calnego.n3 710 Bytes
# calendar negotiation rules; e.g.
# to conclude "that invitation is inconsistent
#  with your current schedule".

# hmm... maybe use owl:imports or something
# to relate calendars to policies?

@keywords is, of, a.
@prefix : <calnego#>.

@prefix owl: <>.
@prefix log:  <> .
@prefix cal: <>.

@forAll Z.

{ ?X a cal:Vcalendar; log:semantics ?F.
  ?Y a cal:Vcalendar; log:semantics ?G.
  <calAx.n3> log:semantics ?CALKB.
  (?F ?G ?CALKB) log:conjunction [
#@@    log:supports { _:x owl:differentFrom _:x }
    log:conclusion [ log:includes  { Z owl:differentFrom Z } ]
} => { ?X inconsistentWith ?Y }.