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<h1><a name="title" id="title"></a>Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) Requirements Version 2.0</h1>
<h2><a name="w3c-doctype" id="w3c-doctype"></a>W3C Working Draft 26 March 2008</h2><dl><dt>This version:</dt><dd>
			<a href=""></a>
		</dd><dt>Latest version:</dt><dd>
			<a href=""></a>
						<a href="">Klaas Bals</a>
						<a href="">Inventive Designers</a>
				</dd></dl><p class="copyright"><a href="">Copyright</a>&nbsp;&copy;&nbsp;2008&nbsp;<a href=""><acronym title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</acronym></a><sup>&reg;</sup> (<a href=""><acronym title="Massachusetts Institute of Technology">MIT</acronym></a>, <a href=""><acronym title="European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics">ERCIM</acronym></a>, <a href="">Keio</a>), All Rights Reserved. W3C <a href="">liability</a>, <a href="">trademark</a> and <a href="">document use</a> rules apply.</p></div><hr><div>
<h2><a name="abstract" id="abstract"></a>Abstract</h2><p>
				<a href="">XSL 1.1</a>
				specification defines the features and syntax for the Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL), a language for
				expressing stylesheets. This document enumerates the collected requirements for a 2.0 version of XSL. There are
				two parts to XSL: XSL Transformations (XSLT) for transformation of documents and XSL Formatting Objects (XSL-FO)
				for formatting of documents. This is the requirements document for XSL-FO and not for XSLT.
<h2><a name="status" id="status"></a>Status of this Document</h2><p><em>This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. Other documents may supersede this document. A list of current W3C publications and the latest revision of this technical report can be found in the <a href="">W3C technical reports index</a> at</em></p><p>This is a First Public Working Draft of "Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) Requirements Version 2.0" which is expected to become a Working Group Note.</p><p>
				The XSL WG has provided a unique opportunity to provide feedback to the working group through a W3C Requirements
				Survey found at
				<a href="">
				. Please take the time to fill out the survey and help us understand your priorities for the next release of XSL
				formatting objects. Additional comments and feedback on individual requirements should be provided using the
				<a href="">W3C public Bugzilla system</a>
				. If access to the bugzilla system is not feasible, you may send your comments to
				<a href=""></a>
				. Each bugzilla entry and email message should contain only one error report. It will be very helpful if you
				include the string [FO2.0Req] in the subject line of your report, whether made in Bugzilla or in email. Archives
				of the comments and responses are available at
				<a href="">
				This document was developed by the
				<a href="">XSL Working Group</a>
				as part of the
				<a href="">W3C XML activity</a>
			</p><p>This requirements document introduces planned new work for XSL-FO 2.0.</p><p>
				Publication as a Working Draft does not imply endorsement by the W3C Membership. This is a draft document and may
				be updated, replaced or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to cite this document as
				other than work in progress.
			</p><p>This document was produced by a group operating under the <a href="">5 February 2004 W3C Patent Policy</a>. The group does not expect this document to become a W3C Recommendation. W3C maintains a <a href="" rel="disclosure">public list of any patent disclosures</a> made in connection with the deliverables of the group; that page also includes instructions for disclosing a patent. An individual who has actual knowledge of a patent which the individual believes contains <a href="">Essential Claim(s)</a> must disclose the information in accordance with <a href=""> section 6 of the W3C Patent Policy</a>.</p></div><div class="toc">
<h2><a name="contents" id="contents"></a>Table of Contents</h2><p class="toc">1 <a href="#N65732">Introduction</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1.1 <a href="#feedback">Feedback</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1.2 <a href="#N65779">Writing modes</a><br>
2 <a href="#N65784">Pagination and Layout</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2.1 <a href="#N65787">General Region</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2.1.1 <a href="#N65790">Non-rectangular areas</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2.1.2 <a href="#N65805">Add text to path</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2.1.3 <a href="#N65820">Runarounds</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2.1.4 <a href="#copyfitting">Copyfitting</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2.1.5 <a href="#properties-at-non-tag-boundaries">Properties at non-tag boundaries</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2.1.6 <a href="#N65945">First line indent on first line of page, region or column</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2.1.7 <a href="#N65966">Initial Caps</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2.2 <a href="#N65980">Pages</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2.2.1 <a href="#N65983">Footnotes</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#N65986">Column wide</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#N65991">Multiple columns</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#N65996">Table footnotes</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#N66005">Coalescing footnotes</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#N66010">Restart numbering</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#N66015">Maximum size</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#N66020">Other properties</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#N66025">Properties from area tree</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2.2.2 <a href="#N66033">Floats</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#N66038">Page wide and column wide floats</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#N66046">Floats alignment</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#N66051">Stack floats</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#N66056">Distance of floats</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2.2.3 <a href="#N66061">Marginalia</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#N66066">Keep marginalia together with other objects</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#N66122">Large marginalia</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2.2.4 <a href="#N66163">Vertical Positioning</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#feathering">Feathering</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#vertical-alignment-of-lines-of-text">Correlating vertical position</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#N66188">Vertical alignment within a page or column</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#N66203">Vertical alignment specific for the last column</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#N66208">Vertical justification across pages and columns</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2.2.5 <a href="#N66215">Tables and lists</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#N66218">Decimal alignment</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#N66223">Table header/footer on boundaries</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#N66228">Split tables</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#N66269">Repeat contents of split spanned cell</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#N66284">Cell borders extending beyond the table</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#N66299">Adjacent borders</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#N66304">Borders on break</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#N66309">Spanning cell over all row and columns</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2.2.6 <a href="#N66314">Side-by-side</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2.2.7 <a href="#N66359">Numbering</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#additional-numbering">Additional numbering</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#N66404">Cross-references to other numbers</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#N66412">Calculations with page numbers</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#N66417">Multiple sets of page numbers</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#N66426">Control increments of page numbers</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2.2.8 <a href="#N66437">Cross-references</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#N66440">Textual cross-references</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#N66445">Cross-reference to a specific region on a page</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#N66450">Cross-reference ranges and coalescing</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2.2.9 <a href="#N66455">Markers</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#N66458">List all markers</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#N66463">Organize all markers</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#N66468">Coalescing markers</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#generalized-markers">Generalized markers</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2.2.10 <a href="#N66479">Text before or after a break</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2.2.11 <a href="#N66484">Columns</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#N66487">Column balancing</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#N66496">Column spanning</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#N66525">Spanning columns in nested formatting objects</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#N66530">Strong vs. weak spanning</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#N66545">Multiple columns of different widths</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#N66550">Multi-column layout in all regions and block-containers</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2.2.12 <a href="#N66555">Layout master set</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#N66558">Interleaving layout-master-set</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#repeatable-sub-sequence-specifier">Repeatable sub-sequence-specifier</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#N66575">
							Change master every
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#N66589">Background content</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2.2.13 <a href="#N66598">Variable-sized regions</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2.2.14 <a href="#adjustable-region-sizes">Adjustable Region Sizes</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2.2.15 <a href="#N66625">Binding edge</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2.2.16 <a href="#N66633">Multi-directional page collation order</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2.2.17 <a href="#N66638">Spreads</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2.2.18 <a href="#bleeds">Bleeds</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2.2.19 <a href="#N66652">Synchronize text of flows</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2.2.20 <a href="#N66662">Total block-progression-dimension</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2.2.21 <a href="#N66667">Different page geometry based on flows' content</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2.2.22 <a href="#relationship-of-two-objects">Relationship of two objects</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2.3 <a href="#N66678">Feedback from pagination stage</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2.4 <a href="#N66691">Document collection</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2.4.1 <a href="#N66698">Master index</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2.4.2 <a href="#N66703">Hyperlink management</a><br>
3 <a href="#N66708">Expressions</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3.1 <a href="#N66711">Including information from formatting time</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3.2 <a href="#N66718">Pagination information</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3.3 <a href="#output-result-of-expression">Output result of expression</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3.4 <a href="#N66732">User defined units of measurement</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3.5 <a href="#N66737">Getting values of properties</a><br>
4 <a href="#inheritance">Inheritance</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;4.1 <a href="#N66748">Inheritance down area tree</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;4.2 <a href="#N66757">Inheritance at reference area boundaries</a><br>
5 <a href="#composition">Composition</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;5.1 <a href="#N66770">Fonts</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;5.1.1 <a href="#N66773">Improved font support</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;5.1.2 <a href="#N66786">Unicode ranges</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;5.1.3 <a href="#N66791">Font dependent on script or language</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;5.1.4 <a href="#N66796">Font specific features</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;5.1.5 <a href="#N66801">Kerning</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;5.1.6 <a href="#N66806">Ligatures</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;5.1.7 <a href="#N66811">XSL-FO inside other languages</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;5.2 <a href="#N66816">Force line justification</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;5.3 <a href="#alignment-around-breaks">Alignment around breaks</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;5.4 <a href="#N66835">Hanging punctuation</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;5.5 <a href="#N66850">Tabs and tab stops</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;5.6 <a href="#N66859">Word and letter spacing</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;5.6.1 <a href="#N66862">Word and letter spacing exclusions</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;5.6.2 <a href="#N66879">Punctuation spacing</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;5.6.3 <a href="#N66884">Specify priority between word and letter spacing</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;5.7 <a href="#N66889">Hyphenation and line breaking</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;5.7.1 <a href="#number-of-syllables">Number of syllables</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;5.7.2 <a href="#N66903">Syllable widows</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;5.7.3 <a href="#N66911">Hyphenation exceptions</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;5.7.4 <a href="#N66916">Line breaks without hyphen character</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;5.7.5 <a href="#N66921">Word widows</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;5.7.6 <a href="#N66929">Minimum length of last line</a><br>
6 <a href="#N66934">Further improved non-Western language support</a><br>
7 <a href="#images">Images</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;7.1 <a href="#N66967">Cropping images</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;7.2 <a href="#N66978">Rotate images in 90 degree increments</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;7.3 <a href="#N66983">Rotate images over arbitrary angles</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;7.4 <a href="#N66988">Callouts</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;7.5 <a href="#N66993">Multi-page images</a><br>
8 <a href="#N66998">Improvements for specific output formats or devices</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;8.1 <a href="#N67001">Annotations that appear in output</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;8.2 <a href="#N67006">Base URL</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;8.3 <a href="#print-specific-properties">Print specific properties</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;8.4 <a href="#N67047">Marks for paper folding machines</a><br>
9 <a href="#rendering">Rendering</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;9.1 <a href="#N67056">Animations with graphics</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;9.2 <a href="#N67067">Other types of animations</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;9.3 <a href="#N67078">Z-index</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;9.4 <a href="#N67083">Border styles</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;9.5 <a href="#N67092">Rounded corners</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;9.6 <a href="#N67097">Color support</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;9.6.1 <a href="#N67102">Transparency</a><br>
10 <a href="#svg">Collaboration with SVG</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;10.1 <a href="#masks">Masks</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;10.2 <a href="#N67162">Rotations</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;10.3 <a href="#N67167">Transformations</a><br>
11 <a href="#N67172">Other</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;11.1 <a href="#N67175">Foreign objects</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;11.2 <a href="#N67180">Metadata on objects</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;11.3 <a href="#N67185">Generalized metadata</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;11.4 <a href="#N67190">xml:base</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;11.5 <a href="#N67198">Schema for XSL-FO</a><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;11.6 <a href="#N67203">Compatibility</a><br>
14 <a href="#N67288">References</a><br>
</p></div><hr><div class="body"><div class="div1">
<h2><a name="N65732" id="N65732"></a>1 Introduction</h2><p>
				The W3C is in the process of developing the second major version of XSL-FO, the formatting specification component
				of XSL. XSL-FO is widely deployed in industry and academia where multiple output forms (typically print and
				online) are needed from single source XML. It is used in many diverse applications and countries on a large number
				of implementations to create technical documentation, reports and contracts, terms and conditions, invoices and
				other forms processing, such as driver&rsquo;s licenses, postal forms, etc. XSL-FO is also widely used for heavy
				multilingual work because of the internationalization aspects provided in 1.0 to accommodate multiple and mixed
				writing modes (writing directions such as left-to-right, top-to-bottom, right-to-left, etc.) of the world's
				The primary goals of the W3C XSL Working Group in developing XSL 2.0 are to provide more sophisticated formatting
				and layout, enhanced internationalization to provide special formatting objects for Japanese and other Asian and
				non-Western languages and scripts and to improve integration with other technologies such as SVG and MathML.
				A number of XSL 1.0 implementations already support dynamic inclusion of vector graphics using W3C SVG. The XSL
				and SVG WGs want to define a tighter interface between XSL-FO and SVG to provide enhanced functionality.
				Experiments with the use of SVG paths to create non-rectangular text regions, or "run-arounds", have helped to
				motivate further work on deeper integration of SVG graphics inside XSL-FO documents, and to work with the SVG WG
				on specifying the meaning of XSL-FO markup inside SVG graphics. A similar level of integration with MathML is
			</p><div class="div2">
<h3><a name="feedback" id="feedback"></a>1.1 Feedback</h3><p>
					The XSL WG has provided a unique opportunity to provide feedback to the working group through a W3C
					Requirements Survey found at
					<a href="">
					. Please take the time to fill out the survey and help us understand your priorities for the next release of
					XSL formatting objects. Additional comments and feedback on individual requirements should be provided using
					<a href="">W3C public Bugzilla system</a>
					. If access to the bugzilla system is not feasible, you may send your comments to
					<a href="mailto://"></a>
					. Each bugzilla entry and email message should contain only one error report. It will be very helpful if you
					include the string [FO2.0Req] in the subject line of your report, whether made in Bugzilla or in email.
					Archives of the comments and responses are available at
					<a href="">
				</p></div><div class="div2">
<h3><a name="N65779" id="N65779"></a>1.2 Writing modes</h3><p>
					We use terms like top, bottom, vertical and horizontal in this document to be easy to understand. We know that
					when we write the specification, we have to talk in terms of before, after, start, end,
					block-progression-direction, inline-progression-direction etc, the same as XSL 1.0 and 1.1 did.
				</p></div></div><div class="div1">
<h2><a name="N65784" id="N65784"></a>2 Pagination and Layout</h2><div class="div2">
<h3><a name="N65787" id="N65787"></a>2.1 General Region</h3><div class="div3">
<h4><a name="N65790" id="N65790"></a>2.1.1 Non-rectangular areas</h4><p>
						Add support for non-rectangular areas wherever appropriate. This is for areas where the content needs to
						be flowed inside an non-rectangular shape.
						<img src="images/non-rectangular-shape-triangle.png" alt="non rectangular shape triangle">
					</p></div><div class="div3">
<h4><a name="N65805" id="N65805"></a>2.1.2 Add text to path</h4><p>
						Run text on a path including flowing from one path to another. This goes further than simply including
						SVG, as we're also supporting the line breaking rules that XSL-FO provides. Text should be able to flow
						from one line to the next line of the multiline paths but it needs to be explicitly specified what each
						line of the path is, as we do not intend to stack paths automatically. The intent is to apply the normal
						line building properties to text on a path.
						<img src="images/text-on-path.png" alt="text on path">
					</p></div><div class="div3">
<h4><a name="N65820" id="N65820"></a>2.1.3 Runarounds</h4><p>
						Add support for runarounds or intrusions (text flowing around illustrations, regions and other objects).
						This is related to effects obtained by overlapping areas of either rectangular or non-rectangular shape in
						any suitable combination, but it doesn't really require non-rectangular areas.
					</p><p>Allow one object to intrude into another:</p><ol class="enumar"><li><p>Support multiple intrusions</p><p>
								<img src="images/runarounds-multiple-intrusions.png" alt="runarounds multiple intrusions">
							</p></li><li><p>Support intrusions into all 4 sides</p></li><li><p>
								Support specifying pull-quotes without the need to repeat the content of the pull-quote. This is
								related to
								<a href="#generalized-markers"><b> Generalized markers</b></a>
								<img src="images/runarounds-pull-quote.png" alt="runarounds pull quote">
							</p></li><li><p>Support cut-outs</p><p>
								<img src="images/runarounds-cut-out.png" alt="runarounds cut out">
							</p></li><li><p>The objects (both the intruder as well as the object intruded upon) may be of arbitrary shape.</p><p>
								<img src="images/runarounds-arbitrary-shape.png" alt="runarounds arbitrary shape">
							</p></li></ol><p>Allow users to specify the relations between the objects that are impacted by the intrusion:</p><ol class="enumar"><li><p>
								Specify where the objects should be positioned. The objects may be relatively or absolutely
							</p></li><li><p>Specify separation/gap between intruders &amp; other regions.</p></li><li><p>
								The intruder's size may be pre-defined or specified dynamically. It may be a region or a flowing
								object. An example of a dynamically sized object is a pullquote where the size of the pullquote
								depends on the amount of text, or a graphic where the size of is dependent on the external
							</p></li><li><p>Specify a priority between objects</p><p>
								<img src="images/runarounds-priority.png" alt="runarounds priority">
								Specify a keep/anchor between the text and the intruder. This is related to
								<a href="#relationship-of-two-objects"><b>2.2.22 Relationship of two objects</b></a>
							</p></li></ol></div><div class="div3">
<h4><a name="copyfitting" id="copyfitting"></a>2.1.4 Copyfitting</h4><p>
						Add support for copyfitting, for example to shrink or grow content (change properties of text,
						line-spacing, ...) to make it constrain to a certain area. This is going to be managed by a defined set of
						properties, and in the stylesheet it will be possible to define the preference and priority for which
						properties should be changed. That list of properties that can be used for copyfitting is going to be
					</p><p>Additionally, multiple instances of alternative content can be provided to determine best fit.</p><p>
						This includes copyfitting across a given number of pages, regions, columns etc, for example to constrain
						the number of pages to 5 pages.
						Add the ability to keep consistency in the document, e.g. when a specific area is copyfitted with 10 pt
						fonts, all other similar text should be the same.
					</p></div><div class="div3">
<h4><a name="properties-at-non-tag-boundaries" id="properties-at-non-tag-boundaries"></a>2.1.5 Properties at non-tag boundaries</h4><p>
						Add support for specifying the properties on the specified number of lines or certain parts in areas, e.g.
						the first 5 cm of the area should be in bold.
						<img src="images/non-tag-boundaries.png" alt="non-tag boundaries">
					</p></div><div class="div3">
<h4><a name="N65945" id="N65945"></a>2.1.6 First line indent on first line of page, region or column</h4><p>
						Allow users to specify that first line indent should be different on the first line of a page, region or
						column. This is a specific case of
						<a href="#properties-at-non-tag-boundaries"><b>2.1.5 Properties at non-tag boundaries</b></a>
						and is also related to
						<a href="#alignment-around-breaks"><b>5.3 Alignment around breaks</b></a>
						<img src="images/first-line-indent.png" alt="first line indent">
					</p></div><div class="div3">
<h4><a name="N65966" id="N65966"></a>2.1.7 Initial Caps</h4><p>
						Add support for raised initial capitals and
						-line dropped capitals. This includes support for the first
						characters. See also
						<a href="#properties-at-non-tag-boundaries"><b>2.1.5 Properties at non-tag boundaries</b></a>
					</p></div></div><div class="div2">
<h3><a name="N65980" id="N65980"></a>2.2 Pages</h3><div class="div3">
<h4><a name="N65983" id="N65983"></a>2.2.1 Footnotes</h4><div class="div4">
<h5><a name="N65986" id="N65986"></a> Column wide</h5><p>Allow users to specify whether footnotes are column wide or page wide.</p></div><div class="div4">
<h5><a name="N65991" id="N65991"></a> Multiple columns</h5><p>
							Add support for multiple columns in the footnote region, where the number of columns may be different
							from the number of columns in the page.
						</p></div><div class="div4">
<h5><a name="N65996" id="N65996"></a> Table footnotes</h5><p>
							Add support for table footnotes. These are footnote bodies that get rendered within the table (as
							opposed to at the bottom of the page) when the footnote reference appears on the table fragment on
							that page.
						</p></div><div class="div4">
<h5><a name="N66005" id="N66005"></a> Coalescing footnotes</h5><p>
							Add support for coalescing footnotes. This means that the same footnote should only be shown once when
							it appears multiple times on the same page.
						</p></div><div class="div4">
<h5><a name="N66010" id="N66010"></a> Restart numbering</h5><p>Add support for restarting numbering footnotes for each page</p></div><div class="div4">
<h5><a name="N66015" id="N66015"></a> Maximum size</h5><p>
							Allow users to specify the maximum size of the footnote area in relation to the body and for footnotes
							to continue on the next page.
						</p></div><div class="div4">
<h5><a name="N66020" id="N66020"></a> Other properties</h5><p>Allow users to specify other properties of the footnotes, such as margins, spacing etc.</p></div><div class="div4">
<h5><a name="N66025" id="N66025"></a> Properties from area tree</h5><p>
							Add support for specifying properties such as the fontsize of footnotes to be taken from the area
							tree, instead of from the formatting object tree. This is related to
							<a href="#inheritance"><b>4 Inheritance</b></a>
						</p></div></div><div class="div3">
<h4><a name="N66033" id="N66033"></a>2.2.2 Floats</h4><p>Improve support for floats. Currently we can only float to the top.</p><div class="div4">
<h5><a name="N66038" id="N66038"></a> Page wide and column wide floats</h5><p>
							We should differentiate page wide, column wide or
							-column wide floats.
						</p></div><div class="div4">
<h5><a name="N66046" id="N66046"></a> Floats alignment</h5><p>We have to be able to align floats to the top and bottom.</p></div><div class="div4">
<h5><a name="N66051" id="N66051"></a> Stack floats</h5><p>
							Be able to stack floats as well as to specify whether the order needs to be preserved, or whether the
							page wide floats come first, followed by the ones that span two columns, followed by the ones that
							span one column.
						</p></div><div class="div4">
<h5><a name="N66056" id="N66056"></a> Distance of floats</h5><p>
							We need be able to add floats from the previous page, specify how far they can float, whether they can
							float towards the front of the document, they may flow only within the same spread, etc...
						</p></div></div><div class="div3">
<h4><a name="N66061" id="N66061"></a>2.2.3 Marginalia</h4><p>Add support for marginalia.</p><div class="div4">
<h5><a name="N66066" id="N66066"></a> Keep marginalia together with other objects</h5><p>
							Keep marginalia together with other objects, such as blocks or inlines. We should specify the
							alignment of the marginalia, as this is typically a smaller font size. For example align the
							baselines, align the top of the two lines, etc. Support a variety of positions of marginalia, e.g.
							position them at the left on a left-hand page and at the right on a right-hand page.
						</p><div class="note"><p class="prefix"><b>Note:</b></p><p>
								In some cases, marginalia are seen as an alternative to footnotes, so some footnote properties
								should also apply to marginalia, for example numbering and restarting numbering.
							</p></div><p>The following graphic show an examples of marginalia:</p><p>
							<img src="images/marginalia-marginalia1.png" alt="marginalia marginalia1">
						</p><p>The following picture shows collision of 2 marginalia:</p><p>
							<img src="images/marginalia-marginalia2.png" alt="marginalia marginalia2">
						</p><p>This graphic shows marginalia on the two sides of the flow:</p><p>
							<img src="images/marginalia-positioning.png" alt="marginalia positioning">
							This graphic shows an example of the relative alignment of the marginalia and the text. At the top of
							the page, the first lines of the marginalia and the text are aligned at the before-edge. When in the
							middle of the page, the first line of the marginalia and the corresponding line of the text are
							visually aligned on a particular baseline (in the case of mixed text).
							<img src="images/marginalia-relativealignment.png" alt="marginalia relativealignment">
						</p></div><div class="div4">
<h5><a name="N66122" id="N66122"></a> Large marginalia</h5><p>
							If marginalia become larger than the space on the page, they should force the text and/or the related
							marginalia to move to the following page. Also permit breaking of marginalia.
						</p><p>This graphic is showing the situation where some breaking is preferable:</p><p>
							<img src="images/marginalia-breaking.png" alt="marginalia breaking">
							This graphic shows one solution, by breaking the flow so that the entire marginalia is brought to the
							next page, together with the text it belongs to:
							<img src="images/marginalia-breakingA.png" alt="marginalia breakingA">
						</p><p>This graphic shows another solution, by breaking the marginalia:</p><p>
							<img src="images/marginalia-breakingB.png" alt="marginalia breakingB">
						</p></div></div><div class="div3">
<h4><a name="N66163" id="N66163"></a>2.2.4 Vertical Positioning</h4><div class="div4">
<h5><a name="feathering" id="feathering"></a> Feathering</h5><p>
							Add support for feathering, to vertically adjust lines. Feathering is vertical justification with very
							small amounts.
						</p></div><div class="div4">
<h5><a name="vertical-alignment-of-lines-of-text" id="vertical-alignment-of-lines-of-text"></a> Correlating vertical position</h5><p>
							Add support for correlating vertical position so that lines of text on two adjacent pages, columns or
							regions are visually next to each other. Also support alignment of the two sides of the same sheet, so
							that the lines of text on the back side and front side of the sheet are aligned (this is a common
							requirement when the sheets of paper are very thin).
							<img src="images/constant-baseline-spacing.png" alt="constant baseline spacing">
						</p></div><div class="div4">
<h5><a name="N66188" id="N66188"></a> Vertical alignment within a page or column</h5><p>
							Add support for vertical alignment, such as centering the content of the columns or aligning to the
							bottom within pages, regions or columns.
							<img src="images/vertical-alignment-within-page.png" alt="vertical algnment within page">
						</p></div><div class="div4">
<h5><a name="N66203" id="N66203"></a> Vertical alignment specific for the last column</h5><p>Allow users to do alignment for all columns, and alignment specific to the last column.</p></div><div class="div4">
<h5><a name="N66208" id="N66208"></a> Vertical justification across pages and columns</h5><p>
							Add support for adjusting properties to do vertical justification within a page, a region or a column,
							as well as across regions.

						</p><p>Allow users to specify a priority where you want the spaces to end up.</p></div></div><div class="div3">
<h4><a name="N66215" id="N66215"></a>2.2.5 Tables and lists</h4><div class="div4">
<h5><a name="N66218" id="N66218"></a> Decimal alignment</h5><p>
							To improve decimal alignment, extend the character alignment in table cells to permit a specification
							of the horizontal position of the alignment point within the column.
						</p></div><div class="div4">
<h5><a name="N66223" id="N66223"></a> Table header/footer on boundaries</h5><p>
							Be able to specify different instances of what the table header or footer should be depending on the
							different boundaries (page, column and region). This also would allow specifying that certain headers
							must be omitted at certain boundaries.
						</p></div><div class="div4">
<h5><a name="N66228" id="N66228"></a> Split tables</h5><p>
							Allow users to specify that tables can be split horizontally. It should be possible to have a column
							repeated when the table is split horizontally, by specifying a row header. There should be a way to
							keep the split parts visually next to each other depending on binding edge.
							In case a table is split over multiple pages and both the rows and columns don&rsquo;t fit a page, allow
							users to specify which table part comes out in which order (rows first or columns first).
							This graphic shows a table before it is split. Neither all of the rows, nor all of the columns fit on
							one page, so the table needs to be split.
							<img src="images/split-tables-entire-table.png" alt="split tables entire table">
							The following graphics show 4 pages that contain the split table. The order in which the pages will
							come out depends on the users preference, and the two alternatives are marked with green (columns
							first) and blue (rows first) numbers.
							<img src="images/split-tables-paginated-rows-first.png" alt="split tables paginated rows first">
							<img src="images/split-tables-paginated-columns-first.png" alt="split tables paginated columns first">
						</p></div><div class="div4">
<h5><a name="N66269" id="N66269"></a> Repeat contents of split spanned cell</h5><p>
							Allow users to specify that when a spanned cell in a table is split, the entire cell contents should
							be repeated on each table instance. This applies to splitting as well as spanning in the
							block-progression-direction as well as the inline-progression-direction.
							<img src="images/repeat-spanned-cell-on-split.png" alt="repeat spanned cell on split">
						</p></div><div class="div4">
<h5><a name="N66284" id="N66284"></a> Cell borders extending beyond the table</h5><p>
							Allow the column lines to extend down or right the table to visually indicate that the table
							continues. When this happens, any vertical border should be extended beyond the bottom border for the
							last row or right column.
							<img src="images/borders-extending-beyond-table.png" alt="borders extending beyond table">
						</p></div><div class="div4">
<h5><a name="N66299" id="N66299"></a> Adjacent borders</h5><p>
							When one formatting object is immediately preceding another in block-progression-dimension, be able to
							specify what to do with their adjacent borders.
						</p></div><div class="div4">
<h5><a name="N66304" id="N66304"></a> Borders on break</h5><p>
							Allow having different borders when a break occurs so that a formatting object is split, e.g. a cell
							that splits, have a thinner border for the split.
						</p></div><div class="div4">
<h5><a name="N66309" id="N66309"></a> Spanning cell over all row and columns</h5><p>
							The current specification of XSL says that number-rows-spanned and number-columns-spanned should be a
							positive integer. Other specifications, such as HTML 4.01, allow 0 as a value, which means that all
							rows or columns of the current table section are spanned over. This behavior may be added to XSL 2.0,
							either by allowing 0 as a value, or some other solution.
						</p></div></div><div class="div3">
<h4><a name="N66314" id="N66314"></a>2.2.6 Side-by-side</h4><p>
						Introduce a way to position objects next to each other. Side-by-side includes complex positioning and
						breaking rules (in some cases similar to the constraints necessary for marginalia).
						<img src="images/side-by-side2.png" alt="side by side2">
						<img src="images/side-by-side2b.png" alt="side by side2b">
						<img src="images/side-by-side3.png" alt="side by side3">
						<img src="images/side-by-side4.png" alt="side by side4">
					</p></div><div class="div3">
<h4><a name="N66359" id="N66359"></a>2.2.7 Numbering</h4><div class="div4">
<h5><a name="additional-numbering" id="additional-numbering"></a> Additional numbering</h5><p>
							Add support for line number, column number and region number. For example number only every fifth
							line, etc.
							The following are requirements for line numbers, but they apply to columns numbers and region numbers
							as well:
						</p><ul><li><p>Line numbering side (start/end/...)</p></li><li><p>Line numbering separation -- distance of number from the text</p></li><li><p>Line numbering format (1, 2, 3...; 001, 002, 003...; A, B, C...)</p></li><li><p>Line numbering text properties (font-family, font-size, ...)</p></li><li><p>Starting line number -- 1 by default, but can be changed by user</p></li><li><p>Continuation -- should numbering continue from previous object, or should be restarted</p></li><li><p>
									Line numbering restart -- where numbering restarts (document, page-sequence, object, page,
									Line number only each
									-th number
								</p></li><li><p>Line number separator</p></li><li><p>Line number alignment</p></li></ul></div><div class="div4">
<h5><a name="N66404" id="N66404"></a> Cross-references to other numbers</h5><p>
							Allow users to make cross-references to anything that can be numbered, such as the numbers introduced
							<a href="#additional-numbering"><b> Additional numbering</b></a>
						</p></div><div class="div4">
<h5><a name="N66412" id="N66412"></a> Calculations with page numbers</h5><p>
							It should be possible to do calculations with page numbers. For example to determine the number of
							pages in a section.
						</p></div><div class="div4">
<h5><a name="N66417" id="N66417"></a> Multiple sets of page numbers</h5><p>
							Have multiple series of page numbers in the whole document that can be output on selected pages (even
							outputting multiple page numbers on the same page). As an example, take the case where a document
							contains both a letter and a contract. In that case, you want to be able to have a page number
							starting from 1 for the entire document, that is also output on all pages, as well as a page number
							starting from 1 for just the contract that is only output on the pages of the contract.
						</p></div><div class="div4">
<h5><a name="N66426" id="N66426"></a> Control increments of page numbers</h5><p>Specify that page numbers should not increment on certain pages.</p><p>
							For example, the case where back side containing the 'conditions of sale' shouldn't be numbered and
							thus the page number shouldn't be incremented. A document containing 4 pages, page 1 with page number
							'1', page 2 being the back side of page 1 containing conditions of sale and not numbered, page 3 with
							page number '2', page 4 being the back side of page 3 containing conditions of sale and not numbered
							again. What is actually being accomplished is simulating printing a 2 page document (with page numbers
							1 and 2) on 2 sheets of preprinted paper, each containing the conditions of sale on the back side.
						</p></div></div><div class="div3">
<h4><a name="N66437" id="N66437"></a>2.2.8 Cross-references</h4><div class="div4">
<h5><a name="N66440" id="N66440"></a> Textual cross-references</h5><p>
							We want the formatter to detect where the cross-referenced object is located (e.g. where on the page,
							or on which page such as the previous page). We want to allow the insertion of variable text for
							cross-references depending on both the page number on which the cross-reference appears and the target
							page, for example 'see previous page' or 'see opposite page'.
						</p></div><div class="div4">
<h5><a name="N66445" id="N66445"></a> Cross-reference to a specific region on a page</h5><p>
							Support cross-refernces that refer to a specific region on a page (e.g. near the top, bottom, above on
							this page etc.).
						</p></div><div class="div4">
<h5><a name="N66450" id="N66450"></a> Cross-reference ranges and coalescing</h5><p>
							Allow in cross-referencing page number (and line number, column number etc) ranges that include
							coalescing, joining etc.
						</p></div></div><div class="div3">
<h4><a name="N66455" id="N66455"></a>2.2.9 Markers</h4><div class="div4">
<h5><a name="N66458" id="N66458"></a> List all markers</h5><p>
							Extend retrieve-marker and retrieve-table-marker to enable listing all markers on the page (e.g. to
							list all index terms on the page or show a list of destinations in a list of hotels). Provide in a way
							to &lsquo;carry-over&rsquo; the markers from previous (not following) pages. This should be done in all cases, not
							just in the case the current page contains no markers.
						</p></div><div class="div4">
<h5><a name="N66463" id="N66463"></a> Organize all markers</h5><p>
							When retrieving all markers of a page, add the ability to organize them. This includes removing
							duplicates, sorting markers and indicating how to format them (e.g. each marker on a separate line or
							separated with commas).
						</p></div><div class="div4">
<h5><a name="N66468" id="N66468"></a> Coalescing markers</h5><p>
							Add support for coalescing markers, for example if you have at the top of the page &lsquo;A - B&rsquo;. Where A
							and B are retrieved markers. If A and B are the same, the text should just be &lsquo;A&rsquo;.
						</p></div><div class="div4">
<h5><a name="generalized-markers" id="generalized-markers"></a> Generalized markers</h5><p>
							Add the ability to retrieve markers from any region into any region (and not just from the flow to the
							static regions).
						</p></div></div><div class="div3">
<h4><a name="N66479" id="N66479"></a>2.2.10 Text before or after a break</h4><p>
						Markings at particular page, column, table (horizontal and vertical) or region breaks. For example add
						text &lsquo;continued on next page&rsquo; or &lsquo;continued from previous page&rsquo;. The text may be just fixed text, or
						retrieved from the page or a cross-reference.
					</p></div><div class="div3">
<h4><a name="N66484" id="N66484"></a>2.2.11 Columns</h4><div class="div4">
<h5><a name="N66487" id="N66487"></a> Column balancing</h5><p>Add support for column balancing.</p></div><div class="div4">
<h5><a name="N66496" id="N66496"></a> Column spanning</h5><p>Add support for spanning over less than the total number of columns.</p><p>
							<img src="images/column-spanning-normal.png" alt="column spanning normal">
						</p></div><div class="div4">
<h5><a name="N66525" id="N66525"></a> Spanning columns in nested formatting objects</h5><p>
							Allow the span property to have effect when specified on formatting objects that are not direct
							children of an fo:flow.
						</p></div><div class="div4">
<h5><a name="N66530" id="N66530"></a> Strong vs. weak spanning</h5><p>
							Give control over how the text flows when spanning columns over the entire page. In the following
							images, the numbers note the reading order of the specific location within the page.
							<img src="images/strong-vs-weak-spanning.png" alt="strong vs weak spanning">
						</p></div><div class="div4">
<h5><a name="N66545" id="N66545"></a> Multiple columns of different widths</h5><p>Allow specifying multiple columns of different widths.</p></div><div class="div4">
<h5><a name="N66550" id="N66550"></a> Multi-column layout in all regions and block-containers</h5><p>
							Allow specifying multiple columns in all regions and also in block-containers, not just the
						</p></div></div><div class="div3">
<h4><a name="N66555" id="N66555"></a>2.2.12 Layout master set</h4><div class="div4">
<h5><a name="N66558" id="N66558"></a> Interleaving layout-master-set</h5><p>
							Be able to define layout-master-sets not only at the top of the FO tree, but also interleaving
							page-sequences, to allow users to define and change masters, such as simple-page-master and
							page-sequence master, on the fly instead of having to specify all the masters in the beginning of the
							FO tree. When traversing the FO tree in pre-order traversal, the master must be defined before it may
							be referenced by a master-reference property.
						</p></div><div class="div4">
<h5><a name="repeatable-sub-sequence-specifier" id="repeatable-sub-sequence-specifier"></a> Repeatable sub-sequence-specifier</h5><p>Have sets of pages repeatable within the same page-sequence.</p></div><div class="div4">
<h5><a name="N66575" id="N66575"></a> 
							Change master every
							Allow specifying that every
							-th page, a different master should be used. This is a specific case of
							<a href="#repeatable-sub-sequence-specifier"><b> Repeatable sub-sequence-specifier</b></a>
							. For example, use master A for page 1, 2, 3, 4, then master B for page 5, then master A again for 6,
							7, 8, 9 then master B for page 10, etc...
						</p></div><div class="div4">
<h5><a name="N66589" id="N66589"></a> Background content</h5><p>
							Add background content, such as images but also any other content, to a page master or region master.
						</p></div></div><div class="div3">
<h4><a name="N66598" id="N66598"></a>2.2.13 Variable-sized regions</h4><p>
						Dynamically size the region-start, -end, -before and -after so that it sizes according to the content of
						the region. This may well be not applied to the current simple-page-master. This is a simple case of
						<a href="#adjustable-region-sizes"><b>2.2.14 Adjustable Region Sizes</b></a>
						for the case where the page has a typical 'border layout'.
					</p></div><div class="div3">
<h4><a name="adjustable-region-sizes" id="adjustable-region-sizes"></a>2.2.14 Adjustable Region Sizes</h4><p>
						Support specifying which edge remains in its original position and which edge moves when the region grows
						(or multiple edges may move). This applies to all of the dimensions. Related to this is the notion of an
						anchored edge that can be anchored with respect to the page or with respect to another area. Some
						overlapping may occur with other regions that aren&rsquo;t part of the specified constraints. The anchors are
						related to
						<a href="#relationship-of-two-objects"><b>2.2.22 Relationship of two objects</b></a>
						<img src="images/adjustable-region-sizes.png" alt="adjustable region sizes">
					</p></div><div class="div3">
<h4><a name="N66625" id="N66625"></a>2.2.15 Binding edge</h4><p>
						Add support for specifying the binding edge. This is related to duplex/simplex of
						<a href="#print-specific-properties"><b>8.3 Print specific properties</b></a>
					</p></div><div class="div3">
<h4><a name="N66633" id="N66633"></a>2.2.16 Multi-directional page collation order</h4><p>
						Add support for multi directional page collation order in a single document. For example a single book
						where the front part starts in one language and the backside starts from another language. Another example
						is that of Japanese magazines that combine vertical layout from the back and horizontal layout from the
					</p></div><div class="div3">
<h4><a name="N66638" id="N66638"></a>2.2.17 Spreads</h4><p>
						Be able to treat two facing pages (a two page spread) as a single unit. For example to allow images to
						cross the page boundaries.
					</p></div><div class="div3">
<h4><a name="bleeds" id="bleeds"></a>2.2.18 Bleeds</h4><p>
						Add support for bleeds. For example, bleeds allow an image to go beyond the page boundaries so that when
						you print, bind and cut the paper you don&rsquo;t have any white space showing. It has got to be in the context
						of the output media, so this is related strongly to
						<a href="#print-specific-properties"><b>8.3 Print specific properties</b></a>
					</p></div><div class="div3">
<h4><a name="N66652" id="N66652"></a>2.2.19 Synchronize text of flows</h4><p>
						Synchronize the text of flows that have a relationship to each other, and specify how near or how far they
						can go from each other. The relationship between the text of the two flows may also be expressed using
						some form of anchors. This is related to
						<a href="#relationship-of-two-objects"><b>2.2.22 Relationship of two objects</b></a>
						For example, this is needed to keep two translated paragraphs next to each other in a two column document
						where one column is in one language and another column in another language.
					</p></div><div class="div3">
<h4><a name="N66662" id="N66662"></a>2.2.20 Total block-progression-dimension</h4><p>
						Allow users to specify the sum of the block-progression-dimensions of the generated areas instead or in
						addition to specifying the block-progression-dimension of each generated instance.
					</p></div><div class="div3">
<h4><a name="N66667" id="N66667"></a>2.2.21 Different page geometry based on flows' content</h4><p>
						Support different page geometries based on the flows that have been exhausted and those that have still
						content to be placed. For example, when having two regions A and B, both laid out next to each other on a
						single page, once flow A is exhausted, make B use the entire available space on the page.
					</p></div><div class="div3">
<h4><a name="relationship-of-two-objects" id="relationship-of-two-objects"></a>2.2.22 Relationship of two objects</h4><p>
						Add support for expressing the relationship of two objects, and the distance that they can go apart. This
						is a requirement that is necessary for other requirements that use the concept of anchors.
					</p></div></div><div class="div2">
<h3><a name="N66678" id="N66678"></a>2.3 Feedback from pagination stage</h3><p>
					Give the ability to use information from the pagination step of one formatting episode in determining layout
					of the following formatting episode. This ability also allows making changes to the pages, reordering pages,
					merging multiple flows and do many other post processing tasks. One example of using XSL-FO for this is by
					representing the result of the first formatting episode each formatted page in a separate page-sequence, so
					that when this XSL-FO instance is fed into an XSL-FO formatter again, the same amount of pages would be
					generated as there are page sequences in the XSL-FO instance.
					As a specific example, take the process that involves sending out a letter followed by a contract for a large
					number of customers. This involves an envelope machine that will take the individual sheets of paper and put
					them in an envelope. This process has the additional constraint that an envelope can only hold
					pages, so when the letter + contract contain more than
					pages, and extra sheet of paper must be produced that contains the address again, so that this contract can be
					sent in multiple envelopes. This envelope machine is typically driven by OMR marks, which are lines or
					markings on the paper that indicate which is the first/last page of the envelope. These markings typically
					also include a checksum that contains the sheetnumber so that the envelope machine can detect when it took two
					sheets at the same time. Adding these markings to the output involves logic that needs to know how many pages
					are generated.
				</p></div><div class="div2">
<h3><a name="N66691" id="N66691"></a>2.4 Document collection</h3><p>
					The working group will investigate relationships between multiple input documents and multiple output
					The term 'document collection' refers to a document that is actually composed of multiple documents. Once this
					concept of &lsquo;document collection&rsquo; is defined, we can add features that need the relationships between multiple
					documents such as a master index or hyperlink management.

				</p><div class="div3">
<h4><a name="N66698" id="N66698"></a>2.4.1 Master index</h4><p>
						Give users the ability to create a master index across multiple documents that contains all of the index
						terms for the multiple sub-documents with references to the individual locations inside the sub-documents.
					</p></div><div class="div3">
<h4><a name="N66703" id="N66703"></a>2.4.2 Hyperlink management</h4><p>Allow managing hyperlinks across multiple documents of a document collection.</p></div></div></div><div class="div1">
<h2><a name="N66708" id="N66708"></a>3 Expressions</h2><div class="div2">
<h3><a name="N66711" id="N66711"></a>3.1 Including information from formatting time</h3><p>
					Modify the expression language to allow expressions that include information that&rsquo;s only available at
					formatting time.
				</p><p>Some examples of this are the size of a block, the height of a line, etc.</p></div><div class="div2">
<h3><a name="N66718" id="N66718"></a>3.2 Pagination information</h3><p>
					Be able to compute expressions that are based on information that is only available after the pagination
					stage. For example, this allows to calculate the subtotal of the current page (as opposed to a running total
					that is already supported in XSL 1.1 with table markers). Once this expression can be calculated, you can use
					<a href="#output-result-of-expression"><b>3.3 Output result of expression</b></a>
					to output its result .
				</p></div><div class="div2">
<h3><a name="output-result-of-expression" id="output-result-of-expression"></a>3.3 Output result of expression</h3><p>
					Allow users to output the result of expressions on area tree, traits, markers or text content. For example to
					calculate the subtotal of a certain page (as opposed to a running total that is already supported in XSL 1.1
					with table markers).
				</p></div><div class="div2">
<h3><a name="N66732" id="N66732"></a>3.4 User defined units of measurement</h3><p>
					Allow defining units of measurement in XSL-FO in terms of a known unit. This can currently already be done in
					XSLT or by using XML entities, but we want to add new syntax to express this in XSL-FO functionality.
				</p></div><div class="div2">
<h3><a name="N66737" id="N66737"></a>3.5 Getting values of properties</h3><p>Add support for getting the formatting properties associated to the area as opposed to the content.</p><p>
					For example, specify that the (formatted) width of a formatting object is equal to the (formatted) width of
					another formatting object.
				</p></div></div><div class="div1">
<h2><a name="inheritance" id="inheritance"></a>4 Inheritance</h2><div class="div2">
<h3><a name="N66748" id="N66748"></a>4.1 Inheritance down area tree</h3><p>
					Inheritance of properties down the area tree (as opposed to the formatting object tree in previous versions of
					One example of this is inheritance with footnotes that should inherit the properties of the footnote are as
					opposed to the properties of the area in the body that contains the referenced text.
					Another example is the case where there are two regions on a page that contain the flowed text (text is flowed
					for to Region A, then to region B). Region A has a black background and region B has a white background. The
					text color should be white in region A and black in region B.
				</p></div><div class="div2">
<h3><a name="N66757" id="N66757"></a>4.2 Inheritance at reference area boundaries</h3><p>
					Add the ability to specify whether inheritance is in effect at reference area boundaries, or you take the
					initial value instead. For example you don&rsquo;t want an indent on a table to be propagated by usual inheritance
					into the content of the table-cells.
				</p></div></div><div class="div1">
<h2><a name="composition" id="composition"></a>5 Composition</h2><div class="div2">
<h3><a name="N66770" id="N66770"></a>5.1 Fonts</h3><div class="div3">
<h4><a name="N66773" id="N66773"></a>5.1.1 Improved font support</h4><p>
						This may include SVG font capabilities, such as referring to an external font pointed to with a URI, or
						being able to define fonts like SVG fonts. For more information on SVG fonts, see
						<a href="">Chapter 20 of SVG 1.1</a>
					</p></div><div class="div3">
<h4><a name="N66786" id="N66786"></a>5.1.2 Unicode ranges</h4><p>
						Use a different font-family (already supported by SVG) and different font-size (not yet supported by SVG)
						for characters depending on the Unicode range.
					</p></div><div class="div3">
<h4><a name="N66791" id="N66791"></a>5.1.3 Font dependent on script or language</h4><p>Make font-size and font-family dependent on the script or language.</p></div><div class="div3">
<h4><a name="N66796" id="N66796"></a>5.1.4 Font specific features</h4><p>
						Add additional properties to give access to font specific features, e.g. in initial swash caps, oldstyle
						figures, and/or other features such as those available in OpenType.
					</p></div><div class="div3">
<h4><a name="N66801" id="N66801"></a>5.1.5 Kerning</h4><p>Allow users to specify constraints to control kerning.</p></div><div class="div3">
<h4><a name="N66806" id="N66806"></a>5.1.6 Ligatures</h4><p>
						Allow users to specify constraints to control ligatures, like forcing the use of ligatures, or avoiding
						the use of ligatures even though they are available. This requirement includes the large number of
						parameters that may be necessary to control ligatures for those languages where the ligatures are font
						dependent, such as Arabic.
					</p></div><div class="div3">
<h4><a name="N66811" id="N66811"></a>5.1.7 XSL-FO inside other languages</h4><p>
						Allow using fragments of XSL-FO inside other languages. One example is using inline or block level objects
						into an SVG object.
					</p></div></div><div class="div2">
<h3><a name="N66816" id="N66816"></a>5.2 Force line justification</h3><p>
					Allow users to force line justification when the line length is within a certain range. For example, normally
					the last line of a paragraph would not be justified, but if the last line is longer than a certain threshold,
					justify it anyway.
				</p></div><div class="div2">
<h3><a name="alignment-around-breaks" id="alignment-around-breaks"></a>5.3 Alignment around breaks</h3><p>
					Currently XSL has justification parameters for 'all text but the last line' and the 'last line'. Add
					properties to specify what the alignment should be for the 'last line before a break' and the 'first line
					after a break'.
				</p></div><div class="div2">
<h3><a name="N66835" id="N66835"></a>5.4 Hanging punctuation</h3><p>Add support for hanging punctuation, both for western as non-western languages.</p><p>
					<img src="images/hanging-punctuation.png" alt="hanging punctuation">
				</p></div><div class="div2">
<h3><a name="N66850" id="N66850"></a>5.5 Tabs and tab stops</h3><p>
					Add support for tabs and tab stops that people are used to from word processors. The main requirement for this
					seems to be compatibility with other formats, mainly word processor formats.
				</p></div><div class="div2">
<h3><a name="N66859" id="N66859"></a>5.6 Word and letter spacing</h3><div class="div3">
<h4><a name="N66862" id="N66862"></a>5.6.1 Word and letter spacing exclusions</h4><p>
						Allow excluding specific characters or Unicode classes (for example numerals) from word and letter
					</p></div><div class="div3">
<h4><a name="N66879" id="N66879"></a>5.6.2 Punctuation spacing</h4><p>
						Add support to control spacing before (XSL-FO start direction) and after (XSL-FO end direction)
						punctuation. For example in French inserting a quarter space before a colon.

					</p></div><div class="div3">
<h4><a name="N66884" id="N66884"></a>5.6.3 Specify priority between word and letter spacing</h4><p>Allow users to specify the priority between word and letter spacing.</p></div></div><div class="div2">
<h3><a name="N66889" id="N66889"></a>5.7 Hyphenation and line breaking</h3><p>
					The following set of requirements is related to hyphenation. All hyphenation settings need to be
					language-dependent so that you can set different values for the various languages you use in a given document.
				</p><div class="div3">
<h4><a name="number-of-syllables" id="number-of-syllables"></a>5.7.1 Number of syllables</h4><p>
						Allow specifying the number of syllables in addition to the number of characters to control hyphenation.
					</p><div class="note"><p class="prefix"><b>Note:</b></p><p>
							We are concerned how to divide things reliably in syllables. (This requirement comes from the Print
							Workshop in Heidelberg.)
						</p></div></div><div class="div3">
<h4><a name="N66903" id="N66903"></a>5.7.2 Syllable widows</h4><p>
						Add syllable level widow and orphan controls. We can only do this if we implement
						<a href="#number-of-syllables"><b>5.7.1 Number of syllables</b></a>
					</p></div><div class="div3">
<h4><a name="N66911" id="N66911"></a>5.7.3 Hyphenation exceptions</h4><p>
						Allow specifying language-specific hyphenation exceptions. This could for example be done by providing a
						pointer (e.g., &lt;uri-specification&gt;) to a list of language-specific hyphenation exceptions.
					</p></div><div class="div3">
<h4><a name="N66916" id="N66916"></a>5.7.4 Line breaks without hyphen character</h4><p>
						Allow the specification of a set of characters after which the composition process may introduce a line
						break without inserting a hyphen character. For example for '/' characters in URLs.
					</p></div><div class="div3">
<h4><a name="N66921" id="N66921"></a>5.7.5 Word widows</h4><p>
						Add word level widow and orphan control. For example, don't allow single word, 3 words, etc. on a single
						line or at the start of page.
					</p><div class="note"><p class="prefix"><b>Note:</b></p><p>
							We are concerned how to divide things reliably in words, for example in Chinese/Japanese/Korean or
						</p></div></div><div class="div3">
<h4><a name="N66929" id="N66929"></a>5.7.6 Minimum length of last line</h4><p>Be able to specify the minimum length of the last line.</p></div></div></div><div class="div1">
<h2><a name="N66934" id="N66934"></a>6 Further improved non-Western language support</h2><p>
				Improve support for non-Western languages, such as Mongolian, Indic languages, Thai, Japanese, Chinese, etc. The
				working group invites language experts to identify language specific features that are currently not yet supported
				by XSL.
				Specifically, the
				<a href="">Japanese Layout Taskforce</a>
				is creating a document about requirements for general Japanese layout realized with technologies like CSS, SVG and
				XSL-FO. The document is currently in draft stage and is being developed further by the Japanese participants in
				the task force. This document will be an input to the XSL working group as a source of requirements.
			</p><p>This document will be an input to the XSL working group as a source of requirements.</p></div><div class="div1">
<h2><a name="images" id="images"></a>7 Images</h2><div class="div2">
<h3><a name="N66967" id="N66967"></a>7.1 Cropping images</h3><p>
					Cropping images, including bleed and non-rectangular cropping. See
					<a href="#bleeds"><b>2.2.18 Bleeds</b></a>
					<a href="#masks"><b>10.1 Masks</b></a>
				</p></div><div class="div2">
<h3><a name="N66978" id="N66978"></a>7.2 Rotate images in 90 degree increments</h3><p>Allow rotating images in 90 degree increments.</p></div><div class="div2">
<h3><a name="N66983" id="N66983"></a>7.3 Rotate images over arbitrary angles</h3><p>Allow rotating images over arbitrary angles.</p></div><div class="div2">
<h3><a name="N66988" id="N66988"></a>7.4 Callouts</h3><p>
					Add support for callouts. Callouts are labels in a picture, overlaying text on top of a graphic (which
					typically needs to be translatable). Allow users to make live links from the image or map to the text and vice
				</p></div><div class="div2">
<h3><a name="N66993" id="N66993"></a>7.5 Multi-page images</h3><p>Add support for access to individual images in multi-page image formats such as TIFF, PDF or SVG 1.2.</p></div></div><div class="div1">
<h2><a name="N66998" id="N66998"></a>8 Improvements for specific output formats or devices</h2><div class="div2">
<h3><a name="N67001" id="N67001"></a>8.1 Annotations that appear in output</h3><p>Add support for adding annotations that appear in the output, e.g. comments or text highlighting in PDF.</p></div><div class="div2">
<h3><a name="N67006" id="N67006"></a>8.2 Base URL</h3><p>Add support for setting the base URL for output formats that support this, such as PDF or HTML.</p></div><div class="div2">
<h3><a name="print-specific-properties" id="print-specific-properties"></a>8.3 Print specific properties</h3><p>Specifying print specific properties such as the following.</p><ul><li><p>Input/output trays</p></li><li><p>Duplex/simplex</p></li><li><p>Dpi depending on output format</p></li><li><p>Grayscaling or patterns or colors</p></li><li><p>Glossy paper (has influence on formatting as well)</p></li><li><p>Crop marks</p></li><li><p>Registration marks</p></li><li><p>
							Bleeds (also described at
							<a href="#bleeds"><b>2.2.18 Bleeds</b></a>
						</p></li></ul><p>This will probably be done with a Job Control specification such as JDF.</p></div><div class="div2">
<h3><a name="N67047" id="N67047"></a>8.4 Marks for paper folding machines</h3><p>Allow adding marks for paper folding machines.</p></div></div><div class="div1">
<h2><a name="rendering" id="rendering"></a>9 Rendering</h2><div class="div2">
<h3><a name="N67056" id="N67056"></a>9.1 Animations with graphics</h3><p>Add support for animations contained within the graphics.</p><div class="note"><p class="prefix"><b>Note:</b></p><p>
						This could be related to
						<a href="#svg"><b>10 Collaboration with SVG</b></a>
					</p></div></div><div class="div2">
<h3><a name="N67067" id="N67067"></a>9.2 Other types of animations</h3><p>
					Add support for other types of animation. For example an ant crawling around the borders of a table, a
					business chart with drilldown/zoom functionality, go to next page every 3 seconds.
				</p><div class="note"><p class="prefix"><b>Note:</b></p><p>
						This could be related to
						<a href="#svg"><b>10 Collaboration with SVG</b></a>
					</p></div></div><div class="div2">
<h3><a name="N67078" id="N67078"></a>9.3 Z-index</h3><p>
					Improve absolute position, layering and positioning by extending the Z-index property so that it can cross
					formatting object boundaries. Also support z-index on regions (also required for more complex page layout).
				</p></div><div class="div2">
<h3><a name="N67083" id="N67083"></a>9.4 Border styles</h3><p>
					You should be able to specify these border styles for individual borders or individual corners. Patterns may
					be segmented, so that we have different borders for the corners etc.
				</p><p>Add support for extensible border patterns, e.g. with numbers and thicknesses of lines, dashes.</p><p>Tiled graphics and images as borders, for example, for borders typically surrounding a stock certiticate.</p></div><div class="div2">
<h3><a name="N67092" id="N67092"></a>9.5 Rounded corners</h3><p>
					Add support for rounded corners, e.g. for places where borders join, but also for the background with rounded
					corners instead of 90 degree angles.
				</p></div><div class="div2">
<h3><a name="N67097" id="N67097"></a>9.6 Color support</h3><p>
					Improved color support including things that SVG Print does. For example add device-specific CMYK color. Add
					support for the color names that are supported in SVG. Fills/Shading/Vignettes
				</p><div class="div3">
<h4><a name="N67102" id="N67102"></a>9.6.1 Transparency</h4><p>Allow specifying transparency and opacity/alpha values.</p></div></div></div><div class="div1">
<h2><a name="svg" id="svg"></a>10 Collaboration with SVG</h2><p>
				For XSL-FO 2.0 we want to have a close collaboration between the XSL and SVG working groups. Wherever possible we
				will try to use SVG functionality rather than reinventing our own. Working with SVG is part of the solution to
				other requirements outlined in this document.
				By implementing XSL-FO and SVG, some of the extra conformance criteria that apply are inheritance at language
				boundaries, SVG transformations of XSL-FO result renditions, nesting languages.
				One example of how SVG and XSL-FO can be used is shown in this picture, coming from the
				<a href="">
					SVG Print 1.2 Primer dated 21 December 2007
			</p><img src="" alt="SVG Print and XSL-FO workflow"><div class="div2">
<h3><a name="masks" id="masks"></a>10.1 Masks</h3><p>Add support for applying a mask (or clip shape) to an object.</p><p>The first picture explains the concept of a mask, where a certain piece of text is masked.</p><p>
					<img src="images/mask-concept.png" alt="masks concept">
				</p><p>The following picture explains the result of the mask.</p><p>
					<img src="images/mask-result.png" alt="masks result">
				</p></div><div class="div2">
<h3><a name="N67162" id="N67162"></a>10.2 Rotations</h3><p>Support rotations on any type of object (not just images) over arbitrary angles.</p></div><div class="div2">
<h3><a name="N67167" id="N67167"></a>10.3 Transformations</h3><p>Allow applying SVG type transformations to XSL areas.</p></div></div><div class="div1">
<h2><a name="N67172" id="N67172"></a>11 Other</h2><div class="div2">
<h3><a name="N67175" id="N67175"></a>11.1 Foreign objects</h3><p>
					Improve the embedding of foreign objects inside XSL-FO to allow a tighter coupling. Examples of these are SVG,
					MathML, XForms, etc.
				</p></div><div class="div2">
<h3><a name="N67180" id="N67180"></a>11.2 Metadata on objects</h3><p>Specify how metadata can be attached to individual objects.</p></div><div class="div2">
<h3><a name="N67185" id="N67185"></a>11.3 Generalized metadata</h3><p>
					Specify metadata that may influence the output, like PDF keywords, producer, etc., or be used for other
				</p></div><div class="div2">
<h3><a name="N67190" id="N67190"></a>11.4 xml:base</h3><p>
					Add support for xml:base. We need to understand where we want to use xml:base in the various steps of the XSL
					Formatting Process.

				</p><div class="note"><p class="prefix"><b>Note:</b></p><p>xml:base helps when you actually don&rsquo;t have a serialized file on disk.</p></div></div><div class="div2">
<h3><a name="N67198" id="N67198"></a>11.5 Schema for XSL-FO</h3><p>Provide a schema for XSL-FO.</p></div><div class="div2">
<h3><a name="N67203" id="N67203"></a>11.6 Compatibility</h3><p>Existing XSL-FO documents should still be supported unchanged by XSL 2.0 processors.</p></div></div><div class="div1">
<h2><a name="N67288" id="N67288"></a>14 References</h2><dl><dt class="label"></dt><dd>XSL 1.0</dd><dt class="label"></dt><dd>XSL 1.1</dd></dl></div></div></body></html>