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<span class="trail"><a href="/2004/pp/psig/">Patent Policy
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<h1>Patent Policy Activity Statement</h1>

<p class="firstelement">The Patent Policy Activity's goal is to enable W3C to
implement and successfully operate the <a href="/Consortium/Patent-Policy-20040205/">
W3C Patent Policy</a>. The policy was put into place in February 2004, 
and the work of developing and implementing it is complete. It is important 
that the W3C community have an organized way to monitor application of 
the policy as well as remain informed about relevant developments in 
the legal and standards environment.</p>

<h2>Highlights Since the Previous Advisory Committee Meeting</h2>

<p class="firstelement">The <a href="psig/Overview.html">Patent and Standards 
Interest Group</a> (PSIG) is now operational. It responded to W3C Member's questions 
around the Patent Policy. It also gave advise on several new entries in the 
<a href="../../2003/12/22-pp-faq.html">Patent Policy FAQ</a>. 
was launched in December 2004 and started operations. 
Several questions were addressed and suggestions were delivered to the W3C Team. There was no public
statement as all questions addressed Member confidential matters.</p>

<p>The PSIG is addressing questions around the Patent Policy, 
including the difficult balancing of Patent Policy commitments 
in the new <a href="">W3C Community Contributor License Agreement (CLA)</a>. Evidently, the PSIG continues to 
monitor the operation of the W3C Patent Policy and to issue new 
<a href="../../2003/12/22-pp-faq.html">FAQ items</a> on a per need basis.</p>

<h2>Upcoming Activity Highlights</h2>

<p class="firstelement">The PSIG has just finished the discussion about the
<a href="">W3C Community 
Contributor License Agreement (CLA)</a>. Currently, the discussion focuses 
around what the next steps could be. This includes the evaluation and reform 
of the Patent Policy and the versioning-question that is still not entirely 
solved. </p>

<h2>Summary of Activity Structure</h2>

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          (<a title="Participants in the Patents and Standards Interest Group [Member-only link]" href="">participants</a>)</span></th><td>Donald Deutsch, Scott Peterson</td><td>Rigo Wenning</td><td><a href="">Chartered</a> until 1 December 2012</td></tr></tbody></table>
<hr />

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    This Activity Statement was prepared for 
    <a href="">TPAC 2011</a> per <a href="/Consortium/Process/activities#Activities">section 5</a>
  of the <a href="/Consortium/Process/">W3C Process Document</a>.
  <a href="/2005/04/activity/processActivityStatements.xsl">Generated</a>
  from <a href="">group data</a>.
  <a href="/People/Weitzner.html">Danny Weitzner</a>, Technology and Society Domain Lead

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