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      <h1>Liaisons of the Media Annotations Working Group</h1>
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      <p class="logo"><a href="/"><img src="" alt="W3C" height="48" width="72"/></a></p>
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      <p><a href="/2008/WebVideo/Annotations/">Back to Working Group homepage</a></p>
      <h2 id="liaisons-list">List of liaisons</h2>
        <dt>Dublin Core Kernel Application Profile</dt>
        <dd>The Dublin Core Metadata Initiative supports a broad range of purposes and business models. Dublin Core Kernel Application Profile is of specific relevance to the Media Annotations Working Group.</dd>
        <dt>ISO/IEC JTC-1/SC-29 WG 11 Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG)</dt>
        <dd>This group is developing standards for coded representation of digital
          audio and video, including MPEG-7 and MPEG-21. </dd>
        <dt>The Internet Captioning Forum (ICF)</dt>
        <dd>This organization addresses the technical challenges presented by
          online video repurposed from broadcast or other previously captioned
          sources, as well as video created specifically for the Web.</dd>
        <dt>International Press Telecommunications Council (IPTC)</dt>
        <dd>The International Press Telecommunications Council (IPTC), developing
          technical standards for improved news exchange that are used by virtually
          every major news organization in the world, such as IPTC Metadata for XMP
        <dt>European Broadcasting Union Metadata Advisory Group (P/MAG)</dt>
        <dd>The European Broadcasting Union has been developing metadata
        specifications related to radio, camcorders, news. </dd>
        <dt>Geolocation Working Group</dt>
        <dd>The W3C Geolocation Working Group is defining an interface for using client-side location information in location-aware Web applications.</dd>
        <dt>ITU IPTV GSI (Global Standard Initiative)</dt>
        <dd>The mission of ITU IPTV GSI is to coordinate and promote the development of
          global IPTV standards taking into account the existing work of the ITU
          study groups as well as Standards Developing Organizations, Fora and
          Consortia. </dd>
        <dt>IPTV Forum Japan</dt>
        <dd>The mission of the IPTV Forum Japan is to improve the deployement of
          IPTV services. </dd>
        <dt>International Imaging Industry Association (I3A)</dt>
        <dd>I3A is a forum for development and advancement of open standards within
        the imaging industry.</dd>
        <dt>Open IPTV Forum</dt>
        <dd>The Forum specifies a common and open end-to-end platform for supplying variery of internet multimedia and IPTV services to retail based consumer equipment, either over QoS-controlled managed network or over the public internet.</dd>
        <dt>Picture Licensing Universal System (PLUS)</dt>
        <dd>The PLUS Coalition is an international non-profit initiative on a
          mission to simplify and facilitate the communication and management of
          image rights.</dd>
        <dt>Universal Photographic Digital Imaging Guidelines (UPDIG)</dt>
        <dd>UPDIG is a a working group of digital imaging professionals and allied
          trade groups and manufacturers, dedicated to promoting worldwide
          standards in the commercial application of digital imaging. </dd>
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        <address> Soohong Daniel Park, Chair, Joakim Söderberg, co-Chair<br/>
          <a href="../../../People/fsasaki/">Felix Sasaki</a>, W3C Team contact<br/>
          <small>$Date: 2008/12/22 14:55:48 $</small>
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