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<h1><a name="title" id="title"></a>Web Services Glossary</h1>
<h2><a name="w3c-doctype" id="w3c-doctype"></a>W3C Working Group Note 11 February 2004</h2><dl><dt>This version:</dt><dd>
			<a href=""></a>
		</dd><dt>Latest version:</dt><dd>
			<a href=""></a>
		</dd><dt>Previous version:</dt><dd>
			<a href=""></a>
		</dd><dt>Editors:</dt><dd>Hugo Haas, W3C</dd><dd>Allen Brown, Microsoft (until June 2002)</dd></dl><p class="copyright"><a href="">Copyright</a> © 2004 <a href=""><acronym title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</acronym></a><sup>®</sup> (<a href=""><acronym title="Massachusetts Institute of Technology">MIT</acronym></a>, <a href=""><acronym title="European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics">ERCIM</acronym></a>, <a href="">Keio</a>), All Rights Reserved. W3C <a href="">liability</a>, <a href="">trademark</a>, <a href="">document use</a> and <a href="">software licensing</a> rules apply.</p></div><hr /><div>
<h2><a name="abstract" id="abstract"></a>Abstract</h2><p>This document is a glossary of Web services
			terms defined and used in the Web Services Architecture
	<a href="#WSA">[WS Arch]</a>. It is intended for use by
	Web services spefications in order to refer to a common
	coherent framework.</p></div><div>
<h2><a name="status" id="status"></a>Status of this Document</h2><p><em>This section describes the status of this document at the time
		  of its publication. Other documents may supersede this document. A
		  list of current W3C publications and the latest revision of this
		  technical report can be found in the <a href="">W3C technical reports index</a> at</em></p><p>This is a public <a href="">Working
      Group Note</a> of the Web Services Glossary. It has been
      produced by the <a href="">W3C
      Web Services Architecture Working Group</a>, which is part of
      the <a href="">W3C Web
      Services Activity</a>. This publication as a Working Group
      Note coincides with the end of the Working Group's charter
      period.</p><p>Discussion of this document is invited on the public   mailing list <a href=""></a> (<a href="">public
        archives</a>).</p><p>Patent disclosures relevant to this document may be found
        on the Working Group's <a href="">patent
          disclosure page</a>.</p><p>Publication as a Working Group Note does not imply
	  endorsement by the W3C Membership. This is a draft document
	  and may be updated, replaced or obsoleted by other documents
	  at any time. It is inappropriate to cite this document as
	  other than work in progress. Other documents may supersede this document.</p></div><div class="toc">
<h2><a name="contents" id="contents"></a>Table of Contents</h2><p class="toc">1 <a href="#intro">Introduction</a><br />
2 <a href="#defs">Definitions</a><br />
3 <a href="#ref">References</a><br />
<h3><a name="appendices" id="appendices"></a>Appendix</h3><p class="toc">A <a href="#id2273823">Acknowledgements</a> (Non-Normative)<br />
</p></div><hr /><div class="body"><div class="div1">
<h2><a name="intro" id="intro"></a>1 Introduction</h2><p> This document contains a list of Web
			services terms that are part of a coherent
			framework defined in the Web Services
			Architecture <a href="#WSA">[WS Arch]</a>.
			The relationships between the terms
			are defined in the concepts and
			relationships section of <a href="#WSA">[WS Arch]</a>.
			</p><p>Terms are capitalized when it is meaningful, or otherwise are defined in lowercase.</p><p>Some definitions in this document are derived verbatim from
	external documents. In such cases, the source is indicated as
	a reference, listed in the <a href="#ref"><b>3 References</b></a> section.</p></div><div class="div1">
<h2><a name="defs" id="defs"></a>2 Definitions</h2><dl><dt class="label"><a name="access" id="access"></a>access</dt><dd><p>To interact with a <a title="" href="#systementity">system
	    entity</a> in order to manipulate, use, gain
	    knowledge of, and/or obtain a representation of some
	    or all of a system entity's resources. <a href="#RFC2828">[RFC 2828]</a>
	    </p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="ac" id="ac"></a>access control</dt><dd><p>Protection of resources against unauthorized access; a
	    process by which use of resources is regulated according
to a
	    <a title="" href="#securitypolicy">security policy</a>
and is permitted by only authorized system
	    entities according to that policy. <a href="#RFC2828">[RFC 2828]</a>
	    </p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="acinformation" id="acinformation"></a>access control information</dt><dd><ol type="1"><li><p>Any information used for <a title="" href="#ac">access
		control</a> purposes, including contextual
		information. <a href="#X812">[X.812]</a>
		</p></li><li><p>Contextual information might
		include source IP address, encryption strength, the
type of
		operation being requested, time of day, etc. Portions
		<a title="" href="#ac">access control</a> information
may be specific to the request
		itself, some may be associated with the <a title="" href="#connection">connection</a> via which
		the request is transmitted, and others (for example,
time of
		day) may be "environmental". <a href="#RFC2829">[RFC 2829]</a>
		</p></li></ol></dd><dt class="label"><a name="accessrights" id="accessrights"></a>access rights</dt><dd><p>A description of the type of authorized interactions a
	    can have with a resource. Examples include read, write,
	    execute, add, modify, and delete. <a href="#WSIAG">[WSIA Glossary]</a>
	    </p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="actor" id="actor"></a>actor</dt><dd><ol type="1"><li><p>A <a title="" href="#poo">person or organization</a> that may be the owner of <a title="" href="#agent">agents</a> that either seek to use <a title="" href="#webservice">Web services</a> or provide Web services.</p></li><li><p>A physical or conceptual entity that can perform
		actions.  Examples: people; companies; machines;
		running software.  An actor can take on (or
		implement) one or more roles.  An actor at one level
		of abstraction may be viewed as a role at a lower
		level of abstraction.
		</p></li></ol></dd><dt class="label"><a name="agent" id="agent"></a>agent</dt><dd><p>An agent is a program acting on behalf of a <a title="" href="#poo">person or organization</a>. (This
	    definition is a specialization of the definition in
	    <a href="#webarch">[Web Arch]</a>. It corresponds to the notion of
	    software agent in <a href="#webarch">[Web Arch]</a>.)</p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="anonimity" id="anonimity"></a>anonymity</dt><dd><p>The quality or
	    <a title="" href="#state">state</a> of being anonymous,
which is the
	    condition of having a name or identity that is unknown or
	    concealed. <a href="#RFC2828">[RFC 2828]</a>
	    </p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="architecture" id="architecture"></a>architecture</dt><dd><ol type="1"><li><p>The software architecture of a program or computing
		system is the structure or structures of the system.
		This structure includes software components, the
		externally visible properties of those components,
		the relationships among them and the constraints on
		their use. (based on the definition of architecture in
<a href="#SAP">[Soft Arch Pract]</a>)</p></li><li><p>A software architecture is an abstraction of the
		run-time elements of a software system during some
		phase of its operation. A system may be composed of
		many levels of abstraction and many phases of
		operation, each with its own software
		architecture. <a href="#RoyFieldingThesis">[Fielding]</a>
		</p></li></ol></dd><dt class="label"><a name="artifact" id="artifact"></a>artifact</dt><dd><p>A piece of digital information. An artifact may be any
size, and may be composed of other artifacts.  Examples of artifacts:
a message; a URI; an XML document; a PNG image; a bit stream.</p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="asynchronous" id="asynchronous"></a>asynchronous</dt><dd><p>An interaction is said to be asynchronous when the
associated messages are chronologically and procedurally
decoupled. For example, in a request-response interaction, the client
agent can process the response at some indeterminate point in the
future when its existence is discovered. Mechanisms to do this include
polling, notification by receipt of another message, etc.</p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="attribute" id="attribute"></a>attribute</dt><dd><p>A distinct characteristic of an object. An object's
	    attributes are said to describe the object. Objects'
	    attributes are often specified in terms of their
	    physical traits, such as size, shape, weight, and color,
	    etc., for real-world objects. Objects in cyberspace
	    might have attributes describing size, type of encoding,
	    network address, etc. <a href="#WSIAG">[WSIA Glossary]</a>
	    </p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="auditguard" id="auditguard"></a>audit guard</dt><dd><p>
	      An audit guard is a mechanism used on behalf of an owner
	      that monitors actions and <a title="" href="#agent">agents</a> to verify the satisfaction
	      of <a title="" href="#obligation">obligations</a>.
	    </p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="authentication" id="authentication"></a>authentication</dt><dd><p>Authentication is the process of verifying that a
potential partner in a conversation is capable of representing a <a title="" href="#poo">person or organization</a>.</p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="authorization" id="authorization"></a>authorization</dt><dd><p>The process of
	    determining, by evaluating applicable <a title="" href="#acinformation">access
	    control information</a>, whether a subject is
allowed to have the
	    specified types of access to a particular
resource. Usually,
	    authorization is in the context of authentication. Once a
	    subject is authenticated, it may be authorized to perform
	    different types of access. <a href="#STG">[STG]</a>
	    </p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="binding" id="binding"></a>binding</dt><dd><ol type="1"><li><p>An association between an <a title="" href="#interface">interface</a>, a concrete
		<a title="" href="#protocol">protocol</a> and a data
format. A binding specifies the
		protocol and data format to be used in transmitting
		messages defined by the associated interface. <a href="#WSDReqs">[WSD Reqs]</a>
		</p></li><li><p>The mapping of an <a title="" href="#interface">interface</a> and its associated <a title="" href="#operation">operations</a> to a particular concrete message
format and transmission <a title="" href="#protocol">protocol</a>.</p></li><li><p>See also <a title="" href="#soapbinding">SOAP
binding</a>.</p></li></ol></dd><dt class="label"><a name="capability" id="capability"></a>capability</dt><dd><p>A capability is a named piece of functionality (or
	    feature) that is declared as supported or requested by an
	    <a title="" href="#agent">agent</a>.</p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="choreography" id="choreography"></a>choreography</dt><dd><ol type="1"><li><p>A choreography defines the sequence and conditions
		under which multiple cooperating independent <a title="" href="#agent">agents</a> exchange messages in
		order to perform a task to achieve a goal state.</p></li><li><p> Web Services Choreography concerns the
interactions of services with their users. Any user of a Web service,
		automated or otherwise, is a client of that
		service. These users may, in turn, be other Web
		Services, applications or human beings. Transactions
		among Web Services and their clients must clearly be
		well defined at the time of their execution, and may
		consist of multiple separate interactions whose
		composition constitutes a complete transaction. This
		composition, its message protocols, interfaces,
		sequencing, and associated logic, is considered to be
		a choreography. <a href="#WSCWGreqs">[WSC Reqs]</a></p></li></ol></dd><dt class="label"><a name="component" id="component"></a>component</dt><dd><ol type="1"><li><p>A component is a software object, meant to interact
		with other components, encapsulating certain
		or a set of functionalities. A component has a clearly
		defined interface and conforms to a prescribed
		common to all components within an
		architecture. <a href="#CCATD">[CCA T&amp;D]</a></p></li><li><p>A component is an abstract unit of software
		instructions and internal state that provides a
		transformation of data via its interface. <a href="#RoyFieldingThesis">[Fielding]</a></p></li><li><p>A component is a unit of architecture with defined
		boundaries.</p></li></ol></dd><dt class="label"><a name="confidentiality" id="confidentiality"></a>confidentiality</dt><dd><p>Assuring information will be kept secret, with <a title="" href="#access">access</a>
	    limited to appropriate persons. <a href="#NSAG">[NSA Glossary]</a>
	    </p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="configuration" id="configuration"></a>configuration</dt><dd><p>A collection of properties which may be changed. A
property may influence the behavior of an entity.</p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="connection" id="connection"></a>connection</dt><dd><p>
	      A transport layer virtual circuit established between
	      two programs for the purpose of communication.
	      <a href="#RFC2616">[RFC 2616]</a>
	    </p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="control" id="control"></a>control</dt><dd><p>To cause a desired change in state. Management systems
	    may control the life cycle
of <a title="" href="#manageableservice">manageable Web services</a> or information flow such as messages.</p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="conversation" id="conversation"></a>conversation</dt><dd><p>A Web service conversation involves maintaining some state during an
	    interaction that involves multiple <a title="" href="#message">messages</a> and/or participants.</p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="credentials" id="credentials"></a>credentials</dt><dd><p>Data that is transferred to establish a claimed
	    identity. <a href="#X800">[X.800]</a>
	    </p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="delpol" id="delpol"></a>delivery policy</dt><dd><p>A delivery policy is a <a title="" href="#policy">policy</a> that constrains the methods
	    by which <a title="" href="#message">messages</a> are
	    delivered by the message transport.</p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="dsig" id="dsig"></a>digital signature</dt><dd><p>A value computed with a cryptographic algorithm and
	    to a data object in such a way that any recipient of the
data can
	    use the signature to verify the data's origin and
integrity. (See:
	    data origin authentication service, data integrity
	    digitized signature, electronic signature, signer.)
<a href="#RFC2828">[RFC 2828]</a></p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="discovery" id="discovery"></a>discovery</dt><dd><p>The act of locating a machine-processable description
	    of a <a title="" href="#webservice">Web
	    service</a>-related resource that
may have been previously unknown and
	    that meets certain functional criteria. It involves
	    matching a set of functional and other criteria with a set
	    of resource descriptions. The goal is to find an
	    appropriate Web service-related resource.</p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="discoveryservice" id="discoveryservice"></a>discovery service</dt><dd><p>A discovery service is a <a title="" href="#service">service</a> that enables agents to retrieve
	    <a title="" href="#webservice">Web services</a>-related
	    resource description.</p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="document" id="document"></a>document</dt><dd><p>Any data that can be represented in a digital
form. <a href="#ueb">[UeB Glossary]</a></p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="edi" id="edi"></a>Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)</dt><dd><p>The automated exchange of any predefined and structured
data for business among information systems of two or more
organizations. <a href="#ISOIEC14662">[ISO/IEC 14662]</a></p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="domain" id="domain"></a>domain</dt><dd><p>
	      A domain is an identified set of <a title="" href="#agent">agents</a> and/or
	      resources that is subject to the constraints of one of
	      more <a title="" href="#policy">policies</a>.
	    </p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="encryption" id="encryption"></a>encryption</dt><dd><p>Cryptographic transformation of data (called
"plaintext") into
	    a form (called "ciphertext") that conceals the data's
	    meaning to prevent it from being known or used. If the
	    transformation is reversible, the corresponding reversal
	    is called "decryption", which is a transformation that
	    encrypted data to its original state. <a href="#RFC2828">[RFC 2828]</a></p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="endpoint" id="endpoint"></a>end point</dt><dd><p>An association
	    between a <a title="" href="#binding">binding</a> and
	    a network address,
	    specified by a URI,
	    that may be used to
	    communicate with an
	    instance of a
	    <a title="" href="#service">service</a>. An end point
	    indicates a specific
	    location for accessing
	    a service using a
	    specific <a title="" href="#protocol">protocol</a> and
	    data format. <a href="#WSDReqs">[WSD Reqs]</a>
	    </p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="gateway" id="gateway"></a>gateway</dt><dd><p>An agent that terminates a
	    <a title="" href="#message">message</a> on an inbound
	    <a title="" href="#interface">interface</a> with the
	    of presenting it through an outbound interface as a new
	    message. Unlike a <a title="" href="#proxy">proxy</a>, a
gateway receives
	    messages as if it were the final receiver for the
	    message. Due to possible mismatches between the inbound
	    and outbound interfaces, a message may be modified and
	    may have some or all of its meaning lost during the
	    conversion process. For example, an HTTP PUT has no
	    equivalent in SMTP.</p><p>Note: a gateway may or may
	    not be a <a title="" href="#soapnode">SOAP node</a>;
	    however a gateway is never a <a title="" href="#soapintermediary">SOAP intermediary</a>,
	    since gateways terminate messages and SOAP
	    intermediaries relay them instead. Being a gateway is
	    typically a permanent role, whilst being a SOAP
	    intermediary is message specific.</p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="idempotent" id="idempotent"></a>idempotent</dt><dd><p>Property of an interaction whose results and
side-effects are the same whether it is done one or multiple
times. <a href="#RFC2616">[RFC 2616]</a></p><p><a title="" href="#safe">Safe</a> interactions are
inherently idempotent.</p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="identifier" id="identifier"></a>identifier</dt><dd><p>An identifier is an unambiguous name for a resource.</p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="isoapsender" id="isoapsender"></a>initial SOAP sender</dt><dd><p>The <a title="" href="#soapsender">SOAP
	    sender</a> that originates a <a title="" href="#soapmessage">SOAP message</a> at the starting
	    point of a <a title="" href="#soapmessagepath">SOAP message
path</a>.</p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="integrity" id="integrity"></a>integrity</dt><dd><p>Assuring information will not be accidentally or
	    maliciously altered or destroyed. <a href="#NSAG">[NSA Glossary]</a>
	    </p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="loosecoupling" id="loosecoupling"></a>loose coupling</dt><dd><p>Coupling is the dependency
	    between interacting systems. This dependency can be decomposed
into real
	    dependency and artificial dependency:</p><ol type="1"><li><p>Real dependency is the set of features or
		services that a system consumes from other
systems. The real dependency always exists and cannot be reduced.</p></li><li><p>Artificial dependency is the set of factors that
		a system has to comply with in order to consume the
features or services provided by
		other systems. Typical artificial dependency factors
are language dependency,
		platform dependency, API dependency, etc. Artificial
dependency always exists, but it or its
		cost can be reduced.</p></li></ol><p>Loose coupling describes the configuration in which
	    artificial dependency has been reduced to the minimum.</p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="manageableservice" id="manageableservice"></a>manageable service</dt><dd><p>
	      A <a title="" href="#webservice">Web service</a>
	      becomes a manageable service with additional semantics,
	      policy statements, and monitoring and control (or
	      management) capabilities (exposed via a <a title="" href="#mgmti">management interface</a>) all for the purpose of managing the service. 
	    </p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="mgmt" id="mgmt"></a>management</dt><dd><p>The utilization of the management capabilities by the
management system in order to perform monitoring of
values, tracking of states and control of entities in order to
produce and maintain a stable operational environment.</p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="managementcapability" id="managementcapability"></a>management
capability</dt><dd><p>Capabilities that a <a title="" href="#webservice">Web service</a> has for the purposes of controlling or monitoring the service, and that can be exposed to a management system for the sole purpose of managing the service.</p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="mgmti" id="mgmti"></a>management interface</dt><dd><p><a title="" href="#interface">Interface</a> through
which the <a title="" href="#managementcapability">management capabilities</a> of a service are exposed.</p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="managementpol" id="managementpol"></a>management policy</dt><dd><p><a title="" href="#policy">Policy</a> associated with
a Web service solely for the purpose of describing the management
<a title="" href="#obligation">obligations</a> and <a title="" href="#permission">permissions</a> for the service.</p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="mgmtsem" id="mgmtsem"></a>management semantics</dt><dd><p>The management semantics of a service augment the
<a title="" href="#ssem">semantics of a service</a> with
management-specific semantics. These management semantics form the
contract between the <a title="" href="#providerentity">provider
	    entity</a> and the <a title="" href="#requesterentity">requester entity</a> that expresses the effects and requirements pertaining to the management and management policies for a service.</p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="message" id="message"></a>message</dt><dd><ol type="1"><li><p>A message is the basic unit of data sent from one
<a title="" href="#webservice">Web services</a> <a title="" href="#agent">agent</a> to another in the context of Web services.</p></li><li><p>The basic unit of
		communication between
		a <a title="" href="#webservice">Web service</a> and
		<a title="" href="#requesteragent">requester</a>: data to
		communicated to or
		from a Web service as
		a single logical
		transmission. <a href="#WSDReqs">[WSD Reqs]</a>
		</p></li><li><p>See also <a title="" href="#soapmessage">SOAP
message</a>.</p></li></ol></dd><dt class="label"><a name="correlation" id="correlation"></a>message correlation</dt><dd><p>Message correlation is the association of a <a title="" href="#message">message</a> with a context. Message correlation
	    ensures that the <a title="" href="#requesteragent">requester agent</a> can match the reply with the request, especially when multiple replies may be possible.</p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="mep" id="mep"></a>message exchange pattern (MEP)</dt><dd><ol type="1"><li><p>A Message Exchanage Pattern (MEP) is a template,
		devoid of application semantics, that describes a
		generic pattern for the exchange of <a title="" href="#message">messages</a> between <a title="" href="#agent">agents</a>. It describes the
		relationships (e.g., temporal, causal, sequential, etc.) of multiple
		messages exchanged in conformance with the pattern, as
		well as the normal and abnormal termination of any
		message exchange conforming to the pattern.</p></li><li><p>See <a title="" href="#soapmep">SOAP message
		exchange pattern (MEP)</a>.</p></li></ol></dd><dt class="label"><a name="mr" id="mr"></a>message receiver</dt><dd><p>A message receiver is an <a title="" href="#agent">agent</a> that receives a <a title="" href="#message">message</a>.</p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="mreliability" id="mreliability"></a>message reliability</dt><dd><p>Message reliability is the degree of certainty that a
<a title="" href="#message">message</a> will be delivered and that
	    <a title="" href="#msender">sender</a> and <a title="" href="#mr">receiver</a> will both have the same understanding of the delivery status.</p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="msender" id="msender"></a>message sender</dt><dd><p>A message sender is the <a title="" href="#agent">agent</a> that transmits a
	    <a title="" href="#message">message</a>.</p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="mtransport" id="mtransport"></a>message transport</dt><dd><p>A message transport is a mechanism that may be used by
	    <a title="" href="#agent">agents</a> to deliver <a title="" href="#message">messages</a>.</p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="nonrepudiation" id="nonrepudiation"></a>non-repudiation</dt><dd><p>Method by which the sender of data is provided with
	    proof of delivery and the recipient is assured of the
	    sender's identity, so that neither can later deny having
	    processed the data. <a href="#INFOSECG">[INFOSEC Glossary]</a>
	    </p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="obligation" id="obligation"></a>obligation</dt><dd><p>
	      An obligation is a kind of <a title="" href="#policy">policy</a> that prescribes actions and/or states of an agent and/or resource.
	    </p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="operation" id="operation"></a>operation</dt><dd><p>A set of <a title="" href="#message">messages</a>
	    related to a single
	    <a title="" href="#webservice">Web service</a>
action. <a href="#WSDReqs">[WSD Reqs]</a>
	    </p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="orchestration" id="orchestration"></a>orchestration</dt><dd><p>
	      An orchestration defines the sequence and conditions in
	      which one <a title="" href="#webservice">Web service</a> invokes other Web services in
	      order to realize some useful function. I.e., an
	      orchestration is the pattern of interactions that a Web
	      service agent must follow in order to achieve its goal.
	    </p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="permission" id="permission"></a>permission</dt><dd><p>
	      A permission is a kind of <a title="" href="#policy">policy</a> that prescribes the
	      allowed actions and states of an agent and/or resource.
	    </p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="permissionguard" id="permissionguard"></a>permission guard</dt><dd><p>
	      A permission guard is a mechanism deployed on behalf of
	      an owner to enforce <a title="" href="#permission">permission</a> policies.
	    </p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="poo" id="poo"></a>person or organization</dt><dd><p>A person or organization may be the owner of <a title="" href="#agent">agents</a> that provide or request <a title="" href="#webservice">Web services</a>.</p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="policy" id="policy"></a>policy</dt><dd><p>A policy is a constraint on the behavior of <a title="" href="#agent">agents</a> or <a title="" href="#poo">person
or organization</a>.</p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="policyguard" id="policyguard"></a>policy guard</dt><dd><p>
	      A policy guard is a mechanism that enforces one or more
	      <a title="" href="#policy">policies</a>. It is deployed
	      on behalf of an owner.
	    </p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="principal" id="principal"></a>principal</dt><dd><p>A <a title="" href="#systementity">system entity</a>
	    whose identity can be authenticated. <a href="#X811">[X.811]</a>
	    </p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="privacypolicy" id="privacypolicy"></a>privacy policy</dt><dd><p>A set of rules and practices that specify or regulate
	    how a <a title="" href="#poo">person or organization</a> collects, processes
	    (uses) and discloses another party's
personal data as a result of
	    an interaction.
	    </p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="provideragent" id="provideragent"></a>provider agent</dt><dd><p>
	      An <a title="" href="#agent">agent</a> that is capable
	      of and empowered to perform the actions associated with
	      a <a title="" href="#service">service</a> on behalf of
	      its owner &#8212; the <a title="" href="#providerentity">provider
	    </p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="providerentity" id="providerentity"></a>provider entity</dt><dd><p>
	      The <a title="" href="#poo">person or organization</a>
	      that is providing a <a title="" href="#webservice">Web service</a>.
	    </p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="protocol" id="protocol"></a>protocol</dt><dd><p>A set of formal rules describing how to transmit data,
especially across a network. Low level protocols define the electrical
and physical standards to be observed, bit- and byte-ordering and the
transmission and error detection and correction of the bit
stream. High level protocols deal with the data formatting, including
the syntax of messages, the terminal to computer dialogue, character
sets, sequencing of messages etc. <a href="#foldoc">[FOLDOC]</a></p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="proxy" id="proxy"></a>proxy</dt><dd><p>An <a title="" href="#agent">agent</a> that relays a
message between a <a title="" href="#requesteragent">requester agent</a> and
	    a <a title="" href="#provideragent">provider agent</a>,
appearing to the <a title="" href="#webservice">Web service</a> to be
	    </p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="qos" id="qos"></a>quality of service</dt><dd><p>
	      Quality of Service is an <a title="" href="#obligation">obligation</a> accepted and
	      advertised by a <a title="" href="#providerentity">provider entity</a> to service consumers.
	    </p></dd><dt class="label">reference architecture</dt><dd><p>A reference architecture is the generalized
	    <a title="" href="#architecture">architecture</a> of several end systems that share one or
	    more common domains. The reference architecture defines
	    the infrastructure common to the end systems and the
	    interfaces of components that will be included in the
	    end systems. The reference architecture is then
	    instantiated to create a software architecture of a
	    specific system. The definition of the reference
	    architecture facilitates deriving and extending new
	    software architectures for classes of systems. A
	    reference architecture, therefore, plays a dual role
	    with regard to specific target software
	    architectures. First, it generalizes and extracts common
	    functions and configurations.  Second, it provides a
	    base for instantiating target systems that use that
	    common base more reliably and cost effectively. <a href="#RA">[Ref Arch]</a>
	    </p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="registry" id="registry"></a>registry</dt><dd><p>Authoritative, centrally controlled store of
	    information.</p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="requesteragent" id="requesteragent"></a>requester agent</dt><dd><p>
	      A software <a title="" href="#agent">agent</a> that
	      wishes to interact with a <a title="" href="#provideragent">provider agent</a> in order to
	      request that a task be performed on behalf of its owner
	      &#8212; the <a title="" href="#requesterentity">requester entity</a>.
	    </p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="requesterentity" id="requesterentity"></a>requester entity</dt><dd><p>
	      The <a title="" href="#poo">person or organization</a>
	      that wishes to use a <a title="" href="#providerentity">provider entity</a>'s
	      <a title="" href="#webservice">Web service</a>.
	    </p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="safe" id="safe"></a>safe</dt><dd><p>Property of an interaction which does not have any
significance of taking an action
	    other than retrieval of information. <a href="#RFC2616">[RFC 2616]</a></p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="securityadministration" id="securityadministration"></a>security
administration</dt><dd><p>Configuring, securing and/or deploying of systems or
applications enabling a <a title="" href="#securitydomain">security
domain</a>.</p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="securityarch" id="securityarch"></a>security architecture</dt><dd><p>A plan and set of principles for an administrative
domain and
	    its <a title="" href="#securitydomain">security
domains</a> that
	    describe the <a title="" href="#securityservice">security
services</a> that a
	    system is required to provide to meet the needs of its
	    the system elements required to implement the services,
	    the performance levels required in the elements to deal
	    the threat environment. A complete security architecture
for a
	    system addresses administrative security, communication
	    security, computer security, emanations security,
	    security, and physical security, and prescribes security
	    policies for each. A complete security architecture needs
	    deal with both intentional, intelligent threats and
	    threats. A security architecture should explicitly evolve
	    time as an integral part of its administrative domain's
	    evolution. <a href="#RFC2828">[RFC 2828]</a>
	    </p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="auditing" id="auditing"></a>security auditing</dt><dd><p>
	      A <a title="" href="#service">service</a> that reliably
and securely records
	      security-related events producing an audit trail
	      enabling the reconstruction and examination of a
	      sequence of events. Security events could include
	      authentication events, policy enforcement decisions, and
	      others. The resulting audit trail may be used to detect
	      attacks, confirm compliance with policy, deter abuse, or
	      other purposes.
	    </p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="securitydomain" id="securitydomain"></a>security domain</dt><dd><p>An environment or
	    context that is defined by <a title="" href="#securitymodel">security models</a>
	    and a <a title="" href="#securityarch">security
architecture</a>, including a set of resources and
	    set of system entities that are <a title="" href="#authorization">authorized</a> to <a title="" href="#access">access</a> the
	    resources. One or more security domains may reside in a
	    single administrative domain. The traits defining a given
	    security domain typically evolve over time. <a href="#RFC2828">[RFC 2828]</a>
	    </p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="securitymechanism" id="securitymechanism"></a>security mechanism</dt><dd><p>
	      A process (or a device incorporating such a process)
	      that can be used in a system to implement a <a title="" href="#securityservice">security service</a> that is
	      provided by or within the system.
	    </p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="securitymodel" id="securitymodel"></a>security model</dt><dd><p>
	      A schematic description of a set of entities and
	      relationships by which a specified set of <a title="" href="#securityservice">security services</a> are
	      provided by or within a system. <a href="#RFC2828">[RFC 2828]</a>
	    </p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="securitypolicy" id="securitypolicy"></a>security policy</dt><dd><p>A set of rules and practices that specify or regulate
how a
	    system or organization provides <a title="" href="#securityservice">security services</a> to protect
	    resources. Security policies are components of <a title="" href="#securityarch">security
	    architectures</a>. Significant portions of security
policies are
	    implemented via security services, using <a title="" href="#securitypolicyexpr">security policy
	    expressions</a>. <a href="#RFC2828">[RFC 2828]</a>
	    </p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="securitypolicyexpr" id="securitypolicyexpr"></a>security policy
expression</dt><dd><p>A mapping of
	    <a title="" href="#principal">principal</a> identities
and/or attributes thereof with
	    allowable actions. Security policy expressions are often
	    essentially access control lists. <a href="#STG">[STG]</a>
	    </p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="securityservice" id="securityservice"></a>security service</dt><dd><p>A processing or
	    communication <a title="" href="#service">service</a>
that is provided by a
	    system to give a specific kind of protection to resources,
	    where said resources may reside with said system or reside
	    with other systems, for example, an authentication service
or a
	    PKI-based document attribution and authentication
service. A
	    security service is a superset of AAA services. Security
	    services typically implement portions of <a title="" href="#securitypolicy">security policies</a> and
	    are implemented via <a title="" href="#securitymechanism">security mechanisms</a>. <a href="#RFC2828">[RFC 2828]</a>
	    </p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="service" id="service"></a>service</dt><dd><ol type="1"><li><p>A service is an abstract resource that represents a
		capability of
		performing tasks that form a coherent functionality
		from the point of view of <a title="" href="#providerentity">providers entities</a> and
		<a title="" href="#requesterentity">requesters
		entities</a>. To be used, a service must be realized by a
		concrete <a title="" href="#provideragent">provider agent</a>.</p></li><li><p>WSDL service: A collection of <a title="" href="#endpoint">end points</a>. <a href="#WSDReqs">[WSD Reqs]</a>
		</p></li><li><p>See <a title="" href="#webservice">Web
service</a>.</p></li></ol></dd><dt class="label"><a name="sdesc" id="sdesc"></a>service description</dt><dd><p>A service description is a set of documents that
describe the <a title="" href="#interface">interface</a> to and
<a title="" href="#ssem">semantics</a> of a <a title="" href="#service">service</a>.</p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="interface" id="interface"></a>service interface</dt><dd><ol type="1"><li><p>A service interface is the abstract boundary that a
		<a title="" href="#service">service</a> exposes. It
		defines the types of <a title="" href="#message">messages</a> and the <a title="" href="#mep">message
		exchange patterns</a> that are involved in interacting with the service, together with any conditions implied by those messages.</p></li><li><p>A logical grouping of <a title="" href="#operation">operations</a>. An interface
		represents an abstract service type, independent of
		transmission <a title="" href="#protocol">protocol</a> and data format.
		<a href="#WSDReqs">[WSD Reqs]</a></p></li></ol></dd><dt class="label"><a name="intermediary" id="intermediary"></a>service intermediary</dt><dd><ol type="1"><li><p>A service intermediary is a <a title="" href="#webservice">Web service</a> whose main
		role is to transform <a title="" href="#message">messages</a> in a value-added
		way. (From a messaging point of view, an intermediary
		processes messages en route from one agent to
		another.) Specifically, we say that a service
		intermediary is a service whose outgoing messages are
		equivalent to its incoming messages in some
		application-defined sense.</p></li><li><p>See <a title="" href="#soapintermediary">SOAP
intermediary</a>.</p></li></ol></dd><dt class="label"><a name="provider" id="provider"></a>service provider</dt><dd><p>See <a title="" href="#provideragent">provider
	    agent</a> and <a title="" href="#providerentity">provider entity</a>. See also
	    the <a href="">discussion about
service provider</a> in <a href="#WSA">[WS Arch]</a>.</p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="requester" id="requester"></a>service requester</dt><dd><p>See <a title="" href="#requesteragent">requester
	    agent</a> and <a title="" href="#requesterentity">requester entity</a>.  See also
	    the <a href="">discussion about
service requester</a> in <a href="#WSA">[WS Arch]</a>.</p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="servicerole" id="servicerole"></a>service role</dt><dd><p>An abstract set of tasks which is identified to be
relevant by a <a title="" href="#poo">person or organization</a>
offering a <a title="" href="#service">service</a>. Service roles
are also associated with particular aspects of <a title="" href="#message">messages</a> exchanged with a service.</p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="ssem" id="ssem"></a>service semantics</dt><dd><p>The semantics of a <a title="" href="#service">service</a> is the behavior expected
	    when interacting with the service. The semantics expresses
	    a contract (not necessarily a legal contract) between the
	    <a title="" href="#providerentity">provider entity</a> and the
	    <a title="" href="#requesterentity">requester
	    entity</a>. It expresses
	    the effect of invoking the service. A service semantics
	    may be formally described in a machine readable form,
	    identified but not formally defined, or informally defined
	    via an out of band agreement between the provider and
	    the requester entity.</p></dd><dt class="label">service-oriented architecture</dt><dd><p>A set of <a title="" href="#component">components</a>
which can be invoked, and whose <a title="" href="#interface">interface</a> descriptions can be published and
<a title="" href="#discovery">discovered</a>.</p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="session" id="session"></a>session</dt><dd><p>A lasting interaction between <a title="" href="#systementity">system entities</a>, often
	    involving a user, typified by the maintenance of some
	    <a title="" href="#state">state</a> of the interaction
	    for the duration of the interaction. <a href="#WSIAG">[WSIA Glossary]</a>
	    </p><p>Such an interaction may not be limited to a single
	    <a title="" href="#connection">connection</a> between
	    the system entities.</p></dd><dt class="label">SOAP</dt><dd><p>The formal set of
	    conventions governing the format and processing rules of
	    a <a title="" href="#soapmessage">SOAP message</a>. These
conventions include the interactions among
	    <a title="" href="#soapnode">SOAP nodes</a>
	    generating and accepting SOAP messages for
	    the purpose of exchanging information along a <a title="" href="#soapmessagepath">SOAP
	    message path</a>.</p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="soapapp" id="soapapp"></a>SOAP application</dt><dd><p>A software entity that produces, consumes or
	    otherwise acts upon <a title="" href="#soapmessage">SOAP
messages</a> in a manner
	    conforming to the SOAP processing model.</p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="soapbinding" id="soapbinding"></a>SOAP binding</dt><dd><p>The formal set of
	    rules for carrying a <a title="" href="#soapmessage">SOAP
message</a> within or on top of
	    another protocol (underlying protocol) for the purpose
	    of exchange. Examples of SOAP bindings include carrying
	    a SOAP message within an HTTP entity-body, or over a
	    TCP stream.</p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="soapbody" id="soapbody"></a>SOAP body</dt><dd><p>A collection of zero or
	    more <em>element information items</em> targeted at an
	    <a title="" href="#usoapreceiver">ultimate SOAP
receiver</a> in the <a title="" href="#soapmessagepath">SOAP message
path</a>.</p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="soapenvelope" id="soapenvelope"></a>SOAP envelope</dt><dd><p>The outermost
	    <em>element information item</em> of a <a title="" href="#soapmessage">SOAP message</a>.</p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="soapfault" id="soapfault"></a>SOAP fault</dt><dd><p>A SOAP
	    <em>element information item</em>
	    which contains fault information generated by a <a title="" href="#soapnode">SOAP
	    node</a>.</p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="soapfeature" id="soapfeature"></a>SOAP feature</dt><dd><p>An extension of the SOAP messaging framework typically
	    associated with the exchange of messages between
	    communicating <a title="" href="#soapnode">SOAP
nodes</a>. Examples of features
	    include "reliability", "security", "correlation",
	    "routing", and the concept of message exchange
	    patterns.</p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="soapheader" id="soapheader"></a>SOAP header</dt><dd><p>A collection of zero
	    or more <a title="" href="#soapheaderblock">SOAP header
blocks</a> each of which might be targeted
	    at any SOAP
	    receiver within the <a title="" href="#soapmessagepath">SOAP
message path</a>.</p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="soapheaderblock" id="soapheaderblock"></a>SOAP header block</dt><dd><p>An
	    <em>element information item</em> used to delimit
	    data that logically constitutes a single computational
	    unit within the <a title="" href="#soapheader">SOAP
header</a>. The type of a SOAP header block is
	    identified by the fully qualified name of the header block
	    <em>element information item</em>.</p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="soapintermediary" id="soapintermediary"></a>SOAP intermediary</dt><dd><p>A SOAP intermediary
	    is both a <a title="" href="#soapreceiver">SOAP
receiver</a> and a <a title="" href="#soapsender">SOAP
sender</a> and is targetable
	    from within a <a title="" href="#soapmessage">SOAP
message</a>. It processes the <a title="" href="#soapheaderblock">SOAP header
	    blocks</a> targeted at it and acts to forward a SOAP
	    towards an <a title="" href="#usoapreceiver">ultimate SOAP
receiver</a>.</p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="soapmessage" id="soapmessage"></a>SOAP message</dt><dd><p>
	      The basic unit of communication between <a title="" href="#soapnode">SOAP
	    nodes</a>.</p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="soapmep" id="soapmep"></a>SOAP message exchange pattern
(MEP)</dt><dd><p>A template for the exchange of <a title="" href="#soapmessage">SOAP messages</a>
	    between <a title="" href="#soapnode">SOAP nodes</a>
enabled by one or more underlying
	    <a title="" href="#soapbinding">SOAP protocol
bindings</a>. A SOAP
	    MEP is an example of a <a title="" href="#soapfeature">SOAP
feature</a>.</p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="soapmessagepath" id="soapmessagepath"></a>SOAP message path</dt><dd><p>The set of <a title="" href="#soapnode">SOAP
	    nodes</a> through which a single <a title="" href="#soapmessage">SOAP
	    message</a> passes. This includes the initial
<a title="" href="#soapsender">SOAP sender</a>,
	    zero or more <a title="" href="#soapintermediary">SOAP
intermediaries</a>, and an <a title="" href="#usoapreceiver">ultimate
	    receiver</a>.</p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="soapnode" id="soapnode"></a>SOAP node</dt><dd><p>The embodiment of
	    the processing logic necessary to transmit, receive,
	    process and/or relay a <a title="" href="#soapmessage">SOAP
message</a>, according
	    to the set of conventions defined by this recommendation.
	    A SOAP node is responsible for
	    enforcing the rules that govern the exchange of
	    messages. It accesses the services
	    provided by the underlying protocols through one or
	    more <a title="" href="#soapbinding">SOAP
	    bindings</a>.</p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="soapreceiver" id="soapreceiver"></a>SOAP receiver</dt><dd><p>A
	    <a title="" href="#soapnode">SOAP node</a> that accepts a
<a title="" href="#soapmessage">SOAP message</a>.</p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="soaprole" id="soaprole"></a>SOAP role</dt><dd><p>A <a title="" href="#soapnode">SOAP node</a>'s
expected function in
	    processing a message. A SOAP node can act in multiple
	    roles.</p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="soapsender" id="soapsender"></a>SOAP sender</dt><dd><p>A
	    <a title="" href="#soapnode">SOAP node</a> that transmits
a <a title="" href="#soapmessage">SOAP message</a>.</p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="state" id="state"></a>state</dt><dd><p>A set of <a title="" href="#attribute">attributes</a>
	    representing the properties of a <a title="" href="#component">component</a> at some point in
	    time.</p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="synchronous" id="synchronous"></a>synchronous</dt><dd><p>An interaction is said to be synchronous when the
participating agents must
	    be available to receive and process the associated
messages from the time
	    the interaction is initiated until all messages are
actually received or
	    some failure condition is determined. The exact meaning
	    of "available to receive the message" depends on the
characteristics of the
	    participating agents (including the transfer protocol it
uses); it may, but
	    does not necessarily, imply tight time synchronization,
blocking a thread,
	    etc.</p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="systementity" id="systementity"></a>system entity</dt><dd><p>An active element of a computer/network system. For
	    example, an automated process or set of processes, a
	    subsystem, a person or group of persons that
	    incorporates a distinct set of functionality. <a href="#RFC2828">[RFC 2828]</a>
	    </p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="transaction" id="transaction"></a>transaction</dt><dd><p>Transaction is a feature of the
architecture that
	    supports the coordination of results or operations on
state in a multi-step
	    interaction. The fundamental characteristic of a transaction is the
ability to join
	    multiple actions into the same unit of work, such that the
actions either
	    succeed or fail as a unit.</p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="usoapreceiver" id="usoapreceiver"></a>ultimate SOAP receiver</dt><dd><p> The <a title="" href="#soapreceiver">SOAP
	    receiver</a> that is a final destination of a
<a title="" href="#soapmessage">SOAP message</a>. It is responsible
	    processing the contents of the <a title="" href="#soapbody">SOAP body</a> and any <a title="" href="#soapheaderblock">SOAP
	    header blocks</a> targeted at it. In some
circumstances, a
	    SOAP message might not reach an ultimate SOAP receiver,
	    example because of a problem at a
	    <a title="" href="#soapintermediary">SOAP
intermediary</a>. An
	    ultimate SOAP receiver cannot also be a SOAP
	    intermediary for the same SOAP message.</p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="usageauditing" id="usageauditing"></a>usage auditing</dt><dd><p><a title="" href="#service">Service</a> that reliably
and securely records usage-related events producing an audit trail
enabling the reconstruction and examination of a sequence of events.
Usage events could include resource allocation events and resource
freeing events.</p></dd><dt class="label"><a name="webservice" id="webservice"></a>Web service</dt><dd><p>There are many things that might be called "Web
services" in the world at large. However, for the purpose of this
Working Group and this architecture, and without prejudice toward
other definitions, we will use the following definition:</p><p>
	      A Web service is a software system designed to support
interoperable machine-to-machine interaction over a network. It has an
interface described in a machine-processable format (specifically
WSDL). Other systems interact with the Web service in a manner
prescribed by its description using SOAP-messages, typically conveyed
using HTTP with an XML serialization in conjunction with other
Web-related standards.
	    </p></dd></dl></div><div class="div1">
<h2><a name="ref" id="ref"></a>3 References</h2><dl><dt class="label"><a name="CCATD" id="CCATD"></a>CCA T&amp;D</dt><dd><a href="">
						<cite>CCA Terms and Definitions</cite>,
	    CCA Forum, Kate Keahey</a>  (See</dd><dt class="label"><a name="RoyFieldingThesis" id="RoyFieldingThesis"></a>Fielding</dt><dd><a href="">
						<cite>Architectural Styles and
the Design of Network-based Software Architectures</cite>, PhD dissertation, R. Fielding, 2000</a>  (See</dd><dt class="label"><a name="foldoc" id="foldoc"></a>FOLDOC</dt><dd><a href=""><cite>The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing</cite>, D. Howe</a>  (See</dd><dt class="label"><a name="INFOSECG" id="INFOSECG"></a>INFOSEC Glossary</dt><dd>
						<cite>National Information Systems Security
(INFOSEC) Glossary</cite>,
	    National Security Telecommunications and Information Systems Security
Instruction (NSTISSI) No. 4009, 5 June 1992</dd><dt class="label"><a name="ISOIEC14662" id="ISOIEC14662"></a>ISO/IEC 14662</dt><dd><a href="">
	    <cite>Information technology -- Open-edi reference model</cite>,
	    International Standard, ISO/IEC 14662:1997</a>  (See</dd><dt class="label"><a name="NSAG" id="NSAG"></a>NSA Glossary</dt><dd>
						<cite>NSA Glossary of
	      Terms Used in Security and
	      Intrusion Detection</cite>,
	    NSA, April 1998
	    </dd><dt class="label"><a name="SAP" id="SAP"></a>Soft Arch Pract</dt><dd>
						<cite>Software Architecture in Practice</cite>,
	    ISBN 0201199300, L. Bass, P, Clements, R. Kazman, 1997</dd><dt class="label"><a name="RA" id="RA"></a>Ref Arch</dt><dd><a href="">
						<cite>Using the Architecture Tradeoff Analysis
	    Method(SM) to Evaluate a Reference Architecture: A Case
	    B. Gallagher, June 2000</a>  (See</dd><dt class="label"><a name="RFC2616" id="RFC2616"></a>RFC 2616</dt><dd><a href="">
						<cite>Hypertext Transfer Protocol --
	    IETF RFC 2616, R. Fielding, J. Gettys, J. Mogul,
	    H. Frystyk, L. Masinter, P. Leach, T. Berners-Lee
	    June 1999</a>  (See</dd><dt class="label"><a name="RFC2828" id="RFC2828"></a>RFC 2828</dt><dd><a href="">
						<cite>Internet Security Glossary</cite>,
	    IETF RFC 2828, R. Shirey, May
	    2000</a>  (See</dd><dt class="label"><a name="RFC2829" id="RFC2829"></a>RFC 2829</dt><dd><a href="">
						<cite>Authentication Methods for LDAP</cite>,
	    IETF RFC 2829, M. Wahl, H. Alvestrand, J. Hodges,
	    R. Morgan , May
	    2000</a>  (See</dd><dt class="label"><a name="STG" id="STG"></a>STG</dt><dd><a href="">
						<cite>Security Taxonomy and Glossary</cite>,
	    L. Wheeler</a>  (See</dd><dt class="label"><a name="SOAP1" id="SOAP1"></a>SOAP12 Part1</dt><dd><a href="">
						<cite>SOAP Version 1.2 Part 1:
	      Messaging Framework</cite>, W3C Recommendation,
	    M. Gudgin, M. Hadley, N. Mendelsohn, J-J. Moreau,
	    H. Nielsen, 24 June 2003</a>  (See</dd><dt class="label"><a name="ueb" id="ueb"></a>UeB Glossary</dt><dd><cite>UN/CEFACT eBusiness Glossary</cite>, UN/CEFACT Working Draft Revision 0.53, 13 December 2002</dd><dt class="label"><a name="webarch" id="webarch"></a>Web Arch</dt><dd><a href="">
	    <cite>Architecture of the World Wide Web, First Edition</cite>,
	    W3C Working Draft, I. Jacobs, 9 December 2003
	    </a>  (See</dd><dt class="label"><a name="WSA" id="WSA"></a>WS Arch</dt><dd><a href="">
						<cite>Web Services
						Architecture</cite>, W3C Working Group Note,
	    D. Booth, H. Haas, F. McCabe, E. Newcomer, M. Champion, C. Ferris, D. Orchard,
	  11 February 2004</a>  (See</dd><dt class="label"><a name="WSIAG" id="WSIAG"></a>WSIA Glossary</dt><dd><a href="">
						<cite>Glossary for the OASIS WebService
	    Interactive Applications (WSIA/WSRP)</cite>,
	    OASIS draft, 3 May 2002</a>  (See</dd><dt class="label"><a name="WSCWGreqs" id="WSCWGreqs"></a>WSC Reqs</dt><dd><a href="">
						<cite>Web Services Choreography Requirements 1.0</cite>, W3C Working Draft, 
	         D. Austin,  
    A. Barbir,
    E. Peters, 
    S. Ross-Talbot, 12 August 2003</a>  (See</dd><dt class="label"><a name="WSDReqs" id="WSDReqs"></a>WSD Reqs</dt><dd><a href="">
						<cite>Web Service Description
	    Requirements</cite>, W3C Working Draft, 
	    J. Schlimmer, 28 October 2002</a>  (See</dd><dt class="label"><a name="X800" id="X800"></a>X.800</dt><dd><a href="">
						<cite>Information processing systems Open Systems Interconnection Basic Reference Model Part 2: Security Architecture</cite>,
	    ISO 7498-2:1989, ITU-T Recommendation X.800 (1991)</a>  (See</dd><dt class="label"><a name="X811" id="X811"></a>X.811</dt><dd><a href="">
						<cite>Security Frameworks for Open Systems:
	    Authentication Framework</cite>,
	    ITU-T Recommendation X.811 (1995 E), ISO/IEC 10181-2:1996(E)</a>  (See</dd><dt class="label"><a name="X812" id="X812"></a>X.812</dt><dd><a href="">
						<cite>Security frameworks for open systems: Access control framework</cite>,
	    ITU-T Recommendation X.812 (1995 E), ISO/IEC 10181-3:1996(E)</a>  (See</dd></dl></div></div><div class="back"><div class="div1">
<h2><a name="id2273823" id="id2273823"></a>A Acknowledgements (Non-Normative)</h2><p>This document has been produced by the <a href="">Web Services
	  Architecture Working Group</a>.</p><p>
        Members of the Working Group are
        (at the time of writing, and by alphabetical order):
            (Sun Microsystems, Inc.), Mukund
            (Infravio, Inc.), Mike
            (EDS), Abbie
            (Nortel Networks), David Booth
            (W3C), Mike
            (Apple), Doug
            (Sun Microsystems, Inc.), Greg
            (Nokia), Tom
            (W. W. Grainger, Inc.), Alex Cheng
            (Ipedo), Michael
            (Software AG), Martin
            (Oracle Corporation), Ugo
            (SeeBeyond Technology Corporation), Roger
            (ChevronTexaco), Jonathan
            (Fujitsu), Suresh
            (Sterling Commerce(SBC)), James
            (MITRE Corporation), Paul Denning
            (MITRE Corporation), Gerald
            (The Boeing Company), Shishir Garg
            (France Telecom), Hugo Haas
            (W3C), Hao He
            (The Thomson Corporation), Dave
            (Contivo), Yin-Leng
            (Hewlett-Packard Company), Mario Jeckle
            (DaimlerChrysler Research and Technology), Heather
            (IBM), Sandeep
            (Cisco Systems Inc), Hal Lockhart
            (OASIS), Michael
            (Nokia), Francis
            (Fujitsu), Michael
            (VeriSign, Inc.), Jeff
            (Oracle Corporation), Eric Newcomer
            (IONA), Mark
            (BEA Systems), David
            (BEA Systems), Bijan Parsia
            (MIND Lab), Adinarayana
            (IONA), Waqar
            (EDS), Igor
            (Computer Associates), Hans-Peter
            (DaimlerChrysler Research and Technology), Katia Sycara
            (Carnegie Mellon University), Bryan
            (Hicks &amp; Associates, Inc.), Sinisa
            (SAP).</p><p>Previous members of the Working Group were: Assaf
Arkin (Intalio, Inc.), Daniel Austin (W. W. Grainger, Inc.), Mark Baker (Idokorro Mobile, Inc. / Planetfred, Inc.),
Tom Bradford (XQRL, Inc.), Allen Brown (Microsoft Corporation), Dipto
Chakravarty (Artesia Technologies), Jun Chen (MartSoft Corp.), Alan Davies
(SeeBeyond Technology Corporation), Glen Daniels (Macromedia), Ayse Dilber
(AT&amp;T), Zulah Eckert (Hewlett-Packard Company), Colleen Evans (Sonic Software), Chris Ferris (IBM), Daniela
Florescu (XQRL Inc.), Sharad Garg (Intel), Mark Hapner (Sun Microsystems,
Inc.), Joseph Hui (Exodus/Digital Island), Michael Hui (Computer Associates),
Nigel Hutchison (Software AG), Marcel Jemio (DISA), Mark Jones (AT&amp;T),
Timothy Jones (CrossWeave, Inc.), Tom Jordahl (Macromedia), Jim Knutson
(IBM), Steve Lind (AT&amp;T), Mark Little (Arjuna), Bob Lojek (Intalio, Inc.), Anne Thomas Manes
(Systinet), Jens Meinkoehn (T-Nova Deutsche Telekom Innovationsgesellschaft),
Nilo Mitra (Ericsson), Don Mullen (TIBCO Software, Inc.), Himagiri Mukkamala (Sybase, Inc.), Joel Munter (Intel), Henrik Frystyk Nielsen (Microsoft
Corporation), Duane Nickull (XML Global Technologies), David Noor (Rogue Wave
Software), Srinivas Pandrangi (Ipedo), Kevin Perkins (Compaq), Mark
            (Talking Blocks, Inc), Fabio Riccardi (XQRL, Inc.), Don Robertson
(Documentum), Darran Rolls (Waveset Technologies, Inc.), Krishna Sankar
(Cisco Systems Inc), Jim Shur (Rogue Wave Software), Patrick Thompson (Rogue
Wave Software), Steve Vinoski (IONA), Scott Vorthmann (TIBCO Software, Inc.),
Jim Webber (Arjuna), Prasad Yendluri (webMethods, Inc.), 
Jin Yu (MartSoft Corp.) .</p><p>The people who have contributed to discussions on the <a href="">www-ws-arch
      public mailing list</a> are also gratefully acknowledged.</p></div></div></body></html>