A NAME=security>Security</A>
</H2><H3>See: <CITE>W3C Security Resources</CITE> at
<A HREF=""><KBD><TT></TT></KBD></A>
</H3><UL><LI>Coordination and Liason Activity
<UL><LI>W3C Security working group meetings are attended by major software
vendors as well as large potential consumers of the technology
</UL><LI>Protocol Review and Development
<LI>Integration of security extensions with other HTTP extensions
</UL><LI>Code Development and Integration
<UL><LI>Export control, Intellectual Property issues are holding up development
of freely available security technology.
</UL><LI>Public Key Infrastructure
<UL><LI>Integration of Certificate infrastructure with the web
<UL><LI>Legal Issues are without precedent. ABA has recently released digital
signature guidelines for review.
</UL></UL><H2><HR><A NAME=payments>Payments</A>
</H2><H3>See: <CITE>W3C Payments Resources</CITE> at
<TT><A HREF=""></A></TT>.
</H3><UL><LI>Cooridnation and Liason Activity:
<A HREF="">IETF</A>,
<A HREF="">CommerceNet</A>,
<LI><A HREF=>First
Payments Working Group Meeting</A> on October 11, 1995.
<LI>Coordinate HTML/HTTP extensions to support payment mechanisms
<LI>Recent Technical Reports:
<UL><LI><A HREF="">Payments
Roadmap</A> over 50 payment proposals abstracted
<LI><A HREF=""><CITE>User
Interface Requirements for Sale of Goods</CITE></A>
</UL></UL><H2><HR><A NAME=pics>PICS: Platform for Internet Content
</H2><H3>See: <CITE>W3C Content Selection: PICS</CITE> at
<A HREF=""><KBD><TT></TT></KBD></A>
</H3><UL><LI>Netscape, Microsoft, IBM, AT&amp;T, Time-Warner, and others
met to put technology in place to allow parents and teachers to control what
children see on the net.
</UL><UL><LI>1st Party Rating: Voluntary Access Control
<LI>3rd Party Ratings: Independent Rating Services
<LI>Technology put in place to meet this need is extensible, and may apply
<UL><LI>Copyright, Payment information
<LI>Data Authenticity
<LI>Reviews, Nominations, SOAPs
<LI>"Meta-Information," URCs, etc.
</UL></UL><H2><HR><A NAME=oo-apps>Distributed Objects and Applications</A>
</H2><H3>See: <CITE>Mobile Code</CITE> at
<TT><A HREF=""></A></TT>
and <BR><CITE>Object Oriented RPC</CITE> at
<TT><A HREF=""></A></TT>.
</H3><UL><LI>What comes after HTML forms and CGI? CORBA , Java, and VRML.
<LI>Integration of W3 with CORBA and Desktop Message Bus technologies
<UL><LI>Workshop likely next spring
</UL><LI>Investigating vendor-neutral APIs and class libraries for web clients
(ala CCI) and web servers (ala CGI)
<LI>Multi-party Transaction Services
</UL><H2><HR><A NAME=demographics>Demographics and Identity</A>
</H2><P>See: <CITE>Demographic feedback: Overview of Resources</CITE> at
<TT><A HREF=""></A></TT>
<UL><LI>Standards for Hit Counts and other Advertising Metrics
<LI>Need to Gather Demographics vs. Privacy Rights of Consumers
<LI>Need to Conduct Dialogs with Users
</UL><H2><HR><A NAME=html>HTML Evolution</A>
</H2><P>See: <CITE>HTML Working and Background Materials</CITE> at
<TT><A HREF=""></A></TT>.
<UL><LI>HTML 2.0 is now a an IETF Proposed Standard
<LI><A HREF="">Conformance Testing
</A>and Certification
<LI>Proposals for Applets and Embedded Objects are being unified
<LI>Enhancements to support Security, Payment, and Copyright policies
</UL><UL><LI><A HREF="">Style Sheets</A>
for parity with Desktop Publishing Systems --
<A HREF="">workshop</A> in