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      <h1><a id="title" name="title" />Content Transformation Landscape 1.0</h1>
      <h2><a id="w3c-doctype" name="w3c-doctype" />W3C Working Group Note 27 October 2009</h2>
	<dt>This version:</dt>
	  <a href=""></a>
	<dt>Latest version:</dt>
	  <a href=""></a>
	<dt>Previous version:</dt>
	  <a href=""></a>
	<dd>Jo Rabin, dotMobi</dd>
	<dd>Andrew Swainston [Initial Draft], Vodafone UK</dd>
      <p class="copyright"><a href=""
			      >Copyright</a> © 2009 <a href=""><acronym
			      title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</acronym></a><sup>®</sup> (<a
			      href=""><acronym title="Massachusetts Institute of Technology"
			      >MIT</acronym></a>, <a href=""><acronym
			      title="European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics"
			      >ERCIM</acronym></a>, <a href="">Keio</a>), All Rights Reserved. W3C
      <a href="">liability</a>, <a
      href="">trademark</a> and <a
      href="">document use</a> rules
    <hr />
    <div><h2><a id="abstract" name="abstract" />Abstract</h2><p>This document identifies the issues
    surrounding use of transforming proxies in the delivery of Web content. It does not comment
    on the techniques that cause these issues, it merely identifies them in order to inform the
    requirements of the Content Transformation Guidelines document. That document is to offer
    recommendations as to how components of the delivery context can cooperate to achieve, at a
    minimum, a functional user experience.</p><p>In this revision the document is largely
    historical - the Content Transformation Guidelines document, published under the title 
    <a href="">"Guidelines for Web Content Transformation Proxies"</a> was initially inspired by the set 
    of requirements identified in this document, but has subsequently evolved based on 
    available technologies and feedback.</p></div>
      <h2><a id="status" name="status" />Status of this Document</h2>
	<em>This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. Other
	documents may supersede this document. A list of current W3C publications and the latest
	revision of this technical report can be found in the <a href="">W3C
      technical reports index</a> at</em></p>

      <p>This document was produced by the <a
      href="">Content Transformation Task
      Force</a> of the <a href="">Mobile Web Best Practices
      Working Group</a> as part of the <a href="">Mobile Web
      Initiative</a>. It is the <em>Problem Statement</em> referred to in the <a
      href="">Charter</a> of the W3C
      Mobile Web Initiative Best Practices Working Group <a
      href="">Content Transformation Task
      Force</a>, and served as a basis for the work on the <a
      href="">Guidelines for Web Content Transformation Proxies</a>.</p>

      <p>Publication as a Working Group Note does not imply endorsement by the W3C Membership. This is a draft document and may be updated, replaced or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to cite this document as other than work in progress.</p>

      <p>Changes since publication of the previous <a href="">Working Draft</a> (published on 25 October 2007) are an update of the <a href="#abstract">Abstract</a> section to clarify the historical status of this work and refer to the normative <a href="">Guidelines for Web Content Transformation Proxies</a> document that was initially inspired by this document. The Working Group does not anticipate any further change on this document.</p>

      <p>Comments on this document may be sent to the Working Group's public email list <a href=""></a>, a <a href="">publicly archived mailing list</a>. The Working Group rather expects comments to be made against the normative <a href="">Guidelines for Web Content Transformation Proxies</a> document.</p>

      <p> This document was produced by a group operating under the <a href="">5 February 2004 W3C Patent Policy</a>. W3C maintains a <a rel="disclosure" href="">public list of any patent disclosures</a> made in connection with the deliverables of the group; that page also includes instructions for disclosing a patent. An individual who has actual knowledge of a patent which the individual believes contains <a href="">Essential Claim(s)</a> must disclose the information in accordance with <a href="">section 6 of the W3C Patent Policy</a>. </p>
    <div class="toc">
      <h2><a id="contents" name="contents" />Table of Contents</h2>
      <p class="toc">1 <a href="#introduction">Introduction</a><br />     1.1 <a href="#d0e113"
      >Purpose</a><br />     1.2 <a href="#d0e121">Scope</a><br />     1.3 <a
      href="#d0e128">Structure of the Document</a><br /> 2 <a href="#landscape">Landscape</a><br
      />     2.1 <a href="#d0e144">Accessing Web Content from Mobile Devices</a><br />
          2.2 <a href="#d0e182">Content Transformation Proxies</a><br />         2.2.1
      <a href="#d0e211">Advantages of Content Transformation</a><br />         2.2.2 <a
      href="#d0e224">Issues with Content Transformation</a><br />
         <a href="#d0e227">Web Presentation</a><br />
         <a href="#d0e248">Non Web Applications</a><br />
         <a href="#d0e276">Legal, Moral and Commercial Issues</a><br
      />    <a href="#d0e292">Security Issues</a><br /> 3 <a
      href="#constraints">Constraints</a><br /></p>
      <h3><a id="appendices" name="appendices" />Appendices</h3>
      <p class="toc">A <a href="#terminologyNote">Terminology</a> (Non-Normative)<br /> B <a
      href="#d0e364">References</a> (Non-Normative)<br /> C <a href="#d0e374"
      >Acknowledgments</a> (Non-Normative)<br /></p>
    <hr />
    <div class="body">
      <div class="div1">
	<h2><a id="introduction" name="introduction" />1 Introduction</h2>
	<p>Mobile Web Best Practices <a href="#BestPractices">[BestPractices]</a> encourages content
	providers to produce "made for mobile" experiences of their Web sites. While the number of
	such Web sites continues to increase, there are still many Web sites that are unaware of
	mobile presentation. Those Web sites, when accessed from mobile devices, do not present a
	satisfactory user experience or may indeed cause failure of the user's device. In order to
	mitigate this unsatisfactory experience, mobile network operators and others use proxies
	to transform the content of these sites.</p>
	<p>At the same time there are an increasing number of highly capable mobile devices that
	offer enhanced browsing experiences designed to assist users of mobile devices with their
	typically small screen and limited input capabilities to navigate sites designed with
	larger displays, pointing devices and full keyboards in mind.</p>
	<p>The W3C MWI <a href="">Best Practices Working Group</a>
	recognizes that on the one hand transforming proxies can diminish the value of sites that
	have been designed specifically for mobile presentation. On the other hand transforming
	proxies can enhance the mobile experience of sites unaware of mobile presentation. Yet
	again, transforming proxies can diminish the value of such sites when presented on devices
	that are capable of simulating a desktop experience while mobile.</p>
	<div class="div2">
	  <h3><a id="d0e113" name="d0e113" />1.1 Purpose</h3>
	  <p>This document identifies specific issues that can result from content transformation
	  and identifies requirements that must be fulfilled by the Content Transformation
	  Guidelines document. That document identifies techniques that are designed to help
	  components in the Delivery Context cooperate in the presentation of Web sites in order
	  that users experience, at a minimum, a <a
	  >functional user experience</a> and that authors' intentions are fulfilled to whatever
	  degree possible.</p>
	<div class="div2">
	  <h3><a id="d0e121" name="d0e121" />1.2 Scope</h3>
	  <p>While the Working Group's charter refers specifically to mobile, the Working Group
	  recognizes that the issues here relate to any non-desktop presentation of content, or
	  indeed presentation of any content that has alternative representations. Hence, in the
	  following, requirements are presented in a more general form.</p>
	  <p>This document does not offer comment on the rights and wrongs of any particular issues
	  it mentions. It does not condone nor deprecate any particular technique. They are
	  mentioned in order to clarify the requirements of the Guidelines document that
	  consequently addresses the issues mentioned.</p>
	<div class="div2">
	  <h3><a id="d0e128" name="d0e128" />1.3 Structure of the Document</h3>
	  <p>In <a href="#landscape"><b>2 Landscape</b></a> the document identifies specific
	  benefits and issues relating to content transformation. Where requirements can be
	  inferred from the discussion they are identified in the text, thus:</p>
	  <p class="requirement">This is a requirement.</p>
	  <p>Various technologies and techniques that must be taken into account when satisfying the
	  requirements are identified in <a href="#constraints"><b>3 Constraints</b></a>.</p>
      <div class="div1">
	<h2><a id="landscape" name="landscape" />2 Landscape</h2>
	<div class="div2">
	  <h3><a id="d0e144" name="d0e144" />2.1 Accessing Web Content from Mobile Devices</h3>
	  <p>While an increasing number of Web sites [<a id="mobileAware" name="mobileAware"
	  title="Mobile Aware">Definition</a>: mobile aware] are being designed specifically to
	  tailor their presentation to be suitable for users in a mobile context (see <a
	  href="#BestPractices">[BestPractices]</a>), many Web sites [<a id="mobileUnaware"
	  name="mobileUnaware" title="Mobile Unaware">Definition</a>: mobile unaware] have been
	  (and continue to be) designed with only the features of desktop browsers in mind. From a
	  mobile perspective, typical issues with the resulting Web pages are:</p>
	      <p>page layouts assume a screen larger than the device supports;</p>
	      <p>pages require more memory than the device supports;</p>
	      <p>the design of interaction with the page assumes that a full qwerty keyboard and
	      mouse are available;</p>
	      <p>pages use content types that the device does not support.</p>
	  <p>As a result accessing such a Web page from a mobile device often results in a poor or
	  unusable experience (The differences between desktop and mobile presentation are
	  discussed in more detail in <a href="#BestPractices">[BestPractices]</a> - <a
	  href="">2 Requirements</a>).</p>
	  <p>Some Web sites [<a id="mobileBlocking" name="mobileBlocking" title="mobile blocking"
	  >Definition</a>: mobile blocking], aware that access is not from the expected desktop
	  context, send either an HTTP error status code or an HTTP success code accompanied by
	  text indicating that they cannot present an acceptable experience for the user - thus
	  preventing access from mobile users.</p>
	<div class="div2">
	  <h3><a id="d0e182" name="d0e182" />2.2 Content Transformation Proxies</h3>
	  <p>Mobile operators, search engines and others recognize that while the number of mobile
	  friendly Web sites is growing, there will remain a considerable number of mobile unaware
	  and mobile blocking sites. One approach to providing a more satisfactory mobile user
	  experience of mobile unaware and blocking sites is to insert an intermediary in the
	  communications path between the user agent and the origin server. These intermediaries,
	  known as [<a id="ctf" name="ctf" title="content transformation proxy">Definition</a>:
	  content transformation proxies] (see <a href="#terminologyNote"><b>A
	  Terminology</b></a>) adjust HTML pages designed for desktop presentation to provide an
	  enhanced user experience when accessed from a mobile device.</p>
	  <p>In order to avoid blocking behavior and in order to achieve a consistent presentation
	  from Web sites that vary their experience according to the browser type, proxies
	  typically work by masquerading as a specific desktop browser, fetching content and then
	  modifying it before returning it to mobile devices. These transformations include:</p>
	      <p>character encoding corrections,</p>
	      <p>image reformatting and resizing, </p>
	      <p>layout modifications and page segmentation, </p>
	      <p>multi step JavaScript transaction emulation.</p>
	  <p>Content transformation proxies can also add content to, or remove it from a page.</p>
	  <p class="requirement" id="req1">1. It must be possible to make a distinction between
	  different types of transformation - e.g. correction of malformed markup as opposed to
	  pagination and addition of headers and footers.</p>
	  <div class="div3">
	    <h4><a id="d0e211" name="d0e211" />2.2.1 Advantages of Content Transformation</h4>
	    <p>The principal advantage of Content Transformation is that it provides the ability for
	    mobile users to enjoy a Web experience even though a large number of Web sites that
	    are mobile unaware or mobile blocking.</p>
	    <p class="requirement" id="req2">2. Transforming proxies must be able to overcome the
	    behavior of "blocking" sites.</p>
	    <p>Content transformation also offers opportunities to site designers, allowing their
	    sites to be served to a wide range or devices while freeing them from having to detect
	    and keep up to date with the capabilities of new devices.</p>
	    <p class="requirement" id="req3">3. Transforming proxies must be able to identify their
	    presence and advertise their capabilities.</p>
	    <p class="requirement" id="req4">4. Origin servers must be able to selectively enable or
	    disable features of transforming proxies.</p>
	  <div class="div3">
	    <h4><a id="d0e224" name="d0e224" />2.2.2 Issues with Content Transformation</h4>
	    <div class="div4">
	      <h5><a id="d0e227" name="d0e227" /> Web Presentation</h5>
	      <p>By presenting requests as though they came from a different device, Content
	      Transformation prevents mobile aware sites from detecting the actual mobile devices
	      behind the request. As a result, mobile aware sites whose purpose is to provide
	      mobile compatible pages or mobile compatible content like ring-tones or Java
	      applications are unable to operate correctly. Such sites require information about
	      the actual device.</p>
	      <p class="requirement" id="req5">5. Origin servers and proxies must be able to
	      identify the actual identity of components of the delivery context, including
	      (other) proxies and browsers.</p>
	      <p>When mobile aware sites send content to devices, they often choose to deliver very
	      specific variations on their content tailored exactly for the device. Any attempt by
	      a content transformation proxy to change the content may very well destroy or in any
	      case decrease the value of the content. For example, a site which delivers ring
	      tones or wallpaper which it tailors exactly to devices' characteristics may be
	      rendered useless if the audio format is changed, or less valuable if the color depth
	      of an image is reduced to something below that which the device is capable of
	      <p class="requirement" id="req6">6. Origin servers must be able to prohibit any kind
	      of transformation of its content.</p>
	      <p class="requirement" id="req9">7. Origin servers must be able to advertise author
	      <p>Some Web sites cater for both desktop browsers and mobile devices, especially when
	      the site recognizes that the device has a browser that is capable of providing a
	      'full screen' presentation mode. In these cases the user of the mobile device may be
	      prevented from exercising their choice of presentation and may be unable to access
	      either the site's mobile or desktop presentation in its original form.</p>
	      <p class="requirement" id="req7">8. Browsers must be able to identify and advertise
	      user interface modalities.</p>
	      <p class="requirement" id="req8">9. Components must be able to solicit and advertise
	      user choice.</p>
	      <p class="requirement" id="req10">10. Origin servers must be able to identify and
	      advertise different representations they may have available.</p>
	    <div class="div4">
	      <h5><a id="d0e248" name="d0e248" /> Non Web Applications</h5>
	      <p>In the mobile Internet, just like the Internet as a whole, communication between a
	      client and a server is not confined to Web applications. In the mobile world,
	      however, use of HTTP as a bearer for other applications is, if anything, even more
	      prevalent. Services are often designed this way as a result of there being no access
	      to TCP sockets on clients, or fears of non-transparency of gateways. Examples
		  <p>J2ME client applications</p>
		  <p>native applications (Symbian for Symbian devices, Microsoft for Microsoft
		  devices, etc.)</p>
		  <p>Adobe Flash applications</p>
		  <p>SVGT documents</p>
		  <p>Ajax applications embedded in HTML</p>
	      <p>There are many other examples, but these are sufficient to illustrate a point: not
	      all clients using HTTP as a communication protocol with an origin server are
	      interested in "content transformation". In fact, transformation may break the
	      semantics of the client-server communication and render the application completely
	      <p class="requirement">See <a href="#req6">Requirement 6</a> above.</p>
	    <div class="div4">
	      <h5><a id="d0e276" name="d0e276" /> Legal, Moral and Commercial Issues</h5>
	      <p>A further issue concerns the limits of acceptable content transformation and to
	      what degree content providers can reasonably expect to remain in control of how
	      their content is presented.</p>
	      <p>Some content providers may feel that, for whatever reason, their content should not
	      be fragmented, or their images removed or transformed. In a medical application, for
	      example, it may be essential that an image is presented in its original format.</p>
	      <p class="requirement">See <a href="#req6">Requirement 6</a> above.</p>
	      <p>An example of the commercial issues is removing advertising banners from the origin
	      server and perhaps even replacing them with new advertisements adapted for the
	      specific user agent. This is obviously controversial because it hi-jacks an
	      advertising revenue stream from the origin server.</p>
	      <p class="requirement" id="req11">11. It must be possible for origin servers
	      selectively to indicate that content of various types must not be removed, replaced
	      or inserted by transforming proxies.</p>
	    <div class="div4">
	      <h5><a id="d0e292" name="d0e292" /> Security Issues</h5>
	      <p>The most commonly used security mechanisms require a direct connection between the
	      origin server and the ultimate client. Intermediaries of any kind, including content
	      transformation proxies, may break this security model and cause exposure to theft of
	      sensitive information.</p>
	      <p class="requirement" id="req12">12. It must be possible to establish a secure end to
	      end connection.</p>
      <div class="div1">
	<h2><a id="constraints" name="constraints" />3 Constraints</h2>
	<p>The BPWG, and hence the Content Transformation Task Force, is not chartered to create
	"new technology", rather it is chartered to advise on the use of existing technology.
	Hence the techniques should operate within existing technology. That said, the Task Force
	is free to suggest new mechanisms and enhancements to existing mechanisms to other W3C
	groups that are chartered with the development of such technology.</p>
	<p>Examples of technologies and techniques that will be further investigated include, but
	are not limited to:</p>
	    <p>The HTTP protocol <a href="#HTTP">[HTTP]</a>, which provides several mechanisms that
	    are likely to be useful. In particular to promote awareness of the "<a
	    no-transform</a>" HTTP directive, or other mechanism for allowing content authors to
	    prohibit transformation of a resource by intermediaries.</p>
	    <p>The <a href="">POWDER</a> protocol, which provide
	    mechanisms for describing resources using RDF and OWL. More generally, ascertaining
	    that a representation of a resource is suitable for the user's delivery context either
	    because the resource has been so described or from the nature of the representation of
	    the resource.</p>
	    <p>mobileOK (see <a href="#mobileOKBasic10Tests">[mobileOKBasic10Tests]</a>) which is a
	    claim that can be represented using (POWDER) Web Description Resources, that a
	    resource achieves certain minimum interoperability requirements for mobile
	    <p>The work of the <a href="">W3C MWI DDWG</a> relating
	    to definition of device capabilities.</p>
    <div class="back">
      <div class="div1">
	<h2><a id="terminologyNote" name="terminologyNote" />A Terminology (Non-Normative)</h2>
	<p>In <a href="#HTTP">[HTTP]</a>, <a href=""
	>1.3 Terminology</a> various types of intermediary are described:</p>
	  <dt class="label">Proxy</dt>
	    <p>A proxy is a forwarding agent, receiving requests for a URI in its absolute form,
	    rewriting all or part of the message, and forwarding the reformatted request toward
	    the server identified by the URI.</p>
	  <dt class="label">Gateway</dt>
	    <p>A gateway is a receiving agent, acting as a layer above some other server(s) and, if
	    necessary, translating the requests to the underlying server's protocol.</p>
	  <dt class="label">Tunnel</dt>
	    <p>A tunnel acts as a relay point between two connections without changing the messages;
	    tunnels are used when the communication needs to pass through an intermediary (such as
	    a firewall) even when the intermediary cannot understand the contents of the
	<p>The term "content transformation proxy" has become popular for a special type of gateway:
	one that transforms content as described above. The term "content transformation gateway"
	would perhaps have been a better choice or maybe even "content transformation proxy
	gateway", since the relevant server technology actually is both a proxy and a gateway.</p>
      <div class="div1">
	<h2><a id="d0e364" name="d0e364" />B References (Non-Normative)</h2>
	  <dt class="label"><a id="BestPractices" name="BestPractices" />BestPractices</dt>
	  <dd>Mobile Web Best Practices 1.0 Basic Guidelines, Jo Rabin, Charles McCathieNevile (eds), W3C Recommendation, 29 July 2008  (See <a href=""></a>)</dd>
	  <dt class="label"><a id="mobileOKBasic10Tests" name="mobileOKBasic10Tests"
	  <dd>W3C mobileOK Basic Tests 1.0, Sean Owen, Jo Rabin (eds), W3C Recommendation, 08 December 2008  (See <a href=""></a>)</dd>
	  <dt class="label"><a id="HTTP" name="HTTP" />HTTP</dt>
	  <dd> Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1 Request for Comments: 2616, R. Fielding, J.
	  Gettys, J. Mogul, H. Frystyk, L. Masinter, P. Leach, T. Berners-Lee, June 1999 (See</dd>
      <div class="div1">
	<h2><a id="d0e374" name="d0e374" />C Acknowledgments (Non-Normative)</h2>
	<p>The editors acknowledge contributions of various kinds from members of the MWI BPWG <a
	href="">Content Transformation Task
	<p>The editors acknowledge significant written contributions from:</p>
	  <li>Magnus Lonnroth, Drutt</li>