card 8.78 KB
# N3
# Personal information in machine-readable form
# This (card.n3) is Tim Berners-Lee's FOAF file. It is a data file with the 
#    sort of information which would be on a home page.
# This is RDF data.
# This is written in Notation3 - see
# See alternatively the RDF/XML file card.rdf generated from this.
# Use the uri <> to refer to this
#    file independent of the format.
# Use the uri <> to refer to Tim BL.
@prefix foaf:  <> .
@prefix doap:  <>.
@prefix :      <>.
@prefix s:     <>.
@prefix cc:    <>.
@prefix dc:    <>.
@prefix dct:   <>.
@prefix rdf:   <> .
@prefix rdfs:  <> .
@prefix owl:   <>.
@prefix geo:   <>.
@prefix w3c:   <>.
@prefix card:  <>.
@prefix cert:  <> .
@prefix rsa:   <> .
@prefix xsd: <>.

# About this document:
# The <> (the empty URI) means "this document".

    <>   a foaf:PersonalProfileDocument;
         cc:license <>;
	 dc:title "Tim Berners-Lee's FOAF file";
         foaf:maker card:i;
         foaf:primaryTopic card:i.

# Below we introduce a FOAF file I have write access to, which the tabulator
# will let me edit.

# Turn off this section to turn off the live editing of the FOAF file extension.
# This is where my list of people I know is:
        a foaf:PersonalProfileDocument;  # Suitable place to edit
        is rdfs:seeAlso of card:i;       # Go fetch it
        cc:license <>;
        dc:title "Tim Berners-Lee's editable FOAF file";
        foaf:maker card:i;
        foaf:primaryTopic card:i.

############## Stuff about me

    s:label  	"Tim Berners-Lee";   # For generic user interfaces etc
    a :Male;
    foaf:based_near [geo:lat "42.361860"; geo:long "-71.091840"];

    :office [
	:phone <tel:+1-617-253-5702>;
	geo:location [geo:lat "42.361860"; geo:long "-71.091840"];
	:address [
		:street "32 Vassar Street";
		:street2 "MIT CSAIL Room 32-G524";
		:city "Cambridge";
		:postalCode "02139";
		:country "USA"
    :publicHomePage <../Berners-Lee/>;
    :homePage <../Berners-Lee/>;     # hack - follows by RDFS from line above
			    # The W3C structure data uses this as an IFP
    is foaf:member of w3c:W3C;
    :assistant card:amy;

# Using FOAF vocabulary:

    a foaf:Person;
    # The idea is that this is the one I would suggest you use and 
    # I use for myself, which can lead to others.
    :preferredURI ""; # experimental
    foaf:mbox <>;
    foaf:mbox_sha1sum "965c47c5a70db7407210cef6e4e6f5374a525c5c";
    foaf:openid <>;
    foaf:img <>;

    foaf:family_name "Berners-Lee";
    foaf:givenname "Timothy";
    foaf:title "Sir";

    foaf:homepage <>;
        is foaf:member of <>; 
     foaf:mbox <>;
    #	 foaf:mbox_sha1sum "1839a1cc2e719a85ea7d9007f587b2899cd94064";
     foaf:name "Timothy Berners-Lee";
     foaf:nick "TimBL", "timbl";
     foaf:phone <tel:+1-(617)-253-5702>;
    #         foaf:schoolHomepage <>;
    foaf:account <>,

    #         foaf:workInfoHomepage <>;
     foaf:workplaceHomepage <>.

## Facebook

card:i = <>.   # FB RDF feed from 2011/9

### W3C's list of talks

    card:i s:seeAlso <>.

##### My Web ID cert
# As of 2012-01-14:

 <#i> cert:key  [ a cert:RSAPublicKey;
    cert:modulus """d7 a0 e9 1e ed dd cc 90 5d 5e cc d1 e4 12 ab 0c 
5b db e1 18 fa 99 b7 13 2d 91 54 52 f0 b0 9a f5 
eb c0 09 6c a1 db de ec 32 72 3f 5d dd 2b 05 56 
4e 2c e6 7e ff ba 8e 86 77 8e 11 4a 02 a3 90 7c 
2e 6c 6b 28 cf 16 fe e7 7d 0e f0 c4 4d 2e 3c cd 
3e 0b 6e 8c fd d1 97 e3 aa 86 ec 19 99 80 72 9a 
f4 45 1f 79 99 bc e5 5e b3 4b d5 a5 35 04 70 46 
37 00 f7 30 8e 37 2b db 6e 07 5e 0b b8 a8 db a9 
36 86 fa 4a e5 13 17 a4 43 82 bb 09 d0 92 94 c1 
68 5b 10 97 ff d5 9c 44 6a e5 67 fa ec e6 b6 aa 
27 89 79 06 b5 24 a6 49 89 bd 48 cf ea ec 61 d1 
2c c0 b6 3d db 88 5d 2d ad b0 b3 58 c6 66 aa 93 
f5 a4 43 fb 91 fc 2a 3d c6 99 eb 46 15 9b 05 c5 
75 8c 9f 13 ed 28 44 09 4c c5 39 e5 82 e1 1d e3 
6c 67 33 a6 7b 51 25 ef 40 7b 32 9e f5 e9 22 ca 
57 46 a5 ff c6 7b 65 0b 4a e3 66 10 fc a0 cd 7b"""^^xsd:hexBinary ;
        cert:exponent "65537"^^xsd:integer ] .

# Pre 2012:
#card:i is cert:identity of [ 
#    a rsa:RSAPublicKey;
#    rsa:public_exponent "65537"^cert:decimal ;
#    rsa:modulus
#        """d7 a0 e9 1e ed dd cc 90 5d 5e cc d1 e4 12 ab 0c 
#5b db e1 18 fa 99 b7 13 2d 91 54 52 f0 b0 9a f5 
#eb c0 09 6c a1 db de ec 32 72 3f 5d dd 2b 05 56 
#4e 2c e6 7e ff ba 8e 86 77 8e 11 4a 02 a3 90 7c 
#2e 6c 6b 28 cf 16 fe e7 7d 0e f0 c4 4d 2e 3c cd 
#3e 0b 6e 8c fd d1 97 e3 aa 86 ec 19 99 80 72 9a 
#f4 45 1f 79 99 bc e5 5e b3 4b d5 a5 35 04 70 46 
#37 00 f7 30 8e 37 2b db 6e 07 5e 0b b8 a8 db a9 
#36 86 fa 4a e5 13 17 a4 43 82 bb 09 d0 92 94 c1 
#68 5b 10 97 ff d5 9c 44 6a e5 67 fa ec e6 b6 aa 
#27 89 79 06 b5 24 a6 49 89 bd 48 cf ea ec 61 d1 
#2c c0 b6 3d db 88 5d 2d ad b0 b3 58 c6 66 aa 93 
#f5 a4 43 fb 91 fc 2a 3d c6 99 eb 46 15 9b 05 c5 
#75 8c 9f 13 ed 28 44 09 4c c5 39 e5 82 e1 1d e3 
#6c 67 33 a6 7b 51 25 ef 40 7b 32 9e f5 e9 22 ca 
#57 46 a5 ff c6 7b 65 0b 4a e3 66 10 fc a0 cd 7b"""^cert:hex ;
#          ] .

#old cert modulus:
#"84554e39b67f5e3912068773655d855d222fa2c05cd9784693f8919aa46a61be703069c5f3266eebc21d6bb429ee47fac347b012eb7d#a8b1e4b02f7680e39767b0086f1fd48b9a420de3e70df9c2504c87006e7722ab6df210dec768dae454e65b31752379d7032dd22696465#62593d8b5c621860a0f929ad64b9dce1d6cb12f"^cert:hex ;

##### Things I am involved in -- DOAP

card:i is doap:developer of <>,

# BBC Catalogue links:   # Clumsy .. need to give people URIs. Now offline :-(
# card:i foaf:homepage <>;
#	s:seeAlso <>.

#  Advogato is geek social netorking site (2008)
card:i = <>.

##### identity
card:i = <>.

#  The (2006/11) DBLP database
card:i = <>.

# Bizer et al's  RDF mashup of Amazon
card:i = <>.

<> dc:title
"Weaving the Web: The Original Design and Ultimate Destiny of the World Wide Web";
    dc:creator card:i.

# More from Chris Bizer: the dbpedia scrape of Wikipedia
#   @@@ Commented out temporaily as it was getting slow from redirecting each ontology term
# <> = card:i.

# MIT IAP course

<> foaf:maker card:i.

# WWW2006 stuff:
#  <#i>   =

####### 2011  WW2011

    dct:title "Designing the Web for an Open Society";
    foaf:maker card:i.

	s:label  "The Next Wave of the Web (Plenary Panel)";
	:participant card:i.

	:participant card:i.
    dc:title "Identity, Reference and the Web workshop 2006".
    rdfs:seeAlso <>; # Sigh
    dc:title "timbl's blog";
    is foaf:weblog of card:i;
    foaf:maker card:i.
<../../DesignIssues/Overview.html>   #  Has RDFA in it
    dc:title "Design Issues for the World Wide Web";
    foaf:maker card:i.