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<p><a href=""><img src="" alt="W3C" /></a>&nbsp;<a href=""><img src="" alt="Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) home page" /></a></p>

<h1><a name="about" id="about">Shadi Abou-Zahra</a></h1>

<div id="contacts">
  <a href="shadi-print.png"><img id="pic" src="shadi-low.png" alt="Printable picture of Shadi Abou-Zahra" /></a>
  <p><strong>Activity Lead, <acronym title="Web Accessibility Initiative">WAI</acronym> International Program Office</strong></p>
  <p>Contact details: 
  <address>World Wide Web Consortium (<acronym>W3C</acronym>)<br />2004, Route des Lucioles B.P. 93<br />06902 Sophia-Antipolis, France<br />Phone: +43.1.967.94.98<br />e-mail: <a href=""></a></address>
  <p>Actual location: Vienna, Austria</p>

<h2 style="clear:all"><a name="responsibilities" id="responsibilities">Responsibilities</a></h2>
<p>Shadi Abou-Zahra works with the <a href=""><acronym title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</acronym> Web Accessibility Iniative (<acronym>WAI</acronym>)</a> as:</p>
  <li>Activity Lead, <a href=""><acronym>WAI</acronym> International Program Office</a></li>
      <li>Scientific Coordinator, <a href=""><acronym>WAI-ACT</acronym> Project (IST 287725)</a></li>
      <li>Chair, <a href="">Evaluation and Repair Tools Working Group (<acronym>ERT</acronym> <acronym>WG</acronym>)</a></li>
      <li>Staff Contact, <a href="">Research and Development Working Group (<acronym>RDWG</acronym>)</a></li>
      <li>Staff Person, <a href="">WAI Ageing Education and Harmonisation (WAI-AGE)</a></li>//-->
      <li>Participant, <a href="">Education and Outreach Working Group (<acronym>EOWG</acronym>)</a></li>

<h2><a name="interests" id="interests">Interests</a></h2>
  <li>International promotion of web accessibility standards</li>
  <li>International standards coordination and harmonization</li>
  <li>Web accessibility evaluation and conformity assessment</li>
  <li>Research and development to advance web accessibility</li>
  <li>Networking with stakeholder groups in web accessibility</li>

<h2><a name="biography" id="biography">Biography</a></h2>
<p>Shadi Abou-Zahra works with the <a href="">W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (<acronym>WAI</acronym>)</a> as Activity Lead of the <a href=""><acronym>WAI</acronym> International Program Office</a>, which includes groups that are responsible for education and outreach, coordination with research, general discussion on web accessibility, coordination with the <a href=""><acronym>WAI</acronym> Technical Activity</a>, and <acronym>WAI</acronym> liaisons with other organizations including standards organizations and disability groups. Shadi coordinates <acronym>WAI</acronym> outreach in Europe, accessibility evaluation techniques, and international standards promotion and harmonization activities. He is the scientific coordinator of the <a href=""><acronym>WAI-ACT</acronym> Project (IST 287725)</a>, chairs the <a href="">Evaluation and Repair Tools Working Group (<acronym>ERT</acronym> <acronym>WG</acronym>)</a>, is the staff contact of the <a href="">Research and Development Working Group (<acronym>RDWG</acronym>)</a>, and participates in the <a href="">Education and Outreach Working Group (<acronym>EOWG</acronym>)</a>. Shadi previously also participated as key staff in the <a href=""><acronym>WAI-AGE</acronym> Project (IST 035015)</a> and <a href=""><acronym>WAI-TIES</acronym> Project (IST 038471)</a>.</p>
<p>Contact <a href=""></a> for alternate versions of this biography.</p>

<h2><a name="background" id="background">Background</a></h2>
<p>Prior to joining W3C in 2003, Shadi was a lead web developer and managed the design and implementation of web productions, online community platforms, and online games. Shadi also worked as a Web Consultant for the International Data Centre (<acronym>IDC</acronym>) of the United Nations Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (<acronym>CTBTO</acronym>), as well as for other international organizations. During his computer science studies, Shadi actively participated in the Austrian student council at the Technical University of Vienna as a representative for students with disabilities, where he advocated for equal opportunities in education and employment.</p>

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