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  <title>Berners-Lee: Weaving the Web</title>
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<p>Supplementary material to the book</p>
  <li><a href="glossary.html">Glossary: version with links</a></li>
  <li><a href="/History.html">A short timeline</a></li>
  <li><a href="Errata.html">Errata</a></li>
    Chapter 1 online</a></li>


<h1>Weaving the Web</h1>

<h2>The original design and ultimate destiny of the World Wide Web, by its
  <a href="../Overview.html">Tim Berners-Lee</a> with Mark Fischetti
<a href="images/weav2a.jpg"><img src="images/weaving.jpg"
alt="Cover design by Laura Beers" align="right" border="0"></a>


<p><strong>Buy</strong>: <a
from <strong>Amazon.com</strong></a> (<a
&amp; Noble</strong></a> (<a
<a href="http://www.powells.com/cgi-bin/biblio?inkey=1-0062515861-2"><span
style="font-weight: bold">Powells</span></a> (<a
or <a
<a href="XX">*</a></p>


<p>This book is written to address the questions most people ask - From "What
were you thinking when you invented it?" through "So what do you think of it
now?" to "Where is this all going to take us?", this is the story.</p>


<p>It is not a technical book. (If you want the technical details, check out
the <a href="/">W3C web site!</a>). It does mention a little about how
technologies you may have heard of - like XML - fit in to the past, present
and future, but only in the course of charting the course for the Web from
the initial dream - still largely unfulfilled - to the next technical and
social revolution.</p>


<p>Now it has been out for a while, it seems different people like different

<p>-Tim BL</p>

<h2>International publication</h2>

<p>The book is available from all good bookstores in the US and on the web
(eg <a
from Amazon</a>,, <a
&amp; Noble</a>, <a
or <a
<a href="XX">*</a>)</p>


<table border="1" style="background-color: #FFF4ED">
      <th>Approx. date</th>
      <td>Chinese (complex characters)</td>
      <td>Commercial Press</td>
      <td>Chinese (simplified characters)</td>
      <td>Shanghai Translation Publishing House</td>
      <td>Danish  <em><a href="http://www.adlandia.dk/web.htm ">Webbets Vej
        Til Verden</a></em></td>
      <td><a href="http://www.adlandia.dk/ ">Adlandia</a></td>
      <td>Dutch - <em><a
        href="http://www.nieuwezijds.nl/boeken/9057120909.html">De Wereld van
        het World Wide Web</a></em></td>
      <td>English /UK + Australia</td>
      <td>Orion business, now Texere</td>
      <td>0694521256 (hardback)

        <p>(also in paperback)</p>
      <td>English /USA<br>

            the Web</a></li>
            this book</a></li>

        San Francisco</a></td>
      <td>0062515861 (paperback)<br>
        0062515861 (hardback, out of print)<br>
        0694521256 (audio)</td>
      <td>German <em>Der Web-Report</em></td>
      <td>Italian <em><a
        del Nuovo Web</a></em></td>
      <td><a href="http://www.feltrinelli.it/ ">Feltrinelli</a></td>
      <td>Japanese. <em>Trans: Toru Takahashi et. al.</em></td>
      <td>Mainichi Communications, rec.price: 2400yen + tax</td>

      <td>Spanish <em> <a
        la red</a></em></td>
      <td>Siglo Editores</td>

<h2>What's the flap about?</h2>

<p><em>[From the Harper edition cover flap, Harper say:]</em></p>


<p>Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web, has been hailed by
<em>Time</em> magazine as one of the 100 greatest minds of this century.  His
creation has already changed the way people do business, entertain
themselves, exchange ideas, and socialize with one another. With new online
businesses and communities forming every day, the full impact of
Berners-Lee's grand scheme has yet to be fully known.</p>


<p>Berners-Lee's creation was fueled by a highly personal vision of the Web
as a powerful force for social change and individual creativity. He has never
profited personally from the Web but has devoted himself to its continued
growth and health. Now, this low-profile genius tells his own story of the
Web's origins-from its revolutionary introduction and the creation of the now
ubiquitous WWW and HTTP acronyms to how he sees the future development of
this revolutionary medium. Today, Berners-Lee continues to facilitate the
Web's growth and development as director of the World Wide Web Consortium and
from his position at the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science.</p>


<p>Berners-Lee offers insights to help readers understand the true nature of
the Web, enabling them to use it to their fullest advantage. He shares his
views on such critical issues as censorship, privacy, the increasing power of
software companies in the online world, and the need to find the ideal
balance between the commercial and social forces on the Web. His incisive
criticism of the Web's current state makes clear that there is still much
work to be done. Finally, Berners-Lee presents his own plan for the Web's
future, one that calls for the active support and participation of
programmers, computer manufacturers, and social organizations to make it


<p>His vision of the Web is something much more than a tool for research or
communication; it is a new way of thinking and a means to greater freedom and
social growth than ever before possible.</p>


<p>TIM BERNERS-LEE, inventor of the Web, is currently the director of the
World Wide Web Consortium, the coordinating body for Web development, and he
occupies the 3Com Founders chair at the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science.
Recipient of numerous awards, he received the distinguished MacArthur
Fellowship in 1998. He lives in Cambridge, MA.</p>

<h3>For the first time ever, the inventor of the World Wide Web speaks

<p>"Tim Berners-Lee is the most qualified person on the planet to chronicle
the Web. With the introspection and concern only a parent can truly express,
he reaches beyond the common soundbytes of our industry to define how the Web
is dramatically impacting the very course of humanity." -- Jeff Papows,
President and CEO, Lotus Development Corp.</p>


<p>Tim Berners-Lee's creation of the World Wide Web has forever changed the
shape of modern life, altering the way people do business, entertain and
inform themselves, build communities, and exchange ideas. "If [computer
networking] were a traditional science, Berners-Lee would win a Nobel Prize,"
Novell CEO Eric Schmidt said in <em>Time</em>. when it deemed Berners-Lee one
of the greatest 100 minds of this century. Now, in <em>Weaving the Web,</em>
the Web's creator speaks his mind about his invention: how it evolved, what
its untapped potential is, and what his own personal vision is for its


<p>"Unlike so many of the inventions that have moved the world, this one
truly was the work of one man... the World Wide Web is Berners-Lee's alone.
He designed it. He loosed it on the world. And he more than anyone else has
fought to keep it open, non-proprietary, and free... It's hard to overstate
the impact of the global system he created. It's almost Gutenbergian. He took
a powerful communications system that only the élite could use and turned it
into a mass medium." --<em>Time</em> Magazine</p>
  [From the Harper edition cover flap - I didn't write it ;-)]


<p><small>*if your online bookstore has an operational page for this book
which allows online purchase, mail me to be included in this list giving the
URI for this book in your store. In association with Amazon.com. This page
makes no representation as to the relative merits of bookstores. Nor does it
endorse Amazon's silly suggestion that one-click ordering be

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