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<div class="aboutme organizer" id="me">
<div class="vcard">
  <img alt="Dan in 1997" class="photo foaf-img"
  <h1 class="fn foaf-name">Dan Connolly</h1>

  <a class="url" rel="foaf-homepage" href=""
     ><!-- kludge --></a>


<p>June 2010: <cite><a href="../../QA/2010/06/thanks_for_a_great_15_years_at.html">Thanks for a great 15 years at W3C</a></cite>.</p>

<p>I expect to continue to visit <a
href="">#swig</a> and the
<a href="">FreeNode</a> developer community as <a
href="irc://,isnick" rel="foaf-nick">DanC</a>, and I
hope to surface in <cite><a href="">Mad
Mode</a></cite> from time to time (for example: <cite><a
new firehose to drink from: bioinformatics</a></cite>).

<p>My <a href=""
>pgp</a> key is <a
>6E52C29E</a>.  I <a
href="" >renew</a> it
from time to time.
>Over 2500 messages</a> to public W3C mailing lists going back to
October 2004 bear the fingerprint, <code>D3C2 887B 0F92 6005 C541 0875
0F91 96DE 6E52 C29E</code>, establishing a preponderance of evidence (as
discussed in <a href=""
>Reagle's 2002 article</a>).</small></p>

<div id="contact">
<h3>Other W3C Team Members to Contact</h3>

<p>As of June 2010, these are some other team members responsible
for things I used to work on:</p>

<dt>HTML Standards (tags and attributes)</dt>
<dd>In the <a href="../../html/wg/">HTML Working Group</a>, the W3C team
contact is <a href="../all#mike">Mike Smith</a> (who works near
Tokyo), and the Domain Lead (manager) is <a href="../all#plh">Philippe
Le Hégaret</a> (near Boston).

<dt>HTML Validation Service</dt>

<dd>Ted Guild (Boston) and various other members of the W3C systems team
run the validation services. See the <a
mailing list for discussion and support and <a
for development.</dd>

<dt>Technical Architecture of the Web</dt>
<dd>In the W3C Technical Architecture Group (<a
href="/2001/tag/">TAG</a>), which includes work related to URIs/URLs
and HTTP, the team contact is <a href="../all#ylafon">Yves Lafon</a> (Nice),
and the chair is <a href="../all#timbl">Tim Berners-Lee</a> (Boston).

<dt>Semantic Web Standards: RDF, OWL, SPARQL, GRDDL</dt>

<dd>The leader of the <a href="../../2001/sw/#activity">W3C Semantic
Web Activity</a> is <a href="../all#ivan" >Ivan Herman</a>
(Amsterdam).  Contact <a href="../all#sandro">Sandro Hawke</a>
(Boston) or follow <a
>public-owl-dev</a> for OWL work.  For SPARQL work, contact <a
href="../all#sandro" >Eric Prud'hommeaux</a> (Boston) or follow <a
>public-sparql-dev</a>. For GRDDL work, contact <a
href="../all#hhalpin">Harry Halpin</a> (Edinburgh), and for all of the
above, plus microformats, linked data, and related topics, follow <a

<dd>In W3C's <a href="">XML Working Groups</a>,
the team contacts are <a href="../all#cmsmcq">Michael Sperberg-McQueen</a> (Santa Fe)
and <a href="../all#liam">Liam Quin</a> (Toronto).

<p>For interview requests, membership questions, etc.,
see <a href="../../Consortium/contact">About W3C: Contact</a>.</p>
<hr />

<div id="bio"><h2>Bio, with a Note on Collaboration</h2>

<p>My work on HTML started a couple years after graduating from
U.T. Austin, with messages such as <cite><a
>rethinking the HTML DTD</a></cite> to www-talk in July 1992:</p>

<p>I have been troubled by the fact that HTML documents look like SGML documents,
but technically, they are not. So I have tried to come up with a DTD that
captures the features of HTML.</p>

<p>I have come to the conclusion that HTML has very little structure, and that this
is by design.</p>

<p>I am beginning to wonder how much the needs of WWW have in common with the
features of SGML.</p>

<p>In 2006, I was invited back to U.T. Austin by the President of
the university, and the person who introduced me to the <a
href="">symposium</a> had this to say:</p>

<p>Dan Connolly is a
 research scientist at MIT Computer Science and AI Lab –
 CSAIL – and a member of the technical staff of the
 Worldwide Web Consortium, also known as W3C, which
 develops interoperable technologies, specifications,
 guidelines, software, et cetera, to lead the web, as it
 says, to its full potential.
            In particular, he's a member of the Semantic
 Web Coordination Group established to serve a leadership
 role in both the design of enabling specifications and
 technologies that support the automation, integration and
 reuse of data.
            He is, I'm glad to say, a UT graduate from the
 CS department.  He's authored several important papers and
 worked closely with Tim Berners-Lee on semantic web
 technologies and policy issues.
            From '95 to '97, and this is definitely worth
 noting, during the <a href=""
 >struggle between Microsoft's Internet
 Explorer and Netscape Navigator</a>, Dan chaired the working
 group which ensured that HTML remained an open standard,
 and for that, he was named by Interactive Magazine in '97
 as one of the 25 unsung heroes of the web.


<li><a href="misc/vita">resume/vita</a>:  
Computer Science degree from the <a
href="">University of Texas at Austin</a>,
Software Engineer at a supercomputer company (Convex) and a start-up (Dazel),
then W3C work on HTML, XML,
<a href="">etc.</a>
Meanwhile, some MIT research
interest: investigating the value of formal descriptions of complex
systems like the Web, especially in the consensus-building

<li><a rel="foaf-publications"
 href="pubs">publications/writings</a>: a few academic
publications, plus misc articles on
programming, early design of the web, collaboration,
and standards

<li><a id="travl" href="events/">presentations, appearances, and
events</a> on HTML, XML, microformats, security, formal systems,
Internet protocols (IETF), python programming, etc. (with some


<hr />
  <a rel="foaf-primaryTopic" href="#me">Dan Connolly</a><br />
  created <span class="dcq-created" title="1994-02">Feb 1994</span><br />
  Copyright 1994-2010 W3C. <a rel="license dcq-license"
href="">some rights reserved</a>.<br />
  <small class="owl-versionInfo">$Revision: 1.563 $ of <span class="dcq-modified">$Date: 2011/08/20 22:57:17 $</span></small><br />
