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<div class="slide">

<h1>Changes in the Languages of the Web</h1>

<div class="figure">
       alt="tag cloud: Web, Architecture, HTML, ..." class="cover" />

<address class="vcard" id="danc">
<span class="fn n">Dan
Connolly</span>,<br />
<a class="url"
<span class="org">W3C</span></a> /
<a class="url"
<span class="org">Midwest Web Sense</span></a>
<br />
<a rel="license" href="">
<img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0" src="" /></a>

<p class="vevent">
<a class="summary url" href="">Web Directions
North</a><br />
<span class="location adr"><span class="locality">Denver</span></span> <abbr
class="dtstart" title="2009-02-02">Feb 2009</abbr> </p>

<p class="footnote">Postscript: <a href=";page=20&amp;q=%23wdn09">feedback tagged #wdn09 in twitter</a>,
<a href="">summary item in Raible Designs</a>, <a href="">Web Standards Gone Wild</a>

<div class="slide">
<h1>Web Languages are Influenced by Languages of the World</h1>

  <p>How long will it be before China catches up to the E.U. in total economic
  might? Less than a generation, that much is pretty certain.</p>
    <a href="">The End of
    an Age</a> by David Wood, March 2006 

<div class="figure">
  <img alt="English, French, ..." src="wikipedia-langs.png" width="597"
       height="394" />

<p class="ack">image source: <a href="">wikipedia</a></p>

<div class="slide">
<h1>Web Languages, like Programming Languages, are Artificial</h1>

  <li>Learned and still use: C, perl, python, PHP, Java, C#, JavaScript
<pre>main() {
       printf("hello, world");

  <img align="right" src="lang-trends.png" alt="chart of programming language trends" />

  <li>Learned and forgot: Pascal, COBOL</li>
  <li>Web-native: PHP, JavaScript</li>
  <li>Web content: JavaScript</li>


<div class="slide">
<h1>What is a Web Language?</h1>

<li>influenced by natural languages, but artificial</li>
<li>some overlap with programming languages, but some differences too</li>
<li>for example: HTML (99%+ of Web content)</li>

<p>Meanwhile: let's consider how languages are created and changed and taught and learned...</p>

<div class="slide">
<h1>Learning Piano</h1>

<div class="figure">
<img alt="Kyle and our new (to us) piano, Jan 2006"
src="" />

<p>Kyle and the new (to us) piano, Jan 2006</p>

<div class="slide">
<h1>How many of us learned to read music this way?</h1>

<div class="figure">
<img alt="some sheet music" src=""

<p>Sheet music in western music notation.</p>


<div class="slide">
<h1>How many are learning to read music from a video game?</h1>

<img align="right" alt="guitar hero screenshot"
src="" />

  <li>peer to peer: no music teacher</li>
  <li>central resources:
    <li>popular music</li>
    <li>Wii/Xbox/PS3 game platforms</li>

<br clear="all" />
<p class="ack">screenshot by <a

<div class="slide">
<h1>A Web Language for Music?</h1>

<p>issues around <a href="">music
markup</a> in the Web:</p>
  <li>not mp3/ogg
      <li>That's like using a GIF/PNG image for a heading.</li>
      <li>Web languages support editing, "view source" effect</li>
      <li>see <a href="">Media Independence</a> in <cite><a href="">HTML Design Principles</a></cite></li>
  <li>not Apple's GarageBand
      <li>It supports midi import, printing to western music notation, not to mention it's a blast.</li>
      <li><strong>but</strong>: it's proprietary: 

          The extraction of data created in GarageBand does not appear to be an
          easy task. -- <cite><a
          href="">Dent du Midi

<div class="slide">
<h1>The Instant Gig Collaboration Pattern</h1>

<div class="figure"><img alt="W3C TPAC geeks jamming at the hotel piano"
/><a href=""></a>

<a href="">InstantGig</a>
at the
Royal Casino hotel in France, March 2004.</p>

<p class="ack">from
<a href="">
photos by Libby Miller</a></p>


<div class="slide">
<h1>A Web Language for Music? (cont)</h1>

  <li><a href="">ABC
    music notation</a> is close: 
% intro
[V:1]| z12|
[V:2]| DAd DAd DAd DAd |
      <li>converts to midi for playing</li>
      <li>converts to PDF sheet music</li>
      <li><strong>but:</strong> it's obscure and aging</li>
<p class="footnote">See also Jan 2006 in the MIT DIG Breadcrumbs blog
item, <cite><a
href="">Arpeggio in D, a
little three chord ditty</a></cite>, on improvisation and sharing
musical knowlege.</p>

<div class="slide">
<h1>A Web Language for Music? (cont)</h1>
  <li><a href="">fake-book</a> style chords mostly work for me 
      <li>popular: a search for <code>"The Gambler" Rogers chords</code>
        usually works
             G            G
  You got to know when to hold 'em,
C              G
  Know when to fold 'em,
C              G
  Know when to walk away
G                  D
  And know when to run.

      <li><strong>but:</strong> links break because this is grey-market
        copyright practice</li>


<div class="slide">
<h1>Freedom to Tinker and Free Culture</h1>

<p>Technology deployment rides on the practice of sharing media, culture...</p>
  <li><a class="http" href="">W3C DRM
    Workshop</a> in Sophia-Antipolis, France in 2000 
      <li><cite><a class="http"
        Rights Management is Wrong (and What to Do Instead)</a></cite> by Mark
  <li><a class="http"
    Lessig at OSCON 2002</a>: 

        <li>Creativity and innovation always builds on the past.</li>
        <li>The past always tries to control the creativity that builds upon
        <li>Free societies enable the future by limiting this power of the
        <li>Ours is less and less a free society.</li>
    <p><a class="http"
    href="">Must watch and

      <strong>what have you done about it?</strong> </blockquote>
  <li>Open standards preserve freedom to tinker, support cultural heritage</li>

<div class="slide">
<h1>Convex encouraged participation in Free Software</h1>

<div class="figure">
<p>In 1991, some places would fire you for looking at code from the Net; not
this group:</p>

<img alt="my group at Convex"
src="" />
  <li>Convex did business with HP;
  HP used SGML;
  HTML was SGML, almost...</li>

<p class="footnote">Tom Christiansen is one of the core perl
developers; Martin Streicher went on to become editor of Linux


<div class="slide">
<h1>Formal Languages and Grammars</h1>

<p><img alt="parse tree"
style="float: right" /> 
Computer Science students and hackers learn <a
href="">BNF</a> and parse

<br clear="all" />
<pre>expression ::= atom | list
atom  ::= number | symbol
number  ::= [+-]?['0'-'9']+
symbol  ::= ['A'-'Z''a'-'z'].*
list  ::= '(' expression* '</pre>

<div class="slide">
<h1>Toward a DTD for HTML</h1>

<p>SGML is a little funny looking, but works mostly like BNF:</p>
<pre>&lt;!ENTITY % heading "H1|H2|H3|H4|H5|H6" &gt;
&lt;!ENTITY % list " UL | OL | DIR | MENU "&gt;
&lt;!ENTITY % literal " XMP | LISTING "&gt;&gt;</pre>

<p>Feedback loop:</p>
  <li>draft a DTD</li>
  <li>run some tests: <em>ask the computer</em> whether it matches the test
  <li>discover an issue; repeat</li>

<div class="slide">
<h1>HTML Validation Service</h1>

<p>At Hal in Austin in 1994, while adding HTML support in products:</p>
  <li>Asked other HTML Working Group members to try James Clark's <tt>sgmls</tt> parser</li>
  <li>Not many of them were in the habit of building software from source</li>
<a href=""><img src="" alt="" align="right"/></a>
Mark Gaither and I installed <tt>sgmls</tt> as a CGI service</li>
  <li>Feedback loop works over the Web!</li>

<div class="slide">
<h1>Standardization of HTML 4</h1>

<p>First editor, then chair:</p>
  <li>Nov 1995: HTML 2.0 (IETF Proposed Standard RFC 1866)</li>
  <li>Jan 1997: HTML 3.2 (W3C Recommendation) 

      Netscape's blink element and Microsoft's marquee element were omitted due
      to a mutual agreement between the two companies. </blockquote>
  <li>Dec 1997: HTML 4.0 (W3C Recommendation)</li>
  <li>Dec 1999: HTML 4.01 (W3C Recommendation)</li>

<div class="slide"><h1>Browser marketplace explodes, stagnates</h1>

  <li>early 1990's: lots of little projects 

    See <a
    of web browsers</a> in wikipedia</div>
  <li>1995: Netscape Navigator IPO re-writes business books</li>
  <li>late 1990's: Microsoft Internet Explorer takes over from Netscape

<div class="slide"><h1>HTML, XML, RDF, and the Semantic Web</h1>

  <li>Feb 1998: <cite>Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0</cite> W3C Recommendation</li>
  <li>May 1998: 
  <a href="">Shaping the Future of HTML</a>
  W3C Workshop in San Francisco</li>
  <li>Jan 1999: <cite>Namespaces in XML</cite> (W3C Recommendation)</li>
  <li>Jan 2000: XHTML 1.0 (W3C Recommendation)</li>
  <li>Feb 2004: RDF and OWL (W3C Recommendations, with test suites)</li>
  <li>Apr 2006: SPARQL (W3C Candidate Recommendation)</li>
  <li>Sep 2007: GRDDL (W3C Candidate Recommendation)</li>

<p>Fun stuff, but...</p>

<div class="slide"><h1>W3C and Web 2.0</h1>
  <li>W3C fostered many of the technologies of Ajax and Web 2.0: 
      <li>HTML, CSS, DOM, XML from W3C circa 2000</li>
      <li>JavaScript from Netscape, ECMA in 1995</li>
      <li>XmlHTTPRequest from Microsoft in 1999</li>
  <li>W3C's efforts since then lacked clear deployment paths: 

      <p>XHTML is not the solution to a problem that concerns anybody except
      the guys who have to write parsers that convert markup into DOM trees. It
      turns out that XHTML put the validation on the wrong end of the network.
      It turned out that the market didn't put much value in a document
      delivery system that could decide to not display the document because
      there was an unrecognized attribute on an invisible meta tag. -- <a
      Crockford Jan 2008</a></p>


<div class="slide">
<h1>Change in the scale and role of the Web</h1>
  <li>The Web is not just for computer geeks any more: 

      <p>The software world currently corresponds to the Pre-Director stage in
      movie-making (1893-1904).<img alt="director, actor, and camera"
      style="float: right" /> During those years, when short films were already
      being shown in theaters, the job of making the movie was given to the
      cameraman&mdash;because he knew how to work the equipment. </p>
      <p>That is how it is with software today. Today's software designers are
      those who only understand the technicalities, and not&mdash;with rare
      exceptions&mdash;those who understand how to integrate the
      <strong>presentation of ideas to the mind and heart</strong>.</p>
      <address><cite>The Future of
      Information</cite> by <a
      href="">Ted Nelson</a>, 1997
    The Web facilitates a shift from mass media to participatory culture.
    <br />
    <img align="right" src="ksudigg.png" alt=""/>
    <strong>Worth watching:</strong>
      <li><a href="">An
        Anthropological Introduction to YouTube</a><br />
        by Michael Wesch and the <a
        href="">Digital Ethnography Working
        Group</a><br />
        Presentation at the Library of Congress, June 23rd 2008. </li>


<div class="slide">
<h1>W3C HTML Working Group chartered March 2007</h1>

<div class="figure">
<p>Innovative use of W3C process invites hundreds of participants starting
March 2007:</p>

<img alt="chart of 400+ HTML WG participants" src="html-wg-chart.png"
width="714" height="474" />

<p class="footnote">Some don't respond to annual renewal invitation.</p>

<div class="slide"><h1>W3C and WHATWG</h1>

  <li>Jun 2004: <a href="">Web Applications and Compound Documents</a>
  W3C Workshop in San Jose</li>

  <li>Jun 2004: Web Applications 1.0 (WHATWG draft)</li>

  <li>Nov 2007: HTML WG meeting at W3C Technical Plenary<br />
<a href=""><img src="" alt=""/>

<a href=""><img src="" alt="Unconference schedule" />

  <li>Jan 2008: HTML 5 (W3C Working Draft)</li>

<div class="slide">
<h1>Some goals for HTML 5</h1>
  <li>Off-the-shelf parsers and tools for reading web pages like browsers
  do, including <em>tag soup</em></li>
  <li>Modern test materials</li>
  <li>Standardize successful experiments in the Web Applications platform
  to balance the attraction of proprietary approaches
      <li>&lt;video&gt;, &lt;audio&gt;</li>
      <li>scripting details, security policies</li>
      <li>offline storage</li>

Chris Wilson (Microsoft), Sam Ruby (IBM)<br />
with W3C staff support from Mike Smith, Dan Connolly<br />
<img src="" alt=""/>
<a href=""><img src="" alt="" /></a>
<img src="" alt="" />


<div class="slide"><h1>W3C Validation Service Goals</h1>

<p>Some ideas from a <a
validator roadmap</a>:</p>
  <li>javascript CSS parser</li>
  <li>support for CSS 2.1 forward-compatible grammar</li>
  <li>integrate tests-result data showing browser support</li>

<p>Your ideas?</p>

  <li>How did the CSS validator save your bacon?</li>
  <li>How does the CSS validator drive you buggy?</li>

<p class="postscript">See also <a href="">Valid sites work better(?)</a> for discussion.</p>


<div class="slide"><h1>Browser marketplace moving again</h1>
  <li>2003: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Opera</li>
  <li>Apr 2006: <cite><a href="">Mobile Phones Poised To Overtake The PC As The Dominate Internet Platform In Some Markets</a></cite></li>
  <li>Aug 2007: <cite><a href="">iPhone Developer Guidelines Promote One Web, Open Standards</a></cite></li>
  <li>Sep 2008: <a
    Google Blog: A fresh take on the browser</a>, i.e Google Chrome</li>
  <li>26 Jan 2009: Internet Explorer 8 release candidate</li>

<div class="slide"><h1>How about authors?</h1>

<blockquote class="main">
<img class="item_logo" src="" alt="W3C" />
<h2>HTML 5 Receives Support for Authoring Materials</h2>

<p>2009-02-02: Dan Connolly, an active member of the HTML community
for many years, has received support from Adobe to work on HTML 5
materials for authors. The HTML Working Group Chairs have requested
additional resources to ensure that HTML 5 meets the needs of authors
and browser developers alike. As a provider of Web development and
authoring tools, W3C Member Adobe is not only participating in the
Working Group, they have also provided financial support for the open
standards process.</p>


<div class="slide"><h1>Design Principles Last Through Change</h1>

<blockquote class="tweet">
<p>Client who saves $5,000 buying cut-rate non-semantic HTML will later spend
$25,000 on SEO consultant to compensate. </p>

<a href="">
<img src="" alt="" />
zeldman 4:14 PM Jan 21st</a>

<p>There's still something to the notion behind XHTML+CSS Web design.</p>

<p>p.s. Kudos to whoever designed the <a
href="">Kansas tax
web site</a>.</p>

<p class="postscript">See also <a href="">Valid sites work better(?)</a> for discussion.</p>

<div class="slide"><h1>Sharing data in documents is one of the original goals</h1>

<div class="figure">
 src="" alt="links between documents and corresponding relationships between the things they represent"/>
<blockquote class="main">
<p>To a computer, then, the web is a flat, boring world devoid of meaning...This is a pity, as in fact documents on the web describe real objects and imaginary concepts, and give particular relationships between them.</p>

<address>Tim Berners-Lee at the 1st Web Conference in 1994</address>

<div class="slide"><h1>Microformats for common data idioms</h1>

<div class="figure">
<a href="" title="Microformats Panel at W3C Tech Plen by luisvilla, on Flickr"><img src="" width="240" height="180" alt="Microformats Panel at W3C Tech Plen" /></a>
<img src="" alt="microformats test development" />

<p>March 2006 Microformats panel at W3C Technical Plenary<br />
<a href="">April 2006 collaboration on microformats tests</a></p>


<div class="slide"><h1>XML and longevity</h1>

<p><a href="">Tantek Çelik,
June 2006:</a> XML formats in the long run are no better than
proprietary binary formats.</p>

<li>XML, both in technology (namespaces...) and as a "technical culture" is too biased towards Tower of Babel outcomes.</li>
<li>A few XML formats may survive and converge (RSS, maybe Atom)</li>
<li>but for now XHTML is the only longterm reliable XML format<br />
That has more to do with it being based on HTML than it being XML.</li>

<p><em>And if longevity is not a goal, try JSON. Yum.</em></p>

<div class="slide"><h1>Microformats for Mixtapes, feeds, calendars</h1>

  <li>XSPF: what if...
    <li>... media players had used an XHTML dialect a la
    <a href="">hMedia</a></li>
    <li>maybe they will...</li>
  <li>RSS and hAtom
    <li>Will feed readers grow native support for hAtom?</li>
    <li>Will calendar subscription clients grow native support for hCalendar?</li>

<div class="slide"><h1>Long tail approaches: RDFa, data-*</h1>

  <li>data-* is a chaotic approach</li>
  <li>RDFa is URI-based, which appeals to me
    <li>... but I picked SCSI over IDE too</li>
    <li><em>worse is better</em> surprisingly often</li>


<div class="slide"><h1>The Personal Information Disaster</h1>

<p>The bane of my existence is doing things I know the computer could do for me.</p>
<div class="source"><cite><a
href="">The XML Revolution</a></cite>, Nature Web Matters Oct 1998</div>

<li>How long have we been pre-web for data:
  <dt>Airline sends me email from their database</dt>
    <dd>I copy/paste each of the data into my PDA</dd>
  <dt>Soccer coach distributes a schedule</dt>
    <dd>each players with an online calendar re-keys the data</dd>
<li>Let's find ways to make it cost-effective record and share
knowledge <em>formally</em>, i.e. so that computers can manipulate
<li>Progress: Dopplr, Tripit, ...</li>
<li>Still to do: long tail of soccer teams, etc.</li>


<div class="slide"><h1>Sites vs. Protocols</h1>

  <li>flickr, facebook, and twitter demonstrate the attraction of hosted services</li>
  <li> supports federation (OpenMicroBlogging)</li>
  <li>Instant Messaging is still balkanized<br />
  stuck in a local minimum?</li>

<div class="slide"><h1>Is Internet Mail sustainable?</h1>

<p>What makes the Internet so valuable to everyday people is that you can
reach anyone, on ANY email system, through it.  There were many email
systems before the Internet, but they didn't catch the broad public
interest.  If we continue the current process of anti-spam-driven
Balkanization (I can send email to Joe, and he can send to Nancy, but
I can't send to Nancy myself, because Nancy's ISP is filtering me), we
will destroy the value that we created when we linked all these
networks with a common email protocol.  We might as well go back to
having separate un-linked networks, like MCI Mail and Compuserve and
AOL and UUCP and BITNET and FidoNet.  You'd just have to become a
customer of that provider, and use its idiosyncratic interface, if you
want to send mail to its customers.  Remember that world?  If not,
you're lucky.
<a href="">John Gilmore, 2002</a>

<ul class="incremental">
  <li>Next generation?</li>
  <li><img src="wii-msg.png" alt="Wii msg from little one" /></li>

<div class="slide"><h1>Impact of the Web on the Free Press</h1>

  <p>There is no way to overstate what the dismemberment of The Star means,
  adversely, to this metropolitan area.</p>
    this event is of historic proportions</a><br />
    By: Steve Rose, Publisher, Sep 3, 2008 
<ul class="incremental">
  <li>Where do Newspapers get their revenue? 
    <ul class="incremental">
      <li>Especially Classified Ads</li>

<div class="slide">
<h1>Ads on the Web: Craigslist, Google</h1>
<ul class="incremental">
    <ul class="incremental">
      <li>more than 30 million new classified ads each month</li>
      <li>price: $0 <small>(with a few exceptions, e.g. New York real-estate)</small></li>
          <p>Popular community web site Craigslist, which launched in the
          mid-1990s, has cost newspapers in the San Francisco Bay area from $50
          million to $65 million in employment advertising revenue.</p>
            Dec 27 2004</a> 
  <li>Google, Yahoo ads 
    <ul class="incremental">
      <li>Newspaper ad price: $26 (per Thousand Impressions/ CPM)</li>
      <li>Internet: $6</li>
      <li>"Merrill Lynch expects a 2.6% gain in overall US advertising spend
        this year [2007] <strong>but</strong> anticipates that newspaper
        advertising will decline by 1.5%."</li>

<div class="slide">
<h1>Web Economics and the Free Press</h1>
<ul class="incremental">
  <li>What will become of our free press?</li>
  <li>Citizen journalism is great, but is it enough?</li>
  <li>Who will hire professional reporters?</li>

<p class="postscript">See also: <a href="">Journalism Will Survive the Death of Its Institutions</a> Knight 2007 News Challenge Winner
Lisa Williams Apr 15 2008</p>


<div class="slide">
<h1>Web Economics and Campaign Finance</h1>
<ul class="incremental">
  <li>First-time political candidate Sean Tevis needs "at least $26,000 to have
    a shot" in the KS race</li>
  <li>After two weeks of knocking on doors, he had collected only $25</li>
<img align="right" src="tevis.png" alt=""/>
    comic</a> went live July 16, and in a week and a half, he reached the $26K

<div class="slide"><h1>Web Economics... Oops!</h1>

<p>Be careful not to delegate <em>too much</em> to machines!</p>
 <li>A United Airlines near-bankruptcy item from 2002 appeared as 2008 news via Google News</li>
<li>Syndication continued up to a Bloomberg news flash.</li>
<li>UAL stock cratered from $12 to $3 ($1.14 billion in market cap).</li>
<li>The stock recovered within the day to $10 (down $300M in market cap)</li>

<div class="slide"><h1>SEC Interactive Data and XBRL</h1>

<p>Three dozen companies, representing more than $1 trillion of market
value, have joined the SEC's test group</p>
<a href="">SEC Interactive Data</a> 2005-2008


<div class="slide"><h1>Web Language Dynamics</h1>

  <li>Balance between proprietary risk/reward and open standards is delicate.</li>
  <li>Media independence more important than ever as mobile emerges.</li>
  <li>When content doesn't match specs, changing browsers is cheap compared to changing all the content, authors.</li>
  <li>Web technology is deeply intertwingled with social, economic context.</li>

<div class="slide"><h1>Excited to be here at Web Directions!</h1>

<li>Conference program is loaded with goodies:
<li>HTML 5</li>
<li>Progressive enhancement</li>

<div class="slide"><h1>Audience Participation (that's YOU!)</h1>
  <li>Questions? Comments?<br />
       alt="tag cloud: Web, Architecture, HTML, ..." class="cover" />


<p>Follow-up resources:</p>
<li><a href="">Dan Connolly, W3C</a><br />
<li><a href="">Changes in the Languages of the Web</a> (this talk)<br />
<li><a href="">Midwest Web Sense</a>, my work in the KC area<br />

