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      <rdf:Description rdf:about="">
        <dc:title>Layers of Abstractions: Net, Web, Graph</dc:title>
      <foaf:Person rdf:about="http://www.w3.org/People/Berners-Lee/card#i">
            <foaf:name>Tim Berners-Lee</foaf:name>
            <foaf:homepage rdf:resource="http://www.w3.org/People/Berners-Lee/"/>
            <foaf:made rdf:resource=""/>
    <title>Abstractions in Web architecture - Design Issues</title>
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        <span rel="foaf:maker" resource="http://www.w3.org/People/Berners-Lee/card#i" typeof="foaf:Person">
            <a property="foaf:homepage" href="http://www.w3.org/People/Berners-Lee/">
                <span property="foaf:name">Tim Berners-Lee</span>
          <br />
      Date: <span property="dc:date">2007-10-23</span>,
      last change: $Date: 2010/06/15 13:54:51 $<br />
      Status: personal view only. Editing status: draft.
      Written in response to another round of circular discussions
      of web architecture.
      <a href="./">Up to Design Issues</a>
    <hr />
      Levels of Abstraction: Net, Web, Graph
    <p style="text-align: center">
      <img width="30%" align="left" src="diagrams/layers/link0.png"
      alt="link level" />
      Progress in communications technology has ben characterizsed
      by a movement from lower to higher levels of abstraction.
      When, first, computers were connected by telephone wires,
      then you would have to run a special program to make one
      connect to another. Then you could make the second connect to
      a third, but you had to know how to use the second one. Mail
      and news would be passed around by computters calling each
      other late at night. Email addresses for a while contained a
      list of computers to pass the message through
      It's not the wires -- it's the computers
    <p style="text-align: center">
      <img width="30%" align="right" src="diagrams/layers/net.png"
      alt="net level" />
      The ability to use this communication power between computers
      wasn't powerfully useful until the Internet. The internet
      allowed one to forget about the individual connections. It
      was thought of as the "Internet Cloud". Messages went in and
      appeared ad another computer, without (when things worked)
      one having to worry about how they were broken into packets,
      and the packets routed from computer to computer. The Domain
      Name System gives computers names, and the TCP and IP
      protocols allows a program on one computer to talk to a
      program on another computer.
      This made life very much easier. It takes the wires out of
      the picture, and allows the programs to talk as though the
      computers were directly connected.
      Of course, when things went wrong, one did have to do run
      diagnostic programs to find out whether the connection has
      broken between one's own computer and the WiFi base unit, or
      between that and the router, the cable modem, or somewhere in
      the middle of the Internet, or at the other end. But that was
      the exception.
      It's not the computers -- it's the documents
    <p style="text-align: center">
      <img width="30%" align="left" src="diagrams/layers/web.png"
      alt="web level" />
      This power of communication between computers wasn't really
      easily usable by normal people until the Web came along. The
      realization of the web is: "It's not the computers which are
      interesting, it is the documents!" The WWW protocols (URI,
      HTTP, HTML) defined how documents could be sent between Web
      servers and Web browsers.
    <p style="text-align: center">
      <img width="30%" align="right" src="diagrams/layers/web2.png"
      alt="web level" />
      Now the user is apparently in a web of interconnected
      documents. She does not have to worry about how the protocols
      work underneath, with two exceptions.
      When things go wrong, she has to be able to figure out
      whether it as a problem with her connection to the internet,
      with the URI in the link she was following, or an error on
      the server end. This involves looking under the hood. But
      that is the exception.
      There is another reason to be aware of what is happening. The
      information you are browsing comes from a particular server,
      whose name has registered against a particular person or
      organization. The trust you put in that information is
      related to who that organization is. It is the serving
      organization which is responsible for keeping the URIs you
      bookmark today alive tomorrow -- and some are better at it
      than others. Phishing attacks succeed when people are fooled
      into thinking it is an organiztion you trust when it isn't.
      So the web is just a web of documents, except one one has to
      lift the hood for debugging or questions of trust.
      Note that the connection between the net of computers and the
      web of documents is clear in the URI:
      The computer owner name (acme.example.com) is part of the
      name of the document. The Acme Example company is responsible
      for supporting the document on the web.
      It's not the documents -- It's the things
    <p style="text-align: center">
      <img width="30%" align="left" src="diagrams/layers/sweb2.png"
      alt="graph level" />
      The power of the web was still not totally used to its full
      potential until the semantic web came along. The Semantic
      Web's realization is: <em>It is isn't the documents which are
      actually interesting, it is the things they are about!</em>
      A person who is interested in a web page on something is
      usually primarily interested in the thing rather than the
      document. There are exceptions, of course -- documents are
      certainly interesting in their own right. However, when it
      comes to the business and science, the customers, the
      products, or the proteins and the genes, are the things of
      interest. A good Semantic Web browser, then, shows a user
      information about the thing, which may have been merged from
      many sources. Primarily, the user is aware of the abstract
      web of connections between the things -- this person is a
      customer who made this order which includes this item which
      is manufactured by this facility ... and so on.
    <p style="text-align: center">
      <img width="30%" align="right" src=
      "diagrams/layers/graph.png" alt="graph level" />
      There are again the same two exceptions. When things go
      wrong, the user must be able to look under the hood to see
      whether the document was fetched OK but had missing data, or
      the document was not fetched OK, in which case what was the
      underlying web problem.
      And again, when the user is looking at a bit of data in the
      data view, perhaps a point on a map or a cell in a table,
      then she must be able to see easily which document that
      information came from.
      Note that the connection between the web of documents and the
      web of things is clear in the URI:
</pre>The name of the document is part of the name of the thing. A
given thing may have many URIs of course. But when URIS have this
form, it is clear that we are talking about a thing as described by
a given document. This is a gene as defined in the Gene Ontology.
This is a protein as defined in this taxonomy. A citizen as defined
by the Immigration and Naturalization Service glossary. And so on.
      (There are (since 2005) URIS for things which are not
      explicitly bound to a document. These require the server to
      respond with the name of a suitable document at runtime. This
      is more complicated)
      The web of things is built on the web of documents, which is
      built on the web of computers controlled by Domain Name
      owners, which itself is build on a set of interconnected
      cables. This is an architecture which provides a social
      backing to the names for things. It allows people to find out
      the social aspects of the things they are dealing with, such
      as provenance, trust, persistence, licensing and appropriate
      use as well as the raw data. It allows people to figure out
      what has gone wrong when things don't work, by making the
      responsibility clear.
      The value of this architecture is that each layer leverages
      the social components of the lower layer's architecture.
    <hr />
      <a href="Overview.html">Up to Design Issues</a>
      <a href="../People/Berners-Lee/">Tim BL</a>