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<div id="page">
<h1>Media Annotations Working Group <br />
<small>Administrative Page</small></h1>
<div id="navigation">
  <li><a href="">About W3C</a></li>
  <li class="current">Home</li>
  <li><a href="../../01/media-annotations-wg.html">Charter</a></li>
  <li><a href="@@">Participants</a></li>

<div id="main">
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<p>This page contains administrative information for the <a
href="">Media Annotations Working

<h2 id="telecon-info">Telephone conference information</h2>
    conference calendar</a></li>
  <li>When: Each Tuesday, 1 hour, 13:00 UTC. <!-- <strong>NOTE: </strong> the start time is alternating each
                                  week, <strong>13:00 UTC</strong> and <strong>21:00 UTC</strong>. Details of upcoming calls
                                  are listed below. --></li>
  <li>Dial in information: Zakim Bridge +1.617.761.6200 (US) or
    + (France) or +44.203.318.0479 (UK); conference 6294
  <li>The <a href="">IRC channel</a> is
    "#mediaannot" on server</li>

<p>If you can't get into the bridge, dial *0 to speak to the operator — they
can manually connect you. Zakim allows participants to mute themselves by
pressing 61# ("M" for mute, then "1" for on) and unmute themselves with 60#.

<p id="calls"><strong>Upcoming calls:</strong></p>
  <dt>31.08. 2010</dt>
    <dd>13:00 UTC</dd>

<h2 class="break" id="scribelist">Scribe list</h2>

<p>Werner Bailer (2008-10-07, 2008-11-11), Tobias Bürger, Véronique Malaisé
(2008-10-17, 2008-11-18), Erik Mannens (2008-10-23), Thierry Michel, Soohong
Daniel Park, Joakim Söderberg (2008-11-25), Vassilis Tzouvaras, Davy Van
Deursen, Hui Miao (2008-09-30), Felix Sasaki (2008-09-23, 2008-10-24), Raphaël
Troncy (2008-09-09, 2008-10-23)</p>

<h2 id="editors-info">Editors information</h2>

<p>See the separate <a href="editors.html">page for editors</a>.</p>

<div id="footer">
  Soohong Daniel Park, Chair, Joakim Söderberg, co-Chair<br />
  <a href="">Felix Sasaki</a>, <a
  href="">Thierry Michel</a> W3C Team
  contact<br />
  <small>$Date: 2010/07/09 06:32:47 $</small> 
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