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  <h1>GRDDL Working Group</h1>

  <p><em>The GRDDL Working Group closed on 10 December 2008</em>.</p>

  <p class="baseline">The mission of this Working Group is to
  complement the concrete RDF/XML syntax with a mechanism to relate
  other XML syntaxes (especially XHTML dialects or "microformats") to
  the RDF abstract syntax via transformations identified by URIs.</p>

<div class="toc">
  <h4>Also On This Page → </h4> 
<!--    <li style="display: none"><a href="#start">Start</a></li> -->
    <li><a href="#standard">W3C GRDDL Standards and Notes </a></li>
    <li><a href="#interest">Also of Interest</a></li>
    <li><a href="#sched">Schedule</a></li>
    <li><a href="#who">Membership</a></li>
    <li><a href="#charter_history">Charter, Meeting Records and History</a></li>

<div class="events box"> 
<h4 id="current">Current and Upcoming Events</h4>
<a href="">comments</a> on the specification, test cases</li>
<li><a href="weekly-agenda">teleconferences Wed 11am Boston time</a>
<div style="font-size:smaller">An <a href="weekly-agenda"> agenda </a> is sent to <a href="">grddl-wg</a> 24 hours in advance; minutes follow within a day or two.</div>

<div class="toolbox box" style="margin-bottom: 1em"> 
  <li>Mailing list archives: <a href="">public-grddl-wg</a>,
<a href="">public-grddl-comments</a>,
 <a href="">public-rdf-in-xhtml-tf</a></li>
 <li><a href="">GrddlImplementations</a>, <a href="">CustomRdfDialects</a>
  <li><a href="">grdd bookmarks</a> via <a
<p>GRDDL is a mechanism for <b>G</b>leaning <b>R</b>esource
<b>D</b>escriptions from <b>D</b>ialects of <b>L</b>anguages. The
GRDDL specification introduces markup for declaring that an XML
document includes gleanable data and for linking to an algorithm,
typically represented in XSLT, for gleaning the resource descriptions
from the document.</p>

<p>A <a href="#ref_usecases">GRDDL Use Cases document</a> provides
motivating examples.  A <a href="#ref_primer">GRDDL Primer</a>
demonstrates the mechanism on XHTML documents which include
widely-deployed dialects, more recently known as microformats.

<div><h2 id="standard">GRDDL W3C Standards and Notes</h2> 
  <li id="ref_spec"><b>W3C Recommendation 11 September 2007</b>:
    <cite><a href="">Gleaning Resource
    Descriptions from Dialects of Languages (GRDDL)</a></cite>
      <small><a href="">editor's draft</a>

  <li id="ref_tests"><b>W3C Recommendation 11 September 2007</b>:
    <cite><a href="">GRDDL Test Cases</a></cite>
      <small><a href="td/grddl-tests">editor's draft</a>

  <li id="ref_usecases"><b>W3C Working Group Note 6 April 2007</b>: <cite><a href="">GRDDL Use Cases: Scenarios of extracting RDF data from XML documents</a></cite>
  <div><small><a href="doc43/scenario-gallery.htm">editor's draft</a></small></div>

  <li id="ref_primer"><b>W3C Working Group Note 28 June 2007</b>: <cite><a href="">GRDDL Primer</a></cite>
  <div><small><a href="doc29/primer.html">editor's draft</a></small></div>

<div><h2 id="interst">Also of Interest</h2>
  <li><a href="">W3C GRDDL Service</a>: Extract RDF using GRDDL with this online service. Also <a href="">triplr</a> supports GRDDL.</li>
    <a href= "" >GRDDL namespace document</a></li>
<li><a href="">List of GRDDL Implementations</a></li>
<li><a href="">Mappings of Microformats to RDF</a></li>
<li>Danny Ayer's <a href="">GRDDL Quick Reference Card</a></li>
<li>Henry S. Thompson's <a href="">Formalising the Proximate Semantics of XML Languages with UML, OWL and GRDDL</a> paper presented at XTech 2007</li>
<li>Chimezie Ogbuji's <a href="">Tools for Next Generation of Content Management Systems: XML, RDF, and GRDDL</a> (OpenOffice Presentation Format)</li>
<li>Dan Connolly and Harry Halpin's <a href="">GRDDL Tutorial: Deploying Web-scale Mash-ups by Linking Microformats and the Semantic Web</a> presented at WWW 2007.</li>
<li><a href="">W3C Press Release</a> about GRDDL reaching Recommendation status</li>
<p><small>These are documents produced outside the GRDDL Working Group that may be of interest to people interested in GRDDL. Please alert the Chair of the Working Group if you know of any material that you think merits inclusion.</small></p>

<div><h2 id="sched">Schedule of Deliverables</h2>
  <li>Jul 2006: Group Formation</li>
  <li>Oct 2006: First public Working Draft of GRDDL spec</li>
  <li><em>... see <a href='#charter_history'>history</a> below.</em></li>
  <li>Sep 2007: Recommendation</li>
  <li>Q3 2007: Close Group</li>

<p><small>The working group schedule is an estimate based on the <a
href="../../../2006/07/grddl-charter.html#schedule">schedule in the
charter</a> and subject to negotiation with peer groups via the <a
href="../CG/">Semantic Web Coordination
Group</a>. See also <a href="sched7">detailed schedule in
preparation for last call</a>.</small></p>


<div><h2 id="who">Group Membership and Joining</h2>

<p>We encourage new members of the group to introduce themselves by
email; for example,

<a href="">David Booth</a>,
<a href=""
>Ronald P. Reck</a>,
 <a href=
>Murray Maloney</a>, <a href=
>Harry Halpin</a>, <a href=
>Chimezie Ogbuji</a>, <a href=
>Fabien Gandon</a>, <a href=
>Ian Davis</a>, and <a href=
>Dan Connolly</a>.  <em>The <a
href="">full GRDDL
WG participants list</a> is available to W3C members.</em></p>

<p>If you want to join the group:</p>

    If you're affiliated with a
    <a href="">W3C member organization</a>
      <li>Use the <a
      href="">form for
      getting a W3C account</a></li>
      <li>Have your <a href="">AC
      representative</a> nominate you using the <a
      href="">form for
      joining this WG</a>.</li>

  <li>Otherwise, contact the <a href="#chairtc">chair and team contact</a>
  about invited expert status. That will involve
  <a href="">getting an account</a>
  and filling out a <a href="">form for copyright,
patent, etc. policies</a>.</li>


<div><h2 id="charter_history">Charter, Meeting Records, and History</h2>

<p>The <a href="../../../2006/07/grddl-charter.html">GRDDL
Working Group Charter</a> shows what the W3C has asked this working group to
do. The following events chart our progress:</p>


  <li>in September 2007: teleconferences
  <a href="">Sept 5</a>

  <li>in August 2007: teleconferences
   <a href="">Aug 22</a>
   <a href="">8 Aug</a>,
   <a href="">1 Aug</a>

  <li>16 July 2007: spec, test cases to Proposed Recommendation
  <p><small><a href="prrequest.html">request</a></small></p>
  <li>in June 2007: teleconferences
  <a href="">27 Jun</a>,
  <a href="">20 Jun</a>,
  <a href="">13 Jun</a>,
  <a href="">6 Jun</a>

  <li>8 May 2007: GRDDL tutorial at WWW2007: <a href="">Deploying Web-scale Mash-ups by Linking Microformats and the Semantic Web</a> by Dan Connolly and Harry Halpin

  <li>2 May 2007: <a
  href="">GRDDL spec</a>
  CR; <a href="">GRDDL Test Cases</a>
  Last Call WD
  <p><small><a href="crrequest.html">request</a></small></p>

  <li>in May 2007: teleconferences
  <a href="">30 May</a>,
  <a href="">23 May</a>,
  <a href="">16 May</a>,
  <a href="">2 May</a></li>
  <li>in Apr 2007: teleconferences
  <a href="">25 Apr</a>,
  <a href="">18 Apr</a>,
  <a href="">11 Apr</a>,
  <a href="">4 Apr</a></li>
  <li>in March: teleconferences
  <a href="">28 Mar</a>,
  <a href="">21 Mar</a>,
  <a href="">14 Mar</a>,
  <a href="">7 Mar</a>

    in Feb 2007: teleconferences
    <a href="">7 Feb</a>,
    <a href="">14 Feb</a>,
    <a href="">21 Feb</a>,
    <a href="">28 Feb</a>

  <li>Jan 2007: GRDDL support announced in <a
  release 4.14</a>; <a href="">GRDDL
  Reader for Jena</a> announced</li>

    in Jan 2007: teleconferences
    <a href="">10 Jan</a>
    <a href="">17 Jan</a>,
    <a href="">24 Jan</a>,
    <a href="">31 Jan</a>
    <li>in Dec 2006: teleconferences <a href="">6 Dec </a>,
<a href="">13 Dec</a>,
<a href="">20 Dec</a></li>
    <li>in Nov 2006: teleconferences <a href="">1 Nov</a>,
<a href="">15 Nov</a>,
<a href="">22 Nov</a></li>
<li>24 October 2006: <cite><a
href="">World Wide Web
Consortium Releases First Version of GRDDL Specification. GRDDL Links
the Semantic Web and Microformats</a></cite>. Press release
<a href="">GRDDL Specification</a>,
href="">homepage news item</a>.
Coverage includes: <a href=""></a>.
  <li>in Oct 2006: teleconferences <a href="">4 Oct</a>,
<a href="">11 Oct</a>,
<a href="">18 Oct</a>,
 <a href="">25 Oct</a></li>
  <li>2 October 2006: First Public Working Draft of <a href="">primer</a>, <a href="">use cases</a></li>
  <li>in Sep 2006: teleconferences <a href="">6 Sep</a>, <a href="">13 Sep</a>, <a href="">20 Sep</a>, <a href="">27 Sep</a></li>
  <li>in Aug 2006: teleconferences <a href="../../../2006/08/09-grddl-wg-minutes">9 Aug</a>, <a href="">16 Aug</a>, <a href="">23 Aug </a>, <a href="">30 Aug</a></li>

<li>2006-07-14: <cite><a href="">Semantic Web Activity Grows to include GRDDL, Deployment Working Groups</a></cite>. See also:
<a href="">form for joining this WG</a>, <a href="">announcement to members</a>.
<li>2006-05-17: <a href="">Call for review (member confidential)</a></li>

<h3>GRDDL history</h3>

<p>These events pre-date the Working Group:</p>

  Podcast</a></cite> by Alex Barnett with Tantek Çelik, Dan Connolly
  and Rohit Khare March 31, 2006

    <a href="">GRDDL charter input</a> call for interest and survey 24 Jan 2006
    <cite><a href="">Semantic
    Web Data Integration with hCalendar and GRDDL</a></cite>
    presentation by Dan Connolly at XML 2005 in Atlanta in November.
    XHTML, XML and RDF with GRDDL</a>, May 2005 Dominique
    Hazaël-Massieux, XTech 2005, Amsterdam</cite>

    <cite><a href="">Gleaning Resource
    Descriptions from Dialects of Languages (GRDDL)</a></cite>,
    Hazaël-Massieux and Connolly May 2005

    <cite><a href="">Gleaning Resource Descriptions from Dialects of Languages (GRDDL)</a></cite> presented to <a href="">9 Feb 2004 TAG meeting</a>,
    <a href="">March 2004 SWIG meeting</a>

<h3>W3C Working Group Resources</h3>
  <li><a href="../../../Guide/">Art of Consensus Guide</a>
  <small>W3C member
  href="">World Wide Web
  Consortium Process Document</a></cite> 14 October 2005</li>
  <li><a href="/Member/Mail/Overview.html">W3C Groups</a>, <a
  href="/2000/09/dbwg/">Participants (dbwg)</a> <small>W3C member

<hr />
<address id ="chairtc">
  <span class="vcard">
    <a class="uid" href="">
      <span class="fn">Harry Halpin</span>
    <span class="org">University of Edinburgh</span>,
    <span class="role">Chair</span>
  <br />
  <span class="vcard">
    <a  class="fn uid"
       href="../../../People/Connolly/#me">Dan Connolly</a>,
    <span class="org">W3C</span>,
    <span class="role">staff contact</span>
  <br />
  <small>$Revision: 1.90 $ of $Date: 2008/12/10 21:47:33 $</small>