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    dc:description="&lt;p&gt;Last month&apos;s &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;Augmented Reality on the Web&lt;/a&gt; workshop in Barcelona has sparked a good deal of debate within and around W3C. As the &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;final report&lt;/a&gt; shows, the workshop brought together many different companies and organizations working on or with a direct interest in the field of Augmented Reality &amp;mdash; but how can W3C help in this area?&lt;/p&gt;"
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                        <h2 class="entry-header">Augmented Reality: A Point of Interest for the Web</h2>
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                              <p>Last month's <a href="">Augmented Reality on the Web</a> workshop in Barcelona has sparked a good deal of debate within and around W3C. As the <a href="">final report</a> shows, the workshop brought together many different companies and organizations working on or with a direct interest in the field of Augmented Reality &mdash; but how can W3C help in this area?</p>
<p>One outcome is clear: we need a method for representing data about points of interest and proposals are advancing to achieve this in a new POI Working Group. Quite what data needs to be represented concerning Points of Interest depends on who you ask. For some it's a question of annotating a given point on the Earth's surface where the longitude, latitude and altitude are all key identifiers. For others it's more a question of the point at a given distance and angle from an object that may or may not be static as seen by an observer who may themselves also be moving.</p>
<p>Different communities are involved here: as well as the augmented reality community, the linked data community has a keen interest. There are other facets to the discussion too and this is what will make the POI working group's work interesting!</p>
<p>The workshop also recommended that a new POI WG should go further and consider the wider picture of how AR does, or might, relate to the Web. Privacy is a major concern; device APIs are critical enablers; do CSS and SVG have sufficient power to support AR functions? Even the use of HTTP as a transport mechanism is questioned by some given the real time nature of AR.</p>
<p>To join the debate about all this, please <a href="">subscribe</a> to the <a href="">Point of Interest mailing list</a> and keep an eye out for calls for review of the charter in the near future.</p>
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                       <p class="postinfo">Filed by <a href="">Phil Archer</a> on July 22, 2010  9:20 AM in <a href="">Mobile</a>, <a href="">Semantic Web</a>, <a href="">Workshops</a><br />
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