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  <title>17-18 June 2002 Meeting of the W3C RDFCore WG</title>
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<p><a href=""><img height="48" alt="W3C"
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<p align="center">[<a href="#who">participants</a>] [<a
href="#actions">actions</a>] [<a href="#decisions">decisions</a>] [<a
href="#minutes">minutes</a>] [<a href="#logs">irc logs</a>] [<a
href="#where">venue</a>] [<a href="#objectives">objectives</a>] [<a
href="#agenda">agenda</a>] [<a href="#reading">reading</a>] [<a

<h1 align="center">17th-18th June 2002 Meeting of the W3C RDFCore WG</h1>

<p style="text-align: center"><span style="font-weight: bold">HPLabs Bristol,

<h2><a id="who" name="who">Participants</a></h2>


<table summary="registrants" border="1">
      <td>Dan Brickley</td>
      <td>Dave Beckett</td>
      <td>ILRT, University of Bristol</td>
      <td>Jeremy Carroll</td>
      <td>Hewlett Packard</td>
      <td>Mike Dean</td>
      <td>BBN Technologies / Verizon</td>
      <td>Jos De Roo</td>
      <td>Jan Grant</td>
      <td>ILRT, University of Bristol</td>
      <td>Ramanathan Guha</td>
      <td>Pat Hayes</td>
      <td>Graham Klyne</td>
      <td>Nine by Nine</td>
      <td>Frank Manola</td>
      <td>The MITRE Corporation</td>
      <td>Brian McBride</td>
      <td>Hewlett Packard</td>
      <td>Sergey Melnik</td>
      <td>Patrick Stickler</td>
      <td>Nokia Research Center</td>


<p>Aaron Swartz<br />
Dan Connolly<br />
Ron Daniel<br />
Eric Miller<br />
Steve Petschulat</p>


<p>Frank Boumphrey<br />
Bill dehOra<br />
Rael Dornfest<br />
Arno Gourdol<br />
Yoshiyki Kitahara<br />
Michael Kopchenov<br />
Kwon, Hyung-Jin<br />
Ora Lassila<br />
Satoshi Nakamura<br />
Pierre G. Richard<br />
Andrew Salop<br />

<h2><a id="objectives" name="objectives">Objectives</a></h2>
  <li>close all open issues</li>
  <li>approve all test cases</li>
  <li>review datatypes WD</li>
  <li>review all postponed issues</li>
  <li>plan next steps</li>

<h2><a id="agenda" name="agenda">Agenda</a></h2>

<p>irc channel: #rdfcore</p>

<h3>Monday, 17th June 2002 (all day)</h3>

<table summary="agenda" border="1">
      <td>Welcome, introduction, process, plan</td>
      <td>Session 2 - resolving open issues</td>
      <td>Session 2 - resolving open issues</td>
      <td>Session 3 - Dark triples</td>
      <td>Session 4 - Dark triples</td>
      <td>Session 5 - Dark Triples</td>
<pre>              Dinner

<h3>Tuesday, 18th June 2002 (all day)</h3>

<table summary="agenda" border="1">
      <td>Plan for the day</td>
      <td>Updating RDFSchema</td>
      <td>Session 6 - Datatypes</td>
      <td>Session 7 - Datatypes</td>
      <td>Session 8 - logistics 

        <p>- scribe</p>

        <p>- hotel</p>

        <p>- tomorrow</p>

        <p>- Datatypes actions</p>

        <p>- Graph Syntax</p>

        <p>- rdfms-assertion</p>
      <td>Session 9 - lBase</td>
      <td>Session 10 - document structure/plans 

        <p>- Reviewing postponed issues/feedback on closed issues</p>

<h2><a id="actions" name="actions">Actions</a></h2>
    2002-06-17#1 danbri Update RDFS spec to reflect resolution of
    2002-06-17#2 danbri Update the FAQ to reflect the resolution of
    2002-06-17#3 daveB Update the syntax spec to reflect the resolution of
    2002-06-17#4 patH Update the model theory to specify that
    rdfs:isDefinedBy is an rdfs:subPropertyOf rdfs:seeAlso.</li>
    2002-06-17#5 danbri Update the schema spec to reflect the resolution of
    2002-06-17#6 danbri Add to the schema document a comment clarifying the
    relationship between the idea that there is exactly one namespace or
    schema associated with a property and the rdfs:isDefinedBy property.</li>
    2002-06-17#7 danbri Update the schema spec to account for editorial
    issues listed under rdfs-editorial.</li>
    2002-06-17#8 guha define the dark/light function for URIREFs</li>
    2002-06-17#9 patH update the model theory to make statements with dark
    properties have no semantics</li>
    2002-06-17#10 guha consider impact of dark triples on test cases</li>
    2002-06-17#11 danbri propose a class for dark properties</li>
    2002-06-17#12 patH propose a paragraph on dark triples for the primer</li>
    2002-06-17#13 daveB ensure that the description of the graph syntax
    adequately describes darkness</li>
    2002-06-18#1 danbri republish the current rdf schema to the current rdf
    schema uri</li>
    2002-06-18#2 bwm solicit input from the community on the datatyping
    2002-06-18#3 daveB Fold Jeremy's graph syntax text into the syntax
    2002-06-18#4 graham prepare text on rdf-assertion for the primer</li>
    2002-06-18#5 bwm ensure a version of the Cannes statement on
    rdf-assertion goes into normative document</li>
    2002-06-18#6 danbri work with PatH and Guha on getting Lbase published as
    a w3c note.</li>
    2002-06-18#7 graham prepare outline of new 'model' document</li>
    2002-06-18#8 bwm propose RDFCore specific document style guidelines</li>
    2002-06-18#9 bwm consider whether a conformance statement is needed</li>
    2002-06-18#10 bwm start dicussion of CR exit criteria</li>
    2002-06-18#11 bwm consider what the current version link of M&amp;S
    should point to</li>
    2002-06-18#12 PatH evaluate effect on the proposed form on literals on
    the model theory document</li>

<h2><a id="decisions" name="decisions">Decisions</a></h2>
    DaveB's <a
    for issue faq-html-compliance was approved and this issue closed</li>
    The WG agreed the following resolution of rdfs-isDefinedBy-semantics and
    closed this issue: 

      <p>This property indicates a resource which contains information about
      the subject. Often, this property is used to indicate the source of the
      subject uriref, where its owner specifies its intended meaning. The
      subject node of this property can be any uriref, and the value may be
      any document or resource; the usage is not restricted to a particular
      form or schema</p>
    The WG agreed to drop the requirement from M&amp;S that "In RDF, each
    predicate used in a statement must be identified with exactly one
    namespace, or schema." because there is no concept of a namespace or
    schema in the RDF model.</li>
    The WG agreed to modify the exisiting RDF and RDFS namespaces rather than
    create new ones and seek implementor feedback on this decision. The WG
    agreed this closes issue rdf-namespace-change.</li>
    The WG agreed to defer schema document editorial issues to the editor and
    close rdfs-editorial.</li>
    The WG agreed to define a computable function on URIREFs which will
    return one of two values, light or dark. A statement with a property
    whose URIREF is mapped to dark by this function is invisible to the model
    theory; it has no semantics. The WG agreed to postpone issue rdf-contexts
    to a future WG.</li>
    The WG decided to send a short email to www-rdf-interest and others in
    the RDF community soliciting input on the tidy/untidy decision.</li>
    The WG decided that the RDF graph syntax does not allow isolated nodes in
    the graph.</li>
    The WG approved <a
    text</a> on character normalization: 

      <p>Jeremy proposes to allow any XML literal in well-formed graph, and
      note that interperability problems may result if not using XML
      normalization rules</p>
    The WG decided that a description of RDF(S) semantics in Lbase should be
    added as a non-normative appendix to the model theory document (provided
    it is ready in time) which should be renamed RDF Formal Semantics (or
    similar). Lbase will be published as a w3c note.</li>
    The WG decided to consider producing a new document to describe the RDF
    graph, possibly called "Resource Description Framework". This will
    include description of the graph synax, what it means to assert,
    character normalization and possibly some other material from the primer.
    Graham and Jeremy to be editors.</li>
    The WG decided that bwm will be "series editor" for the WG documents.</li>
    The WG decided to aim for last call on 26th Aug 2002.</li>


<p>The <a href="#decisions">decisions</a> and <a href="#actions">actions</a>
lists above and the irc logs [<a
constitute the minutes of the meeting.</p>

<h2><a name="logs" id="logs">IRC Logs and other Notes</a></h2>

<p><a href="">IRC
Log</a> for 17th June 2002</p>

<p><a href="">IRC
Log</a> for 18th June 2002</p>

<h2><a id="where" name="where">Venue</a></h2>

<p><a href="">Hewlett Packard
Laboratories</a><br />
Filton Road<br />
Stoke Gifford<br />
Bristol<br />
United Kingdon<br />
BS34 8QZ</p>

<p>Local Contact: Julie Lanfear ( - drop the "xyz-")
+44 117 312 8469</p>

<p>Note: A very nice <a
of the general area is also availiable.</p>


Inn</a><br />
Filton Road<br />
Hambrook<br />
Bristol<br />
BS16 1QX<br />

<h2><a name="reading" id="reading">Readings</a></h2>

<p>None required.</p>

<h2><a name="pictures" id="pictures">Pictures</a></h2>

<table border="1">
      <td><a href="IMAGE0001.JPG"><img alt="meeting room" src="IMAGE0001.JPG"
        width="128" height="96" /></a></td>
      <td><a href="IMAGE0002.JPG"><img alt="meeting room" src="IMAGE0002.JPG"
        width="128" height="96" /></a></td>
      <td><a href="IMAGE0003.JPG"><img alt="Pat and Guha" src="IMAGE0003.JPG"
        width="128" height="96" /></a></td>
      <td><a href="IMAGE0004.JPG"><img alt="Jeremy, Jos and Dave"
        src="IMAGE0004.JPG" width="128" height="96" /></a></td>
      <td><a href="IMAGE0005.JPG"><img alt="PatH, Danbri and Guha"
        src="IMAGE0005.JPG" width="128" height="96" /></a></td>
      <td><a href="IMAGE0006.JPG"><img alt="Sergey and Patrick"
        src="IMAGE0006.JPG" width="128" height="96" /></a></td>
      <td><a href="IMAGE0007.JPG"><img alt="Mike and Frank"
        src="IMAGE0007.JPG" width="128" height="96" /></a></td>
      <td><a href="IMAGE0008.JPG"><img alt="datatypes" src="IMAGE0008.JPG"
        width="128" height="96" /></a></td>
      <td><a href="IMAGE0009.JPG"><img alt="datatypes" src="IMAGE0009.JPG"
        width="128" height="96" /></a></td>
      <td><a href="IMAGE0011.JPG"><img alt="datatypes" src="IMAGE0011.JPG"
        width="128" height="96" /></a></td>
      <td><a href="IMAGE0012.JPG"><img alt="datatypes" src="IMAGE0012.JPG"
        width="128" height="96" /></a></td>
      <td><a href="IMAGE0014.JPG"><img alt="Danbri and Guha"
        src="IMAGE0014.JPG" width="128" height="96" /></a></td>
      <td><a href="IMAGE0015.JPG"><img alt="dinner" src="IMAGE0015.JPG"
        width="128" height="96" /></a></td>
      <td><a href="IMAGE0016.JPG"><img alt="dinner" src="IMAGE0016.JPG"
        width="128" height="96" /></a></td>
<hr />

<p><small><span style="font-style: italic"><a
href="">Brian McBride</a></span>
&lt;; $Id: Overview.html,v 1.20 2002/03/11 12:24:29
bmcbride Exp $</small></p>