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Ensuring that the Web remains open, accessible and interoperable for everyone around the world is a mission that the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) takes to heart every day. While some of the technical work we do receives funding from <a href="/Consortium/membership">Member organizations</a>, we are only able to achieve Web inventor Tim Berners-Lee’s vision of leading the Web to its full potential through the generosity of contributions and sponsorships from individuals and organizations.  </p>

<div class="w3c_home_plans">
	<h2><a href="/Consortium/sponsor/org#gold">Gold Package</a></h2>
	<p class="lPadding0"><em>Join this W3C sponsor</em>
	<img src="/Consortium/sponsor/logos/google_logo.png" height="45" width="113" alt="Google logo" /></p>
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	<h2><a href="/Consortium/sponsor/org#silver">Silver Package</a></h2>
	<p class="lPadding0"><em>Join this W3C sponsor</em>
	<img src="/Consortium/sponsor/logos/adobe_logo.png" height="45" width="36" alt="Adobe logo" /></p>

W3C recognizes that giving takes many forms.  We have identified a number of ways that individuals and organizations can pursue philanthropy, corporate responsibility, and business goals, and support W3C's mission. W3C Membership is not required to participate in these programs, however W3C Members may receive additional benefits when they participate.</p>
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								<p>W3C offers several ways for organizations that benefit greatly from the Web, or for individuals who appreciate W3C's work, to support our operations.</p>

								<a href="org" title="Corporate"><span class="corporate"></span></a>
								<a class="call-to-action" href="org" title="More on organizational sponsorships">More Organization</a>
								<p>Three tiers of benefits are available, including strategic consultations with senior staff, technology briefings, and marketing opportunities.</p>
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								<p>This program gives organizations an easy way to reach with W3C's international audience of technology influencers.</p>

								<a href="events" title="Events"><span class="events"></span></a>
								<a class="call-to-action" href="events" title="More on event sponsorships">More Events</a>
								<p>Benefits include mention in W3C press releases, distribution of marketing materials, and guest passes.</p>
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								<h2>Web for <br/>All Sponsor</h2>
								<p>This program is well-suited to those who wish to demonstrate their leadership in social responsibility to make the Web available to all people.</p>

								<a href="webforall" title="Initiatives"><span class="initiatives"></span></a>
								<a class="call-to-action" href="webforall" title="More on Web for All sponsorships">More Web for All</a>
								<p>Support W3C initiatives such as those related to literacy, accessibility, and multilingual Web.</p>
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								<h2>Developer <br/> Sponsor</h2>
								<p>Donations to this program help W3C provide tools and educational materials to the international developer community.</p>

								<a href="developer" title="Validator"><span class="validator"></span></a>
								<a class="call-to-action" href="developer" title="More on developer sponsorships">More Developer</a>
								<p>Benefits include your logo as part of the popular W3C validator, and more.</p>
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