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<h2><a href="Overview.html">Sir Timothy Berners-Lee OM, KBE, FRS, FREng,

<h1 style="text-align:center;">Talks</h1>

<p style="text-align:center;"><a href="#1992">1992</a> | <a
href="#1994">1994</a> | <a href="#1995">1995</a> | <a href="#1996">1996</a> |
<a href="#1997">1997</a> | <a href="#1998">1998</a> | <a href="#1999">1999</a>
| <a href="#2000">2000</a> | <a href="#2001">2001</a> | <a
href="#2002">2002</a> | <a href="#2003">2003</a> | <a href="#2004">2004</a> |
<a href="#2005">2005</a> | <a href="#2006">2006</a> | <a href="#2007">2007</a>
| <a href="#2008">2008</a> | <a href="#2009">2009</a> </p>


<p><em><small>Note: the below talks and slides below are the copyright of Tim
Berners-Lee. No use or reuse in any form may be made of the images or text
without permission from Tim Berners-Lee. </small></em></p>

<h2><a name="2011" id="2011">2011</a></h2>
<h2><a name="2010" id="2010">2010</a></h2>

  <li><a href=""></a></li>
  <li><a href=""></a></li>

<li><a href="">
"The Day that Dat went Worldwide"</a>, TED, February 2010</li>

<h2><a name="2009" id="2009">2009</a></h2>
  <li><a href="'">"The Next Web"</a>,
  <a href="">TED</a>, 4 Feb 2009</li>
  <li>Keynote, <a href="">
        Campus Party</a>, São Paulo, Brasil, 20 January, 2009</li>
  <li><a href="">Learning and Technology World
    Forum</a>, London, UK, 13 January 2009</li>
  <li><a href="../../2009/Talks/0120-campus-party-tbl/#(1)">"Semantic Web and
    Linked Data</a>", <a href="">Campus Party
    Brazil</a>, Sao Paolo, Brazil, 20 January 2009</li>


<h2><a name="2008" id="2008">2008</a></h2>
  <li>&ldquo;<a href="../../2008/Talks/0311-websci-tbl/">Web History and Web
    Science</a>&rdquo;, IBM, London, UK, March, 2008 <a
  <li><a href="../../2008/Talks/0421-ac-tbl/#(1)">Saving the Web</a>, <a
    href="">W3C AC
    meeting</a>, Beijing, China, 21 April 2008</li>
  <li>&ldquo;The Future of Web Applications&rdquo;, <a
    href="">WWW2008 Conference</a>, Beijing, China, 24 April
  <li><a href="../../2008/Talks/0610-rpi-tbl/#(1)">The Future of the World Wide
    Web</a>, <a href="">Tetherless World Research
    Constellation Conference,</a> Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY,
    USA, 10 June 2008</li>
  <li>&ldquo;<a href="../../2008/Talks/0617-lod-tbl/#(1)">Linked Open
    Data</a>", <a href="">LinkedData
    Planet</a>, New York, NY, USA, 17 June 2008</li>
  <li><a href="../../2008/Talks/0708-ws-30min-tbl/#(1)">Web Science
    Overview</a>, NESTA Launch, London, UK, 8 July 2008 </li>
  <li>&ldquo;The Future of the Web&rdquo;, Campus Party Event, Futura
    Interactiva, Valencia, Spain, July 2008 </li>

<h2><a name="2007" id="2007">2007</a></h2>
  <li>&ldquo;The Mobile Web&rdquo;, 3GSM Conference, Barcelona, Spain, February
  <li>&ldquo;The Future of the World Wide Web", Hearing on the "Digital Future
    of the United States: Part I, Testimony before the United States House of
    Representatives Committee on Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on
    Telecommunications and the Internet, March 2007</li>
  <li>&ldquo;Looking Back, Looking Forward: The process of Designing Things in
    a Very Large Space&rdquo;, Lovelace Lecture, British Computer Society,
    London, UK, March 2007</li>
  <li>&ldquo;Looking Back, Looking Forward&rdquo;, NACStech keynote, Nashville,
    TN, USA, April 2007</li>
  <li>&ldquo;Web Science&rdquo;, Draper Prize Lecture, Cambridge, MA, USA, May
  <li>&ldquo;The Two Magics of Web Science&rdquo;, WWW2007 Conference, Banff,
    Canada, May 2007</li>
  <li>&ldquo;Data Integration and Transparency&rdquo;, Toward More Transparent
    Government: Workshop on eGovernment and the Web, Washington, DC, USA, June
  <li>&ldquo;"Invention to Phenomenon: Short History of the WWW&rdquo;, 2007
    John Pinkerton Lecture, Institution of Engineering and Technology, London,
    UK, September 2007</li>
  <li>&ldquo;Web Future&rdquo;, Fidelity Center for Applied Technology, Boston,
    MA, USA, October 2007</li>
  <li>"Web Science and Fractals", MIT Center for Collective Intelligence,
    Cambridge, MA, USA, October 2007</li>
  <li>"Escaping the Walled Garden: Growing the Mobile Web with Open Standards",
    Mobile Internet World, Boston, MA, USA, November 2007</li>
  <li>"Web History and Web Science", ANN Conference on Webscience, Networks,
    and Society, California, USA, November 2007</li>
  <li>"Web Past and Future", World Healthcare Innovation and Technology (WHIT
    3.0) Congress, Washington, DC, USA, December 2007</li>

<h2><a name="2006" id="2006">2006</a></h2>
  <li>"The Future of the Web" Oxford Internet Institute, Oxford, UK, March
  <li>"Web Design and Web Use: Hopes and Fears", Snyder Presidential Lecture
    Series, Tufts University, MA, USA, March 2006</li>
  <li>"Semantic Web: Building on What Exists", MIT ILP Conference, Cambridge,
    MA, USA, April 2006</li>
  <li>&ldquo;The Future of the Web", Spencer Trask Lecture Series, Princeton
    University, Princeton, NJ, USA, April 2006</li>
  <li>"Democracy and the Semantic Web", speech to Stennis Congressional
    Fellows, MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA, April 2006</li>
  <li>"The Next Wave" panel discussion, WWW2006 conference, Edinburgh,
    Scotland, May 2006</li>
  <li>"Tabulator: AJAX Genric RDF browser", Developer's Day speech, WWW2006
    conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, May 2006</li>
  <li>"AI and Semantic Web", Association for the Advancement of Artificial
    Intelligence, Boston, MA, USA, July 2006</li>
  <li>"Shrinking the World - Riding the New Wave", Global Leadership Forum,
    Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, August 2006</li>
  <li>"Semantic Web and Geospatial Information: Data Integration Across
    Domains", Ordnance Survey Terra Future event, London, UK, September
  <li>"Semantic Web: Changing gears: Data on the Web: "Crossing the chasm""
    Branding and Innovation Lecture Series, HP Labs, Marlborough, MA, USA,
    September 2006</li>
  <li>&ldquo;Searching for Web 3.0&rdquo;, W3C Advisory Committee Meeting,
    Tokyo, Japan, November 2006</li>
  <li>&ldquo;Tabulator: AJAX Generic RDF browser&rdquo;, ISWC conference,
    Athens, GA, USA, November 2006</li>
  <li>&ldquo;Identifying and Describing Things on the Web&rdquo;, CrossRef 2006
    Annual Member Meeting, Cambridge, MA, USA, November 2006</li>

<h2><a name="2005" id="2005">2005</a></h2>
  <li>"The WWW: Future Developments", Millennium Distinction-event, Tampere,
    Finland and Oulu, Finland, March 2005.</li>
  <li>"The Unfolding Semantic Web" keynote, Semantic Web Applications for
    National Security (SWANS) conference, Washington, DC, April 2005. </li>
  <li>"The Future of the Web", invitation-only workshop, British Computer
    Society, London, UK, September 2005.</li>
  <li>"Semantic Web Challenges" Invited talk, University of Edinburgh, UK,
    September 2005.</li>
  <li>"Semantic Web: Building on Existing Systems," Working Knowledge
    Conference, Babson College, Wellesley, MA, USA, October 2005. </li>
  <li>"Web of Rules: Discussing whether knowledge can be represented in a
    web-like way using rules, so as to derive serendipitous benefit from the
    unplanned reuse of such knowledge" ISWC and RuleML conference, Galway,
    Ireland, November 2005.</li>
  <li>Industry Day &ndash; Information Juggernaut panel discussion, National
    University of Ireland, Galway, Novmeber 2005</li>
  <li>"Web - past, present and future", MITRE Technology Speaker Series,
    Bedford, MA, - USA, November 2005</li>
  <li>Carey Lecture Series, Lexington, MA, USA, December 2005</li>


<h2><a name="2004" id="2004">2004</a></h2>
  <li>Lecture, IBM TJ Watson Research Center, Hawthorne, NY, April 2004. </li>
  <li>Keynote, WWW2004 conference, New York, NY, May 2004</li>
  <li>&ldquo;Connections &ndash; it&rsquo;s all connections&rdquo;, talk, Stata
    Center Opening symposium, May 2004</li>
  <li>&ldquo;The Future - Speech and the Web&rdquo;, keynote, SpeechTEK
    conference, New York, NY, September 2004</li>
  <li>&ldquo;The Web: Past, Present and Future", Lecture, IEEE Life Members
    Chapter Seminar, Lexington, MA, Septebmer 2004</li>
  <li>"The Semantic Web", W3C Life Sciences Workshop, Kendall Square,
    Cambridge, MA, October 2004</li>

<h2><a name="2003" id="2003">2003</a></h2>
  <li>&ldquo;The Semantic Web and Challenges&ldquo;, ILOG Technical Advisory
    Board, Boston, January 2003.</li>
  <li>&ldquo;Standards, Semantics and Survival&rdquo;, Keynote Speech,,
    Software and Information Industry Association conference, January 2003.</li>
  <li>Keynote, Boston Foundation, Boston, MA, February 2003.</li>
  <li>&ldquo;The Semantic Web: Build the metadata, and it will come&rdquo;,
    keynote, 26th Annual PC Forum conference, Scottsdale, Arizona, March
  <li>&ldquo;Web Services-Semantic Web: Integrating Applications&rdquo;,
    Gartner Web Services and Application Integration Summit, Los Angeles, CA,
    May 2003</li>
  <li>keynote, Open GIS Consortium &ldquo;IT &ndash; The Emerging
    Technology&rdquo; Summit, Washington, DC, June 2003</li>
  <li>&ldquo;Web Services-Semantic Web&rdquo;, keynote, MITRE Web Technology
    Convergence Symposium, Bedford, MA, August 2003</li>
  <li>&ldquo;Web Accessibility Initiative&rdquo;, keynote, Worshipful Company
    of Information Technologists, &ldquo;IT- The Universal Enabler&rdquo;
    conference, London, UK, September 2003</li>
  <li>&ldquo;The Future of the World Wide Web&rdquo;, The Royal Society,
    London, UK, September 2003</li>
  <li>Keynote, World Creative Forum, London, UK, September 2003</li>
  <li>&ldquo;Documents, Data and People: World Wide Webs&rdquo; lecture, The
    Computer History Museum, San Jose, CA, October 2003</li>
  <li>&ldquo;Semantic Web: Where to Direct our Energy&rdquo;, keynote, Second
    International Semantic Web Conferece, Sanibel Island, FL, October 2003</li>
  <li>Keynote, The Role of Science in the Information Society conference, CERN,
    Geneva, Switzerland, December 2003</li>

<h2><a name="2002" id="2002">2002</a></h2>
  <li>"Webizing Python", The Tenth International Python Conference, Alexandria,
    VA , February 2002.</li>
  <li>&ldquo;The World Wide Web - Past Present and Future&rdquo;, Japan Prize
    Commemorative Lecture, Narita Japan April 2002.</li>
  <li>Keynote, Information and Privacy Commission conference, Toronto, Ontario,
    June 2002.</li>
  <li>&ldquo;Boundryless Information Flow: the Role of Web Services&rdquo;,
    Open Goup Web Services Conference, Boston, MA July 2002.</li>
  <li>Keynote, Telluride Tech Festival, Colorado, August 2002.</li>
  <li>Cadence Distinguished Speakers Series, Chelmsford, MA, November 2002.</li>

<h2><a name="2001" id="2001">2001</a></h2>
  <li>Keynote, Software AG Experience Conference, Orlando, FL April 2001.</li>
  <li>Keynote, Analog Devices Conference, Danvers, MA April 2001.</li>
  <li>&ldquo;English as a Global Language: Opportunities and Challenges&rdquo;
    discussion with Sir David Frost and author, Deborah Tannen, Smithsonian
    Associates; Washington, D.C., May 2001.</li>
  <li>Keynote, Digital Media Forum, Ford Foundation, Alexandria, VA May
  <li>Lecture, Congressional Internet Caucus Speaker's Series, Washington, D.C
    June 2001.</li>
  <li>Keynote, Web Services conference, Software Development Conference and
    Expo, Hynes Convention center, Boston, August 2001.</li>
  <li>&ldquo;Democracy and the Internet : New Rules for New Times&rdquo;,
    Europeaneum Policy Forum, Oxford, UK September 2001.</li>
  <li>"Semantic Web: New Issues in the Web of Machine-Processable Data",
    Harvard Information Infrastructure Project, John F. Kennedy School of
    Government, Harvard, Cambridge, MA, December 2001.</li>

<h2><a name="2000" id="2000">2000</a></h2>
  <li>Bakersfield Business Conference, Bakersfield, CA, October 2000. </li>
  <li>&ldquo;XML and the Web&rdquo;, Keynote XML World, September 2000.</li>
  <li>Keynote: National Summit of Young Technology LeadersAustin, TX, July
  <li>Keynote: Digital Reality II Conference, South Boston, MA: J.F. Kennedy
    Library, June 2000.</li>
  <li>London 2000 Conference, London, UK, June 2000.</li>
  <li>E.volution - the 21st Century Business Imperative, A.T. Kearnery Business
    Meeting, London, UK, June 2000.</li>
  <li>Keynote, GovTech 2000, Washington, D.C., June 2000.</li>
  <li>Staffware Corporation Annual User's Conference, Cambridge, MA - Royal
    Sonesta Hotel, June 2000.</li>
  <li>Keynote: National Summit of Young Technology LeadersAustin, TX, July
  <li>&ldquo;Lifespan of the Internet&rdquo; panel, Internet &amp; Society 2000
    Conference, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, May 2000.</li>
  <li>Keynote, eBusiness Summit 2000, San Diego, CA. March 2000.</li>

<h2><a name="1999" id="1999">1999</a></h2>
  <li>&ldquo;The Web is changing &ndash; What Will Happen to Electronic
    Commerce&rdquo;, invited keynote, 1999 </li>
  <li>Internet Commerce Expo, Boston, MA, March 1999.</li>
  <li>&ldquo;Standards, Publishing, and the Future of the Web&rdquo;, invited
    talk, XML and the Publishing Industry, Seybold Boston, March 1999</li>
  <li>AT&amp;T Web Week Conference, invited keynote, Somerset, NJ, April
  <li>Computers, Freedom, and Privacy Conference, invited keynote, Washington,
    D.C., April 1999.</li>
  <li>&ldquo;Challenges of the second decade&rdquo;, invited keynote, Eighth
    International World Wide Web Conference, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, May
  <li>The Wall Street Journal Millennium Forum, Harvard Business School,
    McCollum Center, Cambridge MA, October 1999.</li>
  <li>"The Future of the Internet" Panel, 92nd St. Y, Lexington Ave. New York,
    NY, October 1999. </li>

<h2><a name="1998" id="1998">1998</a></h2>
  <li>World Economic Forum, invited talks, Davos Switzerland, Feb. 1998. </li>
  <li>&ldquo;The World Wide Web: Hopes for the future&rdquo;, invited keynote,
    Quebec Internet Forum 1998, Montreal, Canada, Feb. 1998.</li>
  <li>&ldquo;XML and the Future of Web Publishing&rdquo;, invited talk, Seybold
    Seminars, New York, NY, March 1998.</li>
  <li>&ldquo;Evolvability&rdquo;, invited keynote, Seventh International World
    Wide Web Conference, Brisbane, Australia, April 1998.</li>
  <li>&ldquo;Managing the Web: Chaos to Quality&rdquo;, invited keynote, AIIM
    &rsquo;98, Anaheim, CA, May 1998.</li>
  <li>NationsBanc Software &amp; Internet Conference, invited keynote, Boston,
    MA, June 1998.</li>
  <li>&ldquo;Web Phase II: Revolution or Evolution&rdquo;, invited keynote,
    DCI&rsquo;s eBusiness World, Boston, MA, Sept. 1998</li>
  <li>AMIA Conference, Orlando, FL, Nov. 1998.</li>

<h2><a name="1997" id="1997">1997</a></h2>
  <li>&ldquo;Internet imperative&rdquo;, and &ldquo;The future of the
    internet&rdquo;, invited sessions, World Economic Forum, Davos,
    Switzerland, Feb. 1997.</li>
  <li>&ldquo;The World Wede Web at the Millennium&rdquo;, invited keynote,
    ComNet 97, Washington, D.C. Feb. 1997.</li>
  <li>&ldquo;What won&rsquo;t change?&rdquo;, invited keynote,
    Internet/Intranet Development Conference (IAD) &rsquo;97, New York, NY,
    March 1997.</li>
  <li>&ldquo;Of Webs and Objects&rdquo;, invited talk , Object World
    Conference, Boston, MA, March 1997.</li>
  <li>PC Forum 97, invited keynote, Tuscon, AZ, March 1997.</li>
  <li>&ldquo;How is the Web evolving?&rdquo;, invited keynote, Comdex UK,
    London, April 1997.</li>
  <li>&ldquo;Learning and working together&rdquo;, invited keynote, Online
    Learning 97, Seattle, WA, Sept. 1997.</li>
  <li>&ldquo;The Web Directions and Impact&rdquo;, invited keynote, 7th
    Int&rsquo;l Conference of Siemens Nixdorf IT Users, FOCUS 97, Rome, Italy,
    Sept. 1997.</li>

<h2><a name="1996" id="1996">1996</a></h2>
  <li>&ldquo; The World Wide Web: Today and Tomorrow&rdquo;, invited lecture,
    Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme (SNI) Technology Leadership Lecture,
    Munich, Germany, March 1996.</li>
  <li>&ldquo;The Past, Present and Future of the World Wide Web&rdquo;,
    keynote, Internet Conference hosted by University of Toronto, Toronto,
    Ontario, Canada, April 1996.</li>
  <li>&ldquo;The Axes of Revolution&rdquo;, opening plenary keynote 2nd day,
    Java One Conference, San Francisco, CA, May 1996. </li>
  <li>&ldquo;Web, World Wide Web Consortium, and the Future&rdquo;, luncheon
    keynote, Massachusetts Software Council Fall Membership
    Meeting/International Software Exposition, Boston, MA, Sept. 1996. </li>
  <li>&ldquo;Building Industries on the Web&rdquo;, invited keynote,
    Foundations: Breaking New Ground Conference, Scottsdale, AZ, Sept. 1996.
  <li>&ldquo;Creativity in Cyberspace&rdquo;, invited keynote, Software
    Development &rsquo;96, Washington, D.C., Oct. 1996. </li>
  <li>Making Sense of Technology Conference, keynote address, New York, NY,
    Nov. 1996. </li>
  <li>EITC Conference, Future markets and the future of IT, plenary keynote
    address, Brussels, Belgium, Nov. 1996. </li>

<h2><a name="1995" id="1995">1995</a></h2>
  <li>World-Wide Web: the Future&rdquo;, invited lecture, Leeds University,
    England, 25 April 1995. </li>
  <li>Invited talk, National On-line Meeting 95, Washington DC. </li>
  <li>&ldquo;World Wide Web: What Will We Want? When?, Invited talk, National
    Online Meeting, New York, NY, May 1995.</li>
  <li>&ldquo;The W3 Consortium and the Future&rdquo;, invited keynote, DAGS,
    June 1995.</li>
  <li>&ldquo;The Evolution and Revolution of the Web&rdquo;, invited keynote,
    INET &rsquo;95, Honolulu, Hawaii, June 1995.</li>
  <li>&ldquo;Five Years On&rdquo;, invited presentation, Fourth International
    World Wide Web Conference, Boston, MA, Dec. 1995.</li>

<h2><a name="1994" id="1994">1994</a></h2>
  <li>&ldquo;Issues for the future of the Web&rdquo; opening keynote, First
    International World Wide Web Conference, Geneva, May 1994 </li>
  <li>&ldquo;Worldwide Hypermedia,&rdquo; closing keynote, European Conference
    on Hypertext (ECHT94), Edinburgh, Scotland, Sept. 1994.</li>
  <li>&ldquo;The World Wide Web and W3C,&rdquo; Invited plenary, Second
    International World Wide Web Conference, Chicago, Nov. 1994.</li>
  <li>Nearnet annual seminar, November 1994.</li>
  <li>Northeastern University, Dec. 1994.</li>


<h2><a name="1992" id="1992">1992</a></h2>
  <li>Presentation of the World Wide Web, Xerox PARC, August 1992</li>

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