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  <TITLE>Life and Times of Dan Connolly</TITLE>
<A HREF="../../../">W3C</A> <A HREF="../">Connolly</A>:
<A HREF="../events/index.html">Events</A> <A HREF="../pubs.html">Writings</A>
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  <A NAME="96Austin">Life and Times</A>
As of Dec '96, I telecommute from Austin.
I like to play as much volleyball as I can (hardly any since Feb 95!). I
also play ultimate, hang out with my wife and our dogs, rollerblade, play
raquetball, softball, or whatever.
    Mar '99: <A HREF="../9903gourmet.html">gourmet dinner</A>
    Feb '99: <A HREF="../9902phx.html">visit to phoenix</A>
    Jan '99: Texas
    30</A>: Parental Notification
    <A HREF="">signed
    into law 7 June!</A>
      From medication at school to bungee jumping and the use of tanning beds,
      there are very few activities in which minors may engage without the knowledge
      of their parents. There is one activity, however, that a child may engage
      in without the knowledge of their parents -- abortion.
	A Right Every Parent Deserves but Does Not Have<BR>
	<A HREF="">Life Matters</A> January
	<A HREF="">State
	Sen. Florence Shapiro</A>
    If you live in Texas, please
    <A HREF="">write to Governor Bush</A>
    and <A HREF="">Find Your Incumbent
    (FYI)</A> and notify them of your support.
    <A HREF="">GARTL</A> provides
    <A HREF="">sample letters</A>.
    <A NAME="Books">Books</A>
	<A NAME="9902perfect-storm">Feb '99</A> on my
	<A HREF="../events/index.html#9902wap-dfw">trip to the WAP Forum meeting
	in Fort Worth</A>:
	  Marianne takes her children to a memorial service in Rick's hometown in
	  Pennsylvania, but not to the one on Long Island, because she knows there
	  are going to be a lot of television cameras there. ("Children don't grieve
	  in front of crowds--they grieve in bed saying, 'I want Daddy to read me a
	  book,'" she says.)
	    p. 222<A HREF=""><BR>
	    The Perfect Storm : A True Story of Men Against the Sea</A> by Sebastian
	    <A HREF="">W. W. Norton &amp; Company, Inc.</A><BR>
	    <A HREF="isbn:0-393-04016-X">ISBN-0-393-04016-X</A>
	    (<A HREF="../../../Addressing/schemes.html#isbn">isbn: URI scheme</A>)
	  <A HREF="">buy
	  it at amazon</A>
	Aug '98:
	<CITE><A href="">Into
	Thin Air : A Personal Account of the Mount Everest Disaster</A></CITE><BR>
	by Jon Krakauer
	excerpt from p.25:
	  But these escapades had occurred years earlier, in some cases decades earlier,
	  when I was in my twenties and thirties. I was forty-one now, well past my
	  climbing prime, with a graying beard, bad gums, and fifteen extra pounds
	  around my midriff. I was married to a woman I loved fiercely---and who loved
	  me back. Having stumbled upon a tolerable career, for the first time in my
	  life I was actually living above the poverty line. My hunger to climb had
	  been blunted, in short, by a bunch of small satisfactions that added up to
	  something like happiness.
	Jul '98:
	<A href=""><CITE>The
	Great Train Robbery</CITE></A>, by Michael Crichton
	<A HREF="" ADD_DATE="877753717"
	    LAST_VISIT="877753709" LAST_MODIFIED="877753709">Project Bartleby Archive</A>
	(@@Java language spec, Ewing)
    <A NAME="Austin">Austin</A>
	<A HREF="" ADD_DATE="887772571" LAST_VISIT="887772569"
	    LAST_MODIFIED="887772569">City of Austin: Austin City Connection</A>
	    <A HREF="" ADD_DATE="887772556"
		LAST_VISIT="887772504" LAST_MODIFIED="887772504">City of Austin: Parks and
	    Recreation Department Recreation Centers</A>
	<A HREF="" ADD_DATE="858465235" LAST_VISIT="876676150"
	    LAST_MODIFIED="858465221">Austin 360</A>
	    <A HREF="" ADD_DATE="886047566"
		LAST_VISIT="886047539" LAST_MODIFIED="886047539">Austin 360: This is Austin
	    <A HREF="">Austin Convention &amp; Visitors
		<A HREF="">101
		Things For Kids To Do In Austin</A>
	<A HREF="" ADD_DATE="880475321" LAST_VISIT="886025078"
	    LAST_MODIFIED="880475316">Yahoo! Austin</A>
	<A HREF="">Alamo Drafthouse Cinema</A>
	<A HREF="" ADD_DATE="876508580" LAST_VISIT="876510299"
	    LAST_MODIFIED="876508320">Ultimate Longhorn Site: Complete University of
	Texas sports coverage</A>
	Jan '99: <A HREF="">Texas Govt</A>:
	<A HREF="">Find Your Incumbent
	<A HREF=""
	    ADD_DATE="917157302" LAST_VISIT="924109125" LAST_MODIFIED="917157142">Find
	Your Incumbent By ZIP Code</A><BR>
	Sat Jan 23 23:55:02 1999
	<A HREF="" ADD_DATE="917205963" LAST_VISIT="917205959"
	    LAST_MODIFIED="917205959">People For the American Way</A>
@@<A HREF="" ADD_DATE="902717222" LAST_VISIT="902717220"
    LAST_MODIFIED="902717220">Why Should I Be The First To Change?</A>
<A HREF="" ADD_DATE="902685502" LAST_VISIT="930074816"
    LAST_MODIFIED="902685500">K-House Interactive</A>
Ray ??? gave me a tape: <BR>
"The Kingdom of Blood" <BR>
The History of the Church <BR>
by Chuck Missler &amp; Dave Hunt <BR>
ISBN 1-880532-49-2 <BR>
Koinonia House
In <EM>real life</EM>, Dan is a husband (<A href="wedding93.tiff.jpg">wedding
photo</A>) and father (<A href="brennan_and_justin_96.tiff.jpg">Brennan and
Justin</A> <A href="brennan96.tiff.jpg">Fish-boy</A>). Mary, Brennan, Justin,
and Dan make their home in Austin, TX.
    <A NAME="kc" HREF="../6712kc/index.html">'67-'86: Kansas City</A>
    4 siblings, <A HREF="../6712kc/index.html#86miege" NAME="86miege">Bishop
    Miege High School</A><BR>
    <A HREF="" ADD_DATE="907682961"
	LAST_VISIT="907683167" LAST_MODIFIED="907682931">Kansas City Star -
    <A HREF="" ADD_DATE="929074813"
	LAST_VISIT="929074810" LAST_MODIFIED="929074810">Catholic Encyclopedia: JOHN
    Dad: <A HREF="">John W. Connolly
    Professor of Chemistry University of Missouri--Kansas City</A>
    <A HREF="../8608austin/index.html" NAME="86Austin">'86-'90: Austin, TX</A>
    B.S. in C.S. from U. T.<BR>
    <A HREF="" ADD_DATE="908134736" LAST_VISIT="908134730"
	LAST_MODIFIED="908134730">UT Austin - College of Natural Sciences</A>
    <A HREF="" ADD_DATE="908134672"
	LAST_VISIT="908134670" LAST_MODIFIED="908134670">CoNS Publications</A>
    <A NAME="90Dallas" HREF="../9005dallas/index.html">'90-'93: Dallas</A>
    Convex, volleyball<BR>
    Mary, TimBL at Hypertext '91
    <A name="93Austin" href="../9303austin/index.html">'93-'95: Austin</A>
    Mary and Dan are married 19 June 1993 <BR>
    Atrium/Dazel, HaL<A HREF="../9303austin/index.html#Brennan"><BR>
    <A NAME="95Boston" HREF="../9504boston/index.html">'95-96: Boston</A>
    <A HREF="../9504boston/index.html#Justin">Justin</A><BR>
  <A HREF="../">Dan Connolly</A><BR>
  $Date: 1999/08/13 06:20:31 $