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<TITLE>Fourth International World Wide Web Conference </TITLE>
</HEAD><BODY><P><IMG align=middle alt="WWW4" src="../../WWW/Icons/WWW95/WWW4_big.gif">

<H1>Fourth International World Wide Web Conference
</H1><H2>``The Web Revolution''
</H2><H3>December 11-14, 1995, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Organized by the <A HREF="">MIT</A>
<A href="">Laboratory for Computer Science</A> and
<A HREF="">OSF Research Institute</A>
in cooperation with the
<A href="">World Wide Web Consortium</A>
<A HREF=""><img alt="Live coverage" src="./images/live.gif"></A>

<P> For live coverage of the conference as it happened, please see <A HREF="">Fourth International World Wide Web Conference - Live!</A>

<LI><A HREF="./IndexWWW4.html">Index</A>: Information contained on
this web site
<LI><A HREF="#news">News and Updates</A>
<LI><A HREF="#what">The Web Revolution: What is WWW4?</A>
<LI><A HREF="Participation.html">How to Participate</A> (Registration, transportation, remote access through MBone...)
<LI><A HREF="./Program.html">Program</A>
<LI><A HREF="./Exhibitions.html">Exhibition Sponsors</A>
<LI><A HREF="#help">Need Help?</A>

<H2><A name="news">News and Updates</A></H2>

<LI>Announcing: the <A HREF="/pub/Conferences/WWW5/">Fifth
International World Wide Web Conference</A>, 6-10 May 1996 in Paris.

<H2><A name="what">The Web Revolution</A>
</H2><P>The Web Revolution is the fourth in a series of
<A HREF="../Overview-WWW.html">International World Wide Web Conferences</A>.

It will bring together researchers, developers, and users working with the
World Wide Web.

<P>The conference takes place 11-14 December 1995, in the Boston
Marriott Copley Place, and at the Hynes Convention Center.

<UL><LI><STRONG><A HREF="Program.html">Program</A></STRONG>
<LI><STRONG><A HREF="./Dates.html">Important Dates</A></STRONG>
<LI><STRONG><A HREF="./Organizing.html">Organizing Committee</A></STRONG>
<H2><A name="help">Need help?</A>
</H2><P> If you need help or have questions which are not answered in the
information, please send mail to:
<A href=""></A>. 
Alternatively, you can phone us in the US at +1-617-253-4087 or
fax to +1-617-258-5090.

<P> For changes to or feedback on the content of this website, please
contact the <A HREF="./Webmaster.html">Webmaster</A>.

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<IMG ALT="OSF-RI" src="../../WWW/Icons/WWW/osf_48x48.gif"></A>
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<ADDRESS><A HREF="./Webmaster.html">Webmaster</A>
</ADDRESS><ADDRESS>Created 17 March 1995<BR>
Last updated 15 Dec 1995