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  <TITLE>WWW4 Breakout Session on Authoring Tools</TITLE>
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  Authoring Tools Breakout Session
<B>Update (Jun 96)</B>: W3C is mustering resources to carry this work forward.
See: <A HREF="">WWW Distributed Authoring
Working Group Home Page</A>
These are my notes from the break-out session following the "development
tools" session on <A HREF="../../../Conferences/WWW4/Thursday">developer's
    Dan Connolly, W3C
    Tad Coburn, Vermeer &lt;;
    Dave Long, Navisoft &lt;;
    Ed Burns, SGI &lt;;
    ... others? (not sure)
Interoperability among distributed (i.e. client/server) web authoring tools.
  Strong Authentication
We agreed this was a requirement. Either
<A HREF="">md5
auth</A> or a combination of SSL and basic auth would suffice. But no product
should restrict folks to basic auth.
  How to get "raw HTML," i.e. before server-side includes processing?
Accept: text/plain (or text/x-html-ssi, or whatever NCSA made up)
  <A HREF="../Locking">Lost update problem</A>
Four levels of support:
    no support. Lost updates go undetected
    dectect lost update (timestamp, version/derived-from)
    prevent lost update (locking)
    provide fairness (long story... not really discussed at the meeting)
level 1 is not really acceptable. Need to find out/influence the HTTP 1.1
spec with respect to Version:, Derived-From:, etc.
Creating files and directories raises some issues.
  Common Access Control Model
We decided this isn't a goal worth persuing. Everybody will implement their
own forms-based access control model.
  URL mapping
Again, interoperability here isn't likely.
  What HTML DTD?
Please label document with the DTD that your product supports, e.g.
<PRE>&lt;!doctype html system ""&gt;
These could be implemented in terms of GET and POST, but since they are likely
to have different access control policies, they deserve their own methods.
What about a CREATE method?
  Line Breaking
To pretty-print, or not to pretty-print. That is the question. Two issues:
    newline representation: CR, LF, or CRLF? Try to detect what it was and leave
    it that way
    where to put newlines? Preserve old formatting, or normalize?
  Relative Links
Hmm... what was the issue here? I know NaviPress gets this wrong sometimes
(e.g. when you save as, it doesn't fix relative links! And it goofs up images
sometimes too.)
  Server-Side API
Purveyor/MS ISAPI? NSAPI? CORBA-based access control?
  Editing Variants
How to edit the french version of foo.html? Get the server to tell you it's
at and edit that.
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  last update by $Author: connolly $ on $Date: 1998/05/21 17:40:09 $