currency.n3 1.93 KB
@prefix rdf:  <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix owl: <>.
@prefix o2:  <>.   # Just for 'chain' missing from owl

@prefix cc:     <>.
@prefix dc:	<>.
@prefix doc:	<> .
@prefix ldif:	<> .
@prefix :	<> .
@prefix cur:	<> . # Hint

@keywords a, is, of.

<>  doc:version "$Id: currency.n3,v 1.2 2010/12/22 13:50:58 timbl Exp $";
    dc:title "An Ontology for Currencies";
    doc:creator <>;
    cc:licence <>;
    rdfs:comment """Currency.
    A naive view for deriving a common value of assets in differet currencies

Currency a rdfs:Class;
    rdfs:label "currency";
    rdfs:comment """An abstract currency""".

code a rdf:Property;
    rdfs:label "code";
    rdfs:domain Currency; 
    rdfs:comment "The three letter currency, eg: 'USD'.".

sign a rdf:Property;
    rdfs:label "sign";
    rdfs:domain Currency; 
    rdfs:comment "The symbol, eg: '$'.".

in_USD a rdf:Property;
    rdfs:label "value in USD";
    rdfs:domain Currency; 
    rdfs:comment """Notional value of 1 of the currency in USD, eg: 1.0.
    This is a naive model in that it is dollar-centric,
    does not distinsuish beetween buy and sell rates.""".

# These are examples. A definitive list could have to be pulled
# from the web somewhere in real time.
# For example mentioned over 600 currecies in 2010.
 USD rdfs:label "USD"; dc:title "US Dollars"; code "USD"; sign "$"; in_USD 1.0.
# GBP rdfs:label "GBP"; dc:title "GB Pounds"; code "GBP"; sign "£".
# EUR rdfs:label "EUR"; dc:title "Euros"; code "EUR"; sign "€".

# ends