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<h2>Archives for Category: Interviews</h2>
        <h3><a href="">Interview: Pearson Company on Open Web Platform and Publishing</a></h3>

    <p><p> I spoke with Diana Stepner, Dan Murphy, Chris Schoenfeld, and Arun Vasudeva of the Pearson company about their use of Open Web Platform technology in publishing. Pearson owns the Financial Times Group and the Penguin Group and has an...</p></p>

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    <p class="postinfo">Filed by <a href="">Ian Jacobs</a> on December 15, 2011 10:30 PM in <a href="">Interviews</a><br />
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        <h3><a href="">Interview: Roger Cutler on W3C and Chevron use of Semantic Web Technology</a></h3>

    <p><p> On the eve of his retirement, I spoke with Roger Cutler, longtime W3C participant from Chevron. IJ: Roger, since you have been participating in W3C for some time, can you describe how Chevron's interests have changed? RC: In 2000...</p></p>

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    <p class="postinfo">Filed by <a href="">Ian Jacobs</a> on November 28, 2011  5:16 PM in <a href="">Interviews</a>, <a href="">Semantic Web</a><br />
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        <h3><a href="">Interview: Filament Group on HTML5 and Design</a></h3>

    <p><p>On 14 October I spoke with Todd Parker (TP), Mat Marquis (MM), and Patty Toland (PT) of the Filament Group about their experience with HTML5 and other Open Web Platform technology in work for the Boston Globe. IJ: Tell me...</p></p>

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    <p class="postinfo">Filed by <a href="">Ian Jacobs</a> on October 27, 2011  8:14 PM in <a href="">Interviews</a>, <a href="">Web Design</a><br />
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        <h3><a href="">Interview: Adobe on HTML5 and Authoring with the Open Web Platform</a></h3>

    <p><p>I met by phone with four engineers from Adobe on 17 June to ask them about how emerging open web standards such as HTML5, SVG, CSS3, and WOFF are transforming Web publishing. Arno Gourdol, Director of Engineering for Flash Runtime...</p></p>

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    <p class="postinfo">Filed by <a href="">Ian Jacobs</a> on July  1, 2011  2:17 AM in <a href="">Interviews</a><br />
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        <h3><a href="">Semantic Web? It's Not Rocket Science. Except at NASA.</a></h3>

    <p><p>I met Jeanne Holm last week during the W3C Advisory Committee meeting. Jeanne is the Chief Knowledge Architect at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), California Institute of Technology, and leads the Knowledge Management Team at NASA. When we started talking...</p></p>

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    <p class="postinfo">Filed by <a href="">Ian Jacobs</a> on May 27, 2011  2:34 PM in <a href="">Interviews</a>, <a href="">Semantic Web</a><br />
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        <h3><a href="">Interviews on mobile web applications</a></h3>

    <p><p> The number of days remaining before Mobile World Congress is dwindling (a number of W3C staff will be there), and mobile applications are bound to be in everybody's mind there as it has been in the industry for the...</p></p>

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    <p class="postinfo">Filed by <a href="">Dominique Hazaël-Massieux</a> on February  8, 2011  2:15 PM in <a href="">Interviews</a>, <a href="">Mobile</a>, <a href="">Web Applications</a><br />
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        <h3><a href="">Interviews with SVG Implementers</a></h3>

    <p><p>As the first in a series of interviews with SVG implementers for the SVG Working Group blog, I have posted a conversation with Patrick Dengler, the project lead for Microsoft's IE9 SVG team, and a new member of the SVG...</p></p>

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    <p class="postinfo">Filed by <a href="">Doug Schepers</a> on June  4, 2010  5:42 PM in <a href="">Interviews</a>, <a href="">SVG</a><br />
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        <h3><a href="">Interview: Paul Cotton on Microsoft Participation in the W3C HTML Working Group</a></h3>

    <p><p>As part of a series of interviews with W3C Members to learn more<br />
about their support for standards and participation in W3C, Philippe Le Hegaret is talking to Paul Cotton from Microsoft and co-Chair of the W3C HTML Working Group.</p></p>

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    <p class="postinfo">Filed by <a href="">Philippe Le Hégaret</a> on March  5, 2010  7:17 PM in <a href="">Interviews</a><br />
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        <h3><a href="">Interview: David Ezell on NACS Participation in W3C</a></h3>

    <p><p> As part of a series of interviews with W3C Members to learn more about their support for standards and participation in W3C, I asked David Ezell (NACS Advisory Committee Representative at W3C) some questions. Q.For readers who may not...</p></p>

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    <p class="postinfo">Filed by <a href="">Ian Jacobs</a> on July 23, 2009 11:00 PM in <a href="">Interviews</a><br />
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        <h3><a href="">Interview: Rotan Hanrahan on MobileAware Participation in W3C, Role of Standards</a></h3>

    <p><p> As part of a series of interviews with W3C Members to learn more about their support for standards and participation in W3C, I asked Rotan Hanrahan (MobileAware's Advisory Committee Representative at W3C) some questions. Q. How is MobileAware currently...</p></p>

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    <p class="postinfo">Filed by <a href="">Ian Jacobs</a> on April 24, 2009  2:08 PM in <a href="">Interviews</a>, <a href="">Mobile</a><br />
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        <h3><a href="">Interview: Dan Appelquist on Vodafone, Mobile Web, and W3C Standards</a></h3>

    <p><p> As part of a series of interviews with W3C Members to learn more about their support for standards and participation in W3C, I asked Dan Appelquist (Vodafone's Advisory Committee Representative at W3C) some questions. Q. First, congratulations on the...</p></p>

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    <p class="postinfo">Filed by <a href="">Ian Jacobs</a> on November 25, 2008  4:07 AM in <a href="">Interviews</a><br />
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        <h3><a href="">Interview: Roberto Scano on IWA/HWG and Promoting Web Standards</a></h3>

    <p><p> As part of a series of interviews with W3C Members to learn more about their support for standards and participation in W3C, I asked Roberto Scano (IWA/HWG Advisory Committee Representative at W3C) some questions. Q. Would you mind introducing...</p></p>

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    <p class="postinfo">Filed by <a href="">Ian Jacobs</a> on July 22, 2008  3:06 PM in <a href="">Interviews</a><br />
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        <h3><a href="">Interview: Charles McCathieNevile on Opera 9.5 and W3C Standards</a></h3>

    <p><p> In June 2008, Opera Software released version 9.5 of its browser. As part of a series of interviews with W3C Members to learn more about their support for standards and participation in W3C, I asked Charles McCathieNevile (Opera's Advisory...</p></p>

   &nbsp;<p class="readmore"><a href="">&raquo; Read on...</a></p>
    <p class="postinfo">Filed by <a href="">Ian Jacobs</a> on July 10, 2008 11:50 AM in <a href="">Interviews</a><br />
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        <h3><a href="">Interview: David Baron on Firefox 3 and W3C Standards</a></h3>

    <p><p> At the news of the official release of Firefox 3 (FF3), I asked David Baron, Mozilla's Advisory Committee Representative at W3C (see photo), a few questions about the browser release and support for standards. Note: I anticipate interviewing (lots...</p></p>

   &nbsp;<p class="readmore"><a href="">&raquo; Read on...</a></p>
    <p class="postinfo">Filed by <a href="">Ian Jacobs</a> on June 20, 2008  7:29 PM in <a href="">CSS</a>, <a href="">HTML</a>, <a href="">Interviews</a>, <a href="">SVG</a>, <a href="">Security</a><br />
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                   <p id="gentime">This page was last generated on $Date: 2011/12/16 03:02:09 $</p>
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