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  <h1>Media Fragments Working Group Teleconference</h1>

  <h2>01 Oct 2008</h2>

  <p><a href=

  <p>See also: <a href=
  "http://www.w3.org/2008/10/01-mediafrag-irc">IRC log</a></p>

  <h2><a name="attendees" id="attendees">Attendees</a></h2>

  <div class="intro">

      <dd>Davy, Jack, Michael, Raphael, Yves, Silvia</dd>


      <dd>Vassilis, Erik</dd>






      <a href="#agenda">Topics</a>

        <li><a href="#item01">1. ADMIN</a></li>

        <li><a href="#item02">2. Use Case and Requirements</a></li>

    <li><a href="#ActionSummary">Summary of Action Items</a></li>
  <hr />

  <div class="meeting">

    <h3 id="item01">1. ADMIN</h3>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>scribe</cite>&gt; scribenick:

    <p class='phone'><cite>raphael:</cite> opens meeting and greets
    everyone.<br />
    ... Comments on the minutes?</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>nessy</cite>&gt; +1</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>mhausenblas</cite>&gt; +1</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>all:</cite> accept</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>raphael:</cite> will create wiki page
    capturing current email discussion<br />
    ... What's the currrent status of use cases?<br />
    ... start with media annotation. Sylvia?</p>

    <h3 id="item02">2. Use Case and Requirements</h3>

    <p class='phone'><cite>Sylvia:</cite> not much progress,
    busy.<br />
    ... Did look at accessibility issues. Results into wiki

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>nessy</cite>&gt; <a href=

    <p class='phone'><cite>Sylvia:</cite> For the moment, can be
    seen at another wiki, url here in the chat.</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>mhausenblas</cite>&gt; Michael:
    Silvia, refer to -&gt; <a href=
    Demo of new HTML5 features</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>raphael:</cite> next use case, media
    delivery. Davey?</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>Davey:</cite> not much yet, will do

    <p class='phone'><cite>raphael:</cite> only server side

    <p class='phone'><cite>Sylvia:</cite> no, also protocol (in
    addtion to client and server)</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>michael:</cite> is client/server

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>Yves</cite>&gt; you also have to check
    if the client is responsible for crafting a specific request,
    and not just a regular HTTP request with a carefully crafted
    URI for the server</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>Yves</cite>&gt; (ie: delegate
    processing on the two sides, or only server-side)</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>raphael</cite>&gt; Jack: distinguish
    between functionalities and implementations</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>raphael</cite>&gt; Silvia: HTTP is ok
    as protocol ... question is rather working on the headers</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>Yves:</cite> does this mean we're doing
    a protocol or not?</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>Silvia:</cite> open issue.</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>Michael:</cite> need to involve TAG in
    the process early.</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>raphael:</cite> will take care of
    it.<br />
    ... next use case, media linking.</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>mhausenblas</cite>&gt; <a href=

    <p class='phone'><cite>Michael:</cite> also fine-grained
    linking, see posted url.</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>Yves</cite>&gt; I wonder, once we have
    a URI to define a media fragment, what is the difference
    bewteen a link and a bookmark (which is a link from a page, or
    an internal db)</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>Michael:</cite> it's not only about
    humans, but also agents (?). Bookmarks for humans, links for

    <p class='phone'><cite>raphael:</cite> shall we separate the
    two use cases, then?</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>Michael:</cite> ok.</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>Sylvia:</cite> fits to media playlist

    <p class='phone'><cite>raphael:</cite> merge the two?</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>Sylivia:</cite> dunno.</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>jackjansen:</cite> aren't these

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>raphael</cite>&gt; Yves: not merging,
    but put under the same umbrela Media Linking and Media

    <p class='phone'><cite>Sylvia:</cite> playlists are simpler
    than mashups.</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>Michael:</cite> ca people think about
    whether UCs are for humans or computerrs, please?</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>raphael:</cite> who takes responsibility
    for search UC and browse UC?</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>Sylvia:</cite> maybe later, not now.</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>Raphael:</cite> on to photobook UC. Erik
    isn't here, Davy?</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>Davy:</cite> no real news yet.</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>raphael:</cite> map and multires
    UCs.<br />
    ... Investigating how this works in current technology, expect
    results next teleconf.<br />
    ... audio UCs, no volunteers yet.<br />
    ... but karaoka is like annotation.<br />
    ... video UCs.</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>Sylvia:</cite> not looked into browser
    UC yet.</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>raphael</cite>&gt; <a href=

    <p class='phone'><cite>raphael:</cite> next agenda point, state
    of the art.</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>Yves:</cite> how should we structure

    <p class='phone'><cite>raphael:</cite> don't know yet.</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>Michael:</cite> common way to describe
    things will make life easier in future.</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>jackjansen:</cite> how about initially
    structuring this from a source-technology point of view? With
    one person per technology?</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>raphael:</cite> ok.<br />
    ... Jack can do SMIL, Sylvia CMML.</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>Sylvia:</cite> also worked on

    <p class='phone'><cite>Davy:</cite> can also look at

    <p class='phone'><cite>raphael:</cite> I can look at SVG.</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>mhausenblas</cite>&gt; Michael: re
    HTTP and URI I can take care</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>Yves</cite>&gt; and I will help as

    <p class='phone'><cite>Sylvia:</cite> have http ideas as

    <p class='phone'><cite>Yves:</cite> me too.</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>Sylvia:</cite> let's try and have some
    data by f2f.</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>raphael:</cite> good idea.<br />
    ... I will look at key issues, create page (?)</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>Rapheal:</cite> AOB?</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>nessy</cite>&gt; <a href=

    <p class='phone'><cite>Sylvia:</cite> have created page about
    what a video resource is.</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>nessy</cite>&gt; already created that
    in the glossary</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>Michael:</cite> like the drawing.</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>Yves</cite>&gt; Yves also likes the
    drawing :)</p>

    <p class='phone'><cite>raphael:</cite> closing meeting. Next
    time will go into UCs deeper.</p>

    <p class='irc'>&lt;<cite>mhausenblas</cite>&gt; [adjourned]</p>

  <h2><a name="ActionSummary" id="ActionSummary">Summary of Action
  Items</a></h2><!-- Action Items -->
  [End of minutes]<br />
  <hr />

    Minutes formatted by David Booth's <a href=
    scribe.perl</a> version 1.133 (<a href=
    "http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/2002/scribe/">CVS log</a>)<br />
    $Date: 2008/10/01 13:03:29 $
