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                        <h2 class="entry-header">Meet the HTML Working Group chairs in Austin at SxSWi</h2>
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                              <p>I enjoyed living in Austin and I like to visit when I can. My <a href="">last trip was more for MIT research stuff</a>; this time it's W3C business.</p>

<p>I took SxSWi 2007 off my <a href="">travel schedule</a> when the TAG scheduled a meeting at MIT the week before, but I put it back on when I saw this panel:<br />

<li><a href=";id=IAP060128">Browser Wars Retrospective: Past, Present and Future Battlefields</a><br />
Tuesday, March 13th<br />
10:00 am - 11:00 am<br />
Arun Ranganathan  AOL<br />
Brendan Eich   CTO,   Mozilla<br />
Charles McCathieNevile   CSO,   Opera Software<br />
Chris Wilson   IE Platform Architect,   Microsoft</li>
<p>The <a href="">reinventing HTML saga</a> culminated in a big announcement this week: <a href="">W3C Launches New HTML Working Group</a>. Chris Wilson and I are the co-chairs. Karl Dubost and I are working on the <a href="">HTML WG page</a> this week.<br />

<p>I fly into Austin Monday, just in time to see the <cite><a href="">Growth and Evolution of Microformats</a></cite> panel; then I fly home Tuesday. The <a href="">panel schedule</a> has so much cool stuff from content developers that I would have loved to go for the whole thing... not to mention the music festival.<br />

<p>If you can catch me while I'm there, I'll have some <a href="">Mobile Web Best Practices</a> flip cards to hand out.</p>

<p>Shawn Henry is presenting <cite>Accessiblity: A Report From the Trenches</cite> this Sunday. See <a href="">W3C Talks</a> for some more details.<br />

I have lots of <a href="">fond memories of Austin</a>; maybe we can make a few more next week?<br />
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                       <p class="postinfo">Filed by <a href="">Dan Connolly</a> on March  9, 2007  8:03 AM in <a href="">HTML</a>, <a href="">Opinions &amp;amp; Editorial</a><br />
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