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  	Quality Assurance Library


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<h2>Browse the Library</h2>
<div><h3><a href="#eo">Documents on Web Quality</a></h3>
  <p>A lot of documents on Building Quality Web sites. Recommending readings for developers and designers.</p>
    <li><a href="#tutorials">Technical Tutorials</a></li>
    <li><a href="#websitequality">Web Site Quality</a> articles</li>
    <li><a href="#talks">Talks and Presentations</a></li>
    <li><a href="#external">External publications</a></li>
<div><h3><a href="#ref">Reference Documents</a></h3>
  <p>Mostly aimed at W3C working groups participants and Quality Assurance experts.</p>
    <li><a href="#ref-frm">the W3C <acronym title="Quality Assurance">QA</acronym> Framework</a></li>
    <li><a href="#ref-gen">general documents</a> (e.g: the <a href="/QA/TheMatrix">Matrix</a> of W3C specs and testing)</li>
    <li><a href="#ref-act">archives of the <acronym title="Quality Assurance">QA</acronym> activity</a></li> 
<div><h3><a href="/QA">The Q&amp;A Weblog</a></h3>
  <p>Informal discussions, short articles, shared techniques, opinions, findings: all these are now 
    on the <a href="/QA">Q&amp;A Weblog</a>.</p>

<p style="clear:both">Please see the <a href="/QA/Tools">QA Toolbox</a> for a similar list of tools
hosted, maintained, or related to <acronym title="Quality Assurance">QA</acronym>
at <acronym title="The World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</acronym>.</p>

<p>This is the (almost) authoritative list for documents, texts, and documentation 
published in the <acronym title="Quality Assurance">QA</acronym> webspace at 
<acronym title="The World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</acronym>.</p>

<p>Among the documents below, those for which translations are welcome are explicitely marked as such with "[translation welcome]"; see also the <a href="">W3C Policy regarding translations</a>.</p>

<h2 id="eo">Documents on Web Quality</h2>

<h3 id="tutorials">Tutorials</h3>
	<li id="TUTORIALS">
	<span class="title"><a href="">Tutorials at W3C</a></span>
	[<span class="label">TUTORIALS</span>]
	<span class="desc">A list of tutorials about W3C technologies provided on the W3C website.</span>
<h3 id="websitequality">Web Site Quality</h3>
<p>The following documents are for Web designers, Webmasters, or their managers, and address the quality of Web Sites and how to improve it.</p>
	<li id="WEB-QUALITY">
	<span class="title"><a href="">My Web site is standard! And yours?</a></span>
	[<span class="label">WEB-QUALITY</span>]
	<span class="desc">Easy, painless techniques and ideas to improve your Web site quality and make your Web site valid.</span> [translation welcome]
	<li id="REQ-WEBAGENCY">
	<span class="title"><a href="">Buy standards compliant web sites</a></span>
	[<span class="label">REQ-WEBAGENCY</span>]
	<span class="desc">A set of requirements to think of when asking for the creation of a website.</span> [translation welcome]
	<li id="WEB-KIT">
	<span class="title"><a href="">Web Standards Switch</a></span>
	[<span class="label">WEB-KIT</span>]
	<span class="desc">Improving the quality of a web site made easy and step-by-step. 
	Just follow the guide! Recommended for corporate readers</span> [translation welcome]

	<li id="STEP-BY-STEP">
	<span class="title"><a href="/QA/2002/09/Step-by-step">Making your website valid: a step by step guide</a></span>
	[<span class="label">STEP-BY-STEP</span>]
	<span class="desc"><a href="#WEB-KIT">Another</a> step-by-step guide to improving the
	quality of a Web Site, with more focus on the concepts behind and the  use of the 
	<a href="/QA/Tools/LogValidator/">Log Validator</a> tools.</span> [translation welcome]

	<li id="LOCAL-ACTION">
	<span class="title"><a href="">Think globally, Act locally</a></span>
	[<span class="label">LOCAL-ACTION</span>]
	<span class="desc">A face-to-face strategy for web-quality education and outreach</span> [translation welcome]
	<li id="VAL-TIPS">
	<span class="title"><a href="">Quality Tips for Webmasters</a></span>
	[<span class="label">VAL-TIPS</span>]:
	<span class="desc">Tips for webmasters on quality issues related to W3C technologies such as HTML, CSS, HTTP, used in coordination with the MarkUp Validator</span> [translation of individual tips welcome]

<h3 id="web_techs">Web techniques</h3>

<p>Documents a little more focused on precise problems and focused solutions than the general Web quality documents, 
these are interesting resources for Web designers, developers and webmasters.</p>

    <li><span class="title"><a href="">Ampersands, PHP Sessions and Valid HTML</a></span>
	[<span class="label">PHP-SESSION</span>]
	<span class="desc">Why using PHP sessions causes invalid HTML and XHTML to be generated by default, and how to fix it.</span> [translation welcome]

<h3 id="external">External publications</h3>
<p>Some of the articles written by the QA Team are published in other on-line publications to reach a wider audience.</p>

     <li id="WaW">
    <span class="title"><a href="WaW"><acronym title="Web Standards Project">WASP</acronym> asks W3C</a></span>
    [<span class="label">WAW</span>]
    <span class="desc">This collaborative work between W3C QA and the <a href="">Web Standards Project</a> answers regularly practical questions that Web developers or designers may have on Web standards. These articles are then discussed on the <a href="">public-evangelist</a> forum at W3C.</span></li>
    <li id="CustomDTD">
    <span class="title"><a href="">More About Custom DTDs</a></span>:
    <span class="desc">The QA Team answers in <cite><a href="">A List Apart</a></cite> to another <a href="">A List Apart article on <cite>Custom DTD</cite></a> and clarifies when it makes sense to use Custom DTDs and when it doesn't</span></li>

<h3>Documents for Developers and implementors</h3>
<p>More technical than the documents above, the following documents are addressing common
problems in implementation of Web Technologies that developers (and, to a lesser extent, Web Designers 
and Web masters) should know about.</p>

	<li id="CHIPS">
	<span class="title"><a href="">Common HTTP Implementation Problems</a>
	<abbr title="also known as">a.k.a</abbr> CHIPs.</span>
	[<span class="label">CHIPS</span>]
	<span class="desc">This note is a set of good practices to improve implementations of HTTP 
	and related standards as well as their use.</span> [translation welcome]
	<li id="CUAP">
	<span class="title"><a href="">Common User-Agent Problems</a> 
	<abbr title="also known as">a.k.a</abbr> CUAP.</span>
	[<span class="label">CUAP</span>]
	<span class="desc">This Note explains some common mistakes in user agents due to incorrect or 
	incomplete implementation of specifications, and suggests remedies.</span> [translation welcome]

<h3 id="talks">Talks and Presentations</h3>
<li id="PRES-JOINT-TS"><span class="title"><a href="">Developing Joint Test Suites</a></span> [<span class="label">PRES-JOINT-TS</span>] (<span class="date">2 March 2005</span>), <span class="author">Patrick Curran</span> <span class="desc">As part of a session in the Technical Plenary day<!-- @@@ add link -->, the QA Working Group presented its view on developing test suites for multiple specifications</span></li>
<li id="PRES-VB-WG"><span class="title"><a href="">QA Framework presentation to the Voice Browser Working Group</a></span>
[<span class="label">PRES-VB-WG</span>] (<span class="date">15 February 2005</span>), <span class="author">Dominique Haza&euml;l-Massieux</span> <span class="desc">Brief introduction of the QA Framework and its application to the Voice Browser Working Group</span></li>
<li id="PRES-CDF-WG"><span class="title"><a href="">QA in the field for the Compound Document Formats Working Group</a></span> [<span class="label">PRES-CDF-WG</span>] (<span class="date">8 November 2004</span>), <span class="author">Dominique Haza&euml;l-Massieux</span> <span class="desc">Presentation of the expected interactions between the Compound Ddocument Formats Working Group and the QA Team as part of the "QA in the field" effort</span></li>

<li id="PRES-WWW2004">
<span class="title"><a href="">W3C Web standards</a></span> [<span class="label">PRES-WWW2004</span>] (<span class="date">19 May 2004</span>), <span class="author">Karl Dubost</span> <span class="desc">Presentation of how Web standards are used in W3C Web site itself</span> made during the W3C track in WWW2004</li>
<li id="PRES-TP-2004">
<span class="title"><a href="/2004/Talks/tp2004-test-dhm/">Making Test Suites Work for Working Groups</a></span> [<span class="label">PRES-TP-2004</span>] (<span class="date">March 2004</span>, <span class="author">Dominique Haza&euml;l-Massieux <span class="desc">with the following panelists: Ian Hickson, Tantek &Ccedil;elik, Henry Thomson, Jeremy Carroll, Mary Brady, Patrick Curran), on sharing experiences in test development efforts</span> (see also <a href="">the minutes of the session</a>)

	<li id="PRES-TP-200303">
	<span class="title">
	<a href="/2003/Talks/qa-outreach/">QA Outreach Kit</a></span>
	[<span class="label">PRES-TP-200303</span>]
	(<span class="date">March 2003</span>, <span class="author">Patrick Curran and the QAWG</span>)
	<span class="desc">Presentation of the <abbr title="Working Group">WG</abbr> 
	and QA Framework</span>

	<li id="PRES-200211-USABILITYWS">
	<span class="title">
	<a href="">QA and Usability</a>
        [<span class="label">PRES-200211-USABILITYWS</span>]
	(<span class="date">3-5 November 2002</span>, <span class="author">Karl Dubost</span>)
	<span class="desc">Position Paper for the 
	<a href="">Workshop 
	on Usability and the Web</a></span></li>

	<li id="PRES-200207-QAWG">
	<span class="title">
        <a href="">QAWG Project Review</a>
	[<span class="label">PRES-200207-QAWG</span>]
	(<span class="date">18 July 2002</span>, <span class="author">Lofton Henderson</span>)
	<span class="desc">Presentation of the QAWG, QA Framework</span>

	<li id="TALK-200204-JP">
	<span class="title">
	<a href="">Towards web maturity</a>
	[<span class="label">TALK-200204-JP</span>]
	(<span class="date">16 April 2002</span>, <span class="author">Olivier Thereaux</span>)
	<span class="desc">General presentation of W3C's QA plan</span>

	<li id="TALK-200202-TP">
	<span class="title">                                                          
        <a href="">A QA Framework for W3C</a>
        [<span class="label">TALK-200202-TP</span>]                                   
        (<span class="date">27 February 2002</span>, <span class="author">Lofton Henderson</span>)
	<span class="desc">Presentation of the QA Activity, QA Framework</span>

<h2 id="ref"><acronym title="Quality Assurance">QA</acronym> reference documents</h2>

<h3 id="ref-gen">General reference documents</h3>
	<li id="QA-MATRIX">
	<span class="title">
	<a href="">The Matrix of <acronym title="The World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</acronym> specifications</a></span>
	[<span class="label">QA-MATRIX</span>]
	<span class="desc">Table of W3C specification with a QA approach (test suites, validators, etc). <br />
	Also available in <a href=""><acronym title="Resource Description Format">RDF</acronym></a>.
	<li id="QA-GLOSSARY">
	<span class="title">
	<a href="">The <acronym title="Quality Assurance">QA</acronym> Glossary</a></span>
	[<span class="label">QA-GLOSSARY</span>]
	<li id="QA-TAXONOMY">
	<span class="title">
	<a href="">The <acronym title="Quality Assurance">QA</acronym> test taxonomy</a></span>
	[<span class="label">QA-TAXONOMY</span>]
	<span class="desc">
	5 different kinds of conformance tests of W3C specs, organized in 2 families
	<li id="QA-CERTIF">
	<span class="title">
        <a href="/QA/2002/01/Note-qa-certif-20020102.html">Conformance Testing and Certification Model for W3C Specifications</a></span>
	[<span class="label">QA-CERTIF</span>]
	<span class="desc">Presents a model for conformance testing and 
	certification programs by identifying key roles, activities and 
	products involved in any conformance testing and certification program.
	<li><a href="/2003/04/certif" class="title">Study of a W3C Certification Activity</a>:
        <span class="desc">A study of the whereabouts, pros and cons of starting a possible W3C Certification activity. It is intended as providing a basis for discussion</span></li>
	<li id="QA-TRANSLAT">
	<span class="title">
	<a href="">Translations of 
<acronym title="Quality Assurance">QA</acronym> Documents</a></span>
	[<span class="label">QA-TRANSLAT</span>]

<h3 id="ref-act">Documents about the <acronym title="Quality Assurance">QA</acronym> activity</h3>
	<li id="QA-ACTIVITY">
	<span class="title">
	<a href=""><acronym title="Quality Assurance">QA</acronym> activity Statement</a></span> 
	[<span class="label">QA-ACTIVITY</span>]
	<span class="desc">Structure, situation and future plans of the activity.</span>
	<li id="QAWG-CHARTER">
	<span class="title">
	<a href=""><acronym title="Quality Assurance">QA</acronym> Working Group charter</a></span>
	[<span class="label">QAWG-CHARTER</span>]
	<li id="QAIG-CHARTER">
	<span class="title">
	<a href=""><acronym title="Quality Assurance">QA</acronym> Interest Group charter</a></span>
	[<span class="label">QAIG-CHARTER</span>]
        <li><a href="/QA/2003/11/other-sdo-qa" class="title"><acronym title="Quality Assurance">QA</acronym> in other standards bodies</a></li>
<h3 id="ref-frm">the <acronym title="Quality Assurance">QA</acronym> Framework</h3>
	<li id="QAF-PRIMER">
	<span class="title"><a href="">QA Framework Primer &amp; User Scenarios</a></span>
	[<span class="label">QAF-PRIMER</span>]
	<span class="desc">A general orientation to the whole of the QA Framework, in the form of user and usage scenarios, primer material, and target audience identification by Working Group role.
		<li id="QAH">
		<span class="title"><a href="">QA Handbook</a></span> 
		[<span class="label">QAH</span>] 
		<span class="desc">Guidelines and good practices for planning, committing and staffing, logistical and process setup, and appropriate IPR, of WG quality processes, esp. test related ones</span>
       <li id="QAH-PROCESS"><span class="title"><a href="">QA Process Document template for The QA Handbook</a></span> [<span class="label">QAH-PROCESS</span>]:
       <span class="desc">A template for a QA Process document implementing the guidelines and good practices of the QA Handbook</span></li>
       <li id="QAH-CHARTER"><span class="title"><a href="">Charter template for The QA Handbook</a></span> [<span class="label">QAH-PROCESS</span>]:
       <span class="desc">A template for a Working Group charter implementing the guidelines and good practices of the QA Handbook</span></li>
		<li id="QAF-SPEC">
		<span class="title"><a href="">Specification Guidelines</a></span> 
		[<span class="label">QAF-SPEC</span>]
		<span class="desc">Requirements and Good Practices for writing clearer, more implementable, more testable specifications</span>
		<span class="title"><a href="">Checklist for Specification Guidelines</a></span>
		[<span class="label">QAF-SPEC-CHECKLIST</span>]
		<span class="desc">companion to the <a href="#QAF-SPEC">Specification Guidelines</a>.</span>
                <li id="VIS">
                <span class="title"><a href="">Variability in Specifications</a></span>
                [<span class="label">VIS</span>]:
                <span class="desc">A conceptual framework for dealing with conformance variability and complexity in specifications</span></li>
	<li>Test material
		<li id="TEST-FAQ">
		<span class="title"><a href="/QA/WG/2005/01/test-faq">Test Development FAQ</a></span>
		[<span class="label">TEST-FAQ</span>]  
		<span class="desc">Frequently Asked Questions on development of Test Suites inside W3C</span>
<h3>See Also...</h3>
<p>Elsewhere on W3C site</p>
<li><a href="/2001/06/manual/">W3C Manual of Style</a></li>
<li><a href="/2003/Editors/">W3C Editors Home Page</a></li>
<li><a href="/1999/09/specification">The Essentials of a Specification</a></li>
<li><a href="/Guide/Conformance">Background on Conformance</a> (Member-only)</li>

<h2 id="period"><acronym title="Quality Assurance">QA</acronym> periodical publications</h2>
	<li id="QA-NEWS">
	<span class="title"><a href="">Latest news</a></span>
	[<span class="label">QA-NEWS</span>]
	<span class="desc">All the latest news about and around Quality Assurance at W3C.</span>
	<li id="MONTHINQA">
	<span class="title"><a href="">A Month on the QA mailing-lists</a></span> 
	[<span class="label">MONTHINQA</span>] (ex-"WEEKINQA")
	<span class="desc"> Monthly summary of the discussions on
	<a href="">www-qa</a>,
	mailing-list of W3C <a href=""><acronym
	title="Quality Assurance">QA</acronym> Interest Group</a> and <a
	mailing-list of W3C's <a href=""><acronym
	title="Quality Assurance">QA</acronym> Working Group</a>.<br />
	Links to all the issues can be found in the 
	<a href="/QA/Agenda/#calendar">QA Calendar</a>.</span>

<!-- Footer -->
  Created Date: 2002-06-26 by <a href="">Olivier Thereaux</a><br />
  Last modified $Date: 2008/12/08 18:37:07 $ by $Author: ot $

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