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  <TITLE>XML Update, May 1999</TITLE>
  XML Update
<A HREF=""><TT></TT></A>
  <A HREF="../../../People/Connolly/">Dan Connolly</A><BR>
  9th International World Wide Web Conference<BR>
  Amsterdam, May 2000
  Background: XML in Web Architecture
    Web Architecture = <A HREF="../../../DesignIssues/Formats.html">Data
    <A HREF="../../../Protocols/RelevantProtocols.html">Protocols</A>, and
    <A HREF="../../../DesignIssues/Naming.html">Naming/Addressing Syntax</A>;<BR>
    originally: HTML, HTTP, URIs
    Data formats and protocols evolve; URI syntax does not
    HTML was layered on SGML syntax
    XML constrains SGML so that parsing does not rely on a DTD
    XML vocabularies (HTML, SVG, RDF, MathML, SMIL, ...) are grounded in URI
  Background: Recommendations
    XML 1.0, Feb '98<BR>
    universal format for structured documents and data<BR>
    includes legacy vocabulary description mechanism: DTDs
    Namespaces in XML, Jan '99<BR>
    connects XML vocabularies to URI space
    XPath, XSLT, Nov '99<BR>
    document transformation, including path expressions
  Work in Progress: Working Groups
	co-chairs: Paul Grosso of Arbortext and Arnaud Le Hors of IBM
	23 persons representing 14 member orgs
	co-chairs: Eve Maler of Sun Microsystems and Daniel Veillard of the W3C;<BR>
	Ron Daniel of Datafusion serves as the XML Linking Interest Group chair.
	membership: 17 persons from 12 W3C Member Organizations
	chair: Paul Cotton of IBM
	membership: 60 persons representing 38 member orgs
	co-chairs: Dave Hollander of CommerceNet and C. M. Sperberg-McQueen, of W3C
	membership: 49 persons representing 32 W3C member orgs
    ... nearby: XML Signature, DOM, XSL, HTML, SVG, SMIL, ...
  XML Linking in Brief
generalize HTML A, IMG, LINK
  xlink:role="studentlist" xlink:title="Student List"
  xlink:show="new" xlink:actuate="onRequest"&gt;
    Current List of Students
  XPointer in Brief
    fragment identifier syntax for text/xml
    point to named or unnamed structures
	#xpointer(book/chapter[position() &lt;= 5])
  XML Base in Brief
generalized form of HTML <TT>&lt;base&gt;</TT>
<PRE>&lt;ol xml:base="/hotpicks"&gt;
  &lt;li&gt;&lt;a href="pick1.xml"&gt;Hot Pick #1&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt;
  &lt;li&gt;&lt;a href="pick2.xml"&gt;Hot Pick #2&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt;
  &lt;li&gt;&lt;a href="pick3.xml"&gt;Hot Pick #3&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt;
  XML Information Set in Brief
    data model for tree of elements with attributes
	largely implicit in the XML 1.0 spec
	motivated by questions from DOM development
    named properties: children, base URI, etc.
	provides shared terminology for future specs
    other specs (e.g. XML Schema) may refine this model with other properties
  XInclude in Brief
General purpose inclusion of (part of) one document in another:
<PRE>&lt;x xmlns:xinclude="..."&gt;
  &lt;xinclude:include href="something.xml"/&gt;
  Work in Progress: Status
    <CITE>XML Inclusions (XInclude)</CITE> <STRONG>released 22 March 2000</STRONG>
    <CITE>XML Base</CITE> <STRONG>last call ended March 2000</STRONG>
    <CITE>XML Linking Language (XLink) </CITE><STRONG>last call ended March
    <CITE>XML Information Set </CITE><STRONG>last call ended Jan 2000</STRONG>
    <CITE>XML Pointer Language (XPointer)</CITE> <STRONG>last call ended 27 Dec
    <CITE>XML Fragment Interchange</CITE> <STRONG>revised Jun 1999 after Last
    ... Canonical XML moved to XML Signature working group
    ... more on XML Schema, XML Query in other presentations
  Plans: XML and Protocols
    submissions: WBXML, ICE, SOAP
    phased workshop:
	XTech Mar 2000
	IETF 47