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<h1>olivier Thereaux @ <a href="/" title="W3C"><img alt="W3C" class="logo"
src="" /></a></h1>
<p>As of March 31st 2009, Olivier is <strong>no longer part of the W3C staff</strong>.</p>
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<h2>Past Roles</h2>
  I joined W3C in 2000 at the Japanese host of the consortium, and acted over the years as:
  <li>Product manager, community manager and lead developer for the W3C open-source services such as <a href="">Validators</a> and other <a href="">Quality Tools</a>, </li>
  <li>Participant in W3C's Quality Assurance activity with a focus on Education and Outreach;
    co-chair of the QA <a href="">Interest Group</a></li>
  	<li>Editor of the <a href="" title="Common HTTP Implementation Problems">Common HTTP Implementation Problems (CHIPs)</a>
	  W3C Technical Report, lecturer on <a href="" title="Web Architecture 101 - Keio SFC">Web Architecture</a> at Keio University in Japan, </li>
  	<li>Creator, maintainer and at times writer of the <a href="">W3C blog</a>, </li>
	<li>Systems developer, creator and maintainer of W3C's 
	  <a href="" title="W3C mailing-list search service">mailing-list search service</a></li>

<h2>What now?</h2>
<p>As of 2011, I am back in the W3C community as representative for the <abbr title="British Broadcasting Corporation"><a href="">BBC</a></abbr> and co-chair of the W3C <a href="">Audio Working Group</a>, among others. I am not, however, employed by the W3C nor representing the consortium in any way.</a></p>

<p>My <a href="">linkedin profile</a> 
tends to have the most up to date info on what I'm working on, and who I'm working with…</p>

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	<h2>Contact / Links</h2>
<p>I maintain a personal <a href="/">writing and photos</a> site, where I also occasionally  
   blog about culture and technology.</p>
<p>Over the years I have been involved in many projects, including being 
    co-founder and tech architect for Art Beat, a network of Web Sites
  bringing information and commentary about the Art and Design scenes in e.g.
  <a href="">Tokyo</a> and <a href="">New York</a>.</p>
<p>Want to get back in touch? Contact me by <a href="mailto:&#111;t&#64;&#97;&#114;&#116;&#98;&#101;&#97;&#116;&#46;me">e-mail</a>.</p>

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