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<h2>Archives for Category: eGov</h2>
        <h3><a href="">Ensuring Accessibility Support in HTML5</a></h3>

    <p><p>HTML5 was <a href="">announced as a W3C Last Call Working Draft</a> on 25 May 2011. The <a href="">W3C press release </a> invites broad review to determine to what extent HTML5 has met its technical requirements and dependencies. The <a href=""> Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)</a> encourages your comments and participation.</p></p>

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    <p class="postinfo">Filed by <a href="">Judy Brewer</a> on May 31, 2011  5:35 AM in <a href="">Accessibility</a>, <a href="">HTML</a>, <a href="">eGov</a><br />
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        <h3><a href="">Lessons from Harvard's Kennedy School on Technology and Governance 2.0</a></h3>

    <p><p>Unlike political campaigns in this year’s US election cycle, it was refreshing to observe for a change, personal and institutional vulnerability being treated openly and respectfully in a political context. The context was an event I attended last week titled...</p></p>

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    <p class="postinfo">Filed by <a href="">Karen Myers</a> on September 27, 2010  9:41 PM in <a href="">Semantic Web</a>, <a href="">Social Networking</a>, <a href="">eGov</a><br />
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        <h3><a href="">Linked data: it's is not like that; it's like a bag of potato chips</a></h3>

    <p><p>We've been trying to explain partial understanding since at least as far back as the 1998 Extensible Languages note, but the The Fate of the Semantic Web report from Pew still reflects the perception that the Semantic Web will never...</p></p>

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    <p class="postinfo">Filed by <a href="">Dan Connolly</a> on May 28, 2010  7:53 PM in <a href="">Semantic Web</a>, <a href="">eGov</a><br />
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        <h3><a href="">Truly W3C Community building at WWW2010 (Part 1)</a></h3>

    <p><p> The WWW2010 conference that just took place in Raleigh is now over and it's a good time to report on some of the outcomes from the event, and most specifically about the W3C track that I had the pleasure...</p></p>

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    <p class="postinfo">Filed by <a href="">Marie-Claire Forgue</a> on May  3, 2010 11:49 AM in <a href="">Meetings</a>, <a href="">Semantic Web</a>, <a href="">Social Networking</a>, <a href="">eGov</a><br />
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        <h3><a href="">W3C Track@WWW2010: LOD and HTML 5</a></h3>

    <p><p>At this year's 19th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW2010 - Raleigh, NC, USA), W3C will organize two "camps": the "HTML 5 camp" and the "Linked Open Data (LOD) camp" (29 and 30 April 2010). The "camp" format of the...</p></p>

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    <p class="postinfo">Filed by <a href="">Marie-Claire Forgue</a> on March  3, 2010  6:13 PM in <a href="">HTML</a>, <a href="">Meetings</a>, <a href="">Mobile</a>, <a href="">SVG</a>, <a href="">Semantic Web</a>, <a href="">Social Networking</a>, <a href="">Video</a>, <a href="">eGov</a><br />
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        <h3><a href="">Linked Government Data</a></h3>

    <p><p>Last week, I jumped into my new role as eGovernment lead by attending a pair of gatherings in Washington. They left me pleasantly shocked at the enthusiasm in the US Government for both social software and open data, and wondering...</p></p>

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    <p class="postinfo">Filed by <a href="">Sandro Hawke</a> on September 14, 2009 12:26 AM in <a href="">Semantic Web</a>, <a href="">Social Networking</a>, <a href="">eGov</a><br />
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        <h3><a href="">Data in the City</a></h3>

    <p><p>On Monday of this week I attended a hearing in New York City organized by the Technology and Government Committee of the New York City Council. On the agenda was a proposal (Int. No. 991) regarding the use of open...</p></p>

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    <p class="postinfo">Filed by <a href="">Ian Jacobs</a> on July  1, 2009 10:09 PM in <a href="">Semantic Web</a>, <a href="">eGov</a><br />
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        <h3><a href="">Search Engines take on Structured Data</a></h3>

    <p><p>Structured data on the web got a boost this week, with Google's announcement of Rich Snippets and Rich Snippets in Custom Search. Structured data at such a large scale raises at least three issues:SyntaxVocabularyPolicyGoogle's documentation shows support for both microformats...</p></p>

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    <p class="postinfo">Filed by <a href="">Dan Connolly</a> on May 13, 2009  4:18 PM in <a href="">HTML</a>, <a href="">Semantic Web</a>, <a href="">Web Architecture</a>, <a href="">eGov</a><br />
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        <h3><a href="">A Few Predictions for 2009</a></h3>

    <p><p>Last week I asked my colleagues on the W3C staff to predict Web trends in 2009. I compiled (with some editing) a few of the predictions I received. Naturally, these informal utterances are not endorsements and do not represent W3C...</p></p>

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    <p class="postinfo">Filed by <a href="">Ian Jacobs</a> on December 12, 2008  7:28 PM in <a href="">Mobile</a>, <a href="">Semantic Web</a>, <a href="">eGov</a><br />
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        <h3><a href="">With real world implementations WCAG 2.0 steps closer to expected December 2008 publication</a></h3>

    <p><p>Today W3C WAI <a href="">published WCAG 2.0 as a &quot;W3C Proposed Recommendation&quot;</a>. This means that the technical material of WCAG 2.0 is complete and it has been used successfully in real websites. <strong>Up next: final publication as a Web standard, which we  expect in December!</strong></p></p>

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    <p class="postinfo">Filed by <a href="">Shawn Henry</a> on November  3, 2008  6:34 PM in <a href="">Accessibility</a>, <a href="">Publications</a>, <a href="">Technology</a>, <a href="">Technology 101</a>, <a href="">Video</a>, <a href="">eGov</a><br />
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        <h3><a href="">Improving access to Government through better use of the Web</a></h3>

    <p><p>It’s no secret that just as the web has revolutionized business, the media, and many other parts of our lives, it is also revolutionizing how governments and citizens interact, and how government provide services. But how to do it well is still something of a black art. This post looks at the opportunities the Web provides governments, the challenges, and the role of the W3C in helping to develop underlying, interoperable technologies with which to build these services.</p></p>

   &nbsp;<p class="readmore"><a href="">&raquo; Read on...</a></p>
    <p class="postinfo">Filed by <a href="">José Manuel Alonso</a> on May 12, 2008 11:31 AM in <a href="">eGov</a><br />
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                   <p id="gentime">This page was last generated on $Date: 2011/12/16 03:01:43 $</p>
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