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   <h1>Education &amp; Outreach Working Group (EOWG)</h1>
   <div id="contents">
      <h2>Page Contents</h2>
         <li><a href="#announcements" shape="rect">Announcements and Meetings</a></li>
         <li><a href="#deliv" shape="rect">Current Work</a></li>
         <li><a href="#pubs" shape="rect">Publications</a></li>
         <li><a href="#intro" shape="rect">About EOWG</a></li>
      <!-- end (page) contents (list)-->
   <h2><a name="announcements" id="announcements" shape="rect">Announcements and
  <li><strong><a name="current" id="current" shape="rect"></a>Open reviews: </strong><em>(in addition to items listed in the <a href="#agenda" shape="rect">Agendas</a> below) </em> 
      <li><a href="" shape="rect">Better Web Browsing: Tips for Customizing Your
        Computer</a> - some open comments are pending, additional comments are
        welcome for the final draft.</li>
                                                                                          <li>Web Accessibility and Usability Working Together (<a href="" shape="rect">draft without notes
                                                                                             marked</a>, <a href="" shape="rect">draft with notes marked</a>, <a href="" shape="rect">Analysis
                                                                                             doc</a>) was open for EOWG review and <a href="" shape="rect">survey</a>. We are making more edits in 2011; you can send
                                                                                             additional comments to the <a href="" shape="rect">wai-eo-editors</a> list.</li>
      <li><strong>Actions for all EOWG in January:
            <li><em><strong>Overdue:</strong></em> For &quot;<a href="">How to Make Presentations Accessible to All</a>&quot; think about better   grouping, especially for the bottom parts, and add your ideas to the    <a href="">presentations wiki page</a></li>
            <li>Think about promoting BAD. Add your ideas to the <a href="">Promoting BAD wiki page</a></li>
            <li><a href="">Website Accessibility Evaluation Methodology for WCAG 2.0</a> high-level review and <a href="">title and acronym</a> brainstorming  - add your ideas to the <a href="">wiki</a></li>
            <li>Review Media Accessibility User Requirements (Call for Review e-mail) - 10 Feb deadline</li>
            <li>Review WAI-ARIA 1.0 User Agent Implementation Guide - Last Call Working Draft (<a href="">Call for Review e-mail</a>) - 17 Feb deadline</li>
      <li><a href="">EOWG Tracker Summary</a>, <a href="">open actions by person</a></li>
      <li><a href="">EOWG Wiki</a></li>
      <li><a name="surveys" id="surveys" shape="rect"></a>EOWG
         questionnaires (WBS):
            <li><a href="" shape="rect"><strong>Availability for Upcoming EOWG
            <li><a href="">Availability for EOWG face-to-face meetings in 2012</a></li>
            <li><a href="" shape="rect">List
               of all EOWG open and closed surveys</a></li>
   <h3><a name="teleconferences" id="teleconferences" shape="rect"></a>Teleconferences</h3>
   <h4>Agendas and upcoming EOWG teleconferences:</h4>
   <p><em>(EOWG teleconferences are open to participants of EOWG, see <a href="">Participating in EOWG</a>.)</em></p>
   <div class="agenda" name="agenda" id="agenda">
      <ul class="listspaced">
         <li><strong>13 January 2012  teleconference</strong> -   agenda: 
               <li>Review use of <a href="">Tracker</a> and <a href="">Wiki</a>. Review plans for promotional campaigns in 2012.</li>
               <li><a href="">BAD
                     <li>Update on status, <a href="">disposition of comments</a></li>
                     <li><a href="">Promoting BAD</a> - discuss next steps for January promotion</li>
               <li><a href="">How to Make Presentations Accessible to All</a>
                  (<a href="">draft new expand-collapse functionality</a>) - review <a href="">edit suggestions in wiki</a></li>
               <li><a href="">Website Accessibility Evaluation Methodology for WCAG 2.0</a>
                     <li>Plan for high-filter review before publication as First Draft</li>
                     <li><a href="">Title and acronym</a> brainstorming  - add your ideas to the <a href="">wiki</a></li>
               <li><a href="">Action items</a> - report on closed actions, check in on open actions, note <a href="#announcements">actions for all at top of this page</a></li>
               <li>Reminder: Update <a href="">Availability for Upcoming EOWG Teleconferences</a></li>
         <li><strong>20 January 2012 teleconference</strong> -   preliminary agenda:
               <li><a href="">Promoting BAD</a> - update on promotion efforts</li>
               <li><a href="">How to Make Presentations Accessible to All</a> (<a href="">draft new expand-collapse functionality</a>) - review draft <em>(to be provided)</em> incorporating <a href="">edit suggestions</a></li>
               <li><a href="">Website Accessibility Evaluation Methodology for WCAG 2.0</a>
 - discuss any comments sent to the list</li>
               <li><a href="">Curriculum / Learning materials</a> - @@ (Nov f2f minutes)</li>
               <li><a href="">Action items</a> - report on closed actions, check in on open actions</li>
         <li><strong>27 January 2012 teleconference</strong></li>
   <p class="listintro">Previous agendas are in the <a href="/WAI/EO/Minutes.html" shape="rect">meeting minutes</a>.</p>
   <p>For Task Force teleconferences, see the Task Force mailing lists.</p>
   <h4><a name="logs" id="logs" shape="rect"></a>Teleconference logistics</h4>
   <p><acronym title="Education and Outreach Working Group">EOWG</acronym> meets
      by teleconference most Fridays from 8:30am - 10:30am US Eastern Time via
      teleconference bridge. To find what time this is in your region, you can check
      the <a href="" shape="rect">world clock meeting planner</a>.</p>
   <p><a name="connnect" id="connnect" shape="rect"></a>We use the <a href="" shape="rect">Zakim Teleconference
      Bridge</a>, <a href="" shape="rect">IRC</a>, <a href="" shape="rect">Zakim IRC
      &quot;bot&quot;</a>, and <a href="">Trackbot</a>.</p>
      <li>Teleconference bridge:
            <li><a href="" shape="rect">Instructions for <acronym title="Voice over Internet Protocol">VoIP</acronym> &quot;Zakim-<acronym title="Session Initiation Protocol">SIP</acronym>&quot;</a></li>
            <li>Code: 3694# (EOWG#)</li>
            <li>Channel: #eo</li>
            <li>Port: 6665</li>
   <h3><a name="f2f" id="f2f" shape="rect"></a>Face-to-Face Meetings</h3>
   <p class="listintro">EOWG also meets face-to-face. Previous meetings are listed
      on the <a href="" shape="rect">WAI Events</a> page.</p>
   <p class="listintro">Planned upcoming face-to-face meetings:</p>
   <ul class="listafterpul">
      <li><em>Tentative</em> - two days during <a href="">TPAC 2012</a> which will be 29 October - 2 November 2012 in Lyon, France</li>
   <h3>Meeting Minutes</h3>
   <p><a href="/WAI/EO/Minutes.html" shape="rect">Minutes from previous
      meetings</a> are available.</p>
   <p>Related pages: <a href="/WAI/EO/2003/template.html" shape="rect">scribing
   <h2><a name="deliv" id="deliv" shape="rect">Current Work</a></h2>
   <p><em>(Updated July 2011)</em></p>
      <li><strong><a href="" shape="rect">WAI-AGE</a> project</strong>
         <ul class="tight">
            <li><strong>Slides</strong> - <a href="" shape="rect">Web
               Accessibility for Older Users Presentation</a><br clear="none" />
               <em><span class="docstatus">Status: draft complete, ready for EOWG
               review. will be updated when documents completed.</span></em><br clear="none" />
            <li><a href="" shape="rect"><strong>How People With Disabilities Use the
               Web</strong></a><br clear="none" />
               <em><span class="docstatus">Status: update complete, a few edits
               pending, ready for <a href="" shape="rect">EOWG review (e-mail)</a>.</span></em></li>
            <li><strong><a href="" shape="rect">Usability-Accessibility document</a></strong> (<a href="" shape="rect">Analysis/Requirements</a>)<br clear="none" />
               <em><span class="docstatus">Status: completed draft, editing
            <li><a href="" shape="rect"><strong>Better Web Browsing: Tips for Customizing Your
               Computer</strong></a><br clear="none" />
               <em><span class="docstatus">Status: draft mostly complete. some open
               comments are pending, additional comments are welcome for the final
      <li><a href="" shape="rect"><strong>Policies
         Relating to Web Accessibility</strong></a> update, <a href="/WAI/EO/changelogs/cl-policy-list.html">Planning Updates to Policies</a></li>
      <li><strong>Presentation</strong> material:
         <ul class="tight">
            <li><strong>Business Case</strong> <a href="" shape="rect">instructions page</a>, <a href="" shape="rect">draft ppt</a><br clear="none" />
               <em><span class="docstatus">Status: completed, EOWG approving publication.</span></em></li>
            <li><strong>Slides CSS version</strong> - <a href="" shape="rect">single file of WCAG 2 Benefits</a>, <a href="" shape="rect">slidey show of WCAG 2 Benefits</a><br clear="none" />
               <em><span class="docstatus">Status: Ian working on</span></em></li>
            <li><strong>Benefits of WCAG 2.0 </strong><a href="" shape="rect">instructions overview</a>, <a href="" shape="rect">ppt 800KB</a>, <a href="" shape="rect">HTML</a>, video<br clear="none" />
               <em><span class="docstatus">Status: pending completion of slide
            <li><strong>Components of Web Accessibility</strong> <a href="" shape="rect">instructions cover page</a>, <a href="" shape="rect">step-by-step guide version</a>, <a href="" shape="rect">HTML presentation version</a>, presentation version<br clear="none" />
               <em><span class="docstatus">Status: pending completion of slide
            <li><strong>Using WCAG 2</strong> <a href="" shape="rect">instructions page</a>, <a href="" shape="rect">draft ppt</a><br clear="none" />
               <em><span class="docstatus">Status: pending completion of slide
            <li><a href="" shape="rect"><strong>Slidey help</strong></a></li>
      <li><span class="tight"><a href="" shape="rect"><strong>Promoting
         ATAG 2.0</strong></a><br clear="none" />
         <span class="docstatus"><em>Status: in progress</em></span></span></li>
      <li><a href="" shape="rect"><strong>How to Make
         Presentations Accessible to All</strong></a>, <a href="/WAI/EO/changelogs/cl-training#accessible">analysis</a> - (revise grouping now that
         expand-collapse is there. address comments (doug))</li>
      <li><strong>New QuickTips, WAI Flyer, and other physical/hardcopy
         material</strong> (<a href="" shape="rect">Analysis/Requirements for physical materials</a>)
         <ul class="tight">
            <li><a href="" shape="rect">WCAG 2.0
               at a Glance</a> (<a href="" shape="rect">Requirements/Analysis and changelog for updated Quick
               Tips</a>)<br clear="none" />
               <em><span class="docstatus">Status: done except need to revisit
            <li><a href="" shape="rect">WAI Flyer </a>(old <a href="" shape="rect">WAI
               Flyer</a>, <a href="/WAI/EO/changelogs/cl-flyer" shape="rect">changelog</a>)<br clear="none" />
               <em><span class="docstatus">Status: in progress</span></em></li>
      <li class="tight">Contributing to and reviewing documents from WAI and W3C groups, including from <a href="" shape="rect">Eval TF</a></li>
   <p><strong><a href="/WAI/EO/EO-Deliverables.html" shape="rect">EOWG
      Deliverables Plan</a></strong> lists planned and potential deliverables for the
   <h2><a name="pubs" id="pubs" shape="rect">Publications</a></h2>
      <li><a href="/WAI/Resources/" shape="rect">WAI Resources</a> is an annotated
         list of current resources on the WAI site, many developed by EOWG.</li>
      <li>The <a href="/WAI/EO/EO-Deliverables.html#done" shape="rect">Completed
         Deliverables</a> section of the EOWG Deliverables Plan lists work completed
         by EOWG.</li>
   <h2><a name="intro" id="intro" shape="rect">About EOWG</a></h2>
   <p>The Education and Outreach Working Group (EOWG) develops strategies and
      materials to increase awareness among the Web community of the need for Web
      accessibility and to educate the Web community regarding solutions to Web
   <h3>Chair and Contacts</h3>
      <li>EOWG Chair and W3C Team Contact: <a href="" shape="rect">Shawn Henry</a> &lt;
         shawn @ &gt;</li>
      <li><a href="/WAI/EO/charter5" shape="rect">EOWG Charter</a></li>
   <h4><a name="tf" id="tf" shape="rect"></a>EOWG Task Forces</h4>
      <li>[inactive] <a href="" shape="rect">Before/After Demo Task Force (BADTF) Work Statement</a> and <a href="" shape="rect">BAD Requirements</a></li>
      <li>[inactive] <a href="/WAI/EO/2006/users_tf" shape="rect">User Materials
         Task Force Work Statement</a></li>
      <li>[inactive] <a href="/WAI/EO/2006/wcag2eowg_tf" shape="rect">WCAG 2.0
         Materials Support Task Force Work Statement</a></li>
      <li>[inactive] <a href="" shape="rect">Lexicon Task Force Work Statement (LTF) Work Statement</a> and <a href="/WAI/EO/changelogs/cl-lexicon" shape="rect">Lexicon/Glossary
      <li>[drafted] <a href="2005/erstf" shape="rect">Evaluation Resource Suite
         Task Force (ERS TF) Work Statement</a> and <a href="2005/ers-req" shape="rect">ERSTF Requirements</a></li>
      <li>[closed] <a href="" shape="rect">Web Accessibility and Ageing Task Force (WAI-AGE TF) Work
      <li>[closed] <a href="" shape="rect">WAI
         Site Task Force (WSTF) Work Statement</a> and <a href="/WAI/redesign/project.html" shape="rect">WAI Web Site Redesign
         Project page</a></li>
   <h3>Mailing Lists</h3>
      <li><a href="" shape="rect">EOWG mailing list archives</a> are publicly available for the
         EOWG main mailing list</li>
      <li>Instructions for <a href="participation.html#mail" shape="rect">subscribing to the EOWG mailing list</a></li>
      <li><a href="" shape="rect">EO-Editors mailing list archives</a> are publicly available
         for edits of specific documents</li>
      <li>Some of the task forces have mailing lists, which are available from the
         links in the &quot;EOWG Task Forces&quot; section above.</li>
      <li><a href="/WAI/EO/participation" shape="rect">How to join EOWG</a></li>
      <li><a href="/WAI/EO/EOWG-members.html" shape="rect">EOWG participants in
         good standing</a></li>
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   <p class="status"><strong>Status: </strong>Updated $Date: 2012/01/13 13:33:00 $</p>
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