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<h1><a id="title" name="title" />SOAP 1.2 Attachment Feature</h1>
<h2><a id="w3c-doctype" name="w3c-doctype" />W3C Working Group Note 8 June 2004</h2><dl><dt>This version:</dt><dd><a href=""></a>
    </dd><dt>Latest version:</dt><dd><a href=""></a>
    </dd><dt>Previous version:</dt><dd>
<a href=""></a>
   </dd><dt>Editors:</dt><dd>Henrik Frystyk Nielsen, Microsoft</dd><dd>Hervé Ruellan, Canon</dd></dl><p class="copyright"><a href="">Copyright</a> © 2004 <a href=""><acronym title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</acronym></a><sup>®</sup> (<a href=""><acronym title="Massachusetts Institute of Technology">MIT</acronym></a>, <a href=""><acronym title="European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics">ERCIM</acronym></a>, <a href="">Keio</a>), All Rights Reserved. W3C <a href="">liability</a>, <a href="">trademark</a>, <a href="">document use</a> and <a href="">software licensing</a> rules apply.</p></div><hr /><div>
<h2><a id="abstract" name="abstract" />Abstract</h2><p>This document defines a SOAP feature that represents an abstract model
        for SOAP attachments. It provides the basis for the creation of SOAP
        bindings that transmit such attachments along with a SOAP envelope, and
        provides for reference of those attachments from the envelope. SOAP
        attachments are described using the notion of a compound document
        structure consisting of a primary SOAP message part and zero or more
        related documents parts known as attachments.</p></div><div>
<h2><a id="status" name="status" />Status of this Document</h2><p><em>This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. Other documents may supersede this document. A list of current W3C publications and the latest revision of this technical report can be found in the <a href="">W3C technical reports index</a> at</em></p><p>This document is the work of the <a href="">W3C XML Protocol Working Group</a> (WG). The
Attachment Feature document has been superceded by the <a href="">SOAP Message
Transmission Optimization Mechanism</a> document which describes
attachment related features along with some implementation details. The
XMLP WG does not intend to do any further work on the Attachment Feature
document.</p><p>Discussion of this document takes place on the public <a href=""></a>
          mailing list (<a href="">public archive</a>) under the email
          communication rules in the <a href="">
XML Protocol Working Group
          Charter </a>.</p><p>
The <a href="">XML Protocol Working Group</a>
	is part of the <a href=""> Web Services
</p><p>This document has been produced under the 
<a href="">24 January 2002 CPP</a> as amended 
by the <a href="">W3C Patent Policy Transition Procedure</a>. 
An individual who has actual knowledge of a patent which the individual believes contains Essential Claim(s)
 with respect to this specification should disclose the information in accordance with section 6 of the 
<a href="">W3C Patent Policy</a>.
	Patent disclosures relevant to this specification may be found on the
	Working Group's <a href="">patent
	  disclosure page</a>.
      </p><p>Publication as a Working Group Note does not imply endorsement
by the W3C Membership. This is a draft document and may be updated,
replaced or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is
inappropriate to cite this document as other than work in
progress.</p></div><div class="toc">
<h2><a id="contents" name="contents" />Table of Contents</h2><p class="toc">1 <a href="#intro">Introduction</a><br />
    1.1 <a href="#notations">Notational Conventions</a><br />
    1.2 <a href="#conformance">Conformance</a><br />
2 <a href="#name">SOAP Feature Name</a><br />
3 <a href="#terminology">Terminology</a><br />
4 <a href="#model">Compound SOAP Structure Model</a><br />
5 <a href="#properties">Attachment Feature properties</a><br />
    5.1 <a href="#sendingCompound">Sending a compound SOAP structure</a><br />
    5.2 <a href="#receivingCompound">Receiving a compound SOAP structure</a><br />
6 <a href="#implementation">Implementation</a><br />
7 <a href="#intermediaries">Intermediaries</a><br />
8 <a href="#i18n">Internationalization Considerations</a><br />
9 <a href="#security">Security Considerations</a><br />
10 <a href="#iana">IANA Considerations</a><br />
11 <a href="#refs">References</a><br />
    11.1 <a href="#refs-norm">Normative References</a><br />
    11.2 <a href="#N102CD">Informative References</a><br />
<h3><a id="appendices" name="appendices" />Appendices</h3><p class="toc">A <a href="#contributors">Contributors</a><br />
B <a href="#History">History</a><br />
    B.1 <a href="#N102F9">5 december 2002</a><br />
    B.2 <a href="#N10303">4 november 2002</a><br />
    B.3 <a href="#N10324">31 october 2002</a><br />
    B.4 <a href="#N10339">31 July 2002</a><br />
    B.5 <a href="#N10367">30 July 2002</a><br />
    B.6 <a href="#N1038C">22 July 2002</a><br />
</p></div><hr /><div class="body"><div class="div1">
<h2><a id="intro" name="intro" />1 Introduction</h2><p>SOAP 1.2 part 1 (see <a href="#W3C.WD-soap-part1">[SOAP Part 1]</a>) provides a
        flexible and extensible envelope for describing structured information
        intended for exchange between SOAP nodes. Even though SOAP 1.2 is
        described in terms of <a href="#W3C.REC-xml-infoset">[XML Infoset]</a>, it is expected that <a href="#W3C.REC-xml">[XML 1.0]</a> will be a widely used
        representation for SOAP data.</p><p>The following problems can arise when using such an <a href="#W3C.REC-xml">[XML 1.0]</a> representation for SOAP data:</p><ol class="enumar"><li><p>Encapsulation of binary data in the form of image files etc.
            cannot be done without additional encoding/decoding of the data.
            The overhead of encoding binary data in a form acceptable to XML
            (for example using base64 as defined by <a href="#RFC2045">[RFC 2045]</a>) is often significant both in
            terms of bytes added because of the encoding as well as processor
            overhead performing the encoding/decoding.</p></li><li><p>Encapsulation of other XML documents as well as XML fragments is
            cumbersome within a SOAP message--especially if the XML parts do
            not use the same character encoding.</p></li><li><p>Although SOAP messages inherently are self-delimiting, the
            message delimiter can only be detected by parsing the complete
            message. This can imply a significant overhead in generic message
            processing as well as parsing and memory allocation.</p></li></ol><p>The compound message structures provided by this specification MAY be
        used to create SOAP bindings, or other specifications to be used by
        bindings, that avoid some or all such problems.</p><p>The purpose of this specification is not to define an actual
        representation of SOAP attachments but rather to define an abstract
        SOAP 1.2 feature which can be used as the basis for defining SOAP
        bindings that support the transmission of messages with attachments.
        The feature describes characteristics common to all such
        implementations.</p><div class="div2">
<h3><a id="notations" name="notations" />1.1 Notational Conventions</h3><p>The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL",
          and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as
          described in <a href="#RFC2119">[RFC 2119]</a>.</p></div><div class="div2">
<h3><a id="conformance" name="conformance" />1.2 Conformance</h3><p>This document describes a SOAP attachment feature which is an
          abstract model, and conformance is a property of SOAP binding
          specifications or of SOAP modules that use this model.
        </p><p>A SOAP binding specification or a SOAP module using this model is conformant if it follows all the requirements of this specification (see in particular <a href="#implementation"><b>6 Implementation</b></a>).
        </p></div></div><div class="div1">
<h2><a id="name" name="name" />2 SOAP Feature Name</h2><p>This Attachment Feature is identified by the URI</p><p> (see <a href="#W3C.WD-soap-part1">[SOAP Part 1]</a> <a href="">SOAP Protocol Binding Framework</a>)</p><p>:</p><ul><li><p>
            "" .
          </p></li></ul></div><div class="div1">
<h2><a id="terminology" name="terminology" />3 Terminology</h2><dl><dt class="label">Compound SOAP structure</dt><dd><p> A compound SOAP structure consists of a primary SOAP message
              part and zero or more related secondary parts.</p></dd><dt class="label">Primary SOAP message part</dt><dd><p>A SOAP message that provides the processing context for the
              compound SOAP structure as a whole including the secondary
              parts.</p></dd><dt class="label">Secondary Part</dt><dd><p>A document or entity related to the primary SOAP message part
              in some manner. A secondary part is a resource in the sense that
              it has identity and is identified by a URI. The representation of
              the resource can be of any type and size. Secondary parts are
              informally referred to as attachments.</p></dd></dl><p>Note: the use of the term "part" in this specification is
        independent of its use in other specifications and should not be
        assumed to be identical.
      </p></div><div class="div1">
<h2><a id="model" name="model" />4 Compound SOAP Structure Model</h2><p>Throughout this document, the components of a compound document
        structure are called parts. Accordingly, a compound SOAP structure
        consists of a primary SOAP message part and zero or more related
        secondary parts that are distinct from the primary SOAP message but
        related to it in some manner.</p><p>For example secondary parts can be used to contain data that naturally
        represents a resource in its own right or which is cumbersome to
        represent within the primary SOAP message part. The latter can be due
        to the size, type, or format of the data--a secondary part may be an
        audio clip, an image, or a very large view of a database, for
        example.</p><p>Secondary parts are often informally referred to as
        "attachments".  While the attachment relationship is expected
        to be commonly used, the model makes no assumption about the
        nature of the semantic relationship between the primary SOAP message
        part and secondary parts, or between secondary parts.</p><p>It is important to note that the compound SOAP structure model does
        not modify or supersede the message envelope concept defined by SOAP.
        Nor does it define a processing model for any of the parts of a
        compound SOAP structure including the primary SOAP message part.  The
        processing model for the primary SOAP message part is defined by SOAP.
        The application-defined semantics of the SOAP message provides the
        processing context for the secondary part(s).</p><p>Each part is identified by one or more URIs (typically one) that can
        be used to reference it from other parts. The URI(s) identifying a part
        can be of any URI scheme. It is RECOMMENDED that only IANA registered
        URI schemes be used.</p><p>The compound SOAP structure model does not require that a
        SOAP receiver process, dereference, or otherwise verify any
        secondary parts of a compound SOAP structure. It is up to the
        SOAP receiver to determine, based on the processing context
        provided by the primary SOAP message part, which operations
        must be performed (if any) on the secondary part(s).</p></div><div class="div1">
<h2><a id="properties" name="properties" />5 Attachment Feature properties</h2><p>
        The Attachment Feature defines a set of properties described
        in Property definition for the Attachment FeatureProperty NameProperty Description
            An abstract structure that represents the primary SOAP
              message part of the compound SOAP structure.
            An abstract structure that represents the compound SOAP
              structure's secondary part(s). This structure is a bag that
              contains representations of each of the compound SOAP
              structure's secondary part(s).  A secondary part representation
              can be a URI referencing this secondary part, an abstract
              structure representing the secondary part itself, or both.
        Note: the base URI for all the properties defined in this section is
        <code></code>. In this section, property names are sometimes given using a URI relative to this base URI.
      </p><div id="tabprops"><table border="1"><caption>Property definition for the Attachment Feature</caption><tbody><tr><th>Property Name</th><th>Property Description</th></tr><tr><td>
            </td><td>An abstract structure that represents the primary SOAP
              message part of the compound SOAP structure.
            </td><td>An abstract structure that represents the compound SOAP
              structure's secondary part(s). This structure is a bag that
              contains representations of each of the compound SOAP
              structure's secondary part(s).  A secondary part representation
              can be a URI referencing this secondary part, an abstract
              structure representing the secondary part itself, or both.
            </td></tr></tbody></table></div><p>Both these properties are instantiated inside the scope of a message
        exchange context. If several messages are exchanged inside the scope of
        this message exchange context, each instantiation of those properties
        is linked to a particular message.</p><p>Note: the </p><p><code></code></p><p> and </p><p><code></code></p><p> properties may
        interact with or affect the contents of other properties (from a MEP or
        another feature) defining the message sent. It is up to the
        implementation to specify how those properties interact.</p><p>For example, the <a href="">Request-Response Message Exchange Pattern</a> in the
        <a href="#W3C.WD-soap-part2">[SOAP Part 2]</a> specification defines a
        reqres:OutboundMessage property that represents the current outbound
        message in the message exchange. If the Request-Response Message
        Exchange Pattern is used in conjunction with this feature, then the
        reqres:OutboundMessage property is initialized to represent the
        compound SOAP Structure (see diagram below).</p><img src="PropertiesInteraction.png" alt="Properties Interaction Diagram." /><div class="div2">
<h3><a id="sendingCompound" name="sendingCompound" />5.1 Sending a compound SOAP structure</h3><p>To use this feature, a SOAP node sending a message instantiates a
          local message exchange context. Property definition for the Attachment FeatureProperty NameProperty Value
              A representation of the primary SOAP message part of the
                outbound message.
              A representation of all the secondary parts of the outbound
          how the context is initialized.</p><div id="tabsend"><table border="1"><caption>Property definition for the Attachment Feature</caption><tbody><tr><th>Property Name</th><th>Property Value</th></tr><tr><td>
              </td><td>A representation of the primary SOAP message part of the
                outbound message.
              </td><td>A representation of all the secondary parts of the outbound
          There may be other properties related to the operation of the
          message exchange context instance. Such properties are initialized
          according to their own feature specifications.
        </p></div><div class="div2">
<h3><a id="receivingCompound" name="receivingCompound" />5.2 Receiving a compound SOAP structure</h3><p>When the SOAP protocol binding instance at the receiving SOAP node
          starts to receive an inbound message using this feature, it
          (logically) instantiates a message exchange context. Property definition for the Attachment FeatureProperty NameProperty Value
              A representation of the primary SOAP message part of the
                inbound message.
              A representation of all the secondary parts of the inbound
               describes the properties that the binding
          initializes as part of the context's instantiation.</p><div id="tabrec"><table border="1"><caption>Property definition for the Attachment Feature</caption><tbody><tr><th>Property Name</th><th>Property Value</th></tr><tr><td>
              </td><td>A representation of the primary SOAP message part of the
                inbound message.
              </td><td>A representation of all the secondary parts of the inbound
          There may be other properties related to the operation of the
          message exchange context instance. Such properties are initialized
          according to their own feature specifications.
        </p></div></div><div class="div1">
<h2><a id="implementation" name="implementation" />6 Implementation</h2><p>The compound SOAP structure model is abstract in the sense that it
        does not define an actual means by which compound SOAP structures are
        represented or transmitted by a SOAP binding. This section describes
        the requirements on any binding that uses this feature to transmit
        SOAP compound structures; the definition of any particular
        binding, or of particular representations of compound structures to be
        used by such bindings, is outside the scope of this specification.</p><p>A binding that supports the transmission of compound SOAP structures
        MUST provide the following:</p><ul><li><p>A means by which the primary and secondary parts are made
            available to the receiving party. Typically, this is achieved by
            transmitting all of the parts from the sender to the receiver,
            using binding-specified means. One option for achieving such
            transmission is to use an encapsulation mechanism (e.g. DIME or
            MIME) to prepare a single data stream containing all of the parts,
            and to then transmit the encapsulation.</p></li><li><p>A mechanism by which each part is identified using one (or more)
            URI(s) </p><p> (see <a href="#W3C.WD-soap-part1">[SOAP Part 1]</a>
              <a href="">Use of URIs in
                SOAP</a>) </p><p> . The URI scheme used MAY but need not
            be the same for all parts. The URI scheme used for multiple
            identifiers of a single part MAY but need not be the same.
          </p><p>Note: the ability to identify a single part with multiple URIs is
            provided because, in general, the Web architecture allows such
            multiple names for a single resource. It is anticipated that most
            bindings will name each part with a single URI, and through the use
            of base URIs, provide for absolute and/or relative URI references
            to that URI.
          </p></li></ul><p>The compound SOAP structure model is independent of the
        underlying protocol used for transmitting the primary SOAP message part
        and any of the secondary parts. That is, there is no requirement that
        all parts of a compound SOAP structure representation be transmitted
        within the same unit of the underlying protocol. Note that in some
        cases, the underlying protocol may also provide the functionality of
        the encapsulation mechanism.</p><p>As an example of possible representations that a binding might
        implement, consider a compound SOAP structure consisting of a primary
        SOAP message part containing an insurance claim for a damaged car and a
        secondary part containing a JPEG image of the car. Such a compound
        structure can be represented in several ways including but not limited
        to the following:</p><ol class="enumar"><li><p>The primary SOAP message part and the JPEG image may be
            encapsulated in a single DIME message and transmitted using an
            underlying protocol such as TCP or HTTP (<a href="#RFC2616">[RFC 2616]</a>)
            (see <a href="#I-D.nielsen-dime-soap">[WS-Attachments]</a>).</p></li><li><p>The primary SOAP message part and the JPEG image may be
            encapsulated in a single MIME Multipart/Related message (<a href="#RFC2387">[RFC 2387]</a>) and transmitted using an underlying protocol
            such as HTTP (<a href="#RFC2616">[RFC 2616]</a>) (see <a href="#SOAP-Attachments">[SOAP with attachments]</a>).
          </p></li><li><p>The primary SOAP message part may be exchanged using the HTTP
            protocol binding without any further encapsulation</p><p>,</p><p> and the JPEG
            image </p><p>retrieved at the application's discretion</p><p> using a separate HTTP GET request.</p></li></ol><p>A binding that supports this feature MUST provide a means by which
        receivers can distinguish the primary SOAP part from the secondary
        parts.  A SOAP receiver that supports this feature MUST process the
        primary SOAP message part according to the rules for processing SOAP
        messages (see <a href="#W3C.WD-soap-part1">[SOAP Part 1]</a>).</p><p>Compound SOAP structures MAY be nested by having a secondary part of
        a compound SOAP structure contain another compound SOAP structure. In
        this case, the primary SOAP message part is the primary SOAP message
        part of the outermost compound SOAP structure and as for any other
        secondary part, the semantics of the primary SOAP message part
        provides the processing context for the nested compound SOAP
        structure(s).</p><p>While a binding that supports this feature MAY provide mechanisms
        for verifying the integrity and enumerating the parts of a compound
        SOAP structure, this is not a requirement of this feature.</p></div><div class="div1">
<h2><a id="intermediaries" name="intermediaries" />7 Intermediaries</h2><p>A SOAP message can travel through zero or more SOAP
        intermediaries. This section describes the requirements posed on SOAP
        intermediaries supporting this specification.  </p><p>A SOAP intermediary MUST be able to access any secondary
        part.  </p><p>A forwarding SOAP intermediary MUST in general forward
        every secondary parts contained in the incoming SOAP message, except
        when the specification for a processed SOAP header block calls for the
        part to be removed or changed. An active SOAP intermediary MAY change
        or remove any secondary part even in the absence of such a mandate.
      </p><p>A SOAP intermediary MAY insert new secondary parts.  </p><p>The integrity of references (i.e. URIs) to secondary parts
        MUST be maintained accross SOAP intermediaries. That is, a URI which
        resolves to a secondary part in an inbound SOAP message MUST continue
        to resolve to that part in the outbound message, unless that part was
        removed by the SOAP intermediary.
      </p></div><div class="div1">
<h2><a id="i18n" name="i18n" />8 Internationalization Considerations</h2><p>This specification does not introduce internationalization
        considerations beyond what is introduced by <a href="#W3C.WD-soap-part1">[SOAP Part 1]</a>, and URIs (<a href="#RFC2396">[RFC 2396]</a>). This
        specification refers to the specific considerations described by those
        specifications.</p></div><div class="div1">
<h2><a id="security" name="security" />9 Security Considerations</h2><p>Implementers should pay special attention to the security
        implications of any payload types that can cause the remote
        execution of any actions in the recipient's
        environment. Before accepting payloads of any type, an
        application should be aware of the particular security
        implications associated with that type.</p><p>Security considerations for media types in general are discussed in
        <a href="#RFC2048">[RFC 2048]</a> and in the context of the
        "application/postscript" and the "message/external-body" media type in
        <a href="#RFC2046">[RFC 2046]</a>.</p><p>To address concerns about integrity and confidentiality, secondary
        parts can be digitally signed and encrypted. Typically, a compound SOAP
        structure that contains signed or encrypted secondary parts would
        include security information about the secondary parts in a security
        header of the primary SOAP message part. This specification does not
        provide a means to protect a message by encrypting and/or digitally
        signing a body, a header, a secondary part, or any combination of them
        (or parts of them).  Other specifications (see for example <a href="#WS-Security">[WS-Security]</a>) can provide such means.</p></div><div class="div1">
<h2><a id="iana" name="iana" />10 IANA Considerations</h2><p>This specification does not describe any components that require 
        registration by IANA.</p></div><div class="div1">
<h2><a id="refs" name="refs" />11 References</h2><div class="div2">
<h3><a id="refs-norm" name="refs-norm" />11.1 Normative References</h3><dl><dt class="label"><a id="RFC2026" name="RFC2026" />RFC 2026</dt><dd>IETF "The Internet Standards Process -- Revision 3", S. Bradner, October 1996.  (See</dd><dt class="label"><a id="RFC2045" name="RFC2045" />RFC 2045</dt><dd>IETF "Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part One: Format of Internet Message Bodies", N. Freed, N. Borenstein, November 1996.  (See</dd><dt class="label"><a id="RFC2046" name="RFC2046" />RFC 2046</dt><dd>IETF "Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part Two: Media Types", N. Freed, N. Borenstein, November 1996.  (See</dd><dt class="label"><a id="RFC2048" name="RFC2048" />RFC 2048</dt><dd>IETF "Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part Four: Registration Procedures", N. Freed, J. Klensin, J. Postel, March 1997.  (See</dd><dt class="label"><a id="RFC2119" name="RFC2119" />RFC 2119</dt><dd>IETF "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels", S. Bradner, March 1997.  (See</dd><dt class="label"><a id="RFC2387" name="RFC2387" />RFC 2387</dt><dd>IETF "The MIME Multipart/Related Content-type", E. Levinson, August 1998.  (See</dd><dt class="label"><a id="RFC2396" name="RFC2396" />RFC 2396</dt><dd>IETF "Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax", T. Berners-Lee, R. Fielding, L. Masinter, August 1998.  (See</dd><dt class="label"><a id="RFC2616" name="RFC2616" />RFC 2616</dt><dd>IETF "Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1", R. Fielding, J. Gettys, J. Mogul, H.F. Nielsen, L. Masinter, P.Leach, T. Berners-Lee, June 1999.  (See</dd><dt class="label"><a id="W3C.REC-xml" name="W3C.REC-xml" />XML 1.0</dt><dd>W3C Recommendation "Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (2nd ed)", T. Bray, J. Paoli, C.M. Sperberg-McQueen, E. Maler, October 2000.  (See</dd><dt class="label"><a id="W3C.REC-xml-infoset" name="W3C.REC-xml-infoset" />XML Infoset</dt><dd>W3C Recommendation "XML Information Set", J. Cowan, R. Tobin, October 2001.  (See</dd><dt class="label"><a id="W3C.WD-soap-part1" name="W3C.WD-soap-part1" />SOAP Part 1</dt><dd>W3C Working Draft "SOAP Version 1.2 Part 1: Messaging Framework", M. Gudgin, M. Hadley, N. Mendelsohn, J-J. Moreau, H. F. Nielsen, June 2002.  (See</dd><dt class="label"><a id="W3C.WD-soap-part2" name="W3C.WD-soap-part2" />SOAP Part 2</dt><dd>W3C Working Draft "SOAP Version 1.2 Part 2: Adjuncts", M. Gudgin, M. Hadley, N. Mendelsohn, J-J. Moreau, H. F. Nielsen, June 2002.  (See</dd></dl></div><div class="div2">
<h3><a id="N102CD" name="N102CD" />11.2 Informative References</h3><dl><dt class="label"><a id="SOAP-Attachments" name="SOAP-Attachments" />SOAP with attachments</dt><dd>W3C Note "SOAP Messages with Attachments", J. Barton, S. Thatte, H.F. Nielsen, December 2000.  (See</dd><dt class="label"><a id="I-D.nielsen-dime-soap" name="I-D.nielsen-dime-soap" />WS-Attachments</dt><dd>Internet draft "WS-Attachments", H.F. Nielsen, E. Christensen, J. Farrell, June 2002.</dd><dt class="label"><a id="WS-Security" name="WS-Security" />WS-Security</dt><dd>"Web Services Security (WS-Security)", C. Kaler, B. Atkinson, G. Della-Libera, S. Hada, M. Hondo, P. Hallam-Baker, J. Klein, B. LaMacchia, P. Leach, J. Manferdelli, H. Maruyama, A. Nadalin, N. Nagaratman, H. Prafullchandra, J. Shewchuk, D. Simon, April 2002  (See</dd></dl></div></div></div><div class="back"><div class="div1">
<h2><a id="contributors" name="contributors" />A Contributors</h2><p>E. Christensen, Microsoft</p><p>J. Farrell, IBM</p></div><div class="div1">
<h2><a id="History" name="History" />B History</h2><div class="div2">
<h3><a id="N102F9" name="N102F9" />B.1 5 december 2002</h3><ul><li><p>
              Solved 385 by creating section <a href="#conformance"><b>1.2 Conformance</b></a>.
          </p></li></ul></div><div class="div2">
<h3><a id="N10303" name="N10303" />B.2 4 november 2002</h3><ul><li><p>
              Solved 387 by updating section <a href="#name"><b>2 SOAP Feature Name</b></a>.
              Added direct reference to Request-Response MEP in section <a href="#properties"><b>5 Attachment Feature properties</b></a>
              Solved 391 by incorporating <a href="">proposal</a>.
              Solved 277 by updating section <a href="#properties"><b>5 Attachment Feature properties</b></a>. Properties are now named using URIs instead of QNames. This also solves 386.
          </p></li></ul></div><div class="div2">
<h3><a id="N10324" name="N10324" />B.3 31 october 2002</h3><ul><li><p>
              Solved 392 by adding section <a href="#intermediaries"><b>7 Intermediaries</b></a>.
              Solved 388 by incorporating <a href="">proposal</a>.
          </p></li></ul></div><div class="div2">
<h3><a id="N10339" name="N10339" />B.4 31 July 2002</h3><ul><li><p>
              Incorporated Noah's and Asir's modifications.
              Further modified last sentence of first para of <a href="#intro"><b>1 Introduction</b></a>.
              In last paragraph of <a href="#terminology"><b>3 Terminology</b></a> changed 'also'
              to 'informally'.
              Changed last sentence of Note in <a href="#implementation"><b>6 Implementation</b></a>
              to be reversed.
              Changed att:SOAPMessage value definition in <a href="#receivingCompound"><b>5.2 Receiving a compound SOAP structure</b></a> to be in sync with value definition
              in <a href="#sendingCompound"><b>5.1 Sending a compound SOAP structure</b></a>.
              Changed last paragraph of <a href="#security"><b>9 Security Considerations</b></a> by replacing
              'attachment' by 'secondary part', and by some rewording.
              Added some text in fifth paragraph of <a href="#intro"><b>1 Introduction</b></a> to
              say that this spec can be used directly in SOAP bindings or
              indirectly through another specification.
          </p></li></ul></div><div class="div2">
<h3><a id="N10367" name="N10367" />B.5 30 July 2002</h3><ul><li><p>
              Added 'part' 2 times in the last sentence of first paragraph of
              Changed Last paragraph of <a href="#intro"><b>1 Introduction</b></a> as per Noah's
              Changed 'may' to 'can' in <a href="#name"><b>2 SOAP Feature Name</b></a>.
              Changed third paragraph of <a href="#model"><b>4 Compound SOAP Structure Model</b></a> as per Noah's suggestion (added 'semantic').
              Changed fourth paragraph of <a href="#model"><b>4 Compound SOAP Structure Model</b></a> as per Noah's suggestion (added 'envelope').
              Changed <a href="#implementation"><b>6 Implementation</b></a> as per Noah's suggestion.
          </p></li></ul></div><div class="div2">
<h3><a id="N1038C" name="N1038C" />B.6 22 July 2002</h3><ul><li><p>
              Reformatted spec as a WD.
              Added text in abstract to say that attachment is an informal term for part.
              Removed sentence "a priori with any MEP" from <a href="#properties"><b>5 Attachment Feature properties</b></a>.
              Added warning in <a href="#properties"><b>5 Attachment Feature properties</b></a> about potential properties conflicts. Added a figure.
              Removed note from <a href="#sendingCompound"><b>5.1 Sending a compound SOAP structure</b></a>.
              Removed note from <a href="#sendingCompound"><b>5.1 Sending a compound SOAP structure</b></a>.
              Changed NEED NOT to lowercase in <a href="#implementation"><b>6 Implementation</b></a>.
              Added example mentioning MIME multipart in <a href="#implementation"><b>6 Implementation</b></a>.
              Clarified last sentence of last paragraph in <a href="#security"><b>9 Security Considerations</b></a> to read as an example.