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      Paper Trail: Web architecture ideas
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      Tim Berners-Lee
        Date: February 1999. Last modified: $Date: 2004/04/20
        19:21:17 $
        An example of how a social machine can be made without a
        center. Editing status: Draft. Comments welcome
      <a href="Overview.html">Up to Design Issues</a>
      Ideas about future Web architecture
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      Paper Trail
      Here we look at the relationship between documents (living or
      dead but basically bits of state) and messages (events with
      associated data, including typically but not essentially
      sender and recipient).
      Here is a proposal for a project: "Paper trail" state machine
      for workflow. The concept here is that the state of any
      transaction is in the real world (and in this formalization
      in the Web) just a function all the messages which form part
      of a protocol.
        Epilogue (2001/05)
        The <a href="/2001/01/WSWS">Web Services workshop</a>, in
        discussing transactios over the Net, surfaced the need for
        process flow descriptions
        Update (2004/03)
        The <a href="/2000/10/swap/">Semantic Web Application
        Platform (SWAP)</a> now has enough functionality to
        implement these ideas. see <a href=
        "/2000/10/swap/ppt-bank/">ppt-bank</a>, especially <a href=
      Social processes look like state machines. However, they
      don't exist as a state variable stored in one place, but as a
      trail of documents. You know the true state of the machine
      only if you have access to the latest documents. (This is not
      the problem addressed here, this is real life being
      modelled.) <em>Paper-trail</em> is a system which allows one
      to follow a strict process by creating new documents in a
      constrained fashion. Every paper-trail document has a pointer
      to a "paper-trail schema" which defines its document type (eg
      "constitutional amendment") a pointer to its justification
      documents (maybe) a notarization of when it was checked
      against the schema by the paper-trail program. The schema
      <li>Prerequisites for a document being valid, in terms of
      other documents
      <li>Hints to other document types you can make from this one
      (state transitions)
        To make a new W3C working draft, the schema requires
        pointers to old working draft new document, and editor's
        authorization. The editor must be defined as editor on home
        page of working group where working group page is pointed
        to be by old draft. If all those exist, then the new
        document is created from all that and notarized (time
        stamped) by the software. The human readable part of the
        document is created as a (simple macro) function of the
        input documents. A document also has a buttons to take you
        to a form to turn it into another type of document
        according to hints in the schema.
        A button on a Working Draft takes you to a form for
        promoting it to a "proposed recommendation". This requires
        different things (all the above plus endorsement of new
        draft by director or any two members of the management
      If you are considering this as a student project, consider
      these directions:
      <li>Use RDF within the document to express its state.
      <li>Develop declarative language for defining the
      prerequisites - ideally in RDF too.
      <li>Develop GUI for creating a new document by supplying the
      <li>Allow hooks for digital signature but don't have to
      implement it
    <h2 id="Generalizi">
      Generalizing for formal protocols
      The concept of a paper trail is common in conventional
      administration, but the model can also be applied to
      well-defined computer protocols.
    <h2 id="Model">
      The model is that a protocol P defines a status s<sub>n</sub>
      as a function of a message m and a previous state
      s<sub>n-1</sub>, and the time t.
      s<sub>n</sub>= P(m<sub>n</sub>, s<sub>n-1</sub>, t)
      or for that matter as a function of all the messages to date
      s<sub>n</sub>= P'({m<sub>i</sub>}<sub>i=1..n</sub>)
      The state could be a logical formula, an RDF graph, or an XML
      document, or just a number, in decreasing order of interest.
      The system can be a any one of a number of types of machine,
      including the well-known finite state machine and push-down
      In an XML world, think of the state and the messages all
      being expressed in XML, and the protocol maybe being an XSLT
      The state must record everything necessary for calculating
      future states for any new message. It could also record the
      results of the protocol. For example, the state of TCP (where
      IP packets are the {m} ) must hold the state of the packets
      unacknowledged in the sliding window, but when the connection
      has been successfully closed it could hold either just
      "terminal state", or also the ordered set of bytes
      transferred in the connection.
      The protocol function can be seen as an information
      destroying function. By specifying what needs to be
      remembered, it defines what can be thrown away. This is of
      course very important. Of course, one might in some cases
      still want to spool the messages for security, but the actual
      information needed to describe the state of affairs is
      Typically, to be valid, messages will link back to previous
      messages either directly or though common threading
      identifiers of some sort. A message without such a reference
      will in most cases not have any effect on the state.
      There will in general be error states, which the protocol
      does not allow, which any message which is invalid in some
      way will lead to. Functionally there need only be one error
      state but in practice one might want t preserve the state
      before the error and details of the error. Some protocols
      model most errors themselves by sending.
      There must obviously be a set M<sub>0</sub> of valid ways to
      start a protocol in the first case from the generic initial
      state s<sub>0</sub>. For example, in TCP one sends a SYN
      message; on the telephone one picks up the receiver. For any
      m in M<sub>0</sub>, P(m, s<sub>0</sub>) will be a valid
      (non-error) state.
      There will in some systems be a set of F final states, in
      which no further messages can have any effect on the state.
      For any s in F, P(m,s) = s for all m.
      For example, in the US, when 7 years have passed since a
      transaction occurred, then all records may be discarded as no
      one even the tax man has the right to query them. The state
      is reduced to a minimum. Most systems can be modelled in a
      simple of complex way, the simple way ignoring a lot of the
      auditing processes for example. A simple model of a loan
      between two people has a state which is the balance amount
      and one final state when that is zero. Other systems are
      designed to remain in non-final state: a lifetime warranty is
      a protocol which remains in non-final state (until you die!),
      waiting for any message that you are dissatisfied with the
      Real system are part of bigger systems, and so the real
      protocol will function as part of a larger protocol. For
      example, a working group at W3C goes though many internal
      state changes, and (on a simple model) the last is when their
      work is accepted by the Consortium as a whole as a
      Recommendation. This is a message leaving the system, which
      forms part of the larger protocol. Modeling this is clearly
      interesting. (To demonstrate this nesting by an example of it
      breaking, think of the case of a working group not arriving
      at consensus and passing on not only a final document but
      also a minority report, basically a peek into the internal
      workings of the group which did not in fact arrive in its
      final state. ) This would include modelling tasks which can
      split, and be recursively delegated, and so on.
      Cool things
      This system can allow well-defined social processes to work
      eg on a net newsgroup, or by email. ie, it works in a
      write-only medium.
      It models real life in commerce well, where the state really
      is an abstract thing and one's perception of it depends on
      the set of messages one has had access to.
      Hopefully we can use this model to define systems which are
      even more powerfully distributed than any we use at the
    <h2 id="Linking">
      Linking Remote operations and Data Formats
      I must have discussed the relationships between remote
      operations and data formats before. Maybe I have made a table
      with schema languages compared against interface definition
      languages, and so on.
      Now we have a clear way of expressing the relationship
      between the two. A Protocol definition document defines a
      document as a function of messages, which can be represented
      as documents - so we can look at remote operations in terms
      of documents. Typically RPC messages are very constrained:
      this model allows much more complicated multi-party protocols
      to be defined.
      Challenges if you finish early
      If making a paper trail machine was fun, here are some more
      <li>Add time-aware social processes such as promises and
      <li>Do you need to be able to prove non-existence of
      <li>Locally to an author or globally?
      <li>States can split. (draft can go to W3C or IETF process or
      <li>How can you limit this, when socially undesirable?)
      <li>Develop proofs that processes will achieve given ends.
      <li>Model processes near you:
          <li>peer review journal
          <li>presidential impeachment ;-)
          <li>internet newsgroup creation
          <li>formation of a company
          <li>MIT purchasing (possible PhD thesis ;-)
      <li>Develop theories in which players are
          <li>allowed to create new schemas to achieve their ends
      <li>Model existing systems near you:
      <li>Develop a protocol machine, which, acting on behalf of
      one agent, will determine when that agent has a possible move
      to make, and when in fact the protocol is acting for that
      agent. Develop a GUI which helps a human user chose from the
      set of possible options at that state of the protocol.
    <h2 id="Products">
      The thing which would come out of this idea would I imagine
      be a standard language for writing protocols. Of course, it
      would mainly be something else, such as an rdf-logic
      language, or prolog or whatever, but there would have to be
      hooks to define it to be a definition of a protocol.
      This takes the self-describing web concept into a new area:
      that messages are self-describing in that they contain a
      pointer to the language in which they are written, and that
      includes (or points to) the protocol to which they claim to
      @@ Add pointers to work done with Notation3
    <hr />
      <a href="Overview.html">Up to Design Issues</a>;
      Thanks for some fun discussions with Dan Connolly about these