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  <body><p><a href="http://www.w3.org/"><img src="http://www.w3.org/Icons/w3c_home" alt="W3C"
          border="0" height="48" width="72"/></a></p><h1>- DRAFT -</h1><h1>F2F Gent</h1><h2>09 Dec
      2008</h2><p>See also: <a href="http://www.w3.org/2008/12/09-mediaann-irc">IRC
        log</a></p><h2><a name="attendees" id="attendees">Attendees</a></h2><div class="intro">
        <dd>Jean-Pierre, Werner, Daniel, Frank, Joakim, Wonsuk, Veronique, Raphael(onIRC), Tobias,
          Victor, Felix, Chris, Sam</dd>
        <dd>Daniel, Joakim, Felix.</dd>
        <dd>tobias, werner</dd>
        <a href="#agenda">Topics</a>
          <li><a href="#item01">XMP review</a></li>
          <li><a href="#item02">XMP review - Media Management schema</a></li>
          <li><a href="#item03">xmp review - Basic Job Ticket schema</a></li>
          <li><a href="#item04">xmp review - Paged-text schema</a></li>
          <li><a href="#item05">xmp review - Dynamic Media schema</a></li>
          <li><a href="#item06">general approach of WG</a></li>
          <li><a href="#item07">presentation from chris</a></li>
          <li><a href="#item08">presentation from Tobias</a></li>
          <li><a href="#item09">MXM review</a></li>
          <li><a href="#item10">retrieving vs. setting of meta data</a></li>
          <li><a href="#item11">joint meeting with fragments WG</a></li>
      <li><a href="#ActionSummary">Summary of Action Items</a></li>
    </ul><hr/><div class="meeting"><p class="irc">&lt;<cite>joakim</cite>&gt; meeting F2F Gent</p><p
        class="irc">&lt;<cite>Daniel</cite>&gt; welcome media annotation WG and self
        introduction</p><p class="irc">&lt;<cite>Daniel</cite>&gt; Evain from EBU working for EBU,
        TV-anytime and metadata related technologies</p><p class="irc">&lt;<cite>Daniel</cite>&gt;
        Wonsuk from ETRI working for sematic web who is a co-editor of use case and req.
        document</p><p class="irc">&lt;<cite>Daniel</cite>&gt; Chris and Sam Univ of Gent, working
        for image annotation and metadata of sematic web</p><p class="irc"
        >&lt;<cite>joakim</cite>&gt; Bailer from Johanneum inst</p><p class="irc"
          >&lt;<cite>joakim</cite>&gt; media semantic incubtaor group</p><p class="irc"
          >&lt;<cite>Daniel</cite>&gt; Tobias from Univ. of Innsbruk working for several research
        items.</p><p class="irc">&lt;<cite>Daniel</cite>&gt; Joamin from Ericsson. research fields
        are amlost multimedia. mostly working for metadata today</p><p class="irc"
          >&lt;<cite>Daniel</cite>&gt; Felix at W3C team contact</p><p class="irc"
          >&lt;<cite>joakim</cite>&gt; Felix will move to Pottsdam to teach at university</p><p
        class="irc">&lt;<cite>joakim</cite>&gt; Frank has a passed in AI, how to use AI for various
        applications</p><p class="irc">&lt;<cite>Daniel</cite>&gt; Frank Univ of Amasterdam</p><p
        class="irc">&lt;<cite>joakim</cite>&gt; Frank has been working with MPEG-7</p><p class="irc"
          >&lt;<cite>joakim</cite>&gt; Victor arrived from Bareclona</p><p class="irc"
          >&lt;<cite>Daniel</cite>&gt; number of f2f meetings depend on how much works to be done
        within WG. During this meeting, we will at least discuss the next f2f meeting data and
        place</p><p class="irc">&lt;<cite>joakim</cite>&gt; updated agenda to discuss the API
        today</p><h3 id="item01">XMP review</h3><p class="irc">&lt;<cite>joakim</cite>&gt; scribe:
        tobias</p><p class="irc">&lt;<cite>fsasaki</cite>&gt; scribeNick: tobiasb</p><p class="irc"
        <a href="http://www.w3.org/2008/WebVideo/Annotations/wiki/XMP"
          >http://www.w3.org/2008/WebVideo/Annotations/wiki/XMP</a></p><p class="phone"
          ><cite>fsasaki:</cite> We start with a review of the Dublin Core schema</p><p
        class="phone">Discussion of dc:contributor: it is very general needs to be specialized</p><p
        class="irc">&lt;<cite>joakim</cite>&gt; Mediachain from MPEG-7 defines "roles"</p><p
        class="irc">&lt;<cite>joakim</cite>&gt; Do you want to point to refernce. The problem is
        according to Evain to find the most update role list</p><p class="phone">EBU also defined
        roles, TVAnytime too. The question is which role define we adhere to.</p><p class="phone"
          ><cite>DC:</cite> Coverage is again a very general property; should be refined in more
        specialized field</p><p class="phone"><cite>pierre:</cite> we should at least refine it to
        spatial/temporal coverage</p><p class="phone">XMP in its Dublin Core Schema part only uses
        the basic Dublin Core basic terms</p><p class="phone"><cite>pierre:</cite> someone developed
        a specification how to write DC strings</p><p class="phone"><cite>fsasaki:</cite> we should
        try to use common and already defined properties as much as possible</p><p class="phone"
          ><cite>fasaki:</cite> discussion about mapping schemas: highly complex even if you take
        the simple case of mapping the representation of person names in different standards</p><p
        class="phone"><cite>joakim:</cite> DC leaves room for interpretation as it is defined very
        general</p><p class="phone"><cite>fsaski:</cite> we can for example define an own
        creator-property with more specialized information.</p><p class="phone"><cite>pierre:</cite>
        Problem from Europeana is the demand to map back to Dublin Core which looses information<br
        /> ... on the on hand you have a very simple DC and on the other hand you have a very
        complex MPEG-7 standard. How do you bring them together?</p><p class="phone"
          ><cite>fsasaki:</cite> we will have to arrange with the loss of information.</p><p
        class="phone"><cite>frank:</cite> you can point to locations how to get more information
        (available in MPEG-7 or any other format available)</p><p class="phone"><cite>fsaski:</cite>
        points out to examples from the API listing mappings for createDate</p><p class="phone"
          ><cite>fsasaki:</cite> The group decided to put XMP in the center of the group and will
        discuss it very detailed.</p><p class="phone"><cite>wbailer:</cite> the api should abstract
        from the format behind and should return the same all the time.<br/> ... more detailed
        information should be optional</p><p class="phone"><cite>fsasaki:</cite> jumping to the
        ontology deliverable: Developers have to implement the mappings; another question which
        arises: when is an implementation conformant to our specification?</p><p class="phone"
          ><cite>joakim:</cite> perhaps we need a test suite.</p><p class="phone"
          ><cite>fsaski:</cite> we could maybe to think of specifying profiles with differing
        complexity</p><p class="phone"><cite>fsasaki:</cite> DC data, description, format, language,
        rights, subject, title: all yes<br/> ... XMP indentifier is qualified using a schema</p><p
        class="phone"><cite>wbailer:</cite> it should be open to support different identification
        schemes</p><p class="phone"><cite>fsasaki:</cite> future more complex mappings should be
        supported meaning that other parties should be able to extend the mapping specification.<br
        /> ... rating-yes but we should define it more detailed.</p><p class="phone"
          ><cite>joakim:</cite> rating can mean anything; parental rating/subjective
        rating/etc.</p><p class="phone"><cite>wbailer:</cite> With MPEG-7 you can define rating
        schemes.</p><a name="action01" id="action01"/>
      <p class="irc">&lt;<cite>scribe</cite>&gt;
        <strong>ACTION:</strong> Felix to check XMP rating [recorded in <a
          >http://www.w3.org/2008/12/09-mediaann-minutes.html#action01</a>]</p><p class="irc"
          >&lt;<cite>trackbot</cite>&gt; Created ACTION-43 - Check XMP rating [on Felix Sasaki - due
        2008-12-16].</p><p class="phone"><cite>pierre:</cite> worried about just having a container
        for rights information; because you can define very detailed schemas; or you can make it
        simple and point to external information</p><p class="irc">&lt;<cite>raphael</cite>&gt;
        Raphael: go through the spatial fragments specifications (image maps, MPEG-7, SVG)</p><p
        class="phone"><cite>victor:</cite> probably we should define a certificate field.<br/> ...
        for some use cases we need more complex rights schemes like ORDL or something else.</p><p
        class="phone"><cite>tobias:</cite> creative commons licesing schema defines basic terms
        which could be adopted</p><p class="irc">&lt;<cite>wbailer</cite>&gt; scribe werner</p><p
        class="irc">&lt;<cite>wbailer</cite>&gt; scribeNick wbailer</p><h3 id="item02">XMP review -
        Media Management schema</h3><p class="irc">&lt;<cite>VeroniqueM</cite>&gt; I can call, yes,
        what is the number?</p><p class="irc">&lt;<cite>fsasaki</cite>&gt; scribe: wbailer</p><p
        class="irc">&lt;<cite>VeroniqueM</cite>&gt; ok!</p><p class="phone"><cite>veronique:</cite>
        xmp:derivedFrom useful for 3 level description (idea-realisations-instance)<br/> ... useful
        mainly for cultural heritage UC</p><p class="phone"><cite>felix:</cite> decide from UCs if
        needed</p><p class="phone"><cite>chris:</cite> same as dc:source?</p><p class="irc"
          >&lt;<cite>fsasaki</cite>&gt; "Unique identifier of the work from which this resource was
        derived."</p><p class="phone"><cite>chris:</cite> xmp:derivedFrom is same kind of
        information but more specific than dc:source</p><p class="phone"><cite>felix:</cite> take
        both into account (xmp:derivedFrom related to dc:source)</p><p class="phone"
          ><cite>xmpMM:</cite> history: no - comments?</p><p class="phone"><cite>frank:</cite> hook
        for user adaptation, should be included<br/> ... example: users generate media items, if
        system should provide support for creation, this could be derived from history of previously
        created item<br/> ... alternative is link to other kind of representation of this
        information</p><p class="phone"><cite>tobias:</cite> relevant in creation of e.g. 3D items
        (derivation of content, modifications, ...)</p><p class="phone"><cite>felix:</cite> reminds
        of conformance, there could be different levels of conformance (e.g. without history)<br/>
        ... include xmp:history for some UCs</p><a name="action02" id="action02"/>
      <p class="irc">&lt;<cite>scribe</cite>&gt;
        <strong>ACTION:</strong> frank to check if xmp:history is applicable for the current use
        cases [recorded in <a href="http://www.w3.org/2008/12/09-mediaann-minutes.html#action02"
          >http://www.w3.org/2008/12/09-mediaann-minutes.html#action02</a>]</p><p class="irc"
          >&lt;<cite>trackbot</cite>&gt; Created ACTION-44 - Check if xmp:history is applicable for
        the current use cases [on Frank Nack - due 2008-12-16].</p><p class="phone"
          ><cite>felix:</cite> xmpMM:Ingredients to be discussed with fragments WG</p><p
        class="phone"><cite>frank:</cite> same applied to derivedFrom</p><p class="phone"
          ><cite>felix:</cite> in derivedFrom rather link to media item, with ingredients rather to
          fragment<br/> ... xmpMM:InstanceID related to history</p><p class="phone"
          ><cite>joakim:</cite> important to have<br/> ... refers to content</p><p class="phone"
          ><cite>xmpMM:</cite> ManagedFrom, Manager, ManageTo: no</p><p class="phone"
          ><cite>xmp:</cite> MM:ManageUI: yes - comments?</p><p class="phone"
          ><cite>jean-pierre:</cite> depends on type of application, professional or end user<br/>
        ... for content mgmt in professional information</p><p class="phone"><cite>chris:</cite>
        same as dc:description?</p><p class="phone"><cite>jean-pierre:</cite> no, description should
        not contain an identifier</p><p class="phone"><cite>xmpMM:</cite> OriginalDocumentID:
        yes</p><p class="phone">related to xmp:identifier?</p><p class="phone"><cite>felix:</cite>
        general issue with XMP properties: how do applications use them, which mappings could make
        sense?</p><p class="phone"><cite>jean-pierre:</cite> careful with trying to align with
        Adobe, focus should be what users need</p><p class="phone"><cite>felix:</cite> hope that
        Adobe joins WG</p><p class="phone"><cite>xmp:</cite> MMPantry, yes, related to 3 level</p><p
        class="phone"><cite>xmpMM:</cite> Versions: no - comments?</p><p class="phone">relation to
        xmp:history?</p><h3 id="item03">xmp review - Basic Job Ticket schema</h3><p class="phone"
          ><cite>joakim:</cite> actors from creation tool manufacturers, end user applications and
        users - different interests, users should define requirements</p><p class="phone"
          ><cite>felix:</cite> users are important, all actors are needed to get solution
          implemented<br/> ... approach: start with simple working implementation, extend in future
        versions</p><h3 id="item04">xmp review - Paged-text schema</h3><h3 id="item05">xmp review -
        Dynamic Media schema</h3><p class="phone">agreed on excluded properties</p><p class="phone"
          ><cite>joakim:</cite> some included properties related to dc properties (e.g album)<br/>
        ... make connection to dc, explain difference in the mapping<br/> ... xmpDM:engineer -
          exclude<br/> ... xmpDM:composer related to dc:creator<br/> ... xmpDM:duration related to
        dc extent</p><p class="phone"><cite>xmpDM:</cite> instrument, xmpDM:key, xmpDM:numberOfBeats
        -&gt; dc:description</p><p class="phone"><cite>felix:</cite> look at how xmp fields are used
        in applications</p><p class="phone"><cite>joakim:</cite> sony ericsson is using xmp</p><a
        name="action03" id="action03"/>
      <p class="irc">&lt;<cite>scribe</cite>&gt;
        <strong>ACTION:</strong> joakim to look at how sony ericsson uses xmp [recorded in <a
          >http://www.w3.org/2008/12/09-mediaann-minutes.html#action03</a>]</p><p class="irc"
          >&lt;<cite>trackbot</cite>&gt; Created ACTION-45 - Look at how sony ericsson uses xmp [on
        Joakim Söderberg - due 2008-12-16].</p><h3 id="item06">general approach of WG</h3><p
        class="phone"><cite>frank:</cite> is ontology supporting api or to build applications on
          ontology<br/> ... use ontology for development of api, also design to be used by other
        people for app development</p><p class="irc">&lt;<cite>VeroniqueM</cite>&gt; I think that it
        would be useful to have the ontology as an "interlingua"</p><p class="phone"
          ><cite>felix:</cite> maybe do not specify formal ontology, but just prose descriptions<br
        /> ... avoid discussions rdf vs xml<br/> ... keep door open for people to provide formal
          specification<br/> ... conformance: which is the normative part of the spec?<br/> ...
        choices: take into account mappings, implement api, rdf non-normative OR rdf normative, but
        different levels of conformance, including some without rdf<br/> ... cf r05: providing the
        ontology as a set of terms</p><p class="phone"><cite>joakim:</cite> good to have reference
          implementation<br/> ... also to demonstrate approach</p><p class="phone"
          ><cite>felix:</cite> test suite required for everything that's normative<br/> ... tests
        and examples as soon as possible to make it easier for people to understand<br/> ... shows
        internationalisation tag set test suite as example</p><p class="irc"
        <a href="http://www.w3.org/International/its/tests/"
          >http://www.w3.org/International/its/tests/</a></p><p class="phone"><cite>wonsuk:</cite>
        create table of all considered properties and mappings (if possible) to other
        standards</p><p class="phone"><cite>joakim:</cite> include in template</p><p class="phone"
          ><cite>tobias:</cite> content description - more important than other media properties for
        end user</p><p class="phone"><cite>felix:</cite> more than covered by the xmp
        elements?</p><p class="phone"><cite>jean-pierre:</cite> internet tv: use search engine for
        content, work on ontology for av content<br/> ... users search eg by series, broadcast
          time<br/> ... many xml based metadata formats<br/> ... use semantic web to reach
        users</p><p class="phone"><cite>felix:</cite> gotuit - hq metadata for search etc</p><p
        class="phone"><a href="http://www.gotuit.com/about/pdf/CurrencyOfInternetVideo.pdf"
          >http://www.gotuit.com/about/pdf/CurrencyOfInternetVideo.pdf</a></p><p class="phone"
          ><cite>joakim:</cite> manual annotation possible for professional content, but not for
        UGC</p><p class="phone"><cite>felix:</cite> 2 steps: ontology 1.0 (find content), ontology
        2.0 for av content and services</p><p class="irc">&lt;<cite>fsasaki</cite>&gt; ONTOLOGY
        1.0</p><p class="irc">&lt;<cite>fsasaki</cite>&gt; general mechanism to find content</p><p
        class="irc">&lt;<cite>fsasaki</cite>&gt; different levels of description should you bring
        back to content.</p><p class="irc">&lt;<cite>fsasaki</cite>&gt; Example: "I am looking for a
        program with title XYZ."</p><p class="phone"><cite>jean-pierre:</cite> current approach: 1
        class, only properties</p><p class="irc">&lt;<cite>fsasaki</cite>&gt; ONTOLOGY 1.x,
        2.0:</p><p class="irc">&lt;<cite>fsasaki</cite>&gt; ontology for audivisual content and
        services</p><p class="irc">&lt;<cite>fsasaki</cite>&gt; different levels of description
        should you bring back to content, work with sw technologies</p><p class="irc"
          >&lt;<cite>fsasaki</cite>&gt; many specs in broadcasting world today in XML (TV Anytime,
        ...). How to provide interoperability?</p><p class="phone">rssagent, make logs public</p><h3
        id="item07">presentation from chris</h3><p class="irc">&lt;<cite>fsasaki</cite>&gt; chris
        presents PeCMan Metadata, metadata for managed personal content</p><p class="irc"
        <a href="http://www.ibbt.be/en/project/pecman"
        >http://www.ibbt.be/en/project/pecman</a></p><p class="irc">&lt;<cite>fsasaki</cite>&gt;
        metadata standards like mpeg-7, dig35, EXIF, ... are mapped to the metadata model</p><p
        <a href="http://multimedialab.elis.ugent.be/users/gmartens/Ontologies/PecMan/">
          http://multimedialab.elis.ugent.be/users/gmartens/Ontologies/PecMan/</a></p><p class="irc"
          >&lt;<cite>fsasaki</cite>&gt; mappings are OWL equivalence mappings</p><p class="irc"
        <a href="http://multimedialab.elis.ugent.be/users/gmartens/Ontologies/PecMan/V1.0/">
        <a href="http://multimedialab.elis.ugent.be/users/gmartens/Ontologies/PecMan/V2.0/">
        class="irc">&lt;<cite>fsasaki</cite>&gt; retrieval of metadata content based on
        queries</p><p class="irc">&lt;<cite>fsasaki</cite>&gt; result can be e.g. a
        dc:description</p><p class="irc">&lt;<cite>fsasaki</cite>&gt; a dc:description is mapped to
        ontology, so that metaaccess is possible</p><p class="irc">&lt;<cite>fsasaki</cite>&gt;
        relation to XMP - most of properties are the same</p><p class="irc"
        >&lt;<cite>fsasaki</cite>&gt; ontology structuring is different because of use case of
        interontology linking, e.g. linking to person ontologies</p><a name="action04" id="action04"
      <p class="irc">&lt;<cite>fsasaki</cite>&gt;
        <strong>ACTION:</strong> Felix to bother Eric so that he gives AI to Chris about the
        metadata model from IBBT [recorded in <a
          >http://www.w3.org/2008/12/09-mediaann-minutes.html#action04</a>]</p><p class="irc"
          >&lt;<cite>trackbot</cite>&gt; Created ACTION-46 - Bother Eric so that he gives AI to
        Chris about the metadata model from IBBT [on Felix Sasaki - due 2008-12-16].</p><h3
        id="item08">presentation from Tobias</h3><p class="irc">&lt;<cite>fsasaki</cite>&gt; RICO
        ontology</p><p class="irc">&lt;<cite>fsasaki</cite>&gt; use case is also metadata
        retrieval</p><h3 id="item09">MXM review</h3><p class="irc">&lt;<cite>fsasaki</cite>&gt;
        <a href="http://www.w3.org/2008/WebVideo/Annotations/wiki/MXM"
          >http://www.w3.org/2008/WebVideo/Annotations/wiki/MXM</a></p><p class="irc"
          >&lt;<cite>fsasaki</cite>&gt; victor presents MXM and we are discussing API format and
        relation between API and ontology</p><p class="irc">&lt;<cite>fsasaki</cite>&gt; idea is to
        have API specified not specific to e.g. java or c++, but have a general description which
        can be implemented in specific framework</p><p class="irc">&lt;<cite>fsasaki</cite>&gt; that
        allows for indiviual implementations to be specific in object and return type specification
        (e.g. Java) or not (e.g. javascript)</p><h3 id="item10">retrieving vs. setting of meta
        data</h3><p class="irc">&lt;<cite>fsasaki</cite>&gt; we are considering how or if to
        implement setting of metadata information. Question: how can this be implemented? What are
        protocol-specific requirements? What is necessary to implement setting information in
        addition to just say "setPropteryXYZ" instead of "getPropertyXYZ"?</p><p class="irc"
          >&lt;<cite>fsasaki</cite>&gt; issue of how to set data types</p><p class="irc"
          >&lt;<cite>fsasaki</cite>&gt; e.g. set a string or a date data type</p><p class="irc"
          >&lt;<cite>fsasaki</cite>&gt; issue how to get from information-lossy ontology to e.g. an
        adequate description in the target format</p><a name="action05" id="action05"/>
      <p class="irc">&lt;<cite>fsasaki</cite>&gt;
        <strong>ACTION:</strong> Werner and Frank to investiage existing approach for setting
        metadata on a "metamodel level" (or "ontology level") [recorded in <a
          >http://www.w3.org/2008/12/09-mediaann-minutes.html#action05</a>]</p><p class="irc"
          >&lt;<cite>trackbot</cite>&gt; Created ACTION-47 - And Frank to investiage existing
        approach for setting metadata on a \"metamodel level\" (or \"ontology level\") [on Werner
        Bailer - due 2008-12-16].</p><p class="irc">&lt;<cite>victor</cite>&gt; #waits</p><p
        class="irc">&lt;<cite>vmalais</cite>&gt; logout</p><h3 id="item11">joint meeting with
        fragments WG</h3><p class="irc">&lt;<cite>fsasaki</cite>&gt; see <a
          >http://www.w3.org/2008/12/09-mediafrag-irc#T14-42-12</a> and after</p><p class="irc"
          >&lt;<cite>raphael</cite>&gt; go to #mediafrag</p><p class="irc"
        >&lt;<cite>spark3</cite>&gt; please switch this IRC channel to mediafrag for this joint
        session</p><a name="action06" id="action06"/>
      <p class="irc">&lt;<cite>fsasaki</cite>&gt;
        <strong>ACTION:</strong> Felix to send pointer to media fragments WG for review of
        uc&amp;req doc, when it is ready [recorded in <a
          >http://www.w3.org/2008/12/09-mediaann-minutes.html#action06</a>]</p><p class="irc"
          >&lt;<cite>trackbot</cite>&gt; Created ACTION-48 - Send pointer to media fragments WG for
        review of uc&amp;req doc, when it is ready [on Felix Sasaki - due
        2008-12-16].</p></div><h2><a name="ActionSummary" id="ActionSummary">Summary of Action
        Items</a></h2><!-- Action Items -->
    <strong>ACTION:</strong> Felix to bother Eric so that he gives AI to Chris about the metadata
    model from IBBT [recorded in <a
    <strong>ACTION:</strong> Felix to check XMP rating [recorded in <a
    <strong>ACTION:</strong> Felix to send pointer to media fragments WG for review of uc&amp;req
    doc, when it is ready [recorded in <a
    <strong>ACTION:</strong> frank to check if xmp:history is applicable for the current use cases
    [recorded in <a href="http://www.w3.org/2008/12/09-mediaann-minutes.html#action02"
    <strong>ACTION:</strong> joakim to look at how sony ericsson uses xmp [recorded in <a
    <strong>ACTION:</strong> Werner and Frank to investiage existing approach for setting metadata
    on a "metamodel level" (or "ontology level") [recorded in <a
      >http://www.w3.org/2008/12/09-mediaann-minutes.html#action05</a>]<br/> &nbsp;<br/> [End of
      minutes]<br/><hr/><address> Minutes formatted by David Booth's <a
        href="http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/scribedoc.htm"> scribe.perl</a>
      version 1.133 (<a href="http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/2002/scribe/">CVS log</a>)<br/> $Date:
      2008/12/09 16:02:39 $ </address></body>