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<h1>W3C Incubator Group Final Reports</h1>

<p>These are the final reports (called <abbr>XGRs</abbr>) of <a href="../#XGs">W3C Incubator
Groups</a>. Learn more <a href="#about">about Incubator Group

  <h2 id="y2011">2011</h2>
    <dt><a href="">HTML Speech Incubator Group Final Report</a></dt>
    <dd>06 December 2011, Michael Bodell, Bj&ouml;rn Bringert, Robert Brown, Daniel C. Burnett, Deborah Dahl, Dan Druta, Patrick Ehlen, Charles Hemphill, Michael Johnston, Olli Pettay, Satish Sampath, Marc Schr&ouml;der, Glen Shires, Raj Tumuluri, Milan Young<br/>
      Published by the <a href="">HTML Speech Incubator Group</a>.
    <dt><a href="">Unified Service Description Language XG Final Report</a></dt>
    <dd>27 October 2011, Kay Kadner, Daniel Oberle<br/>
      Published by the <a href="">W3C Unified Service Description Language Incubator Group</a>.
    <dt><a href="">Object Memory Modeling</a></dt>
    <dd>26 October 2011, Alexander Kr&ouml;ner<br/>
      Published by the <a href="">Object Memory Modeling Incubator Group</a>.
    <dt><a href="">Library Linked Data Incubator Group Final Report</a></dt>
    <dd>25 October 2011, Thomas Baker, Emmanuelle Berm&egrave;s, Karen Coyle, Gordon Dunsire, Antoine Isaac, Peter Murray, Michael Panzer, Jodi Schneider, Ross Singer, Ed Summers, William Waites, Jeff Young, Marcia Zeng<br/>
      Published by the <a href="">W3C Library Linked Data Incubator Group</a>.
    <dt><a href="">Library Linked Data Incubator Group: Datasets, Value Vocabularies, and Metadata Element Sets</a></dt>
    <dd>25 October 2011, Antoine Isaac, William Waites, Jeff Young, Marcia Zeng<br/>
      Published by the <a href="">W3C Library Linked Data Incubator Group</a>.
    <dt><a href="">Library Linked Data Incubator Group: Use Cases</a></dt>
    <dd>25 October 2011, Daniel Vila Suero<br/>
      Published by the <a href="">W3C Library Linked Data Incubator Group</a>.
    <dt><a href="">Semantic Sensor Network XG Final Report</a></dt>
    <dd>28 June 2011, Laurent Lefort, Cory Henson, Kerry Taylor<br/>
      Published by the <a href="">Semantic Sensor Network Incubator Group</a>.

      <h2 id="y2010">2010</h2>
    <dt><a href="">Provenance XG Final Report</a></dt>
    <dd>14 Dec 2010, Yolanda Gil, James Cheney, Paul Groth, Olaf Hartig, Simon Miles, Luc Moreau, Paulo Pinheiro da Silva<br/>
      Published by the <a href="">Provenance Incubator Group</a>.
    <dt><a href="">A Standards-based, Open and Privacy-aware Social Web</a></dt>
    <dd>06 Dec 2010, Harry Halpin, Mischa Tuffield, Daniel Appelquist, Dan Brickley, Melvin Carvahlo, Renato Iannella, Alexandre Passant, Christine Perey, Henry Story<br/>
      Published by the <a href="">Social Web Incubator Group</a>.
    <dt><a href="">Model-Based UI XG Final Report</a></dt>
    <dd>04 May 2010, Juan M. González Calleros, Gerrit Meixner, Fabio Paternò, Jaroslav Pullmann, Dave Raggett, Daniel Schwabe, Jean Vanderdonckt<br/>
      Published by the <a href="">Model-based User Interfaces Incubator Group</a>.

      <h2 id="y2009">2009</h2>
    <dt><a href="">Rich Web Application Backplane XG Final Report</a></dt>
    <dd>27 October 2009, Charlie Wiecha, Mark Birbeck, John Boyer, Jack Jansen, Steven Pemberton, Gregory Rosmaita<br/>
      Published by the <a href="">Rich Web Application Backplane Incubator Group</a>.
    <dt><a href="">Product Modelling using Semantic Web Technologies</a></dt>
    <dd>08 October 2009, Michel Böhms, David Leal, Henson Graves, Kendall Clark<br/>
      Published by the <a href="">Product Modelling Incubator Group</a>.
    <dt><a href="">Emergency Information Interoperability Frameworks</a></dt>
    <dd>06 August 2009, Gary Berg-Cross, Rebecca Curzon, Chamindra de Silva, Paola Di Maio, Renato Iannella, Mandana Sotoodeh, Olle Olsson, Guido Vetere<br/>
      Published by the <a href="">Emergency Information Interoperability Framework Incubator Group</a>.
	<dt><a href="">W3C EIIF Incubator Group Report</a></dt>
	<dd>06 August 2009, Chamindra de Silva, Renato Iannella<br/>
	  Published by the <a href="">Emergency Information Interoperability Framework Incubator Group</a>.
	<dt><a href="">RDB2RDF</a></dt>
	<dd>26 January 2009, Ashok Malhotra<br/>
	  Published by the <a href="">RDB2RDF Incubator Group</a>.

  <h2 id="y2008">2008</h2>
    <a href="">Elements of an EmotionML 1.0 </a>
    20 November 2008, Marc Schroder, Paolo Baggia, Felix Burkhardt, Jean-Claude
    Martin, Catherine Pelachaud, Christian Peter, Bjorn Schuller, Ian Wilson,Enrico Zovato<br/>
    Published by the <a href="">Emotion Markup Language Incubator Group</a>.

	<a href="">Uncertainty
	Reasoning for the World Wide Web</a>
	  31 March 2008, Kenneth J. Laskey, Kathryn B. Laskey, Paulo, C. G. Costa, Mieczyslaw M. Kokar, Trevor Martin, Thomas Lukasiewicz<br/>
	    Published by the <a
	    Reasoning for the World Wide Web Incubator Group</a>.

	<a href="">Common Web Language</a>
	  31 March 2008, Hiroshi Uchida<br/>
	  Published by the <a href="">Common Web Language Incubator Group</a>.
	<a href="">
	    SWS Challenge Testbed Incubator Methodology Report</a>
	  31 March 2008, Charles Petrie<br/>
	  Published by the <a href="">
	    SWS Testbed Incubator Group</a>.
<h2 id="y2007">2007</h2>

<!-- new XGR Publication here -->

	  <a href="">Geospatial Vocabulary</a>
	  <a href="">Geospatial Ontologies</a>
	  23 October 2007, Joshua Lieberman, Raj Singh, Chris Goad<br/>
	  Published by the <a href="">W3C Geospatial Incubator Group</a>
    <a href="">
	    Image Annotation on the Semantic Web
	  16 August 2007, Rapha&#235;l Troncy, Jacco van Ossenbruggen, Jeff Z. Pan, Giorgos Stamou<br />
    Published by the <a href=""> W3C Multimedia Semantics Incubator Group</a>

    <a href="">
      Multimedia Vocabularies on the Semantic Web
    24 July 2007, Michael Hausenblas<br />
    Published by the <a href=""> W3C Multimedia Semantics Incubator Group</a>

    <a href="">
      W3C Emotion
    10 July 2007, Marc Schröder, Enrico Zovato, Hannes Pirker, Christian Peter, Felix Burkhardt<br />
    Published by the <a href=""> W3C Emotion Incubator Group</a>

    <a href="">
      W3C Content Labels
    20 February 2007, Phil Archer, Jo Rabin<br />
    Published by the <a href=""> W3C Content Label Incubator Group</a>

<h2 id="about">About Incubator Group Reports</h2>

<p>An Incubator Group Report is not a <a href="/TR/">W3C Technical
Report</a>. W3C Technical Reports are created following the <a
Track Process</a>, which involves additional consenuss-building within
and outside of W3C.</p>

<p>The publication of a W3C XGR does <strong>not</strong> imply that any action
will be taken by W3C. It does not imply an endorsement by the
<a shape="rect" href="/People/">W3C Team</a>, any of the
<a shape="rect" href="/Consortium/Member/List">W3c Members</a>, or any of
the Host Institutes.</p>

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<a href="/People/Jacobs/">Ian Jacobs</a>, Head of W3C Communications<br/>
Please send inquiries about this page to <a shape="rect" href=
"">Webmaster</a><br />
$Date: 2011/12/06 08:25:05 $

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