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    <h1 class='title'>Ivan’s Semantic Web Presentations</h1>
	<p>This is a list of Semantic Web related presentations that I maintain and try to keep more–or–less up–to–date. </p>
    <p><strong><em>Warning</em></strong>: These presentations are never “final”, they all evolve in time. They are not “polished” presentations either in the sense that they contain reduntant slides, they are not necessarily in a 100% logical order, etc. I use these as source materials when I do a presentation somewhere (in which case I “freeze” a particular version by usually combining several sources). Look at my <a href='../#pres'>home page</a> for a list of finalized presentations.</p>
    <p>With this caveat, here are the available presentations:</p>
<a about='' href='HighLevelIntro/' property="dc:title" rel="dc:creator" resource="">High level intro to Semantic Web</a>
      <dd rel='wdr:describedBy' about='' resource='' property="dc:description">The targeted audience are more the managers (“C-level” people) on what the basic idea and goal is. No technology, not a line of XML or database table…</dd>
<a href='IntroThroughExample/' about='' property="dc:title" rel="dc:creator" resource="">An introduction to the Semantic Web (Through an Example)</a>
      <dd rel='wdr:describedBy' about='' resource='' property="dc:description">The targeted audience are more the managers, whose technical background is not great and do not want to hear or see, for example, any XML code… But want to have an idea of what this beast is all about. It is done by showing how data integration works in very general terms and through an (artificial) example.</dd>
<a about='' href='Applications/' property="dc:title" rel="dc:creator" resource="">Semantic Web Adoption and Applications</a>
      <dd rel='wdr:describedBy' about='' resource='' property="dc:description" datatype="">A set of examples, screen dumps, etc, on where and how the Semantic Web is used today. Part of the examples are originating from the <a href='/2001/sw/sweo/public/UseCases/'>Use Case and Case Study collection</a>, originally set up by the <a href='/2001/sw/sweo/'>Semantic Web Education and Outreach Interest Group</a>, others come from all kind of different sources. Note that, in a real presentation, I combine (part of) this set with the more technology-oriented one (eg, I add some of these slides to the end of the tutorial).</dd>
<a  about='' href='SWTutorial/' property="dc:title" rel="dc:creator" resource="">Tutorial on Semantic Web Technologies</a>
      <dd rel='wdr:describedBy' about='' resource='' property="dc:description">Full, cca. 3.5–4 hours’ worth of introductory tutorial to Semantic Web. The targeted audience is techies who have a good knowledge of the Web in general, have programming experience or at least minimal knowledge, and want to understand what this beast is all about…</dd>
<a about='' href='State_of_SW/' property="dc:title"  rel="dc:creator" resource="">State of the Semantic Web</a>
      <dd rel='wdr:describedBy' about='' resource='' property="dc:description" datatype="">The targeted audience is for people who have a knowledge of Semantic Web, though not necessary <em>very</em> deep, and who want to understand what is happening in the Semantic Web landscape. It concentrates on the technology side, the <a href='Applications/'>“Semantic Web Adoption and Applications”</a> contains more on the adoption/application aspect.</dd>
<a about='' href='RDFa/' property="dc:title"  rel="dc:creator" resource="">RDFa</a>
      <dd rel='wdr:describedBy' about='' resource='' property="dc:description" datatype="">An RDFa 1.1 tutorial.</dd>
<a  about='' href='SW_Modelling/' property="dc:title" rel="dc:creator" resource="">Semantics for RDF(S) and OWL</a>
      <dd rel='wdr:describedBy' about='' resource='' property="dc:title" datatype="">A short overview of the formal semantics of RDF and OWL. This is for those who know what RDF, OWL, etc, is (eg, they have gone through the full tutorial:-) and want to understand some of the model theory behind RDFS and OWL (which may also help in understanding why OWL-DL is as it is). It is <em>not</em> a detailed course on the SW Model theory, just a glimpse! (If there is time, it can also be integrated into the tutorial, for example.)</dd>	  
    <p>Presentations usually use the Open Document Presentation Format, with PDF exports.</p>
    <p>For further information on the Semantic Web, please consult the <a href='/2001/sw'>home page of the Activity</a>, and follow the other links from that page.</p>
	  <span rel="dc:creator">
	      <span about="" typeof='foaf:Person' property="foaf:name" datatype=""><a property='foaf:name' href=''>Ivan Herman</a></span>, Semantic Web Activity Lead.
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      </a> All works are licensed under a <a rel='cc:license' href=''>Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License</a>, with attribution to <a rel='cc:attributionURL' href=''><span property='cc:attributionName' about=''>W3C</span>
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