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<h1 id="qa_blog_manual">W3C Blog manual</h1>
<!-- <div class="photo" style="float:right;">
    <p class="image"><img src="admin-screenshot.jpg" width="500" height="531" alt="Admin Screenshot"/></p>
    <p class="description">blog User Interface</p>
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<p class="intro">The <a href="">W3C Blog</a> is an
opportunity for the W3C Team and collaborators to interact with the Web
community. This blog is operated by Ian Jacobs, managed by Coralie Mercier. It
is <strong>not supported by the W3C systems team</strong>. We set up these
guidelines to make people independent, <strong>read all of them before</strong>
sending any questions.</p>

<h2 id="quickfaq">Quick FAQ about the W3C Blog</h2>
<dl id="faq">
  <dt id="blog-engine">Which software is used for this blog?</dt>
    <dd><p>Blogs are systems to manage automatically a certain number of pages.
      They offer an editing user interface and automate the creation of
      archives, indexes, feeds, etc. The W3C Blog uses <a
      href="">Movable Type Open Source
      Engine</a>. We have chosen this engine because it allows us to keep the
      full blog into the dated space of W3C under CVS.</p>
  <dt id="feedback">How do I give feedback?</dt>
    <dd><p>If you have any comment on the W3C Blog, or suggestions for this
      FAQ, please send an email to <a
  <dt id="contributor">How do I become a contributor?</dt>
    <dd><p>You need an account to have access to the editor user interface of
      the W3C Blog. To get this account, <a
      an email to </a> with the following information.</p>
        <li>Firstname Lastname</li>
        <li>Your w3c login</li>
        <li>Homepage URL</li>
        <li>Email address</li>
      <p>Depending on our trip schedule and our location in the world, it might
      take a few days.</p>
  <dt id="new-entry">How to create a new blog post?</dt>
    <dd><p>We created a URI shortcut to <a
      href="">create a new blog post</a>, keep it as a
      bookmark. You will access a window with a form.</p>
        <li>Under <kbd>Create Entry</kbd>, there is a text field. Enter your
        <li>The big text area will be used to enter the body of your text.
          Don't be afraid, you can save and come back later. There is a drop
          down menu on the right, where you can choose your input format.</li>
        <li>Then enter your tags</li>
        <li>Select the Category</li>
        <li>Keep the status Unpublished for now</li>
        <li>Save. If you are not satisfied with the basename, you can modify
      <p>New blog entries are <strong>micro-blogged</strong> automatically to
      <a href=""></a> and replicated to <a
      href="">twitter</a>. Read more on the <a
      href="/Press/Plan/microblogging.html">micro-blogging manual</a>
  <dt id="excerpt">What is an excerpt?</dt>
    <dd><p>When you create a new entry, there is a box with the label
      <strong>Excerpt</strong>. In this box, you can create
      <strong>one</strong> simple paragraph. The goal is to be a teasing for
      the rest of the article that will appear on the first page of the
      <p>It can be written in HTML but <strong>only with inline
      elements</strong>, things that would usually go inside a paragraph
      element (p). If you are not sure, use an external editor, create a
      paragraph, type text and copy only the markup in between &lt;p&gt; and
      &lt;/p&gt; </p>
      <p>If you really don't know what to put in the excerpt, you can also just
      let Movable Type automatically fill it with the first few words of your
      entry, but it is generally better to come up with an efficient teaser.</p>
  <dt id="input-format">What input format should I use?</dt>
    <dd><p>You have choices between many syntaxes for writing your blog post.
      For more details about choosing the right syntax for your own needs, you
      can read the <a
      title="Text Formatting in Movable Type | Movable Type Docs">Movable Type
      documentation on text formatting</a>. The default after your account is
      created is [None]: This format allows you to compose your post in pure
      HTML; the system will not modify your text in any way when your entry is
  <dt id="meaningful-uri">Want a meaningful URI?</dt>
    <dd>The blog entry basename is automatically generated from your title. The
      limit is around 30 characters. If you care about a meaningful URI, look
      for the "Basename" field on the right-hand side of the Edit Entry page,
      between "Publishing" and "Categories", click on the padlock to update the
      basename. Do this before you publish the entry.</dd>
    <dd>A few tips: Use "-" [hyphen] for spaces instead of "_" [underscore]
      (better indexing), think about words that will help find the content.
      (indexing again), shorter is better.</dd>
    <dd>W3C Staff can read Karl's <a
      in full</a> [team-only].</dd>
  <dt id="publishing-post">Publishing my blog post.</dt>
    <dd><p>When you have written your blog post, there are two buttons Save and
      Preview. </p>
      <p>Once you are finished (or at intermediate stage), push the save
      button. It will keep a copy, so you can continue to think about it and
      finish editing later on. There is a pop-down list with the label Status.
      Your article will be public as soon as you <strong>select
      "Publish"</strong> and Save.</p>
      <p>That said, there might be a <strong>delay of 2 to 5 minutes</strong>
      between the time you have pushed Save and the article really appears on
      the <a href="">W3C blog</a>. Also, note that you
      might get an error after you saved. Don't trust it! We haven't found a
      way to avoid this error to be displayed. Just ignore it, your entry
      should be saved.</p>
  <dt id="comment-moderation">How do I moderate comments?</dt>
    <dd><p>All comments on the W3C Blog are moderated. It means that they are
      queued <strong>until you approve them manually</strong>. The policy of
      the W3C Blog in a spirit of openness with regards to Web communities try
      to stay open as much as possible with regards to the comments. We reject
      all comments without a given name <strong>and</strong> email address. We
      usually reject comments with an aggressive tone or off-topic.</p>
      <p>Some comments may appear valid but contain (a) link(s). The motivation
      behind may be to promote a webiste. The advice is to either remove the
      link(s) when possible, or edit out the "http://www." part.</p>
      <p>We catch a lot of spam automatically, really a lot. Still, a few of
      them goes through and are waiting in the moderation queue. When you
      access the blog, give us a hand by deleting them. Be careful to not
      delete valid comments.</p>
  <dt id="new-category">Do you need a new category?</dt>
    <dd><p>You can assign categories to blog posts. It will help to publish
      them in specific destination. This W3C Blog is shared by a few
      communities. We used specific categories for specific communities.</p>
        <li><a href="/blog/tag/">TAG blog</a> - Technical Architecture Group -
          Category: Web Architecture</li>
        <li><a href="/html/">HTML WG blog</a> - Category: HTML</li>
      <p>Do not use these category, except if you really know what you are
      doing. If your technology is not represented, draft (eventually publish)
      your blog post and send us an email to w3t-comm with a request and
      explanation for adding a new category.</p>
  <dt id="tags">How do I use/create tags?</dt>
    <dd><p>You can assign tags to your blog post. Tags are short keywords, you
      can use any of them without worries. Try to reuse tags already used in
      previous posts. When you start typing, a drop down list of suggestions
      will appear. <strong>Separate each of your tags with commas</strong>.</p>
      <p class="example">Example: A blog post about html and
      internationalization could carry the following tags <code>html,
  <dt>I need a template for a specific page</dt>
    <dd><p>Sometimes you might need to have the content of a specific category
      of the W3C Blog on a page elsewhere on W3C Web site. We can customize a
      template for it. Refrain to do so, though. The more templates we have to
      manage, the more complex the system becomes. An example of usage of
      template is the <a href="" title="W3C HTML">HTML
      home page</a>. The articles displayed there are coming from the W3C Blog
      posted with the category HTML, as well for the <a
      title="TAG Lines -- musings of the W3C Technical Architecture Group">TAG</a>.</p>

<div id="footer">
  <a href="">Coralie Mercier</a><br />
  Created on December 21, 2007 by <a href="">Karl
  Dubost</a>, <a href="">Olivier
  Théreaux</a><br />
  <small>Last update $Date: 2011/07/18 17:11:53 $ by $Author: coralie $</small> 

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title="Massachusetts Institute of Technology">MIT</acronym></a>, <a
title="European Research Cons ortium for Informatics and Mathematics">ERCIM</acronym></a>,
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