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                        <p class="tPadding">Some web pages in the W3C web site have different privacy policy
statements. This page includes the <a href="#Public">Public</a> and
<a href="#Members">Member</a> statements.</p>

                     <h2 id="Public">W3C Privacy Statement for Non-Members</h2>
                           <br />
We make no effort to identify public users of our site. No
identifying data is disclosed to any third party for any purpose.
Data that we collect is used only for server administration and Web
protocol research.</dd></dl>
                     <p class="tPadding">This statement applies to non-member interactions with the
<a href="">W3C</a> Web servers. It does not apply
to email sent to W3C staff or lists. Any questions regarding the
web site and the privacy policy can be directed to <a href=""></a>. <i>Email
interactions are guided by general net-etiquette
                     <p>As is typical, we log http requests to our server. This means
that we know the originating IP (e.g. address of a user
agent requesting a URL. We also know the <tt>Referer</tt> and
<tt>User-Agent</tt> information accompanied with an HTTP request.
We do not log the specific identity of visitors. We occasionally
analyze the log files to determine which files are most requested
and the previous site or user agent which prompted the request. Our
logging is passive; we do not use technologies such as cookies to
maintain any information on users.</p>
                     <p>We also log requests to our search, cgi, and list maintenance
services. This data is only used for administration and researching
the efficacy of our tools.</p>
                     <p>Logged information is kept indefinitely as admistrative and
research material; it is not disclosed outside of W3C host site
personnel. Aggregate (completely non-identifying) statistics
generated from these logs may be reported as part of research

                     <p>See also:</p>

                     <ul class="show_items"><li>
                           <a href="privacy-telecon.html">Privacy Statement for Teleconference
Bridge Status</a>
                           <a href="privacy-accessReq.html">Privacy
Statement for Access Request Page</a>
                           <a href="/Systems/db/user-info-usage">User Information Database Privacy Policy</a>

                     <h2 id="Members">W3C Privacy Statement for Members</h2>
                           <br />
We use member related information for the purposes of administering
the W3C, and communicating and collaborating with our members.</dd></dl>
                     <p class="tPadding">This statement (and the <a href="#Public">Public Statement</a>
above) applies to member and invited expert interactions with the
<a href="">W3C</a> Member Web site. It does not
apply to our non-member site nor email sent to W3C staff or lists.
Any questions regarding the web site and the privacy policy can be
directed to <a href=""></a>. <i>Email
interactions are guided by general net-etiquette
                     <p>Members' interactions with the site are authenticated.
Consequently we have the capability to identify users and their
                     <ol><li>By requesting a password you are added to our newsletter
mailing list and your identity is relayed to Advisory Committee
representative (AC rep).</li><li>We trace membership of lists for chairmen of Working Groups,
and at the request of AC representatives -- but only for people in
their organization.</li></ol>
                     <p>This is commensurate with the AC representative role as the
single and responsible point of contact for their organization.</p>
                     <p>Very often, the participants of an activity, the staff contact,
or working group chair will determine the degree of publicity
inherent to a specific W3C activity.</p>

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