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	<title>Semantic data extractor - QA @ W3C</title>
	<meta name="Keywords" content="qa, quality assurance, conformance, validity, test suite, Semantics Analysis, XHTML, HTML, outline" />
	<meta name="Description" content="W3C QA - A tool to create a semantic outline of a document" />
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	<meta name="DC.Description.Abstract" lang="en" content="A tool to create a semantic outline of a document" />
	<meta name="DC.Date.Created" content="2006-11-15" />
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	         <h2>Quick Introduction</h2>
			<p>This tool, geared by an <a href="/2002/08/extract-semantic">XSLT stylesheet</a>, tries to extract some information from a HTML semantic rich document. It only uses information available through a good usage of the semantics defined in HTML.</p>
	        <p>The aim is to show that providing a semantically rich HTML gives much more value to your code: using a semantically rich HTML code allows a better use of CSS, makes your HTML intelligible to a wider range of user agents (especially search engines bots).</p>
	        <p>As an aside, it can give clues to user agents developers on some hooks that could be interesting to add in their product.</p>

	        <h2>On-line service</h2>
	        <p>See a demonstration of the service, relying both on the <a href="/2001/05/xslt">W3C XSLT Servlet</a> and <a href="">tidy on-line</a>:</p>

<form class="form" action="" method="get">
   	<p><label><span style="display:block;">URI of the HTML document to extract semantics from:</span> 
	  <input class="uri-field" type="text" name="xmlfile" /></label>
      <input type="hidden" name="xslfile" value="" />
      <input class="button-extract" type="submit" value="Extract semantics" />
	<h2>More Semantics ?</h2>
	<p>If you have suggestion to improve this XSLT, please send patches to <a href="[Semantic%20Data%20Extractor]"></a>.</p>

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	<address class="author">
	    <a href=""><img
	        src="" height="31" width="88"
	        alt="Valid XHTML 1.0!" /></a> Created Date: 2006-11-15 by Dominique Hazaël-Massieux<br />
	Last modified $Date: 2011/01/04 17:14:10 $ by $Author: dom $</address>

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