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<p><a href="../../../">W3C</a> &gt; <a href="./">WebOnt</a></p>

<h1>Fifth Meeting of the W3C Web Ontology Working Group</h1>

<h2>9-10 January 2003<br />
Manchester, UK</h2>
  <p>editing IN PROGRESS by <a href="/People/Connolly/">Dan Connolly</a> ,
  based on notes from various scribes<br />
  $Revision: 1.16 $ of $Date: 2003/01/23 15:18:31 $ by $Author: connolly $</p>



<p>also: <a
agenda</a> of 26Dec</p>
  <li>Wednesday, Jan 8 
      <li>1930 on - Social gathering at KRO<sup>2</sup> bar (details<a
        arrangement page</a>)</li>
  <li>Thursday, JAN 9: 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM 
      <li>0830: Entry, getting machines up, etc.</li>
      <li>0900: <a href="#Meeting">Meeting start</a> - announcements re Local
        arrangements, by chairs, etc.</li>
      <li>0930: <a href="#Working">Plenary: 30 min round of comments on
        current WDs</a></li>
      <li>1000: <a href="#Document">Subgroups for all WDs to discuss
        documents in detail</a> 
        <p>Aim: propose final changes for LC (note: TEST document group will
        discuss next steps, implementations, etc.)</p>
    <p>1200: Lunch</p>
      <li>1300: <a href="#Afternoon">Plenary: Implementations and demos</a> 
        <p>Presentation of 15-20 min. by each (potential) implementor on
        implementation status/plans</p>
        <p>(expected presentations/demos:</p>
          <li>Invited Guests: Ray Fergerson (Protege),Jan Wielemaker
            (SWI-Prolog), Bijan Parsia (UMCP MINDSWAP)</li>
          <li>WG members: Ian Horrocks/Sean Becherof, Jo De Roo, Jeremy
            Carroll, Jeff Heflin (?), Dan Connolly</li>
      <li>1730: <a href="#L2656">debrief from editors' break-out</a></li>
      <li>Evening: Drinks at Lass O'Gowrie, Dinner at Yang Sing (see<a
        arrangement page</a>)</li>
  <li>Friday, JAN 10: 9AM - 5:00PM 
      <li>0900: <a href="#L2689">Plenary: Discussion</a> led by Connolly on
        details of 
          <li>Needs for LC (and how long to keep it open)</li>
          <li>Needs to move from LC to PR (skipping CR) 
            <p>expected outcome - Resolutions to move to LC by &lt;date&gt;
            for &lt;period&gt; for each document</p>
      <li>1000: <a href="#Test">Implementation: Implementation Report,
        Conformance track</a> (main room): 
          <li>overview by Connolly on WG expectations for implementations 
            <p>discussion on which implementations would (potentially) cover
            which OWL features (i.e. construction the first implementation
          <li>strategy for responding to LC comments</li>
    <p>1200-1330: Lunch</p>
      <li>1330: Afternoon (plenary, editing of docs may continue): 
          <li><a href="#Closure">Closure on Requirements</a></li>
          <li><a href="#Test1">Test Document Review</a></li>
          <li><a href="#AllDiffere">AllDifferent</a></li>
          <li>planning for LC and CR/PR</li>
          <li>UML/XML presentation syntaxes (only if still needed)</li>
      <li>1600 - 1700: <a href="#Schedule">Plenary: WG Schedule</a> (telcon) 
          <li>topics for Tech Plenary</li>

<h2><a name="Meeting" id="Meeting">Meeting Start: Attendance,

<p>from <a href="/2003/01/09-webont-irc#T09-07-51">IRC notes starting
09:07:51Z</a> and <a href="#Membership">WG membership records</a> and <a
href="/2002/12/webont-manchester-registrants.html">registration data</a>, <a
reg data</a></p>
  <li>Jean-François Baget, INRIA</li>
  <li>Sean Bechhofer, Network Inference</li>
  <li>Stephen Buswell, Stilo Technology (part)</li>
  <li>Jeremy Carroll, Hewlett Packard Company</li>
  <li>Dan Connolly, W3C (team contact)</li>
  <li>Peter Crowther, Network Inference</li>
  <li>Jonathan Dale, Fujitsu Limited</li>
  <li>Jos De Roo, Agfa-Gevaert N. V.</li>
  <li>D.C. De Roure, University of Southampton</li>
  <li>Mike Dean</li>
  <li>Jeff Heflin</li>
  <li>Ziv Hellman, Unicorn Solutions Inc.</li>
  <li>James Hendler, Maryland Information and Network Dynamics Lab at the
    University of Maryland (co-chair)</li>
  <li>Bernard Horan, Sun Microsystems, Inc.</li>
  <li>Ian Horrocks, Network Inference</li>
  <li>Deborah McGuinness, Stanford (in part)</li>
  <li>Peter Patel-Schneider, Lucent Technologies</li>
  <li>Guus Schreiber, Ibrow</li>
  <li>John Stanton, Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA)</li>
  <li>Herman ter Horst, Philips Electronic N.V.</li>
  <li>Frank van Harmelen, Ibrow</li>
  <li>Raphael Volz,, Forschungszentrum Informatik (FZI)</li>
  <li>Christopher Welty, IBM Corporation</li>

<p>Invited participants:</p>
  <li>Ray Fergerson 
    <p>invited from Stanford, Protoge developer</p>
  <li>Bijan Parsia 
    <p>UMD MINDSWAP</p>
  <li>Jan Wielemaker 
  <li>Jeff Pan, u. Manchester</li>
  <li>Berkowitz (sp?)</li>

<p>excused: Barnette, Eshelman, Euzenat, Fensel, Finin, Hori, Kravtsova,
Maedche, Marchiori, Motta, Pike, Trastour</p>

<p>regrets: Buswell (2nd day), Borden, Gibbins, Hayes, Klein, Lassila,
McGuinness (remote only), Obrst, Sabbouh, Shimizu, Michael Smith, Stein,
Thompson, Wallace</p>

<p>??: Brysse, Iannuzzelli, Jeckle, Olivry, Sintek, Ned Smith, Stickler,

<h3>Announcing the First owl.owl award</h3>

<p>Hendler presented Frank van Harmelen with the owl.owl award for <a
href="ftf4#Semantic">brokering the semantic truce in Bristol</a>.</p>

<p><a href="owl_owl_award-med.jpg"><img alt="Frank and his owl.owl award"
src="owl_owl_award-sm.jpg" /></a></p>

<p><a href="owl_owl_award.jpg">photo</a> by Bijan</p>

<h3><a name="Working" id="Working">Working Draft review points, around the

<p>Hendler: editors: pls note <a href="/Guide/pubrules#head">new copyright
statement</a> updated for 2003 and INRIA-&gt;ERCIM transition.</p>

<p>We went round the table, giving comments on the WG documents.
<em>see</em><a href="/2003/01/09-webont-irc#T09-13-03"><em>IRC notes starting

<p>Some email comments were noted:</p>
    Beckett's review of Semantics</a></li>
    McBride's review of Ref</a></li>
    D's email re: datatypes</a></li>
    Reference for F2F 5</a></li>

<p><strong>ACTION Carroll</strong>: - add suvj pred aClass test case in I5.3

<p><strong>ACTION Carroll</strong>: - check sameInstanceAs/sameClassAs tests
for FULL clarify different semantics (09:58:38)</p>

<p>No decisions were made.</p>

<h2><a name="Document" id="Document">Document Review Break-Outs</a></h2>

<p>informal <a href="/2003/01/09-webont-irc#T10-52-53">notes in irc notes
start at 10:52:53Z</a></p>

<p>After some discussion of informative material (esp. role/purpose of
Reference and Feature Synopsis), break-out groups were formed:</p>
  <li><a href="/2003/01/09-webont-irc#T11-31-40">Guide breakout notes</a> are
    in the IRC log, starting at 11:31:40Z</li>

<p>we resumed in plenary at 13:33:26 (per <a
href="/2003/01/09-webont-irc#T13-33-26">IRC notes</a>) to debrief from the

<p><strong>ACTION Welty</strong>: explain that "in OWL Lite, all names need
types" in the guide (13:43:49)</p>

<p><strong>ACTION Carroll</strong>: writes a section about the constraints to
go from RDF to OWL-DL/LITE (13:56:05)</p>

<p>No decisions.</p>

<h2><a name="Afternoon" id="Afternoon">Afternoon session -

<h3>Ray Ferguson - Protege (<a

<p>@@presentation materials?</p>

<p><strong>ACTION IanH</strong>: explain how to say "range of P is A union B"
in owl lite (15:07:55)</p>

<h3>Bijan from Mindswap (<a
    from MIND lab presentation at WOWG f2f</a>Jim Hendler (Thu, Jan 09

<h3>Network Inference - Sean B. (<a

<p>@@presentation materials?</p>

<h3>Jan from SWI Prolog (<a

<p>@@presentation materials?</p>

<h3>Raphael Volz (<a

<p>@@presentation materials</p>

<h3>Jeff Heflin (<a href="/2003/01/09-webont-irc#T16-36-18">16:36:18</a>)</h3>

<p>@@presentation materials</p>

<h3>Jos De Roo (<a href="/2003/01/09-webont-irc#T16-42-12">16:42:12</a>)</h3>
    implementation experience in Euler</a></li>

<p><em>in which Jos was nominated for the 2nd owl.owl award for demonstrating
running code passing (all?) our tests.</em></p>

<h3>Mike Dean (<a href="/2003/01/09-webont-irc#T16-55-02">16:55:02</a>)</h3>

<p>@@presentation materials</p>

<h3>Dan Connolly (<a
  <li><a href="/2000/10/swap/pim/travel.html">Semantic Web Travel Tools</a> 
      <li><a href="/Talks/2002/10/09-swcal/all.htm">presentation</a> given
        Oct in Bristol</li>
    axiom tests</a></li>

<h2><a name="L2656" id="L2656">Editor's Break-out: debrief</a></h2>

<p><em>also:</em><a href="/2003/01/09-webont-irc#T17-29-33"><em>IRC notes

<p>Chris Welty reports back from break out group; see</p>
    consistent use of terms in webont docs</a></li>

<p>We adjourned for the day at 17:39:16, and headed to the pub...</p>

<h2><a name="L2689" id="L2689">W3C end-game Process</a></h2>

<p><em>irc</em><a href="2003-01-10.html#T09-20-33"><em>notes
[09:20:33]</em></a><em>by pfps</em></p>

<p>Connolly explains <a
href="/Consortium/Process-20010719/tr.html#last-call">W3C last call
process</a>, associated risks, and an <a
href="/XML/2002/12/LC-xml-names11-doc">exemplary last call review summary</a>
(aka disposition of comments), how to request CR/PR, and other collected
wisdom from the <a href="/Guide/">Art of Consensus</a> guidebook.</p>

<h2><a name="Test" id="Test">Implementation Experience, Conformance</a></h2>

<p><em>see</em><a href="2003-01-10.html#T10-27-20"><em>irc notes starting

<p>Hendler reviews technical relationships between Lite, DL, and Full, test
methodology, and the difference between defining/checking conformance and
demonstrating implementation experience.</p>

<p>The WG discussed the costs and benefits of specifying conformance of
classes of software in addition to the (unanimously supported) specification
of classes of documents.</p>


<p><strong>RESOLVED</strong>: add a test document section for Syntax checker
that can tell the difference between OWL sublanguages<br />
Abstain: Connoly, Hendler <br />
<strong>ACTION Carroll</strong>: to add a test for syntax checker<br />
<strong>ACTION Patel-Schneider</strong>: add definition of OWL Lite


<p><strong>RESOLVED</strong>: The test document should specify the
conformance clauses for OWL Lite, DL, and FULL documents</p>


<p><strong>RESOLVED</strong>: that the OWL test document shall specify
conformance of consistency checkers {Lite, DL, Full} x {Incomplete,
Complete}. Complete is to be understood as "Logically complete". DeRoo,
Hendler, Connolly, De Roure Abstaining,<br />
<strong>Action</strong>: De Roo</p>

<h2><a name="Closure" id="Closure">Closure on Requirements</a></h2>

<p><a href="2003-01-10.html#T14-02-49"><em>irc notes starting

<p>discussion of</p>
    Review of satisfaction of requirements</a> Jeff Heflin (Mon, Dec 30
    Version of Requirements Document</a> Jeff Heflin (Thu, Jan 02 2003)</li>

<p>[14:11:31] <strong>RESOLVED</strong>: Req Doc to be included in last call
(i.e. Recommendation track); abstains IanH, Patel-Schneider<br />
<strong>ACTION Schrieber</strong>: to get it into road map</p>

<p><strong>ACTION Hefflin</strong>: update terminology (e.g. object) in
requirements document</p>

<p><strong>RESOLVED</strong>: to publish Requirements as a WD, subject to
editorial discretion.<br />
<strong>ACTION Heflin</strong>.</p>

<p><strong>ACTION Connolly</strong>: figure out privacy, security risks /
issues in spec</p>

<h2><a name="Test1" id="Test1">Test Document Review</a></h2>

<p><a href="2003-01-10.html#T14-20-16"><em>irc notes starting

<p>discussion of</p>
    document issues for f2f</a></li>

<p><strong>ACTION Caroll</strong>: teach sean bechhofer, peter crowber
editing/creating tests</p>

<p><strong>Action De Roo</strong>: Put examples from guide into test suite

<h2><a name="AllDiffere" id="AllDiffere">AllDifferent</a></h2>

<p><a href="2003-01-10.html#T15-18-10"><em>irc notes starting

<p><strong>RESOLVED</strong>: to close the AllDifferent issue using an
AllDifferent class and a distinctMembers property (to be elaborated by the
semantics editors). Connolly, Carroll, Bechhofer, Dale, Volz, Horan
abstaining.<br />
<strong>ACTION</strong> guide editor (Welty)<br />
<strong>ACTION</strong> semantics editor (Patel-Schneider)<br />
<strong>ACTION</strong> ref editor (Dean).</p>

<p><br />
<strong>ACTION Patel-Schneider</strong>: relay feedback on

<h2><a name="Schedule" id="Schedule">WG Schedule</a></h2>

<p><em>see</em><a href="2003-01-10.html#T15-48-59"><em>irc notes starting

<p>Discussion of</p>
    New version</a> Smith, Michael K (Tue, Jan 07 2003)</li>

<p><strong>RESOLVED</strong>: to publish Guide as last call, after edits as
actioned in this ftf and editorial discretion, subject to review by Guus and
Jeff H. Carroll, ter Horst abstaining<br />
<strong>ACTION Welty</strong>: provide guide last call candidate by 15Jan<br
<strong>ACTION Schreiber</strong>: to review by 21Jan<br />
<strong>ACTION Heflin</strong>: to review Guide by 21Jan<br />
<strong>ACTION Connolly</strong>: to publish Guide, after Welty/Guus/Hefflin
do their part of Guide.</p>

<p>Discussion of taking Abstract Syntax and Semantics to last call exposed
outstanding technical issues.</p>

<p><strong>ACTION Carroll</strong>: investigate this issue (rdfs:Literal
etc.) in RDFCore<br />
<strong>ACTION JimH</strong>: ask SemWeb CG about RDF model theory.<br />
<strong>ACTION Patel-Schneider</strong>: write to webont WG (only to webont
WG) about the impact of this on OWL.</p>

<p>Ongoing reviews of various sections of the semantics document were

<p><strong>ACTION Carroll</strong>: review AS &amp; S Section 4</p>

<p><strong>ACTION Horrocks</strong>: review AS &amp; S Appendices</p>


<p><strong>ACTION Patel-Schneider</strong>: keep Dave Beckett informed of
status of his comments.</p>

<p>Connolly explained the critical path:</p>
  <li>WG decides to go to last call (all issues are resolved) 
    <p>some epsilon later...</p>
  <li>LC publication 
    <p>at least 3 weeks later...</p>
  <li>WG requests PR 
    <p>approx 2 weeks later</p>
  <li>PR publication 
    <p>exactly 4 weeks later</p>
  <li>Membership reviewes due 
    <p>approximately 2 weeks later...</p>
  <li>Rec party and press release</li>

<p>We discussed schedule details up thru last call publications...</p>
  <dt>10 Jan (Fri)</dt>
    <dd>today. Decide to take Guide, Requirements to last call.</dd>
  <dt>16 Jan (Thu)</dt>
    <dd>next telcon. Guide last call candidate available (ACTION Welty
      <p>test last call candidate hoped/planned.</p>
  <dt>17 Jan (Fri)</dt>
    <dd>RDF Core specs to last call [stay tuned to <a
      href="../RDFCore/#L473">RDFCore schedule</a>]</dd>
  <dt>23 Jan (Thu)</dt>
    <dd>Guide reviews due 21 Jan (ACTION Guus, Heflin above). Guide is
      published, contingent on successful review. 
      <p>Semantics reviews due (<strong>ACTION ter Horst, Pan</strong>)
      Decide to take Semantics to last call.</p>
      <p>Ref last call candidate due 20 Jan.</p>
      <p>Overview (nee Feature Synopsis) draft hoped for by 20Jan</p>
  <dt>30 Jan (Thu)</dt>
    <dd>Overview reviews due (<strong>ACTION Welty, Horan</strong>). 
      <p>Ref reviews due (<strong>ACTION Volz, Carrol/HP,
      <p>test reviews due (<strong>ACTION Connolly, Stanton</strong>)</p>
  <dt>Connolly observed that this schedule implies we continue to meet (i.e.
  have telcons) past 31 Mar 2003.</dt>
  <dt>Connolly reviewed tentative plans for a <a
  href="../meetings/tech-200303/">Semantic Web Architecture Meeting</a> 6-7
  March 2003 in Cambridge, as part of the W3C technical plenary.</dt>


<p><strong>RESOLVED</strong>: to thank the hosts, with applause.</p>

<p>The meeting was adjourned at 17:20Z.</p>