trip.n3 2.42 KB
@prefix rdf:  <> .
@prefix s: <> .
@prefix owl: <>.

@prefix ui: <>.
@prefix dc:	<>.
@prefix doc:	<> .
@prefix :	<> .

@prefix dbp: <>.
@prefix cal: <>.
@prefix foaf: <>.
@prefix q: <> .

@keywords a, is, of.

<>  doc:version "$Id: trip.n3,v 1.7 2011/02/03 12:32:29 timbl Exp $";
s:comment """This ontology is for use in describing trips,
such as business trips.
Trips connect where we are at a given point in time,
meetings which are part of the trip, and who pays for the trip 
or part of the trip.
They are useful for describing travel plans,
for working out expenses, and for categoizing photographs.
Trips do not in fact logically have to involve travel.
A trip could be used to collate expenses relating to an activity or event
at ones home base, or a set of photos taken at home etc.

Trip a s:Class; s:label "trip";
    ui:example  [
            cal:DTSTART "2006-02-01";
            cal:DTEND "2006-02-04";
            dc:title "Jim's trip to New York and Chicago";
            :part [
                cal:DTSTART "2006-02-03";
                cal:DTEND "2006-02-04";
                :location dbp:Chicago];
            is :trip of 
                [q:amount -20.56; q:payee "Ardvark Taxis"; q:date  "2006-02-01"],
                [q:amount -21.79; q:payee "Bert Taxis"; q:date  "2006-02-04"],
                [q:amount 40.00; q:payee "Acme Inc"; q:date  "2006-04-23"]

part a rdf:Property; s:label "part".   # @@ Use a common part from another generic vocabulary?

location a rdf:Property; s:label "location".

funder a rdf:Property;
    s:label "funder";
    s:comment """Who pays for the this? An organization or individual.
     Could apply to a trip (or a doap:Project, or a cal:Event, etc)""";
    s:range foaf:Agent.

trip a rdf:Property;
    s:label "trip";
    s:range Trip;
    s:comment """The trip associated with an expense (a financial transaction), 
    a photo, a meeting, etc.""".

# A form for creating a new trip amounts to just capturing its title.

TripForm is ui:creationForm of Trip;
    a ui:Form, ui:TextField;
    ui:property dc:title;
    ui:length 60.
