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				The W3C Internationalization (I18n) Activity works with <abbr title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</abbr> working groups and liaises with other organizations to make it possible to use Web technologies with different languages, scripts, and cultures.
				From this page you can find articles and other resources about Web internationalization, and information about the groups that make up the Activity.
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			<span class="date">December 14, 2011</span>
			<span><a href="">Video links now available for Limerick MultilingualWeb workshop</a></span> 


			<img src="/International/icons/right.gif" height="11" width="17" alt="Stop press" title="Stop press" />
			<span class="date">December 9, 2011</span>
			<span><a href="">W3C Workshop, Call for Participation: The Multilingual Web – The Way Ahead</a></span> 

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			<span class="date">December 1, 2011</span>
			<span><a href="">New Working Draft of Requirements for Japanese Text Layout</a></span> 






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			<div class="date"><span>December 14, 2011</span></div>

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				<a href="" title="Permanent link to full entry">Video links now available for Limerick MultilingualWeb workshop</a>
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				<div style="float:right;margin: 0 5px 10px 10px"><img src="" alt=" " /></div>
<p><a href="">Video recordings of speakers</a> at the MultilingualWeb workshop in Limerick are now available, in addition to the previously uploaded slides and IRC notes.</p>
<p>Entitled &#8220;A Local Focus for the Multilingual Web&#8221;, the workshop surveyed and shared information about currently available best practices and standards that can help content creators and localizers address the needs of the multilingual Web, including the Semantic Web. Attendees also heard about gaps that need to be addressed, and enjoyed opportunities to network and share information between the various different communities involved in enabling the multilingual Web.  The second day was given over to an Open Space discussion with breakouts.</p>
<p>Work is under way on a summary report for the workshop, which will be announced in due course.</p>
<p>Building on the success of the Madrid, Pisa and Limerick workshops, preparations have now begun for the next workshop, to be held in Luxembourg, at the European Commission, in March 2012. See the <a href="">Call for Participation</a>.</p>
<p>Thanks to VideoLectures for hosting the videos.</p>
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			<div class="date"><span>December 13, 2011</span></div>

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				<a href="" title="Permanent link to full entry">New translations into Russian and Ukrainian</a>
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				<p>Ukrainian:<br /><a href="">Створення Невеличких SVG Сторінок в Арабській мові, Івриті та інших скриптах, які вирівнюються справа наліво</a> (Creating SVG Tiny Pages in Arabic, Hebrew and other Right-to-Left Scripts)</p>
<p>Russian:<br /><a href="">Создание небольших SVG Страниц на Арабском языке, Иврите и других скриптах, которые выравниваются справа налево</a> (Creating SVG Tiny Pages in Arabic, Hebrew and other Right-to-Left Scripts)</p>
<p>These articles were translated thanks to Alexandr Shlapak.</p>
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		<div class="pubdata"> 
			<div class="date"><span>December 9, 2011</span></div>

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				<a href="" title="Permanent link to full entry">W3C Workshop, Call for Participation: The Multilingual Web – The Way Ahead</a>
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				<div style="float:right;margin: 0 5px 10px 10px"><img src="" alt=" " /></div>
<p><strong>15 &#8211; 16 March 2012, Luxembourg</strong>. Co-located with the European Commission&#8217;s Language Technology Showcase Days, and hosted by the Directorate-General for Translation (DGT) of the European Commission.</p>
<p>The <a href="">MultilingualWeb project</a> is looking at best practices and standards related to all aspects of creating, localizing and deploying the Web multilingually. The project aims to raise the visibility of existing best practices and standards and identify gaps. The core vehicle for this is a series of four events which are planned over two years.</p>
<p>After three highly successful workshops in Madrid, Pisa, and Limerick, this final workshop in the series will continue to investigate currently available best practices and standards aimed at helping content creators, localizers, tools developers, and others meet the challenges of the multilingual Web.</p>
<p>Participation is free. We welcome participation from both speakers and non-speaking attendees. For more information, see the <a href="">Call for Participation</a></p>
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			<div class="date"><span>December 1, 2011</span></div>

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				<a href="" title="Permanent link to full entry">New Working Draft of Requirements for Japanese Text Layout</a>
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				<p>A <a href="">new version of Requirements for Japanese Text Layout</a> has just been published as a Working Draft.</p>
<p>The plan is to replace the <a href="">current W3C Working Group Note</a>  with the content of this new Working Draft after a period of review.</p>
<p>This document describes requirements for general Japanese layout realized with technologies such as CSS, SVG and XSL-FO. It is also being used by developers of other technologies, such as ebooks. The document builds on and further develops the Japanese standard for text layout, JIS X 4051.</p>
<p>This second version of the document contains a significant amount of additional information related to hanmen design, such as handling headings, placement of illustrations and tables, handling of notes and reference marks, etc.</p>
<p>Please take a look at the new version, which is available in English and Japanese, and send any comments to <a href="[JLReq]"></a> (<a href="">subscribe at the archive main page</a>). Use &#8220;[JLReq]&#8221; in the subject line of your email, followed by a brief subject.</p>
<p>Send any comments before the end of December. We hope to publish the final version of the updated Working Group Note early in the New Year.</p>
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		<div class="pubdata"> 
			<div class="date"><span>November 23, 2011</span></div>

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				<a href="" title="Permanent link to full entry">New translation into French</a>
			<div class="description"> 
				<p class="link"><a href="">Noms de personnes à travers le monde</a> (Personal names around the world)</p>
<p>This article was translated into French thanks to Stéphane Deschamps.</p>
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		<div class="pubdata"> 
			<div class="date"><span>November 22, 2011</span></div>

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				<a href="" title="Permanent link to full entry">Talk slides: ASLIB Conference</a>
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				<p>On 17th November Richard Ishida gave a talk entitled</p>
<p style="font-size: 120%;margin: 10px"><a href="">The Multilingual Web: Latest developments at the W3C/IETF</a></p>
<p>at the <a href="">Translating and the Computer Conference</a> in London, England.</p>
<p>The talk describes work that has been done recently, or is currently under way to address unsolved issues on the Web, and how you can influence the outcomes. It also points to some resources and initiatives that are available via the W3C site to help progress towards a multilingual Web.</p>
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		<div class="pubdata"> 
			<div class="date"><span>November 21, 2011</span></div>

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				<a href="" title="Permanent link to full entry">New translations into Spanish</a>
			<div class="description"> 
				<p class="link"><a href="">Declaración de idioma en HTML</a> (Declaring language in HTML)</p>
<p class="link"><a href="">Uso de select para enlazar contenido localizado</a> (Using select to link to localized content)</p>
<p class="link"><a href="">¿Caracteres o lenguaje de etiquetas?</a> (Characters or markup?)</p>
<p>These articles were translated into Spanish thanks to the Spanish Translation Team, Trusted Translations, Inc.</p>
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						Tags: <strong><a href="" rel="tag">qa-chars-vs-markup</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">qa-html-language-declarations</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">qa-navigation-select</a></strong>
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		<div class="pubdata"> 
			<div class="date"><span>November 11, 2011</span></div>

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				<a href="" title="Permanent link to full entry">New translations into Ukrainian</a>
			<div class="description"> 
				<p><a href="">Багатомовні форми кодування</a> (Multilingual form encoding)</p>
<p><a href="">Сортування випадаючого списку</a> (Sorting select options)</p>
<p><a href="">Локалізація в порівнянні з Інтернаціоналізацією</a> (Localization vs. Internationalization)</p>
<p><a href="">Одномовні і багатомовні веб-сайти</a> (Monolingual vs. multilingual Web sites)</p>
<p><a href="">Інтернаціональні і багатомовні веб сайти</a> (International &amp; multilingual web sites)</p>
<p>These articles were translated thanks to Alexandr Shlapak.</p>
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		<div class="pubdata"> 
			<div class="date"><span>November 8, 2011</span></div>

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				<a href="" title="Permanent link to full entry">New translations into Arabic</a>
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				<p class="link"><a href="">إرشادات مختصرة لتدويل الشبكة العالمية</a> (Internationalization Quick Tips for the Web)</p>
<p class="link"><a href="">الفرق بين التدويل والتوطين</a> (Localization vs. Internationalization)</p>
<p class="link"><a href="">مواقع عالمية ومواقع بلغات متعددة</a> (International &amp; multilingual web sites)</p>
<p class="link"><a href="">الفرق بين المواقع أحادية اللغة والمواقع متعددة اللغات</a> (Monolingual vs. multilingual Web sites)</p>
<p>These articles were translated into Arabic thanks to Mohamed Fares.</p>
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			<div class="date"><span>November 2, 2011</span></div>

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				<a href="" title="Permanent link to full entry">New translations into Russian and Ukrainian</a>
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<p><a href="">Пропажа пробілів Bidi</a> (Bidi space loss)</p>
<p><a href="">Використання Керуючих символів Unicode для bidi тексту</a> (Using Unicode controls for bidi text)</p>
<p><a href="">Направлення скрипту і мов</a> (Script direction and languages)</p>
<p><a href="">CSS чи розмітка для підтримки bidi</a> (CSS vs. markup for bidi support)</p>
<p><a href="">Керуючі символи Unicode чи розмітка для підтримки bidi</a> (Unicode controls vs. markup for bidi support)</p>
<p><a href="">Пропажа пробелов Bidi</a> (Bidi space loss)</p>
<p><a href="">Использование Управляющих символов Unicode для bidi текста</a> (Using Unicode controls for bidi text)</p>
<p><a href="">Направления скрипта и языков</a> (Script direction and languages)</p>
<p><a href="">CSS или разметка для поддержки bidi</a> (CSS vs. markup for bidi support)</p>
<p><a href="">Управляющие символы Unicode или разметка для поддержки bidi</a> (Unicode controls vs. markup for bidi support)</p>
<p>These articles were translated thanks to Alexandr Shlapak.</p>
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						Tags: <strong><a href="" rel="tag">qa-bidi-controls</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">qa-bidi-css-markup</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">qa-bidi-space</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">qa-bidi-unicode-controls</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">qa-scripts</a></strong>
								<div class="cats">Categories: <strong><a href="" title="View all posts in Translation" rel="category tag">Translation</a>, <a href="" title="View all posts in w3cWebDesign" rel="category tag">w3cWebDesign</a></strong></div>			</div>
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