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      About document formats (Design Issues)
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      Document formats
    </h1>The question of the format of the contents of a node is
    independent of the format of all the management information
    (except for the format of the anchor position within the node
    content). Therefore, the hypertext system can be largely
    defined without specifying the node format. However, agreement
    must be reached between client and server about how they
    exchange content information. Many hypertext systems qualify as
    &#170;hypermedia&#186; systems because they handle media other
    than plain text. Examples are graphics, video and sound clips,
    object-oriented graphics definitions, marked-up text, etc.
      <a name="4">Format negotiation</a>
    </h2>Most hypermedia systems on the market today have the same
    application program responsible for the hypertext navigation
    and for the browsing. It would be safer to separate these
    features as much as possible: otherwise, in defining a
    universal hypertext system, one is burdened with defining a
    universal multimedia browser. This would certainly not stand
    the test of time. Node content must be left free to evolve.
    This implies that format conversion facilities must be
    available to allow simple browsers to access data which is
    stored in a sophisticated format. Such conversion facilities
    tend to exist in many applications, though not, in general, in
    hypertext applications.
      The format of the content of a node should be as flexible as
      possible. Having more than one format is not useful from the
      user's point of view -- only from the point of view of an
      evolving system. I suggest the following rules:
      1. Basic formats
    </h2>There is a set of formats which every client must be able
    to handle. These include 80-column text and basic hypertext (
    <a name="10" href="../MarkUp/MarkUp.html">HTML</a> ).
      2. Conversion
    </h2>A server providing a format which is not in the basic set
    of formats required for a client must have the possibility of
    generating some sort of conversion of the text (even if
    necessary an apology for non-conversion in the case of graphics
    to text) for a client which cannot handle it. This ensures
    universal readability world over.
      3. Negotiation
    </h2>For every format, there must be a set of other possible
    formats which the server can convert it into, and the most
    desirable format is selected by negotiation between the two
    parties. The negotiation must take into account:
      <li>the expected translation time, including current load
      <li>the expected data degradation
      <li>the expected transmission time (?!!)
    </ul>The times one could assume will be roughly proportional to
    the length of the document, or at least linear in it.
      Application-specific node formats (e.g. physics event) would
      allow specialized browsers to perform local processing. This
      is a natural extension of the hierarchy of node formats. I
      would suggest one stick to the rule that a server providing
      such a type of data must provide some default conversion to a
      standardized view.
      An index or a keyword could be a specific node format which
      would be manageable by a browser.
    </h2>Examples of rich text formats which exist already at CERN
    are as follows, with, in brackets after each, other formats
    into which it might be convertible:
        <a name="7" href="../MarkUp/SGML.html">SGML</a> ( <a name=
        "9" href="../../DataSources/QWERTZ/README.txt">Tex</a> ,
        Postscript, plain text)
      <li>Bookmaster (Postscript, I3812, plain text)
      <li>TeX (DVI, plain text)
      <li>DVI (IBM 3812, Postscript, etc)
      <li>Microsoft RTF (postscript, plain text, Next
      &#170;WriteNow&#186;) - <a name="3" href=
      "../../DataSources/RichTextFormat/RTF.txt">See Specs</a>
      <li>Postscript, <a name="8" href=
      "../../Standards/PostScript/IPF.html">Editable Postscript</a>
      (IBM 3812 bitmap)
      <li>plain text
    </ul>When a server (or browser) is obliged to perform a
    conversion from one format to another, one imagines that the
    result would be cached so that, if the same conversion were
    needed later, it would be available more rapidly. Format
    conversion, like notification of new material, is something
    which can be triggered either by the writer or by the browser.
    In many cases, a conversion from, say, SGML into Postscript or
    plain text would be made immediately on entry of the new
    material, and kept until the source has been updated (See
    <a name="5" href="Caching.html">caching</a> , <a name="6" href=
    "Overview.html">up to design issues</a> ).
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    &amp;copyTimBL 1991