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      Tim Berners-Lee<br />
      Date: 1998, last change: $Date: 2009/08/27 21:38:06 $<br />
      Status: personal view only. Editing status: first draft.
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      Conversations and state
      See also: <a href="PaperTrail">Paper Trail</a> - presented as
      a a student project
      The basic model of the web is a world of information.
      Theoretically, a mapping between URIs and representations of
      the resources they identify, and experientially fro a person
      a space one can navigate.
      Interestingingly, trends at the leading edge of user
      interface development, and at the semantic web development
      both point to a world which uses a different model. Human
      interfaces are moving from screens to conversational mode.
      The semantic web, while very exciting when viewed as a
      Human user interfaces use more and more devices such as
      speech, gestures and so on, which are not screens. What is
      special about a screen? A screen with a window system
      presents a large amount of informatoin at the same time to a
      person. In practice, more or less everything which a person
      is concentrting on at one time can be presented in its
      current state. When the number of pixels on a screen broke
      through a certain threshold (roughly the 640x320 VGA limit)
      this led to the development of direct manipulation interface
      metaphors: folders one could open, and drag and drop. The
      essential things about this is that the computer is at every
      instant presenting the current state, whether it or the human
      is manipulating it. The communication betwen personand
      machine is in terms of the mutual manipulation of a shared
      state. The web was intended to extend that form of
      communication by mutual manipulation of a shared state to
      remote human-human interaction. While the tools and protocols
      have their limitations (see UI) much of its effectiveness
      derived from this model. Because fundamental thing is a
      shared space of information, one can talk about navigation
      around within the space, and use all the primaval facilities
      that the human memory has for navigation.
      This is all very well, but it was not always so. When
      computer terminals had only 24 rows of 80 characters, even
      when they were addressable, there was a tendency for most
      jobs to use command line interafaces, for example when
      manipulating files and directories. The interface was
      conversational, in that the exchanges were small commands and
      responses. There was a shared abstract state, but it was
      imagined in the abstract by the person, and held in some
      unvisualized form by the computer. This too has itas
      advantages, in that the imagination of a person can well
      exceed (on a good day) the capacity of a screen in its
      ability to hold complex interrelated structures. The
      interesting thing is that now there is a tednedncy to use
      many devices which do not have the large screen. The screens
      on cellphones are currently so small that, while one can
      scale a web page down and adapt it to a small screen, this
      might be chosing simply the wrong interface metaphor. When
      the audio phone only is used, then the shared state becomes
      zero and the interface is completely conversational again.
      The characteristic of a conversation is the state is the set
      of utterances, or messages, which have been conveyed. This is
      differenet from a shared expression of a commonly agreed
      state. The <a href="PaperTrail.html">Paper Trail concept</a>
      links these two modesl in the Semantic Wee Semantic Web, by
      formally defining the overal agreed state as a function of
      messages to date. A service which allows a phone user to
      browse the web converts the other way: it conveys part of the
      the space of information by means of a conversation. It is is
      important for a number of reasons.
      <li>It allows us to formalize the models of human-machine
      interface which are in fact conversational for many
      non-screen devices;
      <li>It allows us to formalize social, for example commercial,
      transactions for which the paper trail is in fact th emost
      accurate model anyway;
      <li>It provides us with tools we can use for formally
      analysing the infrastructure protocols such as HTTP which
      with which the information world is actually implemented in
      <li>The standardization of XML protocols has, with XML (and
      RDF), a richness in terms of marshalling data formats to
      build on, and, with xml-schemas xforms and rdfs, a richness
      to draw on in terms of languages for defining valid
      documents, but has no basis yet for defining with equivalent
      power the validity (and semantics) of a sequence of
      interrlated messages which are a protocol.
      It is not as though the web today itself perfectly matches
      the stateless model at all. The moment it was created as a
      basically stateles system, many web site designers took it as
      their challenge to get around this model in order to create a
      conversational interface -- and many still do Our concerns
      about privacy stem largel;y from the knowledge that our
      "reading" of documents is in fact done by a series of
      protocols which leave a trace. The P3P project involves
      quantifying the information transfer which actually takes
      place. Our handling of HTML forms is getting more complex,
      and a form itself, becomes, on many sites, the definition os
      a protocol - a set of valid sequences of information
      This was written as a note to accompany a talk to the W3C
      Advisory Committee of November 2000. At such times, we
      discuss the status of existing work and look ahead to feel
      the direction in which we will need to move in the future.
      Often, we notice that Web technology is now entering a field
      new to the Web but old of itself. In these cases, we can view
      the process we need to go through either has extending web
      technology into this field, or of <em>Webizing</em> the
      field. This has happened, more or less, to hypertext to SGML,
      and is heppending to knowledge representation. Now an
      interesting field is teh formal specification of protocols.
      There is much out there to build on, but is has not been
      applied yet to the exchange of XML documents conveying RDF
      graphs. However, it seems to be a relevant direction in which
      to look when predicting where the leading edge, and therefore
      the Consortium, should be in a few year's time.
      @@ - already web privacy concerns come from in fact it being
      a conversation -- there is implict state. A
      @@ Reasons for formalizaing protcols a la Paper Trail.: uses
      concepts of validation and will be able to resuse tools -
      extends semnatics of documnets to semnatics of conversaions.
      - Creates a formal basis for defining conversaionsal systems
      of all kinds, including indirctly human language oriented
      @@ Machine-machines and human-human convergence
      Originally written 2000/11
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      <a href="../People/Berners-Lee">Tim BL</a>