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<TITLE>What is Hypertext?</TITLE>
<H1>What is HyperText</H1>Hypertext is text which is not constrained to be linear.<P>
Hypertext is text which contains <A NAME=0 HREF=Terms.html#link>links</A> to other texts. The term was
coined by <A NAME=1 HREF=Xanadu.html#Nelson>Ted Nelson</A> around 1965 (see <A NAME=12 HREF=../History.html>History</A> ).<P>
HyperMedia is a term used for hypertext which is not constrained to
be text: it can include graphics, video and <A NAME=9 HREF=Talks/YesWeCan.snd>sound</A> , for example. Apparently
Ted Nelson was the first to use this term too.<P>
Hypertext and HyperMedia are concepts, not products.<P>
See also:
<LI><A NAME=2 HREF=Terms.html>A list of terms</A> used in hypertext litterature.
<LI><A NAME=19 HREF=../Conferences/Overview.html>Conferences</A>
<LI><A NAME=7 HREF=../Products/Overview.html>Commercial (and academic) products</A>
<LI>A newsgroup on hypertext, <A NAME=5 HREF=news:alt.hypertext>"alt.hypertext"</A> .
<LI><A NAME=4 HREF=TheProject.html>WorldWideWeb is a project</A>  which uses hypertext concepts.