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<h2>Archives for Category: Mobile</h2>
        <h3><a href="">From hypertext to hyperdevices</a></h3>

    <p><p>When the Web started some 20 years ago, it brought a platform for distributing and accessing text, with an added dimension brought by links: hypertext. Because it was free and could be deployed everywhere easily, it was a revolution. For...</p></p>

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    <p class="postinfo">Filed by <a href="">Dominique Hazaël-Massieux</a> on November 21, 2011  2:32 PM in <a href="">Mobile</a>, <a href="">Web Applications</a><br />
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        <h3><a href="">Web walls, digital signage and personalized content</a></h3>

    <p><p>There is increasing interest in multiscreen applications, and this is featured in the latest webinos video on multiplayer games. In the office, we are used to having to plug our personal computers into the room's projector, but perhaps these days...</p></p>

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    <p class="postinfo">Filed by <a href="">Dave Raggett</a> on November 10, 2011  1:51 PM in <a href="">Mobile</a>, <a href="">Privacy</a>, <a href="">Video</a>, <a href="">Web Applications</a><br />
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        <h3><a href="">"Great course, money well invested. Thank you." </a></h3>

    <p><p>The June 2011 mobile Web training course is just over. We are now sending certificates of completion to students who passed all course assignments. Excellent success rate so far, with students happy to have spent 8 weeks with us. Week...</p></p>

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    <p class="postinfo">Filed by <a href="">Marie-Claire Forgue</a> on August  5, 2011  2:36 PM in <a href="">Mobile</a><br />
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        <h3><a href="">Discovery and the Web of Things</a></h3>

    <p><p>W3C is part of the EU research project webinos, and an early deliverable is a demo for how to enable web page scripts to discover local devices and services via the local area network, Bluetooth and USB. The demo involves...</p></p>

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    <p class="postinfo">Filed by <a href="">Dave Raggett</a> on April 12, 2011 11:20 AM in <a href="">Mobile</a>, <a href="">Technology</a>, <a href="">Web Applications</a><br />
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        <h3><a href="">W3C Technologies for Mobile Web Applications</a></h3>

    <p>Announcing the first version of <cite><a href="">Mobile Web Applications standards: February 2011 current state and roadmap</a></cite>.</p>

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    <p class="postinfo">Filed by <a href="">Dominique Hazaël-Massieux</a> on February 24, 2011  3:07 PM in <a href="">Mobile</a>, <a href="">Web Applications</a><br />
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        <h3><a href="">Interviews on mobile web applications</a></h3>

    <p><p> The number of days remaining before Mobile World Congress is dwindling (a number of W3C staff will be there), and mobile applications are bound to be in everybody's mind there as it has been in the industry for the...</p></p>

   &nbsp;<p class="readmore"><a href="">&raquo; Read on...</a></p>
    <p class="postinfo">Filed by <a href="">Dominique Hazaël-Massieux</a> on February  8, 2011  2:15 PM in <a href="">Interviews</a>, <a href="">Mobile</a>, <a href="">Web Applications</a><br />
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        <h3><a href="">Augmented Reality: A Point of Interest for the Web</a></h3>

    <p>Last month's <a href="">Augmented Reality on the Web</a> workshop in Barcelona has sparked a good deal of debate within and around W3C. As the <a href="">final report</a> shows, the workshop brought together many different companies and organizations working on or with a direct interest in the field of Augmented Reality &mdash; but how can W3C help in this area?</p>

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    <p class="postinfo">Filed by <a href="">Phil Archer</a> on July 22, 2010  9:20 AM in <a href="">Mobile</a>, <a href="">Semantic Web</a>, <a href="">Workshops</a><br />
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        <h3><a href="">Point of Interest Working Group</a></h3>

    <p><p>Following the successful W3C Workshop: <a href="">Augmented Reality on the Web</a> in Barcelona last week, work is now underway to establish a Working Group to develop one or more Recommendation Track documents to encode data about Points of Interest.</p></p>

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    <p class="postinfo">Filed by <a href="">Phil Archer</a> on June 24, 2010  3:27 PM in <a href="">Mobile</a>, <a href="">Semantic Web</a>, <a href="">Workshops</a><br />
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        <h3><a href="">W3C Cheatsheet on Android Market</a></h3>

    <p><p> Back in November, I announced the first release of the W3C cheatsheet for Web developers — a compact Web application that provides quick access to useful information from various W3C specs. Making that Web app mobile friendly has always...</p></p>

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    <p class="postinfo">Filed by <a href="">Dominique Hazaël-Massieux</a> on June 22, 2010  6:50 AM in <a href="">Mobile</a>, <a href="">Tools</a><br />
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        <h3><a href="">Asia and W3C</a></h3>

    <p><p> A visit with staff at Keio University I continue to meet key stakeholders around the world as part of my introduction to W3C. The last two weeks have been focused on Asia. India I visited India last week partly...</p></p>

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    <p class="postinfo">Filed by <a href="">Jeff Jaffe</a> on May 14, 2010  8:39 PM in <a href="">CEO</a>, <a href="">HTML</a>, <a href="">Internationalization</a>, <a href="">Mobile</a>, <a href="">Social Networking</a>, <a href="">Technology</a>, <a href="">Video</a>, <a href="">W3C・QA News</a><br />
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        <h3><a href="">HTML5 Meetup - Paris</a></h3>

    <p><p>We're doing an other HTML5 meetup event in Paris on April 7.</p></p>

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    <p class="postinfo">Filed by <a href="">Philippe Le Hégaret</a> on March 31, 2010  3:02 PM in <a href="">CSS</a>, <a href="">HTML</a>, <a href="">Meetings</a>, <a href="">Mobile</a>, <a href="">SVG</a>, <a href="">Video</a><br />
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        <h3><a href="">W3C Track@WWW2010: LOD and HTML 5</a></h3>

    <p><p>At this year's 19th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW2010 - Raleigh, NC, USA), W3C will organize two "camps": the "HTML 5 camp" and the "Linked Open Data (LOD) camp" (29 and 30 April 2010). The "camp" format of the...</p></p>

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    <p class="postinfo">Filed by <a href="">Marie-Claire Forgue</a> on March  3, 2010  6:13 PM in <a href="">HTML</a>, <a href="">Meetings</a>, <a href="">Mobile</a>, <a href="">SVG</a>, <a href="">Semantic Web</a>, <a href="">Social Networking</a>, <a href="">Video</a>, <a href="">eGov</a><br />
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        <h3><a href="">Web Compatibility Test strikes back</a></h3>

    <p><p>We did it again! Back in 2008, the Mobile Web Test Suites Working Group released its first Web Compatibility Test for Mobile Browsers that packed 12 (and later, 16) important Web technologies into a single page that would tell you...</p></p>

   &nbsp;<p class="readmore"><a href="">&raquo; Read on...</a></p>
    <p class="postinfo">Filed by <a href="">Dominique Hazaël-Massieux</a> on February 23, 2010  4:00 PM in <a href="">Mobile</a><br />
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        <h3><a href="">W3C Cheatsheet for developers</a></h3>

    <p><p>Yesterday, as part of the W3C Technical Plenary day, I got the opportunity to introduce a new tool that I had been working on over the past few weeks, the W3C Cheatsheet for Web developers. This cheatsheet aims at providing...</p></p>

   &nbsp;<p class="readmore"><a href="">&raquo; Read on...</a></p>
    <p class="postinfo">Filed by <a href="">Dominique Hazaël-Massieux</a> on November  5, 2009  9:47 PM in <a href="">Accessibility</a>, <a href="">CSS</a>, <a href="">HTML</a>, <a href="">Internationalization</a>, <a href="">Mobile</a>, <a href="">SVG</a>, <a href="">Tools</a>, <a href="">Tutorials</a><br />
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        <h3><a href="">Interview: Rotan Hanrahan on MobileAware Participation in W3C, Role of Standards</a></h3>

    <p><p> As part of a series of interviews with W3C Members to learn more about their support for standards and participation in W3C, I asked Rotan Hanrahan (MobileAware's Advisory Committee Representative at W3C) some questions. Q. How is MobileAware currently...</p></p>

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    <p class="postinfo">Filed by <a href="">Ian Jacobs</a> on April 24, 2009  2:08 PM in <a href="">Interviews</a>, <a href="">Mobile</a><br />
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        <h3><a href="">Palm webOS approach to HTML extensibility: x-mojo-*</a></h3>

    <p><p> I got pretty excited about the iPhone, and even more about the openness of Android and the G1, and then I learn that the Palm Pre developer platform is basically just the open web platform: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript....</p></p>

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    <p class="postinfo">Filed by <a href="">Dan Connolly</a> on February 16, 2009  5:04 PM in <a href="">HTML</a>, <a href="">Mobile</a>, <a href="">Web Architecture</a><br />
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        <h3><a href="">Social networks at W3C: foreseeing a 2009 success story!</a></h3>

    <p><p>The W3C social networks workshop is already a blast and it hasn't happened yet! We received a record number (72) of interesting position papers from a wide range of key players. Have a look at the impressive list (papers and...</p></p>

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    <p class="postinfo">Filed by <a href="">Marie-Claire Forgue</a> on December 23, 2008  4:10 PM in <a href="">Accessibility</a>, <a href="">Mobile</a>, <a href="">Workshops</a><br />
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        <h3><a href="">A Few Predictions for 2009</a></h3>

    <p><p>Last week I asked my colleagues on the W3C staff to predict Web trends in 2009. I compiled (with some editing) a few of the predictions I received. Naturally, these informal utterances are not endorsements and do not represent W3C...</p></p>

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    <p class="postinfo">Filed by <a href="">Ian Jacobs</a> on December 12, 2008  7:28 PM in <a href="">Mobile</a>, <a href="">Semantic Web</a>, <a href="">eGov</a><br />
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        <h3><a href="">A New Era for Web Accessibility: WCAG 2.0 is Finalized</a></h3>

    <p><a href="">WCAG 2.0</a> was published today as a final Web Standard "W3C Recommendation". Check out the official <a href="">announcement</a>, <a href="">e-mail</a>, <a href="">press release</a>, <a href="">testimonials</a>, and <a href="">a personal reflection on WCAG</a>. Here are some additional perspectives on a few points...</p>

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    <p class="postinfo">Filed by <a href="">Shawn Henry</a> on December 11, 2008  2:49 PM in <a href="">Accessibility</a>, <a href="">Mobile</a>, <a href="">Publications</a>, <a href="">Technology</a>, <a href="">W3C・QA News</a><br />
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        <h3><a href="">Workshop on future of social networking</a></h3>

    <p><p>We have just announced a call for participation to a workshop on the future of social networking that will take place in Barcelona (Spain) on January 15 and 16 2009. A W3C workshop is an event organized by W3C where...</p></p>

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    <p class="postinfo">Filed by <a href="">Dominique Hazaël-Massieux</a> on October 14, 2008  3:25 PM in <a href="">Mobile</a>, <a href="">Semantic Web</a><br />
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        <h3><a href="">Are You MobileOk?</a></h3>

    <p><p>Another one to go. The biggest mobile industry event is taking place in less than a month. Huge really -- maybe too big, for my own taste. I miss the time when it was held in Cannes: it was easier...</p></p>

   &nbsp;<p class="readmore"><a href="">&raquo; Read on...</a></p>
    <p class="postinfo">Filed by <a href="">Marie-Claire Forgue</a> on January 18, 2008 11:09 AM in <a href="">Mobile</a><br />
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                   <p id="gentime">This page was last generated on $Date: 2011/12/16 03:01:53 $</p>
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